
571 lines
15 KiB
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# Yangfl <>, 2017.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
2017-04-15 00:06:19 +00:00
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-05-19 19:35+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-10-29 14:37+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Yangfl <>\n"
"Language-Team: <>\n"
2012-07-01 22:58:12 +00:00
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.7\n"
msgid "%s"
msgstr "%s"
msgid "'net30', 'p2p', or 'subnet'"
msgstr "“net30”“p2p”或“subnet”"
msgid "Accept options pushed from server"
msgstr "接受从服务器发送过来的选项"
msgid "Add"
msgstr "添加"
msgid "Add route after establishing connection"
msgstr "建立连接后添加路由"
msgid "Additional authentication over TLS"
msgstr "TLS 以外的验证"
msgid "Allow client-to-client traffic"
msgstr "允许客户端到客户端的通信"
msgid "Allow multiple clients with same certificate"
msgstr "允许多用户共用同一证书"
msgid "Allow only one session"
msgstr "只允许一个会话"
msgid "Allow remote to change its IP or port"
msgstr "允许远端改变 IP 或端口"
msgid "Allowed maximum of connected clients"
msgstr "允许最大已连接客户端数"
msgid "Allowed maximum of internal"
msgstr "允许最大内部连接"
msgid "Allowed maximum of new connections"
msgstr "允许最大新建连接数"
msgid "Append log to file"
msgstr "添加日志至文件"
msgid "Authenticate using username/password"
msgstr "以用户名/密码的方式进行验证"
msgid "Automatically redirect default route"
msgstr "自动重定向至默认路由"
msgid "Below is a list of configured OpenVPN instances and their current state"
msgstr "以下是 OpenVPN 已配置实例及其当前状态的列表"
msgid "Call down cmd/script before TUN/TAP close"
msgstr "TUN/TAP 关闭前的命令行及脚本"
msgid "Certificate authority"
msgstr "认证授权"
msgid "Change process priority"
msgstr "改变进程优先级"
msgid "Change to directory before initialization"
msgstr "初始化前改变根目录"
msgid "Check peer certificate against a CRL"
msgstr "验证客户端证书以确保其是否过期"
msgid "Chroot to directory after initialization"
msgstr "初始化后改变根目录"
msgid "Client is disabled"
msgstr "客户端已被禁止"
msgid "Configuration category"
msgstr "配置分类"
msgid "Configure client mode"
msgstr "配置客户端模式"
msgid "Configure server bridge"
msgstr "配置服务器桥接"
msgid "Configure server mode"
msgstr "配置服务器模式"
msgid "Connect through Socks5 proxy"
msgstr "通过 Sock5 代理连接"
msgid "Connect to remote host through an HTTP proxy"
msgstr "通过 HTTP 代理连接到远程主机"
msgid "Connection retry interval"
msgstr "连接重试时间间隔"
msgid "Daemonize after initialization"
msgstr "初始化后进入后台运行"
msgid "Delay n seconds after connection"
msgstr "连接后延迟时间(秒)"
msgid "Delay tun/tap open and up script execution"
msgstr "延迟 tun/tap 的打开及 up 脚本的执行"
msgid "Diffie Hellman parameters"
msgstr "DiffieHellman/DH 密钥交换参数"
msgid "Directory for custom client config files"
msgstr "自定义客户端配置文件的目录"
msgid "Disable Paging"
msgstr "禁止分页"
msgid "Disable options consistency check"
msgstr "禁止选项一致性检查"
msgid "Do not bind to local address and port"
msgstr "不绑定本地地址和端口"
msgid "Don't actually execute ifconfig"
msgstr "不实际执行 ifconfig 命令"
msgid "Don't add routes automatically"
msgstr "不自动添加路由"
msgid "Don't cache --askpass or --auth-user-pass passwords"
msgstr "不缓存 --askpass 或 --auth-user-pass passwords"
msgid "Don't inherit global push options"
msgstr "不继承全局主动发送选项"
msgid "Don't log timestamps"
msgstr "不记录时间戳"
msgid "Don't pull routes automatically"
msgstr "不自动拉取路由"
msgid "Don't re-read key on restart"
msgstr "服务重启时不重读密钥值"
msgid "Don't warn on ifconfig inconsistencies"
msgstr "ifconfig 不一致时不警告"
msgid "Echo parameters to log"
msgstr "把参数写入日志"
msgid "Empirically measure MTU"
msgstr "以历史值估算 MTU 值"
msgid "Enable OpenSSL hardware crypto engines"
msgstr "打开 OpenSSL 硬件加密引擎"
msgid "Enable Path MTU discovery"
msgstr "启用路径 MTU 发现"
msgid "Enable Static Key encryption mode (non-TLS)"
msgstr "允许静态密钥加密模式"
msgid "Enable TLS and assume client role"
msgstr "允许 TLS 并伪装为客户端"
msgid "Enable TLS and assume server role"
msgstr "允许 TLS 并伪装为服务器"
msgid "Enable internal datagram fragmentation"
msgstr "允许内部数据报分片"
msgid "Enable management interface on <em>IP</em> <em>port</em>"
msgstr "在 <em>IP</em> <em>port</em> 上启用可管理接口"
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "启用"
msgid "Encrypt and authenticate all control channel packets with the key"
msgstr "使用密钥加密及认证所有的控制通道数据包"
msgid "Encryption cipher for packets"
msgstr "加密数据包"
msgid "Execute shell cmd after routes are added"
msgstr "添加路由后执行 shell 命令"
msgid "Execute shell command on remote ip change"
msgstr "当远程 ip 改变时执行 shell 命令"
msgid ""
"Executed in server mode on new client connections, when the client is still "
msgstr "在服务器模式下执行新的客户端连接,当客户端仍然是不可信"
msgid ""
"Executed in server mode whenever an IPv4 address/route or MAC address is "
"added to OpenVPN's internal routing table"
msgstr ""
"服务器模式下,将每个 IPv4 地址/路由或 MAC 地址添加到 OpenVPN 的内部路由表中。"
msgid "Exit on TLS negotiation failure"
msgstr "TLS 验证失败后退出"
msgid "Get PEM password from controlling tty before we daemonize"
msgstr "后台运行前从控制的 tty 中获取 PEM 密码"
msgid "HMAC authentication for packets"
msgstr "利用 HMAC 算法校验数据包"
msgid "Handling of authentication failures"
msgstr "处理验证失败"
msgid ""
"Helper directive to simplify the expression of --ping and --ping-restart in "
"server mode configurations"
msgstr "在服务配置模式下简化 Helper 指令 --ping 和 --ping-restart 的表达式"
msgid "If hostname resolve fails, retry"
msgstr "如果主机名解析错误,重试"
msgid "Instance \"%s\""
msgstr "实例 \"%s\""
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr "无效"
msgid "Keep local IP address on restart"
msgstr "服务重启时保持本地 IP 地址"
msgid "Keep remote IP address on restart"
msgstr "服务重启时保持远程 IP 地址"
msgid "Keep tun/tap device open on restart"
msgstr "服务重启时自动打开 tun/tap 设备"
msgid "Key transition window"
msgstr "密钥传输滑动窗口"
msgid "Limit repeated log messages"
msgstr "限制重复的日志消息"
msgid "Local certificate"
msgstr "本地证书"
msgid "Local host name or ip address"
msgstr "本地主机名或 ip 地址"
msgid "Local private key"
msgstr "本地私钥"
msgid "Major mode"
msgstr "主要模式"
msgid "Maximum number of queued TCP output packets"
msgstr "TCP队列中输出包的最大数量"
msgid "Number of allocated broadcast buffers"
msgstr "已分配的广播缓冲区数量"
msgid "Number of lines for log file history"
msgstr "历史日志文件的行数"
msgid "Only accept connections from given X509 name"
msgstr "只接收已给定的 X509 名称的连接"
msgid "Only process ping timeouts if routes exist"
msgstr "仅当路由存在时处理 ping 超时"
msgid "OpenVPN"
msgstr "OpenVPN"
msgid "OpenVPN instances"
msgstr "OpenVPN 实例"
msgid "Optimize TUN/TAP/UDP writes"
msgstr "优化 TUN/TAP/UDP 写入"
msgid "Output to syslog and do not daemonize"
msgstr "输出到 syslog不运行守护进程"
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "概览"
msgid "PKCS#12 file containing keys"
msgstr "PKCS#12 文件包含的密钥"
msgid "Pass environment variables to script"
msgstr "传递环境变量至脚本"
msgid "Persist replay-protection state"
msgstr "保存重播保护的状态"
msgid "Persist/unpersist ifconfig-pool"
msgstr "持久/非持久 ifconfig 池"
msgid "Ping remote every n seconds over TCP/UDP port"
msgstr "每 n 秒 ping 一次远程 TCP/UDP 端口"
msgid "Policy level over usage of external programs and scripts"
msgstr "外部程序和脚本超出了策略允许的使用范围"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "端口"
msgid "Protocol"
msgstr "协议"
msgid "Proxy timeout in seconds"
msgstr "代理超时,单位秒"
msgid "Push an ifconfig option to remote"
msgstr "主动向远程发送 ifconfig 选项"
msgid "Push options to peer"
msgstr "主动向端点发送选项"
msgid "Query management channel for private key"
msgstr "为私钥查询管理通道"
msgid "Randomly choose remote server"
msgstr "随机选择远程服务器"
msgid "Refuse connection if no custom client config"
msgstr "拒接没有自定义客户端配置的连接"
msgid "Remap SIGUSR1 signals"
msgstr "重映射 SIGUSR1 信号"
msgid "Remote host name or ip address"
msgstr "远程主机名或 ip 地址"
msgid "Remote ping timeout"
msgstr "远程 ping 超时"
msgid "Renegotiate data chan. key after bytes"
msgstr "传输若干字节后重新验证数据通道密钥"
msgid "Renegotiate data chan. key after packets"
msgstr "传输若干数据包后重新验证数据通道密钥"
msgid "Renegotiate data chan. key after seconds"
msgstr "传输若干秒后重新验证数据通道密钥"
msgid "Replay protection sliding window size"
msgstr "重播保护的滑动窗口大小"
msgid "Require explicit designation on certificate"
msgstr "证书需要显式指定"
msgid "Require explicit key usage on certificate"
msgstr "证书需要明确的密钥"
msgid "Restart after remote ping timeout"
msgstr "远程 ping 超时后重启"
msgid "Retransmit timeout on TLS control channel"
msgstr "TLS 控制通道超时后重新发送"
msgid "Retry indefinitely on HTTP proxy errors"
msgstr "无限重试直至代理正确"
msgid "Retry indefinitely on Socks proxy errors"
msgstr "无限重试直至 Socks 代理正确"
msgid "Route subnet to client"
msgstr "路由子网至客户端"
msgid "Run as an inetd or xinetd server"
msgstr "以 inetd 或 xinetd 服务器的方式运行"
msgid "Run script cmd on client connection"
msgstr "当客户端连接时在命令行下允许脚本"
msgid "Run script cmd on client disconnection"
msgstr "当客户端断开时在命令行下允许脚本"
msgid "Run up/down scripts for all restarts"
msgstr "每次重启都执行启动/关闭脚本"
msgid "Send notification to peer on disconnect"
msgstr "断开连接时向客户端发送通知"
msgid "Set GID to group"
msgstr "为群组设置 GID 值"
msgid "Set TCP/UDP MTU"
msgstr "设置 TCP/UDP 的 MTU 值"
msgid "Set UID to user"
msgstr "为用户设置 UID 值"
msgid "Set aside a pool of subnets"
msgstr "设置子网池"
msgid "Set extended HTTP proxy options"
msgstr "设置 HTTP 扩展代理选项"
msgid "Set output verbosity"
msgstr "设置输出冗余级别"
msgid "Set size of real and virtual address hash tables"
msgstr "设置实际和虚拟地址的哈希表大小"
msgid "Set the TCP/UDP receive buffer size"
msgstr "设置 TCP/UDP 接收缓冲区大小"
msgid "Set the TCP/UDP send buffer size"
msgstr "设置 TCP/UDP 发送缓冲区大小"
msgid "Set tun/tap TX queue length"
msgstr "设置 tun/tap 发送队列长度"
msgid "Set tun/tap adapter parameters"
msgstr "设置 tun/tap 适配器参数"
msgid "Set tun/tap device MTU"
msgstr "设置 tun/tap 设备的 MTU 值"
msgid "Set tun/tap device overhead"
msgstr "设置 tun/tap 设备的开销"
msgid "Set upper bound on TCP MSS"
msgstr "设置 TCP MSS 上限"
msgid "Shaping for peer bandwidth"
msgstr "改变结点带宽"
msgid "Shell cmd to execute after tun device open"
msgstr "tun 设备打开后运行的 shell 命令"
msgid "Shell cmd to run after tun device close"
msgstr "tun 设备关闭后运行的 shell 命令"
msgid "Shell command to verify X509 name"
msgstr "运行 shell 命令以验证 X509 名称"
msgid "Silence the output of replay warnings"
msgstr "以静音的方式发出重播警告"
msgid "Size of cipher key"
msgstr "密钥大小"
msgid "Specify a default gateway for routes"
msgstr "指定路由默认网关"
msgid "Start OpenVPN in a hibernating state"
msgstr "以休眠的状态打开 OpenVPN"
msgid "Start/Stop"
msgstr "启动/停止"
msgid "Started"
msgstr "已运行的"
msgid "Status file format version"
msgstr "显式文件格式版本的状态"
msgid "Switch to advanced configuration »"
msgstr "高级配置 »"
msgid "TCP/UDP port # for both local and remote"
msgstr "TCP/UDP 端口 # 同时针对本地和远程"
msgid "TCP/UDP port # for local (default=1194)"
msgstr "TCP/UDP 端口 # 本地(默认 1194"
msgid "TCP/UDP port # for remote (default=1194)"
msgstr "TCP/UDP 端口 # 远程(默认 1194"
msgid "TLS cipher"
msgstr "TLS 加密"
msgid "TOS passthrough (applies to IPv4 only)"
msgstr "TOS 穿透(仅限 IPv4"
msgid "Temporary directory for client-connect return file"
msgstr "客户端连接返回文件的临时目录"
msgid "The highest supported TLS version"
2017-04-15 00:06:19 +00:00
msgstr "最高支持的 TLS 版本"
msgid "The key direction for 'tls-auth' and 'secret' options"
msgstr "“tls-auth”和“secret”选项的密钥类型"
msgid "The lowest supported TLS version"
2017-04-15 00:06:19 +00:00
msgstr "最低支持的 TLS 版本"
msgid "Timeframe for key exchange"
msgstr "密钥交换时间表"
msgid "Type of used device"
msgstr "使用设备类型"
msgid "Use protocol"
msgstr "采用协议"
msgid "Use tun/tap device node"
msgstr "使用 tun/tap 设备节点"
msgid "Use username as common name"
msgstr "把用户名作为通用名称"
msgid "Write log to file"
msgstr "保存日志至文件"
msgid "Write process ID to file"
msgstr "记录进程 ID 至文件"
msgid "Write status to file every n seconds"
msgstr "每 n 秒后写入状态至文件"
msgid "no"
msgstr "否"
msgid "tun/tap device"
msgstr "tun/tap 设备"
msgid "tun/tap inactivity timeout"
msgstr "tun/tap 休眠超时"
msgid "yes (%i)"
msgstr "是(%i"
msgid "« Switch to basic configuration"
msgstr "« 基本配置"
#~ msgid "Disable cipher initialisation vector"
#~ msgstr "关闭加密的初始化向量"
#~ msgid "Disable replay protection"
#~ msgstr "关闭重播保护"
#~ msgid "Don't require client certificate"
#~ msgstr "不需要客户的证书"
#~ msgid "Don't use adaptive lzo compression"
#~ msgstr "不用自适应 lzo 压缩"
#~ msgid "Make tun device IPv6 capable"
#~ msgstr "使 tun 设备兼容 IPv6"
#~ msgid "Use fast LZO compression"
#~ msgstr "使用快速 LZO 压缩"
#~ msgid "Use individual addresses rather than /30 subnets"
#~ msgstr "使用独立的地址代替 /30 子网"
#~ msgid "Cryptography"
#~ msgstr "加密"
#~ msgid "Networking"
#~ msgstr "网络"
#~ msgid "Service"
#~ msgstr "服务"
#~ msgid "VPN"
#~ msgstr "VPN"