In hash-checking mode[1], pip will verify downloaded package archives
(source tarballs in our case) against known SHA256 hashes before
installing the packages.
As a consequence, this requires the use of requirements files[2] and
pinning packages to known versions.
The syntax for package Makefiles has changed slightly;
HOST_PYTHON3_PACKAGE_BUILD_DEPENDS no longer accepts requirement
specifiers like "foo>=1.0", only requirements file names (which are the
same as package names in the most common case).
This also updates affected packages, in particular:
* python-zipp: "setuptools_scm[toml]" has been split into
"setuptools-scm toml" to reuse the requirements file for
setuptools-scm (the extra depends installed by "setuptools_scm[toml]"
is toml).
* python-pycparser: This previously used ply 3.10, whereas the
requirements file will now install 3.11.
Signed-off-by: Jeffery To <>
Setup user database if non-existent, configure uhttpd .php interpreter
and patch php scripts to work out-of-the-box.
Also ship Hotspot 2.0 SPP and OMA DM XML schema/DTD files needed at
run-time for both client and server.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
usleep is deprecated.
Modernized the Makefile to modern standards.
Signed-off-by: Rosen Penev <>
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
This adds a config option PYTHON3_HOST_PIP_CACHE_WORLD_READABLE; if
enabled, chmod will be run after pip install to make all
files/directories in the host pip cache world-readable.
Signed-off-by: Jeffery To <>
Add hs20-server and hs20-client packages correspoding to the
hs20/client and hs20/server folder in hostap.git.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Switched to CMake. CMake compiles faster.
Added libsyn123 library as it's needed since version 1.26.
time make package/mpg123/compile -j 12
Executed in 16.05 secs fish external
usr time 26.65 secs 0.00 micros 26.65 secs
sys time 4.82 secs 833.00 micros 4.81 secs
time make package/mpg123/compile -j 12
Executed in 12.12 secs fish external
usr time 19.35 secs 0.00 micros 19.35 secs
sys time 3.22 secs 752.00 micros 3.22 secs
Signed-off-by: Rosen Penev <>
5969273ff4 mistakenly got rid of the
install section for canutils, causing errors when trying to install.
Signed-off-by: Rosen Penev <>
* remove 'dshield' and 'sysctl' (discontinued)
* switch 'malwaredomains', 'shallalist' and 'winhelp' to https
* add a second regional list for poland (provided by matx1002)
* update readme
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <>
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <>
command-count.h generated by makefile was wrong
when using default shell in mac,
set shell to bash to fix it.
Signed-off-by: Liangbin Lian <>
LVM2 uses libselinux if found at buildtime and then requires it to
be present on run-time.
As LVM2 is usually not installed on space-constraint systems just
always build with libselinux as apart from the extra space usage it
doesn't hurt.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
libpcre is required for libselinux which was added to core recently.
Move it to the core so core builds without the packages feed.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
The author's website went down and moved to GitHub.
Used a mirror for PKG_SOURCE_URL and he does not have the same tarball
on GitHub.
Signed-off-by: Rosen Penev <>