- complete rewrite of banIP to support nftables - all sets are handled in a separate nft table/namespace 'banIP' - for incoming blocking it uses the inet input hook, for outgoing blocking it uses the inet forward hook - full IPv4 and IPv6 support - supports nft atomic set loading - supports blocking by ASN numbers and by iso country codes - 42 preconfigured external feeds are available, plus local allow- and blocklist - supports local allow- and blocklist (IPv4, IPv6, CIDR notation or domain names) - auto-add the uplink subnet to the local allowlist - provides a small background log monitor to ban unsuccessful login attempts in real-time - the logterms for the log monitor service can be freely defined via regex - auto-add unsuccessful LuCI, nginx, Asterisk or ssh login attempts to the local blocklist - fast feed processing as they are handled in parallel as background jobs - per feed it can be defined whether the input chain or the forward chain should be blocked (default: both chains) - automatic blocklist backup & restore, the backups will be used in case of download errors or during startup - automatically selects one of the following download utilities with ssl support: aria2c, curl, uclient-fetch or wget - supports a 'allowlist only' mode, this option restricts internet access from/to a small number of secure websites/IPs - provides comprehensive runtime information - provides a detailed set report - provides a set search engine for certain IPs - feed parsing by fast & flexible regex rulesets - minimal status & error logging to syslog, enable debug logging to receive more output - procd based init system support (start/stop/restart/reload/status/report/search) - procd network interface trigger support - ability to add new banIP feeds on your own - add a readme with all available options/feeds to customize your installation to your needs - a new LuCI frontend will be available in due course Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
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# banIP mail template/include
# Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Dirk Brenken (dev@brenken.org)
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.
# info preparation
local banip_info report_info log_info system_info mail_text
banip_info="$(/etc/init.d/banip status 2>/dev/null)"
report_info="$(cat ${ban_reportdir}/ban_report.txt 2>/dev/null)"
log_info="$("${ban_logreadcmd}" -l 100 -e "banIP_" 2>/dev/null | awk '{NR=1;max=120;if(length($0)>max+1)while($0){if(NR==1){print substr($0,1,max)}else{print substr($0,1,max)}{$0=substr($0,max+1);NR=NR+1}}else print}')"
strings /etc/banner 2>/dev/null
ubus call system board | awk 'BEGIN{FS="[{}\"]"}{if($2=="kernel"||$2=="hostname"||$2=="system"||$2=="model"||$2=="description")printf " + %-12s: %s\n",$2,$4}'
# mail body
mail_text="$(printf "%s\n" "<html><body><pre style='display:block;font-family:monospace;font-size:1rem;padding:20;background-color:#f3eee5;white-space:pre'>")"
mail_text="$(printf "%s\n" "${mail_text}\n<strong>++\n++ System Information ++\n++</strong>\n${system_info:-"-"}")"
mail_text="$(printf "%s\n" "${mail_text}\n\n<strong>++\n++ banIP Status ++\n++</strong>\n${banip_info:-"-"}")"
mail_text="$(printf "%s\n" "${mail_text}\n\n<strong>++\n++ banIP Report ++\n++</strong>\n${report_info:-"-"}")"
mail_text="$(printf "%s\n" "${mail_text}\n\n<strong>++\n++ Logfile Information ++\n++</strong>\n${log_info}")"
mail_text="$(printf "%s\n" "${mail_text}</pre></body></html>")"