- moved /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_lucihelper.sh from luci-app-ddns into this package
(Github openwrt/luci issue 251)
(OpenWrt Trac tickets 18326 18347)
- fix: dynamic_dns_update.sh did not loop
(OpenWrt Trac ticket 18336)
- add provider cloudflare.com IPv4 and IPv6 (Thanks to Paul for support and testing)
(OpenWrt Trac ticket 12500)
- modified detection, if dynamic_dns_fuctions are used by dynamic_dns_lucihelper.sh
- redirect stdout of wget,curl,host,nslookup,nc etc to /tmp/ddns_$$.dat and *.err instead of variables
- extended error detection in get_local_ip function
- modified verify of option ip_script to allow parameters, when calling
- add provider selfhost.de IPv4
- add provider no-ip.pl (nothing to do with no-ip.com)
(Github openwrt/packages issue #542)
IPv4 (tested) and also added for
IPv6 (NOT tested) because client IP is autodetected be provider
- add getlocalip_sample.sh as sample script for usage of
option ip_source 'script' together with
option ip_script '/usr/lib/ddns/getlocalip.sh -4'
- cleanup whitespaces at line ends
Signed-off-by: Christian Schoenebeck <christian.schoenebeck@gmail.com>
When libncursesw is available, bmon uses it instead of libncurses. This
commit adapts the dependencies accordingly.
Signed-off-by: Baptiste Jonglez <bjonglez@illyse.org>
Some symbols are not found (tgetnum and BC).
Looks like the termcap lib, which should be in libncurses(w)
but maybe some build param would be required.
Signed-off-by: Alexandru Ardelean <ardeleanalex@gmail.com>
Drop gnutls and use openssl instead, due to excessive memory consumption in embedded environment for an additonal ssl library.
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dibdot@gmail.com>
- fixed postinst and prerm in Makefile
- implementation of provider specific update scripts into services and
services_ipv6 file.
first Provider "no-ip.com" - Thanks to DarkStarXxX for
request and testing
- finished uci/ddns wiki at http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/uci/ddns
- rewritten retry management
- rewritten logging including following Issue 469
- stop running sections on hotplug ifdown event (like start on ifup)
- implement trap detection
also kill "sleep" child processes
SIGHUP to reload configuration (not really reloading, simply
starting a new process)
/etc/init.d/ddns reload implemented
- code optimization
- new provider LoopiaDNS.se Issue 494
Signed-off-by: Christian Schoenebeck <christian.schoenebeck@gmail.com>