* add kresd & turris omnia support
* add dnscrypt-proxy support
* change start priority to 30, to fix possible trigger issues on slow
booting hardware
* simplify suspend/resume handling (no longer use a hideout directory)
* enhanced LuCI frontend
* many small changes & improvements
* default config change (please update your config!), adblock is now
disabled by default
* documentation update
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
Compile & run tested: ar71xx: archer c7 v2
Add myself as another co-maintainer of the package.
Signed-off-by: Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant <ldir@darbyshire-bryant.me.uk>
Looks like the cyassl redirect to wolfssl does not work flawlessly in libwebsockets.
Tested with libwolfssl 3.12.0 & 3.10.0 from LEDE.
Signed-off-by: Alexandru Ardelean <ardeleanalex@gmail.com>
Use common function to toggle ip address in /var/state/mwan3.
Change also to use toggle function and not set function. If ip address
is often changed every change is saved to /var/state/mwan3.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert <fe@dev.tdt.de>
If enough tracking ip are pinged skip the reset. They are not needed
anymore to mark the interface as up.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert <fe@dev.tdt.de>
Some configure scripts rely on pkgconfig to detect libedit, for instance
asterisk-13. Install the file so libedit can be used there as well.
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Kemper <sebastian_ml@gmx.net>
This commit updates the boost libraries to version 1.65.0
This new version brings two new libraries:
- Boost.Stacktrace [1]
-> Gather, store, copy and print backtraces, from Antony Polukhin.
- Boost.PolyCollection [2]
-> Fast containers of polymorphic objects, from Joaquín M López Muñoz.
Fixes in this commit:
- Boost.Python for Python 3.6
-> The dynamic library was not being compiled, resulting in an empty package. Fixed.
- Boost.TypeErasure
-> The dynamic library was not available to install. Fixed.
- Boost.Serialization
-> The wserialization dynamic library was being compiled but not available to install. Fixed.
- This commit also contains the post-release fixes, which did not make it into the final release [3].
As always, more information about this release, can be found in [4].
[1]: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_65_0/doc/html/stacktrace.html
[2]: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_65_0/doc/html/poly_collection.html
[3]: http://www.boost.org/patches/
[4]: http://www.boost.org/users/history/version_1_65_0.html
Signed-off-by: Carlos Miguel Ferreira <carlosmf.pt@gmail.com>
fix Makefile chmod (644)
replace MD5SUM with HASH
(PKG_SOURCE_PROTO:=svn tarballs are not reproducible for now)
Signed-off-by: Etienne Champetier <champetier.etienne@gmail.com>