
357 lines
9 KiB

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-26 12:02+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Manuel Munz <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 1.1.0\n"
#. Hello and welcome in the network of
#: modules/freifunk/luasrc/i18n/freifunk.en.lua:1
msgid "Hello and welcome in the network of"
msgstr "Hallo und willkommen im Netz von"
#. We are an initiative to establish a free, independent and open wireless mesh network.
#: modules/freifunk/luasrc/i18n/freifunk.en.lua:2
msgid ""
"We are an initiative to establish a free, independent and open wireless mesh "
msgstr ""
"Wir sind eine Initiative zur Schaffung eines freien, offenen und "
"unabhängigen Funknetzwerks auf WLAN-Basis."
#. This is the access point
#: modules/freifunk/luasrc/i18n/freifunk.en.lua:3
msgid "This is the access point"
msgstr "Dies ist der Zugangspunkt "
#. It is operated by
#: modules/freifunk/luasrc/i18n/freifunk.en.lua:4
msgid "It is operated by"
msgstr "Er wird betrieben von "
#. You can find further information about the global Freifunk initiative at
#: modules/freifunk/luasrc/i18n/freifunk.en.lua:5
msgid ""
"You can find further information about the global Freifunk initiative at"
msgstr "Weitere Informationen zur globalen Freifunkinitiative findest du unter"
#. If you are interested in our project then contact the local community
#: modules/freifunk/luasrc/i18n/freifunk.en.lua:6
msgid "If you are interested in our project then contact the local community"
msgstr ""
"Hast du Interesse an diesem Projekt, dann wende dich an deine lokale "
#. Internet access depends on technical and organisational conditions and may or may not work for you.
#: modules/freifunk/luasrc/i18n/freifunk.en.lua:7
msgid ""
"Internet access depends on technical and organisational conditions and may "
"or may not work for you."
msgstr ""
"Der Internetzugang über das experimentelle Freifunknetz ist an technische "
"und organisatorische Bedingungen geknüpft und deshalb möglicherweise nicht "
"(immer) gewährleistet."
#. Location
#: modules/freifunk/luasrc/i18n/freifunk.en.lua:8
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Standort"
#. E-Mail
#: modules/freifunk/luasrc/i18n/freifunk.en.lua:9
msgid "E-Mail"
msgstr "E-Mail"
#. You really should provide your address here!
#: modules/freifunk/luasrc/i18n/freifunk.en.lua:10
msgid "You really should provide your address here!"
msgstr "Bitte unbedingt angeben!"
#. Nickname
#: modules/freifunk/luasrc/i18n/freifunk.en.lua:11
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "Pseudonym"
#. Realname
#: modules/freifunk/luasrc/i18n/freifunk.en.lua:12
msgid "Realname"
msgstr "Name"
#. Node
#: modules/freifunk/luasrc/i18n/freifunk.en.lua:13
msgid "Node"
msgstr "Knoten"
#. Notice
#: modules/freifunk/luasrc/i18n/freifunk.en.lua:14
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Notiz"
#. Phone
#: modules/freifunk/luasrc/i18n/freifunk.en.lua:15
msgid "Phone"
msgstr "Telefon"
#. Memory
#: modules/freifunk/luasrc/i18n/freifunk.en.lua:16
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "Hauptspeicher"
#. Coordinates
#: modules/freifunk/luasrc/i18n/freifunk.en.lua:21
msgid "Coordinates"
msgstr "Geokoordinaten"
#. Latitude
msgid "Latitude"
msgstr "Breite"
#. Longitude
msgid "Longitude"
msgstr "Länge"
#. Client-Splash
msgid "Client-Splash"
msgstr "Client-Splash"
#. Splash text edit description
msgid ""
"You can change the text that is displayed to clients here.<br /> It is "
"possible to use the following markers: ###COMMUNITY###, ###COMMUNITY_URL###, "
"###LEASETIME### and ###ACCEPT###.<br />Click here to <a href='/luci/"
"splash/'>test the splash page</a> after you saved it."
msgstr ""
"Hier kann der Text geändert werden, der Clients vom Splash angezeigt wird."
"<br />Folgende Marker können verwendet werden: ###COMMUNITY###, "
"###COMMUNITY_URL###, ###LEASETIME### und ###ACCEPT###.<br />Klicke nach dem "
"Abspeichern <a href='/luci/splash'>hier</a> um den neuen Splash-Text "
#. Splash text edit header
msgid "Edit Splash text"
msgstr "Splash-Text bearbeiten"
#. Accept
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Akzeptieren"
#. Decline
msgid "Decline"
msgstr "Ablehnen"
#. Services error
msgid ""
"No services can be shown, because olsrd is not running or the olsrd-"
"nameservice Plugin is not loaded."
msgstr ""
"Es kann keine Liste der Dienste angezeigt werden, da olsrd nicht läuft oder "
"das nameservice plugin nicht geladen oder konfiguriert wurde."
#. Services
msgid "Services"
msgstr "Dienste"
#. Url
msgid "Url"
msgstr "Adresse"
#. Source
msgid "Source"
msgstr "Quelle"
#. Active Clients
msgid "Active Clients"
msgstr "Verbundene Clients"
#. Hostname
msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Hostname"
#. IP Address
msgid "IP Address"
msgstr "IP-Adresse"
#. MAC Address
msgid "MAC Address"
msgstr "MAC-Adresse"
#. Time remaining
msgid "Time remaining"
msgstr "Verbleibende Zeit"
#. Traffic (in/out)
msgid "Traffic (down/up)"
msgstr "Ausgehender Verkehr"
#. Policy
msgid "Policy"
msgstr "Zugriffsberechtigung"
#. unknown
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "unbekannt"
#. expired
msgid "expired"
msgstr "abgelaufen"
#. whitelisted
msgid "whitelisted"
msgstr "dauerhaft freigeschaltet"
#. splashed
msgid "splashed"
msgstr "normal splashen"
#. blacklisted
msgid "blacklisted"
msgstr "dauerhaft gesperrt"
#. temporarily blocked
msgid "temporarily blocked"
msgstr "vorübergehend gesperrt"
#. No clients connected
msgid "No clients connected"
msgstr "Keine Clients verbunden"
#. P2P-Block
msgid "P2P-Block"
msgstr "P2P-Sperre"
#. P2P-Block is a greylisting mechanism to block various peer-to-peer protocols for non-whitelisted clients.
msgid ""
"P2P-Block is a greylisting mechanism to block various peer-to-peer protocols "
"for non-whitelisted clients."
msgstr ""
"P2P-Block ist ein Mechanismus zum vorrübergehendem Sperren von Peer-to-Peer "
"Protokollen für nicht auf der Whitelist stehende Clients. "
#. Enable P2P-Block
msgid "Enable P2P-Block"
msgstr "P2P-Sperr-Mechanismus aktivieren"
#. Portrange
msgid "Portrange"
msgstr "Überwachter Port-Bereich"
#. Block Time
msgid "Block Time"
msgstr "Sperr-Zeitraum"
#. seconds
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "Angabe in Sekunden"
#. Whitelisted IPs
msgid "Whitelisted IPs"
msgstr "Freigeschaltete IP-Adressen"
#. Layer7-Protokolle
msgid "Layer7-Protocols"
msgstr "Layer7-Protokolle"
#. IP-P2P
msgid "IP-P2P"
msgstr "IPP2P"
#. Freifunk Remote Update
msgid "Freifunk Remote Update"
msgstr "Freifunk Fernupdate"
#. Check for new firmware versions and perform automatic updates.
msgid "Check for new firmware versions and perform automatic updates."
msgstr ""
"Der Fernupdate-Mechanismus prüft nach neuen Firmware-Versionen und führt "
"automatisierte Updates durch."
#. Update available!
msgid "Update available!"
msgstr "Update verfügbar!"
#. The installed firmware is the most recent version.
msgid "The installed firmware is the most recent version."
msgstr "Die installierte Firmware ist bereits die neueste Version."
#. Start Upgrade
msgid "Start Upgrade"
msgstr "Updatevorgang starten"
#. Update Settings
msgid "Update Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen zum Update"
#. Keep configuration
msgid "Keep configuration"
msgstr "Konfigurationsdateien wiederherstellen"
#. Verify downloaded images
msgid "Verify downloaded images"
msgstr "Heruntergeladene Images verifizieren"
#. Confirm Upgrade
#, fuzzy
msgid "Confirm Upgrade"
msgstr "Updatevorgang starten"
#. Edit index page
msgid "Edit index page"
msgstr "Indexseite bearbeiten"
#. You can display additional content on the public index page by inserting valid XHTML in the form below.<br />Headlines should be enclosed between &lt;h2&gt; and &lt;/h2&gt;.
msgid ""
"You can display additional content on the public index page by inserting "
"valid XHTML in the form below.<br />Headlines should be enclosed between &lt;"
"h2&gt; and &lt;/h2&gt;."
msgstr ""
"Hier kann der Indexseite weiterer Inhalt hinzugefügt werden. Dazu muss "
"gültiges XHTML verwendet werden.<br />Überschriften sollten zwischen den "
"Tags &lt;h2&gt; und &lt;/h2&gt; eingeschlossen werden."
#. Disable default content
msgid "Disable default content"
msgstr "Standardtext deaktivieren"
#. If checked then the default content element is not shown.
msgid "If checked then the default content element is not shown."
msgstr "Aktivieren um den Standardtext auf der Indexseite nicht anzuzeigen."
#. Contact
msgid "Contact"
msgstr "Kontakt"
#. Please fill in your contact details below.
msgid "Please fill in your contact details below."
msgstr "Bitte gib hier deine Kontaktdaten an."
#. Default routes
msgid "Default routes"
msgstr "Standardrouten"
#. No defaultroutes known.
msgid "No default routes known."
msgstr "Es sind keine Standardrouten bekannt."
#. Neighbors
msgid "Neighbors"
msgstr "Nachbarn"
#. Links total
msgid "Links total"
msgstr "Links insgesamt"
#. Links per node (average)
msgid "Links per node (average)"
msgstr "Links pro Knoten (Durchschnitt)"
#. Download Config
msgid "Download Config"
msgstr "Konfiguration herunterladen"