local accepttext = translate('By accepting these rules you can use this network for %s hour(s). After this time you need to accept these rules again.')
local splashtextinclude = fs.readfile("/usr/lib/luci-splash/splashtextinclude.html")
<% end %>
<h2><%:Usage Agreement%></h2>
<%:The open and free wireless network of volunteers ("Operators") provides the necessary equipment and Internet connections ("Infrastructure") at their own expense.%>
<%:These Terms of Use govern the use of the network by its participants' computer, PDA, or similar device ("Devices") within the network.%>
<%:Access to the network is not guaranteed. It can be interrupted at any time without notice for any reason, for certain devices, and/or may be blocked for certain users.%>
<h3><%:Legally Prohibited Activities%></h3>
<p><%:The participant agrees to not perform any action and refrain from acts which may violate the law or infringe upon the rights of third parties.%></p>
<h3><%:Legally Prohibited content%></h3>
<p><%:The participant agrees to not transfer content over the network which violates the law.%></p>
<h3><%:Fair Use Policy%></h3>
<p><%:The participant agrees to not use the network in any way which will harm the infrastructure, the network itself, its operators or other participants.%></p>
<p><%:The network, like the Internet, is unencrypted and open. Each participant is responsible for the safety of their own connections and devices.%></p>
<p><%:The operator claims no liability for loss of data, unauthorized access/damage to devices, or financial losses that participants may suffer from the use of the network.%></p>