The recent device-tree modification that added pre-cal
nvmem-cells pushed the device's kernel+dtb over the
allotted 3072k KERNEL_SIZE.
> WARNING: Image file tplink_vr2600v-uImage is too big: 3147214 > 3145728
There was a previous kernel partition size upgrade:
commit 0c967d92b3 ("ipq806x: increase kernel partition size for the TP-Link Archer VR2600v")
It has been seemingly upgraded from a 2048k KERNEL_SIZE in the past.
The commit talks about using the MTD_SPLIT_TPLINK_FW. But looking at
the image make recipe, there is no code that adds a TPLINK header.
So instead the board will use "denx,umimage". This requires
MTD_SPLIT_UIMAGE_FW, but this is present thanks to some NEC devices.
(Maybe the MTD_CONFIG_ARGS can be removed as well? But it could be
there because of the padding at the beginning. This needs testing.)
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
This reverts commit 8b4cba53a9.
This broke the mt7530 on Linksys e8450 (mt7622) for me.
[ 1.312943] mt7530 mdio-bus:00 lan1 (uninitialized): failed to connect to PHY: -EINVAL
[ 1.320890] mt7530 mdio-bus:00 lan1 (uninitialized): error -22 setting up PHY for tree 0, switch 0, port 0
[ 1.331163] mt7530 mdio-bus:00 lan2 (uninitialized): failed to connect to PHY: -EINVAL
[ 1.339085] mt7530 mdio-bus:00 lan2 (uninitialized): error -22 setting up PHY for tree 0, switch 0, port 1
[ 1.349321] mt7530 mdio-bus:00 lan3 (uninitialized): failed to connect to PHY: -EINVAL
[ 1.357241] mt7530 mdio-bus:00 lan3 (uninitialized): error -22 setting up PHY for tree 0, switch 0, port 2
[ 1.367452] mt7530 mdio-bus:00 lan4 (uninitialized): failed to connect to PHY: -EINVAL
[ 1.375367] mt7530 mdio-bus:00 lan4 (uninitialized): error -22 setting up PHY for tree 0, switch 0, port 3
[ 1.385750] mt7530 mdio-bus:00 wan (uninitialized): failed to connect to PHY: -EINVAL
[ 1.393575] mt7530 mdio-bus:00 wan (uninitialized): error -22 setting up PHY for tree 0, switch 0, port 4
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
This reverts commit 3f4301e123.
This broke the mt7530 on Linksys e8450 (mt7622) for me.
[ 1.300554] mt7530 mdio-bus:00: no interrupt support
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Support MT7530 PHY link change interrupts, and enable for MT7621.
Signed-off-by: DENG Qingfang <>
Tested-by: Arınç ÜNAL <>
Tested-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Add support for MediaTek Gigabit Ethernet PHYs found in MT7530.
Fix some link up/down issues.
Signed-off-by: DENG Qingfang <>
Tested-by: Arınç ÜNAL <>
Tested-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Use hardware to forward multicast traffic instead of trapping to the
Signed-off-by: DENG Qingfang <>
Tested-by: Arınç ÜNAL <>
Tested-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Allow MTU up to 2026 on mediatek, ramips/mt7621 targets.
Signed-off-by: DENG Qingfang <>
Tested-by: Arınç ÜNAL <>
Tested-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Tested by multiple users and seems to work fine.
Acked-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Tested-by: Daniel Danzberger <>
Signed-off-by: Paul Spooren <>
ZTE MF286 is an indoor LTE category 6 CPE router with simultaneous
dual-band 802.11ac plus 802.11n Wi-Fi radios and quad-port gigabit
Ethernet switch, FXS and external USB 2.0 port.
Hardware highlights:
- CPU: QCA9563 SoC at 775MHz,
- RAM: 128MB DDR2,
- NOR Flash: MX25L1606E 2MB SPI Flash, for U-boot only,
- NAND Flash: GD5F1G04UBYIG 128MB SPI NAND-Flash, for all other data,
- Wi-Fi 5GHz: QCA9882 2x2 MIMO 802.11ac radio,
- WI-Fi 2.4GHz: QCA9563 3x3 MIMO 802.11n radio,
- Switch: QCA8337v2 4-port gigabit Ethernet, with single SGMII CPU port,
- WWAN: MDM9230-based category 6 internal LTE modem in extended
mini-PCIE form factor, with 3 internal antennas and 2 external antenna
connections, single mini-SIM slot. Modem model identified as MF270,
- FXS: one external ATA port (handled entirely by modem part) with two
physical connections in parallel,
- USB: Single external USB 2.0 port,
- Switches: power switch, WPS, Wi-Fi and reset buttons,
- LEDs: Wi-Fi, Test (internal). Rest of LEDs (Phone, WWAN, Battery,
Signal state) handled entirely by modem. 4 link status LEDs handled by
the switch on the backside.
- Battery: 3Ah 1-cell Li-Ion replaceable battery, with charging and
monitoring handled by modem.
- Label MAC device: eth0
Console connection: connector X2 is the console port, with the following
pinout, starting from pin 1, which is the topmost pin when the board is
- VCC (3.3V). Do not use unless you need to source power for the
converer from it.
- TX
- RX
Default port configuration in U-boot as well as in stock firmware is
Due to different flash layout from stock firmware, sysupgrade from
within stock firmware is impossible, despite it's based on QSDK which
itself is based on OpenWrt.
STEP 0: Stock firmware update:
As installing OpenWrt cuts you off from official firmware updates for
the modem part, it is recommended to update the stock firmware to latest
version before installation, to have built-in modem at the latest firmware
STEP 1: gaining root shell:
Method 1:
This works if busybox has telnetd compiled in the binary.
If this does not work, try method 2.
Using well-known exploit to start telnetd on your router - works
only if Busybox on stock firmware has telnetd included:
- Open stock firmware web interface
- Navigate to "URL filtering" section by going to "Advanced settings",
then "Firewall" and finally "URL filter".
- Add an entry ending with "&&telnetd&&", for example
- telnetd will immediately listen on port 4719.
- After connecting to telnetd use "admin/admin" as credentials.
Method 2:
This works if busybox does not have telnetd compiled in. Notably, this
is the case in firmware.
If this does not work, try method 3.
- Set IP of your computer to
- Have a TFTP server running at that address
- Download MIPS build of busybox including telnetd, for example from:
and put it in it's root directory. Rename it as "telnetd".
- As previously, login to router's web UI and navigate to "URL
- Using "Inspect" feature, extend "maxlength" property of the input
field named "addURLFilter", so it looks like this:
<input type="text" name="addURLFilter" id="addURLFilter" maxlength="332"
class="required form-control">
- Stay on the page - do not navigate anywhere
- Enter "http://aa& telnetd" as a filter.
- Save the settings. This will download the telnetd binary over tftp and
execute it. You should be able to log in at port 23, using
"admin/admin" as credentials.
Method 3:
If the above doesn't work, use the serial console - it exposes root shell
directly without need for login. Some stock firmwares, notably one from
finnish DNA operator lack telnetd in their builds.
STEP 2: Backing up original software:
As the stock firmware may be customized by the carrier and is not
officially available in the Internet, IT IS IMPERATIVE to back up the
stock firmware, if you ever plan to returning to stock firmware.
Method 1: after booting OpenWrt initramfs image via TFTP:
- Dump stock firmware located on stock kernel and ubi partitions:
ssh root@ cat /dev/mtd4 > mtd4_kernel.bin
ssh root@ cat /dev/mtd8 > mtd8_ubi.bin
And keep them in a safe place, should a restore be needed in future.
Method 2: using stock firmware:
- Connect an external USB drive formatted with FAT or ext4 to the USB
- The drive will be auto-mounted to /var/usb_disk
- Check the flash layout of the device:
cat /proc/mtd
It should show the following:
mtd0: 00080000 00010000 "uboot"
mtd1: 00020000 00010000 "uboot-env"
mtd2: 00140000 00020000 "fota-flag"
mtd3: 00140000 00020000 "caldata"
mtd4: 00140000 00020000 "mac"
mtd5: 00600000 00020000 "cfg-param"
mtd6: 00140000 00020000 "oops"
mtd7: 00800000 00020000 "web"
mtd8: 00300000 00020000 "kernel"
mtd9: 01f00000 00020000 "rootfs"
mtd10: 01900000 00020000 "data"
mtd11: 03200000 00020000 "fota"
Differences might indicate that this is NOT a vanilla MF286 device but
one of its later derivatives.
- Copy over all MTD partitions, for example by executing the following:
for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11; do cat /dev/mtd$i > \
/var/usb_disk/mtd$i; done
- If the count of MTD partitions is different, this might indicate that
this is not a standard MF286 device, but one of its later derivatives.
- (optionally) rename the files according to MTD partition names from
- Unmount the filesystem:
umount /var/usb_disk; sync
and then remove the drive.
- Store the files in safe place if you ever plan to return to stock
firmware. This is especially important, because stock firmware for
this device is not available officially, and is usually customized by
the mobile providers.
STEP 3: Booting initramfs image:
Method 1: using serial console (RECOMMENDED):
- Have TFTP server running, exposing the OpenWrt initramfs image, and
set your computer's IP address as This is the default
expected by U-boot. You may wish to change that, and alter later
commands accordingly.
- Connect the serial console if you haven't done so already,
- Interrupt boot sequence by pressing any key in U-boot when prompted
- Use the following commands to boot OpenWrt initramfs through TFTP:
setenv serverip
setenv ipaddr
tftpboot 0x81000000 openwrt-ath79-nand-zte_mf286-initramfs-kernel.bin
bootm 0x81000000
(Replace server IP and router IP as needed). There is no emergency
TFTP boot sequence triggered by buttons, contrary to MF283+.
- When OpenWrt initramfs finishes booting, proceed to actual
Method 2: using initramfs image as temporary boot kernel
This exploits the fact, that kernel and rootfs MTD devices are
consecutive on NAND flash, so from within stock image, an initramfs can
be written to this area and booted by U-boot on next reboot, because it
uses "nboot" command which isn't limited by kernel partition size.
- Download the initramfs-kernel.bin image
- Split the image into two parts on 3MB partition size boundary, which
is the size of kernel partition. Pad the output of second file to
eraseblock size:
dd if=openwrt-ath79-nand-zte_mf286-initramfs-kernel.bin \
bs=128k count=24 \
dd if=openwrt-ath79-nand-zte_mf286-initramfs-kernel.bin \
bs=128k skip=24 conv=sync \
- Copy over /usr/bin/flash_eraseall and /usr/bin/nandwrite utilities to
/tmp. This is CRITICAL for installation, as erasing rootfs will cut
you off from those tools on flash!
- After backing up the previous MTD contents, write the images to the
respective MTD devices:
/tmp/flash_eraseall /dev/<kernel-mtd>
/tmp/nandwrite /dev/<kernel-mtd> \
/tmp/flash_eraseall /dev/<kernel-mtd>
/tmp/nandwrite /dev/<rootfs-mtd> \
- Ensure that no bad blocks were present on the devices while writing.
If they were present, you may need to vary the split between
kernel and rootfs parts, so U-boot reads a valid uImage after skipping
the bad blocks. If it fails, you will be left with method 3 (below).
- If write is OK, reboot the device, it will reboot to OpenWrt
reboot -f
- After rebooting, SSH into the device and use sysupgrade to perform
proper installation.
Method 3: using built-in TFTP recovery (LAST RESORT):
- With that method, ensure you have complete backup of system's NAND
flash first. It involves deliberately erasing the kernel.
- Download "-initramfs-kernel.bin" image for the device.
- Prepare the recovery image by prepending 8MB of zeroes to the image,
and name it root_uImage:
dd if=/dev/zero of=padding.bin bs=8M count=1
cat padding.bin openwrt-ath79-nand-zte_mf286-initramfs-kernel.bin >
- Set up a TFTP server at Router will use random address
from that range.
- Put the previously generated "root_uImage" into TFTP server root
- Deliberately erase "kernel" partition" using stock firmware after
taking backup. THIS IS POINT OF NO RETURN.
- Restart the device. U-boot will attempt flashing the recovery
initramfs image, which will let you perform actual installation using
sysupgrade. This might take a considerable time, sometimes the router
doesn't establish Ethernet link properly right after booting. Be
- After U-boot finishes flashing, the LEDs of switch ports will all
light up. At this moment, perform power-on reset, and wait for OpenWrt
initramfs to finish booting. Then proceed to actual installation.
STEP 4: Actual installation:
- scp the sysupgrade image to the device:
scp openwrt-ath79-nand-zte_mf286-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin \
- ssh into the device and execute sysupgrade:
sysupgrade -n /tmp/openwrt-ath79-nand-zte_mf286-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
- Wait for router to reboot to full OpenWrt.
STEP 5: WAN connection establishment
Since the router is equipped with LTE modem as its main WAN interface, it
might be useful to connect to the Internet right away after
installation. To do so, please put the following entries in
/etc/config/network, replacing the specific configuration entries with
one needed for your ISP:
config interface 'wan'
option proto 'qmi'
option device '/dev/cdc-wdm0'
option auth '<auth>' # As required, usually 'none'
option pincode '<pin>' # If required by SIM
option apn '<apn>' # As required by ISP
option pdptype '<pdp>' # Typically 'ipv4', or 'ipv4v6' or 'ipv6'
For example, the following works for most polish ISPs
config interface 'wan'
option proto 'qmi'
option device '/dev/cdc-wdm0'
option auth 'none'
option apn 'internet'
option pdptype 'ipv4'
If you have build with LuCI, installing luci-proto-qmi helps with this
Restoring the stock firmware:
If you took your backup using stock firmware, you will need to
reassemble the partitions into images to be restored onto the flash. The
layout might differ from ISP to ISP, this example is based on generic stock
The only partitions you really care about are "web", "kernel", and
"rootfs". For easy padding and possibly restoring configuration, you can
concatenate most of them into images written into "ubi" meta-partition
in OpenWrt. To do so, execute something like:
cat mtd5_cfg-param.bin mtd6-oops.bin mtd7-web.bin mtd9-rootfs.bin > \
You can skip the "fota" partition altogether,
it is used only for stock firmware update purposes and can be overwritten
safely anyway. The same is true for "data" partition which on my device
was found to be unused at all. Restoring mtd5_cfg-param.bin will restore
the stock firmware configuration you had before.
Method 1: Using initramfs:
- Boot to initramfs as in step 3:
- Completely detach ubi0 partition using ubidetach /dev/ubi0_0
- Look up the kernel and ubi partitions in /proc/mtd
- Copy over the stock kernel image using scp to /tmp
- Erase kernel and restore stock kernel:
(scp mtd4_kernel.bin root@
mtd write <kernel_mtd> mtd4_kernel.bin
rm mtd4_kernel.bin
- Copy over the stock partition backups one-by-one using scp to /tmp, and
restore them individually. Otherwise you might run out of space in
(scp mtd3_ubiconcat0.bin root@
mtd write <ubiconcat0_mtd> mtd3_ubiconcat0.bin
rm mtd3_ubiconcat0.bin
(scp mtd5_ubiconcat1.bin root@
mtd write <ubiconcat1_mtd> mtd5_ubiconcat1.bin
rm mtd5_ubiconcat1.bin
- If the write was correct, force a device reboot with
reboot -f
Method 2: Using live OpenWrt system (NOT RECOMMENDED):
- Prepare a USB flash drive contatining MTD backup files
- Ensure you have kmod-usb-storage and filesystem driver installed for
your drive
- Mount your flash drive
mkdir /tmp/usb
mount /dev/sda1 /tmp/usb
- Remount your UBI volume at /overlay to R/O
mount -o remount,ro /overlay
- Write back the kernel and ubi partitions from USB drive
cd /tmp/usb
mtd write mtd4_kernel.bin /dev/<kernel_mtd>
mtd write mtd8_ubi.bin /dev/<kernel_ubi>
- If everything went well, force a device reboot with
reboot -f
Last image may be truncated a bit due to lack of space in RAM, but this will happen over "fota"
MTD partition which may be safely erased after reboot anyway.
Method 3: using built-in TFTP recovery (LAST RESORT):
- Assemble a recovery rootfs image from backup of stock partitions by
concatenating "web", "kernel", "rootfs" images dumped from the device,
as "root_uImage"
- Use it in place of "root_uImage" recovery initramfs image as in the
TFTP pre-installation method.
Quirks and known issues
- Kernel partition size is increased to 4MB compared to stock 3MB, to
accomodate future kernel updates - at this moment OpenWrt 5.10 kernel
image is at 2.5MB which is dangerously close to the limit. This has no
effect on booting the system - but keep that in mind when reassembling
an image to restore stock firmware.
- uqmi seems to be unable to change APN manually, so please use the one
you used before in stock firmware first. If you need to change it,
please use protocok '3g' to establish connection once, or use the
following command to change APN (and optionally IP type) manually:
echo -ne 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","<apn>' > /dev/ttyUSB0
- The only usable LED as a "system LED" is the green debug LED hidden
inside the case. All other LEDs are controlled by modem, on which the
router part has some influence only on Wi-Fi LED.
- Wi-Fi LED currently doesn't work while under OpenWrt, despite having
correct GPIO mapping. All other LEDs are controlled by modem,
including this one in stock firmware. GPIO19, mapped there only acts
as a gate, while the actual signal source seems to be 5GHz Wi-Fi
radio, however it seems it is not the LED exposed by ath10k as
- GPIO5 used for modem reset is a suicide switch, causing a hardware
reset of whole board, not only the modem. It is attached to
gpio-restart driver, to restart the modem on reboot as well, to ensure
QMI connectivity after reboot, which tends to fail otherwise.
- Modem, as in MF283+, exposes root shell over ADB - while not needed
for OpenWrt operation at all - have fun lurking around.
- MAC address shift for 5GHz Wi-Fi used in stock firmware is
0x320000000000, which is impossible to encode in the device tree, so I
took the liberty of using MAC address increment of 1 for it, to ensure
different BSSID for both Wi-Fi interfaces.
Signed-off-by: Lech Perczak <>
Backport patch ("MIPS: ath79: drop _machine_restart again"), which is
required to support GPIO restart handler on ZTE MF286, broken due to
_machine_restart being restored in kernel accidentally, wich causes any
registered restart handlers to not execute, including one from
ath79-reset driver.
Signed-off-by: Lech Perczak <>
Newer RPi 4 Rev 6 (8 GB models and recent 2 GB / 4 GB models) ship with
the so-called C0 processor which can run turbo mode at 1.8 GHz max rather
than 1.5 GHz gracefully. Add 'arm_boost=1' to pi4 section of to enable.
Note that this setting has no effect on older chips; they continue with
their 1.5 GHz max unless users overclock them.
Signed-off-by: John Audia <>
This makes the WAN interface and port appear in
LuCi -> Network -> Switch on Linksys MR8300.
This allows to configure a VLAN on WAN.
Fixes: FS#4227
Signed-off-by: Julien Cassette <>
ZTE MF286D is a LTE router with four gigabit ethernet ports
and integrated QMI mPCIE modem.
Hardware specification:
- CPU: IPQ4019
- RAM: 256MB
- Flash: NAND 128MB + NOR 2MB
- WLAN1: Qualcomm Atheros QCA4019 2.4GHz 802.11bgn 2x2:2
- WLAN2: Qualcomm Atheros QCA4019 5GHz 802.11anac 2x2:2
- LTE: mPCIe cat 12 card (Modem chipset MDM9250)
- LAN: 4 Gigabit Ports
- USB: 1x USB2.0 (regular port). 1x USB3.0 (mpcie - used by the modem)
- Serial console: X8 connector 115200 8n1
Known issues:
- Many LEDs are driven by the modem. Only internal LEDs and wifi LEDs
are driven by cpu.
- Wifi LED is triggered by phy0tpt only
- No VoIP support
- LAN1/WAN port is configured as WAN
- ZTE gives only one MAC per device. Use +1/+2/+3 increment for WAN
and WLAN0/1
Opening the case:
1. Take of battery lid (no battery support for this model, battery cage
is dummy).
2. Unscrew screw placed behind battery lid.
3. Take off back cover. It attached with multiple plastic clamps.
4. Unscrew four more screws hidden behind back case.
5. Remove front panel from blue chassis. There are more plastic
6. Unscrew two boards, which secures the PCB in the chassis.
7. Extract board from blue chassis.
Console connection (X8 connector):
1. Parameters: 115200 8N1
2. Pin description: (from closest pin to X8 descriptor to farthest)
- VCC (3.3V)
- TX
- RX
Install Instructions:
Serial + initramfs:
1. Place OpenWrt initramfs image for the device on a TFTP in
the server's root. This example uses Server IP:
2. Connect serial console (115200,8n1) to X8 connector.
3. Connect TFTP server to RJ-45 port.
4. Stop in u-Boot and run u-Boot commands:
setenv serverip
setenv ipaddr
set fdt_high 0x85000000
tftp openwrt-ipq40xx-generic-zte_mf286d-initramfs-fit-zImage.itb
bootm $loadaddr
5. Please make backup of original partitions, if you think about revert
to stock.
6. Login via ssh or serial and remove stock partitions:
ubiattach -m 9
ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 -N ubi_rootfs
ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 -N ubi_rootfs_data
7. Install image via "sysupgrade -n".
Signed-off-by: Pawel Dembicki <>
(cosmetic changes to the commit message)
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
brings back the ath10k QCA9980 wifi nodes to which
it adds ASROCK's wifi calibration data. These are
now provided by the ath10k_firmware.git's board-2.bin.
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
converts extraction entries from 11-ath10k-caldata into
nvmem-cells in the individual board's device-tree file.
The patch also moves previously existing referenced
nvmem-cells data nodes which were placed at the end
back into the partitions node. As well as removing
some duplicated properties from qcom-ipq8065-xr500.dts's
art (the included nighthawk.dtsi defines those already).
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
the WNDR4700 can fetch its calibration data and
mac-addresses directly from the "wifi_data" partition.
This allows us to get rid of the 10-ath9k-eeprom file
for the apm821xx target completely.
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
in order to get nvmem-cells to work on AP and routers
(Netgears WNDR4700). The nvmem-cell needs to be within
a fixed-partition dt-node.
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
The commit 04e91631e0 ("om-watchdog: add support for Teltonika RUT5xx
(ramips)") used the deprecated om-watchdog daemon to handle the GPIO-line
connected watchdog on the Teltonika RUT5xx.
But this daemon has massive problems since commit 30f61a34b4
("base-files: always use staged sysupgrade"). The process will always be
stopped on sysupgrades. If the sysupgrade takes slightly longer, the
watchdog is not triggered at the correct time and thus the sysupgrade will
interrupted hard by the watchdog sysupgrade. And this hard interrupt can
easily brick the device when there is no fallback (dual-boot, ...).
Signed-off-by: Sven Eckelmann <>
Remove the 434-nand-brcmnand-fix-OOB-R-W-with-Hamming-ECC.patch, it was
already applied to Linux 5.10.37 and is not needed any more.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Commit f4a79148f8 ("ramips: add support for ipTIME AX2004M") seems to
leak KERNEL_LOADADDR 0x82000000 to other devices, causing the to no
longer boot. The leak is visible in u-boot:
Using 'config-1' configuration
Trying 'kernel-1' kernel subimage
Description: MIPS OpenWrt Linux-5.10.92
Type: Kernel Image
Compression: lzma compressed
Data Start: 0x840000e4
Data Size: 10750165 Bytes = 10.3 MiB
Architecture: MIPS
OS: Linux
Load Address: 0x82000000
Entry Point: 0x82000000
Normally, it should look like this:
Using 'config-1' configuration
Trying 'kernel-1' kernel subimage
Description: MIPS OpenWrt Linux-5.10.92
Type: Kernel Image
Compression: lzma compressed
Data Start: 0xbfca00e4
Data Size: 2652547 Bytes = 2.5 MiB
Architecture: MIPS
OS: Linux
Load Address: 0x80001000
Entry Point: 0x80001000
Revert the commit to avoid more people soft-bricking their devices.
This reverts commit f4a79148f8.
Signed-off-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Commit d284e6ef0f ("treewide: convert mtd-mac-address-increment* to
generic implementation") renamed "mtd-mac-address-increment" property
to "mac-address-increment". Convert remaining usages that have been
added after that.
Fixes: af8a059bb4 ("ath79: add support for GL.iNet GL-XE300")
Signed-off-by: Sungbo Eo <>
Commit d284e6ef0f ("treewide: convert mtd-mac-address-increment* to
generic implementation") renamed "mtd-mac-address-increment" property
to "mac-address-increment". Convert remaining usages that have been
added after that.
Fixes: f44e933458 ("ipq806x: provide WiFI mac-addresses from dts")
Signed-off-by: Sungbo Eo <>
The two options 'emmc' and 'sdmmc' now became identical lines after
Remove the now useless if-clauses.
Fixes: a40b4d335a ("mediatek: use CONFIG_TARGET_ROOTFS_PARTSIZE")
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Append 'earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x11004000' to the boot arguments
embedded in device-tree in order to enable early console on the
UniElec U7623 board when using the vendor/stock bootloader.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
This makes available the additional space,
which was occupied by OEM's jffs2 partition before:
"0x000000f80000-0x000001000000 : jffs2"
Reverting to the OEM firmware will also recover
this partition, i.e. it is not needed and can be
used by OpenWrt.
Signed-off-by: Tamas Balogh <>
The Wavlink WL-WN535K1 is a "mesh" router with 2 gigabit ethernet ports
and one fast ethernet port. Mine is branded as Talius TAL-WMESH1.
It can be found in kits of 2 or 3 (WL-WN535K2 or WL-WN535K3).
The motherboard is labelled as WS-WN535G3-B-V1.2 so this image could
potentially work for WL-WN535G3R and WS-WN535G3R with little to none
effort, but it's untested.
SoC: Mediatek MT7620A
FLASH: 8MB NOR (GigaDevice GD25Q64CS)
- 2x 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet (RTL8211F)
- 1x 10/100 Mbps Ethernet (integrated in SOC)
- 2.4GHz: 1x (integrated in SOC) (2x2:2)
- 5GHz: 1x MT7612E (2x2:2)
- 4 internal antennas
- 1x Reset button
- 1x Touchlink button (set to WPS)
- 1x ON/OFF switch
- 1x Red led (system status)
- 1x Blue led (system status)
- 3x Green leds (ethernet port status/act)
- 57600-8-N-1
Everything works correctly.
Currently there is no firmware update available. Because of this, in
order to restore the OEM firmware, you must firstly dump the OEM
firmware from your router before you flash the OpenWrt image.
Backup the OEM Firmware
The following steps are to be intended for users having little to none
experience in linux. Obviously there are many ways to backup the OEM
firmware, but probably this is the easiest way for this router.
Procedure tested on WN535K1_V1510_200916 firmware version.
1) Go to
2) Type the following line in the "Command" input box and then press enter:
mkdir /etc_ro/lighttpd/www/dev; dd if=/dev/mtd0ro of=/etc_ro/lighttpd/www/dev/mtd0ro
3) After few seconds in the textarea should appear this output:
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
If your output doesn't match mine, stop reading and ask for
help in the forum.
4) Open in another tab to download the
content of the whole NOR. If the file size is 0 byte, stop reading
and ask for help in the forum.
5) Come back to the webpage and type:
rm /etc_ro/lighttpd/www/dev/mtd0ro;for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do dd if=/dev/mtd${i}ro of=/etc_ro/lighttpd/www/dev/mtd${i}ro; done
6) After few seconds, in the textarea should appear this output:
384+0 records in
384+0 records out
128+0 records in
128+0 records out
128+0 records in
128+0 records out
14720+0 records in
14720+0 records out
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
If your output doesn't match mine, stop reading and ask for
help in the forum.
7) Open the following links to download the partitions of the OEM FW:
If one (or more) of these files are 0 byte, stop reading and ask
for help in the forum.
8) Store these downloaded files in a safe place.
9) Reboot your router to remove any temporary file in ram.
Flash the initramfs image in the OEM firmware interface
When Openwrt boots, flash the sysupgrade image otherwise you won't be
able to keep configuration between reboots.
Restore OEM Firmware
Flash the "mtd4ro" file you previously backed-up directly from LUCI.
Warning: Remember to not keep settings!
Warning2: Remember to force the flash.
1) Router mac addresses:
LAN XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:E2 (factory @ 0x28)
WAN XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:E3 (factory @ 0x2e)
WIFI 2G XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:E4 (factory @ 0x04)
WIFI 5G XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:E5 (factory @ 0x8004)
2) The OEM firmware upgrade page accepts only files containing the
string "WN535K1" in the filename.
3) Additional notes 1,2,3 in the WS-WN583A6 commit are still valid
Signed-off-by: Davide Fioravanti <>
[remove trailing whitespace]
Signed-off-by: Sungbo Eo <>
If no argument is given to relocate-kernel, KERNEL_LOADADDR will be used
just as before.
This is a preparation for ramips support of ipTIME AX2004M.
Signed-off-by: Sungbo Eo <>
The option is already enabled in the target config since 9149ed4f05
("mvebu: cortexa9: Add support for Ctera C200-V2").
Signed-off-by: Sungbo Eo <>
ipTIME NAS1 is a 1-bay NAS, based on Marvell Kirkwood SoC.
* SoC: 88F6281
* RAM: 256 MiB
* Flash: SPI NOR 16 MiB
* SATA: 1x 3Gb/s
* Ethernet: 1x 1GbE
* USB: 1x 2.0
* Fan: 2 speed level
* UART: JP1 (115200 8N1)
* Pinout: [3V3] (TXD) (RXD) (GND)
* There are several variants of the model name: "NAS-I", "NASI", "NAS1".
Here "NAS1" is adopted for consistent naming scheme.
* The reset button is also a USB copy button in stock FW,
but in this patch the former is the only default behavior.
Installation via web interface:
1. Flash sysupgrade image through the stock web interface.
Revert to stock firmware:
1. Perform sysupgrade with stock image.
Signed-off-by: Sungbo Eo <>
This moves bootargs-append support patch from ipq40xx and ipq806x to
generic. This way we can append additional boot arguments from DTS instead
of only being able to overwrite them.
This is a preparation for kirkwood support of ipTIME NAS1.
Signed-off-by: Sungbo Eo <>
This fixes the following compile warning:
CC init/do_mounts.o
init/do_mounts.c:478:19: warning: 'mount_ubi_rootfs' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
478 | static int __init mount_ubi_rootfs(void)
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
The arc700 target is not booting up since some time, see here:
It looks like there is a problem in the toolchain when using glibc.
Currently no one is working on fixing this problem, remove the target
instead. This target also does not have many users we are aware of.
If someone wants to have this target back, feel free to add a fixed
version of this target again.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Acked-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Acked-by: Stijn Tintel <>
I2C_CHARDEV used to be enabled in mt7621/config-5.4. Enable it in the
5.10 config, as it's required for PoE control on Unifi Switch Flex.
Fixes: b4aad29a1d ("ramips: add support for kernel 5.10")
Signed-off-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Flash accessing instruction templates are determined during probe since
v5.6 for spimem-dirmap support in spi-nor driver in upstream commit:
df5c21002cf4 ("mtd: spi-nor: use spi-mem dirmap API")
As a result, changing bus_width on the fly doesn't work anymore and this
patch will cause executing spi-mem ops with 3-byte address on 16-32M
flash area.
We can't easily revert that behavioral change upstream so drop the patch
to prevent u-boot and eeprom from being erased.
Fixes: b10d604459("kernel: add linux 5.10 support")
Reported-by: Frank Di Matteo <>
Signed-off-by: Chuanhong Guo <>
The NanoPi R4S leaves the SD card in 1.8V signalling when rebooting
while U-Boot requires the card to be in 3.3V mode.
Remove UHS support from the SD controller so the card remains in 3.3V
mode. This reduces transfer speeds but ensures a reboot whether from
userspace or following a kernel panic is always working.
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
The legacy image for the UniElec U7623-02 until now included
kmod-ata-ahci-mtk. The MT7623 chip doesn't have that IP and that
board uses a PCIe-connected AHCI controller for the SATA port and
mSATA-pins of the mPCIe socket. Hence include kmod-ata-ahci instead.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
For devboards without a MAC address assigned from factory, store
the random MAC in U-Boot env on first boot to make it persistent.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Add U-Boot env settings to allow accessing the environment using
fw_printenv and fw_setenv tools on the UniElec U7623 board.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Users of older OpenWrt versions need sysupgrade using the *emmc.img.gz
file once which will upgrade U-Boot and switch to the new image layout.
Users of the vendor firmware need to first flash the legacy image to
then sunsequently carry out a full-flash upgrade.
Alternatively the board can also be flashed using MediaTek's
proprietary SP Flash Tool.
Configuration as well as persistent MAC address will be lost once at
this point and you will have to redo (or restore) all configuration
manually. To restore the previous persistent MAC address users may set
it manually using
fw_setenv ethaddr 00:11:22:33:44:55
For future upgrades once running OpenWrt past this commit, the usual
*sysupgrade.itb file can be used.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
* Use serial0 instead of serial2 for the only serial port
* Add LED aliases
* Add ethernet0 alias to inherit ethaddr from U-Boot env
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Enable 'rootfs-part' feature to make the size of the partition of the
production image configurable instead of hard-coding it.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
The GL.iNet GL-XE300 is a 4G LTE Wireless router, based on QCA9531 SoC.
- SoC: QCA9531 (650MHz)
- RAM: DDR2 128M
- Flash: SPI NOR 16M + SPI NAND 128M
- WiFi: 2.4GHz with 2 antennas
- Ethernet:
- 1x LAN (10/100M)
- 1x WAN (10/100M)
- LTE:
- USB: 1x USB 2.0 port
- 3.3V, TX, RX, GND / 115200 8N1
MAC addresses as verified by OEM firmware:
use address source
LAN *:c5 art 0x0 (label)
WAN *:c6 label + 1
WLAN *:c7 art 0x1002
Installation via U-Boot rescue:
1. Press and hold reset and power buttons simultaneously
2. Wait for the LAN led to blink 5 times
3. Release reset and power buttons
4. The rescue page is accessible via
5. Select the OpenWrt factory image and start upgrade
6. Wait for the router to flash new firmware and reboot
Revert to stock firmware:
i. Download the stock firmware from GL.Inet website
ii. Use the same method explained above to flash the stock firmware
Signed-off-by: Victorien Molle <>
[update commit message]
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
When Joowin WR758AC V1 and V2 devices were added, they should have been
added with the primary manufacturer name which is COMFAST, since Joowin
is just an alternate vendor name on some coutries or stores.
Fix this by changing the the vendor name on the respective files and set
Joowin as ALT0 variants while ensuring compatibility for early users.
Also adjust the model names to better follow the naming rules.
As a side effect, fix mt76x8 network script which was left incorrectly
unsorted on the case block conditions.
Fixes: 766733e172 ("ramips: add support for Joowin WR758AC V1 and V2")
Signed-off-by: Rodrigo Araujo <>
Currently the WAN MAC address is read from a different offset contrary
to all other addresses.
There's conflicting information whether offset 0x28 on the factory
partition contains the valid WAN mac for all devices while 0x4 seems to
be uniform.
Read the WAN mac from this location and calculate it.
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
The current MAC address assignment is still incorrect.
Use the same MAC address as seen on the stock firmware
for both wireless interfaces.
The 5GHz MAC address OUI is +2 in the first EUI octet. We currently
don't do this in OpenWrt. Ignore this offset for now. With the current
assignment, recurring MAC addresses between radios is already taken care
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
This board has 512MiB of RAM like the R7800, and the VDSL modem is
attached to the second PCIe port.
Signed-off-by: David Woodhouse <>
On MikroTik RB91x board series a reset key shares SoC gpio
line #15 with NAND ALE and NAND IO7. So we need a custom
gpio driver to manage this non-trivial connection schema.
Also rb91x-nand needs to have an ability to disable a polling
of the key while it works with NAND.
While we've been integrating rb91x-key into a firmware, we've
figured out that:
* In the gpio-latch driver we need to add a "cansleep" suffix to
several gpiolib calls,
* When gpio-latch and rb91x-nand fail to get a gpio and an error
is -EPROBE_DEFER, they shouldn't report about this, since this
actually is not an error and occurs when the gpio-latch probe
function is called before the rb91x-key probe.
We fix these related things here too.
Signed-off-by: Denis Kalashnikov <>
Reviewed-by: Sergey Ryazanov <>
Tested-by: Koen Vandeputte <>
Tested by multiple users and since all targets need to be on Kernel 5.10
to be part of the next release, add changes.
Signed-off-by: Paul Spooren <>
Fix syntax error in the case statement
Fixes: 9149ed4f05 ("mvebu: cortexa9: Add support for Ctera C200-V2")
Signed-off-by: Klaus Kudielka <>
Assign LED numbers properly by adding function-enumerator property in DTS.
While at it, remove default trigger of LAN LEDs as it will be handled in
01_leds anyway.
Fixes: 51b9aef553 ("ipq40xx: add support for ASUS RT-ACRH17/RT-AC42U")
Signed-off-by: Sungbo Eo <>
Ubuntu started to flag which as deprecated and it
seems which is not really standard and may vary
across Distro.
Drop the use of which and use the standard 'command -v'
for this simple task.
Which is still present in the prereq if some package/script
still use which.
A utility script called is implemented that
will just mimic the output of which -a.
Signed-off-by: Ansuel Smith <>
According to TI docs (Processor SDK Linux Getting Started Guide)
the Random Number Generator hardware is found on
OMAP16xx, OMAP2/3/4/5, AM33xx/AM43xx boards. It already
defined in device tree files. Let's enable it.
Some tests:
root@RTS1_OI:~# rngtest -c 1000 </dev/hwrng
rngtest 6.10
Copyright (c) 2004 by Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or
rngtest: starting FIPS tests...
rngtest: bits received from input: 20000032
rngtest: FIPS 140-2 successes: 999
rngtest: FIPS 140-2 failures: 1
rngtest: FIPS 140-2(2001-10-10) Monobit: 0
rngtest: FIPS 140-2(2001-10-10) Poker: 0
rngtest: FIPS 140-2(2001-10-10) Runs: 1
rngtest: FIPS 140-2(2001-10-10) Long run: 0
rngtest: FIPS 140-2(2001-10-10) Continuous run: 0
rngtest: input channel speed: (min=198.710; avg=1265.501; max=2976.417)Kibits/s
rngtest: FIPS tests speed: (min=1.780; avg=37.085; max=39.736)Mibits/s
rngtest: Program run time: 15961329 microseconds
Signed-off-by: Alexey Smirnov <>
After enhancing ltq-deu, build it by default for the devices
using it.
Reverts: 964863b ("ltq-deu: Mark lantiq DEU broken")
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
Since gzip-compressed kernel image stopped fitting on 4MB kernel
partition on the device, use lzma-loader wrapping LZMA-compressed
kernel. This yields bootable device once again, and saves a very
substantial amount of space, the kernel size decreasing from about 4.4MB
to about 2.5MB for 5.10 kernel. This avoids changing of the flash layout
for the device.
While at that, reactivate the build for the device.
Fixes: 5d8ea6d34f ("ath79: Deactivate ZyXEL NBG6716 by default")
Cc: André Valentin <>
Cc: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Tested-by: Alex Henrie <>
Signed-off-by: Lech Perczak <>
Device specifications:
* Qualcomm/Atheros AR7240 rev 2
* 350/350/175 MHz (CPU/DDR/AHB)
* 32 MB of RAM
* 16 MB of SPI NOR flash
- 2x 7 MB available; but one of the 7 MB regions is the recovery image
* 2x 10/100 Mbps Ethernet
* 1T1R 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi
* 6x GPIO-LEDs (3x wifi, 2x ethernet, 1x power)
* 1x GPIO-button (reset)
* external h/w watchdog (enabled by default)
* TTL pins are on board (arrow points to VCC, then follows: GND, TX, RX)
* 2x fast ethernet
- eth0
+ 18-24V passive POE (mode B)
+ used as WAN interface
- eth1
+ builtin switch port 4
+ used as LAN interface
* 12-24V 1A DC
* external antenna
The device itself requires the mtdparts from the uboot arguments to
properly boot the flashed image and to support dual-boot (primary +
recovery image). Unfortunately, the name of the mtd device in mtdparts is
still using the legacy name "ar7240-nor0" which must be supplied using the
Linux-specfic DT parameter linux,mtd-name to overwrite the generic name
Flashing instructions:
Various methods can be used to install the actual image on the flash.
Two easy ones are:
The tool ap51-flash ( should be
used to transfer the image to the u-boot when the device boots up.
initramfs from TFTP
The serial console must be used to access the u-boot shell during bootup.
It can then be used to first boot up the initramfs image from a TFTP server
(here with the IP
setenv serverip
setenv ipaddr
tftpboot 0c00000 <filename-of-initramfs-kernel>.bin && bootm $fileaddr
The actual sysupgrade image can then be transferred (on the LAN port) to the
device via
scp <filename-of-squashfs-sysupgrade>.bin root@
On the device, the sysupgrade must then be started using
sysupgrade -n /tmp/<filename-of-squashfs-sysupgrade>.bin
Signed-off-by: Sven Eckelmann <>
On ar71xx, it was possible to overwrite the name of the spi-nor mtd device
identifier using the flash_platform_data which each mach-*.c could adjust
for its devices. A similar feature was introduced for mtd-physmap in
devicetree's. The property linux,mtd-name can be used to set the name and
provide a stable identifier for mtdpart from the bootloader.
But this feature is not yet available upstream for spi-nor devices which
also might receive their partition layout from the bootloader. But the
OpenWrt pistachio support for this property can simply be imported into
ath79 to gain this support.
Signed-off-by: Sven Eckelmann <>
Device specifications:
* Qualcomm/Atheros QCA9558 ver 1 rev 0
* 720/600/200 MHz (CPU/DDR/AHB)
* 128 MB of RAM
* 16 MB of SPI NOR flash
- 2x 7 MB available; but one of the 7 MB regions is the recovery image
* 2T2R 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi (11n)
* 2T2R 5 GHz Wi-Fi (11ac)
* 4x GPIO-LEDs (3x wifi, 1x power)
* 1x GPIO-button (reset)
* external h/w watchdog (enabled by default))
* TTL pins are on board (arrow points to VCC, then follows: GND, TX, RX)
* TI tmp423 (package kmod-hwmon-tmp421) for temperature monitoring
* 2x ethernet
- eth0
+ AR8035 ethernet PHY (RGMII)
+ 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet
+ 802.3af POE
+ used as LAN interface
- eth1
+ AR8031 ethernet PHY (RGMII)
+ 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet
+ 18-24V passive POE (mode B)
+ used as WAN interface
* 12-24V 1A DC
* internal antennas
This device support is based on the partially working stub from commit
53c474abbd ("ath79: add new OF only target for QCA MIPS silicon").
Flashing instructions:
Various methods can be used to install the actual image on the flash.
Two easy ones are:
The tool ap51-flash ( should be
used to transfer the image to the u-boot when the device boots up.
initramfs from TFTP
The serial console must be used to access the u-boot shell during bootup.
It can then be used to first boot up the initramfs image from a TFTP server
(here with the IP
setenv serverip
setenv ipaddr
tftpboot 0c00000 <filename-of-initramfs-kernel>.bin && bootm $fileaddr
The actual sysupgrade image can then be transferred (on the LAN port) to the
device via
scp <filename-of-squashfs-sysupgrade>.bin root@
On the device, the sysupgrade must then be started using
sysupgrade -n /tmp/<filename-of-squashfs-sysupgrade>.bin
Signed-off-by: Sven Eckelmann <>
This patch includes a series of performance improvements. All patches
were accepted and should land in 5.17.
NAT Performance results on BT Home Hub 5A (kernel 5.10.89, mtu 1500):
Down Up
Before 539 Mbps 599 Mbps
After 624 Mbps 695 Mbps
Signed-off-by: Aleksander Jan Bajkowski <>
xrx200 max MTU is reduced so that it works correctly when set to the
max, and the max MTU of the switch is increased to match.
In 5.10, the switch driver now enables non-standard MTUs on a per-port
basis, with the overall frame size set based on the cpu port. When the
MTU is not used, this should have no effect. The maximum packet size is
limited as large packets cause the switch to lock up.
0702-net-lantiq-add-support-for-jumbo-frames.patch comes from net-next
commit 998ac358019e491217e752bc6dcbb3afb2a6fa3e.
In 5.4, all switch ports are configured to accept the max MTU, as 5.4
does not have port_max_mtu/port_change_mtu callbacks.
Signed-off-by: Thomas Nixon <>
Chen Minqiang reported on github:
| DTC arch/arm/boot/dts/qcom-ipq4029-ap-365.dtb
|qcom-ipq4019.dtsi:520.23-560.5: ERROR (phandle_references): /soc/wifi@a000000:
|Reference to non-existent node or label "macaddr_mfginfo_1d"
| also defined at qcom-ipq4029-aruba-glenmorangie.dtsi:243.8-248.3
|qcom-ipq4019.dtsi:562.23-602.5: ERROR (phandle_references): /soc/wifi@a800000:
|Reference to non-existent node or label "macaddr_mfginfo_1d"
| also defined at qcom-ipq4029-aruba-glenmorangie.dtsi:250.8-256.3
|ERROR: Input tree has errors, aborting (use -f to force output)
|scripts/Makefile.lib:326: recipe for target 'qcom-ipq4029-ap-365.dtb' failed
Fixes: cfc13c4459 ("ipq40xx: utilize nvmem-cells for macs & (pre-)calibration data")
Reported-by: Chen Minqiang <>
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
It was reported the caldata on the FritzBox 7430 is not only stored at
different offsets, but is also larger than the current output size
Increase the output file size limit (after deflate) by 1024 bytes.
Ref: FS#3604 ("ath9k firmware is 0 bytes on Fritzbox 7430")
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
- clean up leftovers regarding MAC configure in dts
- fix alphabetical order in caldata
- IMAGE_SIZE for sysupgrade image
Signed-off-by: Tamas Balogh <>
Move config options
to cortexa9/config-5.10.
These are not needed for arm64 targets.
Signed-off-by: Marek Behún <>
This option includes support for watchdog timer on Marvell Armada 37xx
SoCs. [1] It is useful e.g. for Turris MOX, Marvell ESPRESSObin
Enable armada-37xx-watchdog driver as built in for mvebu cortex-a53,
so that kernel can start serving as soon as the driver is probed, until userspace takes over it.
Signed-off-by: Josef Schlehofer <>
(improved commit message, 2nd paragraph)
Signed-off-by: Marek Behún <>
Enabling Armada 37xx rWTM driver. This gives the kernel access to random
number generator, if provided by the rWTM firmware.
Note that the driver is called turris-mox-rwtm because it was initially
written for Turris MOX, but will also work on other Armada 37xx
platforms, if they use rWTM firmware from CZ.NIC [1].
It makes sense to have this driver built-in, so that kernel has access
to random number generator without needing to load any drivers.
Signed-off-by: Marek Behún <>
Reviewed-by: Andre Heider <>
Backport 2 patches for Armada 3720 comphy from 5.15 kernel.
These are needed for clear application of pending patches that fix this
Signed-off-by: Marek Behún <>
Backport Aardvark PCIe controller driver changes that fix MSI support,
that were recently sent to the linux-pci mailing list [1].
These changes fix MSI and MSI-X support for this PCIe controller, which,
among other things, make it possible to use NVMe drives with this PCIe
Signed-off-by: Marek Behún <>
- This is a kernel driver for SSD connected to PCI or PCIe bus [1].
By default, it is enabled for targets "ipq807x", "rockchip/armv8"
and "x86/64".
With miniPCIe adapter, there is a possibility to connect NVMe disk
to Turris Omnia (cortex-a9), Turris MOX (cortex-a53).
It allows to boot system from NVMe disk, because of that it can not
be kmod package as you can not access the disk to be able to boot from
- This is selected by CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NVME
It does not need to be explicitly enabled, but it is done for "ipq807",
"x64_64" and rockchip/armv8", which has also enabled the previous config
option as well.
Kernel increase: ~28k KiB on mamba kernel
Signed-off-by: Josef Schlehofer <>
moves extraction entries out of 11-ath10k-caldata and into
the individual board's device-tree.
Some notes:
- mmc could work as well (not tested)
- devices that pass the partitions via mtdparts
bootargs are kept as is
- gl-b2200 has a weird pcie wifi device
(vendor claims 9886 wave 2. But firmware-extraction
was for a wave 1 device?!)
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
SOC: IPQ4019
CPU: Quad-core ARMv7 Processor [410fc075] revision 5 (ARMv7), cr=10c5387d
DRAM: 256 MB
NAND: 128 MiB Macronix MX30LF1G18AC
ETH: Qualcomm Atheros QCA8075 Gigabit Switch (4x LAN, 1x WAN)
USB: 1x 3.0 (via Synopsys DesignWare DWC3 controller in the SoC)
WLAN1: Qualcomm Atheros QCA4019 2.4GHz 802.11bgn 2x2:2
WLAN2: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9984 5GHz 802.11nac 4x4:4
INPUT: 1x WPS, 1x Reset
LEDS: Status, WIFI1, WIFI2, WAN (red & blue), 4x LAN
This board is very similar to the RT-ACRH13/RT-AC58U. It must be flashed
with an intermediary initramfs image, the jffs2 ubi volume deleted, and
then finally a sysupgrade with the final image performed.
Signed-off-by: Joshua Roys <>
(added ALT0)
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
The following devices have a Winbond W25Q256FV flash chip,
which does not have the RESET pin enabled by default,
and otherwise would require setting a bit in a status register.
Before moving to Linux 5.4, we had the patch:
which kept specific flash chips with explicit 3-byte and 4-byte address modes
to stay in 3-byte address mode while idle (after an erase or write)
by using a custom flag SPI_NOR_4B_READ_OP that was part of the patch.
this was obsoleted by the patch:
which uses the newer upstream flag SNOR_F_BROKEN_RESET
for devices with a flash chip that cannot be hardware reset with RESET pin
and therefore must be left in 3-byte address mode when idle.
The new patch requires that the DTS of affected devices
have the property "broken-flash-reset", which was not yet added for most of them.
This commit adds the property for remaining affected devices in ramips target,
specifically because of the flash chip model.
However, it is possible that there are other devices
where the flash chip uses an explicit 4-byte address mode
and the RESET pin is not connected to the SOC on the board,
and those DTS would also need this property.
Ref: 22d982ea00 ("ramips: add support for switching between 3-byte and 4-byte addressing")
Ref: dfa521f129 ("generic: spi-nor: rework broken-flash-reset")
Signed-off-by: Michael Pratt <>
The file can't be part of base files or the base-files and firewall
packages collide. Two packages must not provide the same config files
without having a defined CONFLICT since it would result in an
undeterministic config state depending on what package is installed
Signed-off-by: Paul Spooren <>
ipTIME A6004NS-M is a 2.4/5GHz band AC1900 router, based on MediaTek MT7621A.
- SoC: MediaTek MT7621A (880MHz, Duel-Core)
- RAM: DDR3 256MB
- Flash: SPI NOR 16MB (Winbond W25Q128BV)
- WiFi: MediaTek MT7615E (2.4GHz, 5GHz)
- Ethernet: MediaTek MT7530 (WAN x1, LAN x4, SoC built-in Estimated)
- USB: USB 3.0 x1
- UART: [3.3V, TX, RX, GND] (57600 8N1)
Installation via web interface:
1. Flash initramfs image using OEM's Firmware Update page.
2. Connect to OpenWrt with an SSH connection to ``.
3. Perform sysupgrade with sysupgrade image.
Revert to stock firmware:
1. Flash stock firmware via OEM's Recovery mode
How to use OEM's Recovery mode:
1. Power on the device and connect the shell through UART.
2. Connect to the shell and press the `t` key on the keyboard.
3. Set fixed IP with `` with subnet mask ``
4. Flash image via TFTP to ``
Additional Notes:
1. The higher the 5Ghz Frequency, the lower the stability. It is recommended to use less than 5.775Ghz.
2. If the 5Ghz frequency is too high, 5Ghz may not work.
3. A6ns-M use shared dtsi file of A6004NS-M. (reference: /mt7621_iptime_a6004ns-m.dtsi).
Signed-off-by: SeongUk Moon <>
[convert CRLF to LF]
Signed-off-by: Sungbo Eo <>
HUMAX E2 (also known as HUMAX QUANTUM E2) is a 2.4/5GHz band AC router,
based on MediaTek MT7620A.
- SoC: MT7620A
- RAM: DDR2 64MB
- Flash: SPI NOR 8MB (MXIC MX25L6405D)
- WiFi:
- 2.4GHz: SoC internal
- 5GHz: MT7610E
- Ethernet: 1x 10/100Mbps
- Switch: SoC internal
- UART: J2 (57600 8N1)
- pinout: [3V3] (RXD) (GND) (TXD)
Installation and Recovery via TFTP:
1. Connect ethernet cable between Router port and PC Ethernet port.
2. Set your computer to a static IP ****
3. Turn the device off and wait a few seconds. Hold the WPS button on front
of device and insert power.
4. Send a firmware image to **** using TFTP.
You can use any TFTP client. (tftp, curl, Tftpd64...)
5. Wait until Power LED stop flashing. **DO NOT TURN OFF DEVICE!**
The device will be automatically rebooted.
Signed-off-by: Kyoungkyu Park <>
It was reported the AVM FritzBox 7430 has different offsets for the
caldata depending on the device.
Whether this is due to custom bad-block handling or up to the installed
bootloader-version is unknown.
Try both known caldata offsets like it is already done for the ipq40xx
NAND based models. Use the same approach for the FritzBox 7412. While it
is currently unknown, whether it is affected, applying the same logic
has no downsides.
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
All buttons of the FritzBox 7360 family are active-low, not active-high.
Corrent the GPIO flag. This fixes release triggers upon push of a button.
Reported-by: Jan-Niklas Burfeind <>
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
This does not have spare blocks for remapping, and it is also not suitable
for random write access. It only skips over bad blocks on linear writes of an
image to a partition. As such, it is really only suitable for the kernel
partition, or other partitions with mostly static data
Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <>
Limit bmt remapping range to cover everything up to and including the kernel image,
use the rest of the flash area for ubi.
Fix partition table and sysupgrade support
Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <>
This can be used to support ubi on top of mtk_bmt without reflashing the
boot loader. The boot loader + factory + kernel area is covered, while the
rest is passed through as-is
Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <>
Add support for showing remapped blocks and garbage collecting old
remapped blocks triggered by using the mark_good/mark_bad files
Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <>
Preparation for supporting BMT on MT7621. Move source files to the files/
subdirectory in order to simplify maintenance
Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <>
If the SPI probe is sufficiently delayed, the routerboot driver may fail
to init as the routerboot partitions are not yet available.
Register an MTD user notifier instead of doing straight init so that the
init subroutines are only executed when the target MTD partitions are
Because the init/exit routines can now be called outside of the kernel
normal init/exit calls, they cannot be jettisoned and must always be
available: the __init and __exit qualifiers are thus removed.
Reported-by: Denis Kalashnikov <>
Signed-off-by: Denis Kalashnikov <>
Signed-off-by: Thibaut VARÈNE <>
Reviewed-by: Sergey Ryazanov <>
[bump hardconfig/softconfig versions]
Signed-off-by: Koen Vandeputte <>
It was reported that some rb912 boards (ar934x) have issues with some ethernet speeds.
Investigation shows that the board failed to adapt the ethernet pll values as shown here:
[ 5.284359] ag71xx 19000000.eth: failed to read pll-handle property
added custom prints in code and triggering a link switch:
[ 62.821446] Atheros AG71xx: fast reset
[ 62.826442] Atheros AG71xx: update pll 2
[ 62.830494] Atheros AG71xx: no pll regmap!
Comparison with another very similar board (rb922 - QCA955x) showed a missing
reference clock frequency in dts, which seems to cause a pll init issue.
Unfortunately, no errors are printed when this occurs.
Adding the frequency property fixes the pll init as it can be parsed now
by the ethernet driver.
[ 55.861407] Atheros AG71xx: fast reset
[ 55.866403] Atheros AG71xx: update pll 2
[ 55.870462] Atheros AG71xx: ath79_set_pllval: regmap: 0x81548000, pll_reg: 0x2c, pll_val: 0x02000000
Signed-off-by: Sergey Ryazanov <>
Signed-off-by: Koen Vandeputte <>
Make soft_config writable in all cases. Performing soft_config commit
will fail if mtd partition is not writable.
Signed-off-by: Oskari Lemmela <>
[bump rb_softconfig version number]
Signed-off-by: Koen Vandeputte <>
Set policy bit to force read-only mode on uImage.FIT filesystem
sub-images mapped as block partitions by the FIT partition parser.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
CONFIG_ARM_ARCH_TIMER cannot be enabled in the config directly; it is only
selected by CONFIG_HAVE_ARM_ARCH_TIMER. We need to enable the latter in
our config.
Signed-off-by: David Woodhouse <>
Fixes: 4f1c5b01c1 ("mediatek: mt7623: backport musb, improve HDMI console")
The Unielec U7623 doesn't have a physical power button; I think it's hard
wired so that it turns on automatically when power is applied (unlike the
Banana Pi R2 which is a pain).
So the 'reset on long press of power button' behaviour that we get when
we enable the PMIC keyboard driver is kind of unhelpful. Disable it.
Signed-off-by: David Woodhouse <>
Fixes: 0d3f3323a2 ("mediatek: mt7623: enable more hardware features")
Device specifications:
* Qualcomm/Atheros QCA9558 ver 1 rev 0
* 720/600/240 MHz (CPU/DDR/AHB)
* 128 MB of RAM
* 16 MB of SPI NOR flash
- 2x 7 MB available; but one of the 7 MB regions is the recovery image
* 2T2R 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi (11n)
* 2T2R 5 GHz Wi-Fi (11ac)
* 6x GPIO-LEDs (3x wifi, 2x ethernet, 1x power)
* external h/w watchdog (enabled by default))
* TTL pins are on board (arrow points to VCC, then follows: GND, TX, RX)
* TI tmp423 (package kmod-hwmon-tmp421) for temperature monitoring
* 2x ethernet
- eth0
+ AR8035 ethernet PHY (RGMII)
+ 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet
+ 802.3af POE
+ used as LAN interface
- eth1
+ AR8035 ethernet PHY (SGMII)
+ 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet
+ 18-24V passive POE (mode B)
+ used as WAN interface
* 12-24V 1A DC
* internal antennas
Flashing instructions:
Various methods can be used to install the actual image on the flash.
Two easy ones are:
The tool ap51-flash ( should be
used to transfer the image to the u-boot when the device boots up.
initramfs from TFTP
The serial console must be used to access the u-boot shell during bootup.
It can then be used to first boot up the initramfs image from a TFTP server
(here with the IP
setenv serverip
setenv ipaddr
tftpboot 0c00000 <filename-of-initramfs-kernel>.bin && bootm $fileaddr
The actual sysupgrade image can then be transferred (on the LAN port) to the
device via
scp <filename-of-squashfs-sysupgrade>.bin root@
On the device, the sysupgrade must then be started using
sysupgrade -n /tmp/<filename-of-squashfs-sysupgrade>.bin
Signed-off-by: Sven Eckelmann <>
Device specifications:
* Qualcomm/Atheros AR9344 rev 2
* 560/450/225 MHz (CPU/DDR/AHB)
* 64 MB of RAM
* 16 MB of SPI NOR flash
- 2x 7 MB available; but one of the 7 MB regions is the recovery image
* 1T1R 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi
* 2T2R 5 GHz Wi-Fi
* 6x GPIO-LEDs (3x wifi, 2x ethernet, 1x power)
* 1x GPIO-button (reset)
* external h/w watchdog (enabled by default)
* TTL pins are on board (arrow points to VCC, then follows: GND, TX, RX)
* TI tmp423 (package kmod-hwmon-tmp421) for temperature monitoring
* 2x ethernet
- eth0
+ AR8035 ethernet PHY
+ 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet
+ 802.3af POE
+ used as LAN interface
- eth1
+ 10/100 Mbps Ethernet
+ builtin switch port 1
+ 18-24V passive POE (mode B)
+ used as WAN interface
* 12-24V 1A DC
* internal antennas
Flashing instructions:
Various methods can be used to install the actual image on the flash.
Two easy ones are:
The tool ap51-flash ( should be
used to transfer the image to the u-boot when the device boots up.
initramfs from TFTP
The serial console must be used to access the u-boot shell during bootup.
It can then be used to first boot up the initramfs image from a TFTP server
(here with the IP
setenv serverip
setenv ipaddr
tftpboot 0c00000 <filename-of-initramfs-kernel>.bin && bootm $fileaddr
The actual sysupgrade image can then be transferred (on the LAN port) to the
device via
scp <filename-of-squashfs-sysupgrade>.bin root@
On the device, the sysupgrade must then be started using
sysupgrade -n /tmp/<filename-of-squashfs-sysupgrade>.bin
Signed-off-by: Sven Eckelmann <>
Asus RP-AC66 Repeater
Hardware specifications:
Board: AP152
SoC: QCA9563
Flash: 25l128 16MB SPI-NOR
LAN/WAN: 1x1000M QCA8033
WiFi 5GHz: QCA9880
Clocks: CPU:775.000MHz, DDR:650.000MHz, AHB:258.333MHz, Ref:25.000MHz
MAC addresses as verified by OEM firmware:
use address source
Lan/Wan *:24 art 0x1002 (label)
2G *:24 art 0x1002
5G *:26 art 0x5006
Asus windows recovery tool:
- install the Asus firmware restoration utility
- unplug the router, hold the reset button while powering it on
- release when the power LED flashes slowly
- specify a static IP on your computer:
IP address:
Subnet mask
- Start the Asus firmware restoration utility, specify the factory image
and press upload
- Do not power off the device after OpenWrt has booted until the LED flashing.
TFTP Recovery method:
- set computer to a static ip,
- connect computer to the LAN 1 port of the router
- hold the reset button while powering on the router for a few seconds
- send firmware image using a tftp client; i.e from linux:
$ tftp
tftp> binary
tftp> connect
tftp> put factory.bin
tftp> quit
Signed-off-by: Tamas Balogh <>
The lowest frequency should be 300MHz, since that is the label
assigned to the OPP in the mt7622.dtsi device tree, while there is one
missing zero in the actual value.
To be clear, the lowest frequency should be 300MHz instead of 30MHz.
As mentioned @dangowrt on the OpenWrt forum there is no benefit in
leaving 30MHz as the lowest frequency.
Signed-off-by: Jip de Beer <>
Signed-off-by: Fritz D. Ansel <>
Fall back to using board_vendor and board_name, if known dummy values
are used for sys_vendor and product_name.
To be filled by O.E.M.:To be filled by O.E.M.
--> INTEL Corporation:ChiefRiver
System manufacturer:System Product Name
To Be Filled By O.E.M.:To Be Filled By O.E.M.
--> ASRock:Q1900DC-ITX
Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.:To be filled by O.E.M.
--> Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.:H77M-D3H
--> TYAN Computer Corporation:TYAN Toledo i3210W/i3200R S5211
To Be Filled By O.E.M.:To Be Filled By O.E.M.
--> ASRock:H77 Pro4-M
Signed-off-by: Stefan Lippers-Hollmann <>
This commit moves the device profiles within the ipq806x/generic
subtarget into their own includable .mk file, to support eventually
having subtargets other than generic.
Signed-off-by: Alex Lewontin <>
- SoC: MT7621DAT (880MHz, 2 Cores)
- RAM: 128 MB
- Flash: 128 MB NAND
- Ethernet: 5x 1GiE MT7530
- WiFi: MT7603/MT7613
- USB: 1x USB 3.0
This is another MT7621 device, very similar to other Linksys EA7300
series devices.
Upload the generated factory.bin image via the stock web firmware
Reverting to factory firmware:
Like other EA7300 devices, this device has an A/B router configuration
to prevent bricking. Hard-resetting this device three (3) times will
put the device in failsafe (default) mode. At this point, flash the
OEM image to itself and reboot. This puts the router back into the 'B'
image and allows for a firmware upgrade.
If the firmware will not boot, first restore the factory as described
above. This will then allow the factory.bin update to be applied
Signed-off-by: Nick McKinney <>
RAISECOM MSG1500 X.00 is a 2.4/5 GHz band 11ac (Wi-Fi 5) router.
Apart from the general model, there are two ISP customized models:
China Mobile and China Telecom.
- SoC: Mediatek MT7621AT
- RAM: 256MiB DDR3
- Flash: 128MiB NAND
- Ethernet: 5 * 10/100/1000Mbps: 4 * LAN + 1 * WAN
- Switch: MediaTek MT7530 (SoC)
- WLAN: 1 * MT7615DN Dual-Band 2.4GHz 2T2R (400Mbps) 5GHz 2T2R (867Mbps)
- USB: 1 * USB 2.0 port
- Button: 1 * RESET button, 1 * WPS button, 1 * WIFI button
- LED: blue color: POWER, WAN, WPS, 2.4G, 5G, LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4, USB
- UART: 1 * serial port header (4-pin)
- Power: DC 12V, 1A
- Switch: 1 * POWER switch
MAC addresses as verified by vendor firmware:
use address source
LAN C8:XX:XX:3A:XX:E7 Config "protest_lan_mac" ascii (label)
WAN C8:XX:XX:3A:XX:EA Config "protest_wan_mac" ascii
5G C8:XX:XX:3A:XX:E8 Factory "0x4" hex
2.4G CA:XX:XX:4A:XX:E8 [not on flash]
The increment of the 4th byte for the 2.4g address appears to vary.
Reported cases:
5g 2.4g increment
C8:XX:XX:90:XX:C3 CA:XX:XX:C0:XX:C3 0x30
C8:XX:XX:3A:XX:08 CA:XX:XX:4A:XX:08 0x10
C8:XX:XX:3A:XX:E8 CA:XX:XX:4A:XX:E8 0x10
Since increment is inconsistent and there is no obvious pattern
in swapping bytes, and the 2.4g address has local bit set anyway,
it seems safer to use the LAN address with flipped byte here in
order to prevent collisions between OpenWrt devices and OEM devices
for this interface. This way we at least use an address as base
that is definitely owned by the device at hand.
1. The vendor firmware allows you to connect to the router by telnet.
(known version 1.0.0 can open telnet.)
There is no official binary firmware available.
Backup the important partitions data:
"Bootloader", "Config", "Factory", and "firmware".
Note that with the vendor firmware the memory is detected only 128MiB
and the last 512KiB in NAND flash is not used.
2. The POWER LED is default on after press POWER switch.
The WAN and LAN1 - 4 LEDs are wired to ethernet switch.
The WPS LED is controlled by MT7615DN's GPIO.
Currently there is no proper way to configure it.
3. At the time of adding support the wireless config needs to be set up
by editing the wireless config file:
* Setting the country code is mandatory, otherwise the router loses
connectivity at the next reboot. This is mandatory and can be done
from luci. After setting the country code the router boots correctly.
A reset with the reset button will fix the issue and the user has to
* This is minor since the 5g interface does not come up online although
it is not set as disabled. 2 options here:
1- Either run the "wifi" command. Can be added from LuCI in system -
startup - local startup and just add wifi above "exit 0".
2- Or add the serialize option in the wireless config file as shown
below. This one would work and bring both interfaces automatically
at every boot:
config wifi-device 'radio0'
option serialize '1'
config wifi-device 'radio1'
option serialize '1'
Flash instructions using initramfs image:
1. Press POWER switch to power down if the router is running.
2. Connect PC to one of LAN ports, and set
static IP address to "", netmask to "",
and gateway to "" manually on the PC.
3. Push and hold the WIFI button, and then power up the router.
After about 10s (or you can call the recovery page, see "4" below)
you can release the WIFI button.
There is no clear indication when the router
is entering or has entered into "RAISECOM Router Recovery Mode".
4. Call the recovery page for the router at "".
Keep an eye on the "WARNING!! tip" of the recovery page.
Click "Choose File" to select initramfs image, then click "Upload".
5. If image is uploaded successfully, you will see the page display
"Device is upgrading the firmware... %".
Keep an eye on the "WARNING!! tip" of the recovery page.
When the page display "Upgrade Successfully",
you can set IP address as "automatically obtain".
6. After the rebooting (PC should automatically obtain an IP address),
open the SSH connection, then download the sysupgrade image
to the router and perform sysupgrade with it.
Flash back to vendor firmware:
See "Flash instructions 1 - 5" above.
The only difference is that in step 4
you should select the vendor firmware which you backup.
Signed-off-by: Liangkuan Yang <>
This commit adds support for Joowin (aka Comfast) WR758AC V1 and V2
Both have the same wall AP/repeater form factor and differ only
in the 5Ghz chipset (V1 has MT7662, V2 has MT7663).
OpenWrt developers forum page:
- CPU: MediaTek MT7628AN (580MHz)
- Flash: 8MB
- RAM: 64MB DDR2
- 2.4 GHz: 802.11b/g/n (MT7603)
- 5 GHz: 802.11ac (V1 has MT7662, V2 has MT7663)
- Antennas: 4x external single band antennas
- LAN: 1x 10/100M
- LED: Wifi 3x blue. Programmable
- Button: WPS
MAC addresses as verified by OEM firmware:
use address source
LAN *:83 factory 0xe000
2g *:85 factory 0x4
5g *:86 factory 0x8004
How to install:
1- Setup a TFTP server on a machine with IP address
2- Name the image as `firmware_auto.bin` and place it on the root of the
TFTP server
3- Connect the device via Ethernet, it should pick and flash the image
Signed-off-by: Rodrigo Araujo <>
Add and enable a new kconfig knob to disable unprivileged eBPF by default.
Patches automatically rebased.
Signed-off-by: Rui Salvaterra <>
To easy future maintainance, replace the local patch with what has been
accepted into net-next and is likely to end up in Linux 5.17.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
To allows Ethernet phys supporting 2500Base-T mode to announce that
speed, enable the corresponding bit in mtk_eth_soc driver.
This should hopefully unlock 2500Base-T speed on the UniFi 6 LR.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
* correctly set system side interface, the original patch was
errornous and there is a follow-up fix for it
* enable phy statistics for AQR112(+R/C) and ARQ412
(ethtool --phy-statistics ethX)
Tested, including phy-statistics, on
- IEI Puzzle M901 (AQR112, AQR112C, AQR112R)
- IEI Puzzle M902 (AQR113, AQR112R)
- Ubiquiti UniFi 6 LR (AQR112C)
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
The target is in an incomplete state and will not receive Kernel 5.10
support, ego it should be dropped before the next release.
People are working on ipq807x with Kernel 5.15 which is only relevant
for the second next release. Once a working patchset exists the target
can be added again.
Signed-off-by: Paul Spooren <>
Backport qca8k new feature:
- Ageing configuration support
- Add 2 missing counter on qca8337
- Convert to regmap
- Standardize define and code with GENMASK AND BITFILED macro
- Add mdb add/del support
Signed-off-by: Ansuel Smith <>
Backport 3 additional fixes for qca8k.
- Fix MTU calculation
- Fix a bug with config set to the wrong PAD when secondary cpu port is defined.
- Fix redundant check in parse_port_config
Signed-off-by: Ansuel Smith <>
All patches automatically rebased.
Build system: x86_64
Build-tested: ramips/mt7621*
*Had to revert 7f1edbd in order to build due to FS#4149
Signed-off-by: John Audia <>
Properly declare that the g10 is booting from NAND and define its
correct (larger than on other devices-) boot_pages_size, to prevent
the kernel from constantly falling over missing OOB error correction
for the bootloader.
This patch prevents a constant slew of (bogus) read errors reported
by the kernel and keeping the CPU busy and fixes:
blk_update_request: I/O error, dev mtdblock0, sector 0 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x80700 phys_seg 4 prio class 0
blk_update_request: I/O error, dev mtdblock0, sector 8 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x80700 phys_seg 3 prio class 0
blk_update_request: I/O error, dev mtdblock0, sector 16 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x80700 phys_seg 2 prio class 0
blk_update_request: I/O error, dev mtdblock0, sector 24 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x80700 phys_seg 1 prio class 0
blk_update_request: I/O error, dev mtdblock0, sector 0 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x0 phys_seg 1 prio class 0
Buffer I/O error on dev mtdblock0, logical block 0, async page read
blk_update_request: I/O error, dev mtdblock0, sector 32 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x80700 phys_seg 8 prio class 0
blk_update_request: I/O error, dev mtdblock0, sector 40 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x80700 phys_seg 7 prio class 0
blk_update_request: I/O error, dev mtdblock0, sector 48 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x80700 phys_seg 6 prio class 0
blk_update_request: I/O error, dev mtdblock0, sector 56 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x80700 phys_seg 5 prio class 0
blk_update_request: I/O error, dev mtdblock0, sector 64 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x80700 phys_seg 4 prio class 0
Buffer I/O error on dev mtdblock0, logical block 1, async page read
Buffer I/O error on dev mtdblock1, logical block 0, async page read
Buffer I/O error on dev mtdblock1, logical block 1, async page read
Buffer I/O error on dev mtdblock2, logical block 0, async page read
Buffer I/O error on dev mtdblock2, logical block 1, async page read
Buffer I/O error on dev mtdblock3, logical block 0, async page read
Buffer I/O error on dev mtdblock3, logical block 0, async page read
Buffer I/O error on dev mtdblock4, logical block 0, async page read
Buffer I/O error on dev mtdblock4, logical block 1, async page read
Suggested-by: Ansuel Smith <>
Signed-off-by: Stefan Lippers-Hollmann <>
RT-AC57U and RT-AC1200GU are the same models sold in different countries.
The purpose of this commit is to allow users to easily find the
corresponding firmware through the model number on the device label.
More specifications: 14e0e4f138 ("ramips: add support for ASUS RT-AC57U")
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
[reword commit title/message]
Signed-off-by: Sungbo Eo <>
ipTIME T5004 is a 5-port Gigabit Ethernet router, based on MediaTek MT7621A.
* SoC: MT7621AT
* RAM: 128 MiB
* Flash: NAND 128 MiB
* Ethernet: 5x 1GbE
* Switch: SoC built-in
* UART: J4 (57600 baud)
* Pinout: [3V3] (TXD) (RXD) (GND)
Installation via web interface:
1. Flash **initramfs** image through the stock web interface.
2. Boot into OpenWrt and perform sysupgrade with sysupgrade image.
Revert to stock firmware via recovery mode:
1. Press reset button, power up the device, wait >15s for CPU LED
to stop blinking.
2. Upload stock image to TFTP server at
Signed-off-by: Sungbo Eo <>
* Add support for Sophos SG/XG-115 r1, r2 with/without wireless
* Add support for Sophos SG/XG-125 r1, r2 with/without wireless
* Add wireless support for SG/XG-105
Signed-off-by: Raylynn Knight <>
On startup the USB of QCA9531 board can't be initialized successfully.
lsusb result as below:
root@OpenWrt:~# lsusb unable to initialize libusb: -99
This is because usb-phy-analog is not added to reset list.
Signed-off-by: Jinfan Lei <>
(added linebreaks and small little changes to the commit message)
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
mtd: spi-nor: locking support for MX25L6405D
Macronix MX25L6405D supports locking with four block-protection bits.
Currently, the driver only sets three bits. If the bootloader does not
sustain the flash chip in an unlocked state, the flash might be
non-writeable. Add the corresponding flag to enable locking support with
four bits in the status register.
mtd: spi-nor: disable 16-bit-sr for macronix
Macronix flash chips seem to consist of only one status register.
These chips will not work with the "16-bit Write Status (01h) Command".
Disable SNOR_F_HAS_16BIT_SR for all Macronix chips.
- 0052-mtd-spi-nor-use-4-bit-locking-for-MX25L12805D.patch
Fixes: 15aa53d7ee ("ath79: switch to Kernel 5.10")
Signed-off-by: Nick Hainke <>
ipTIME A3004T is a 2.4/5GHz band router, based on Mediatek MT7621.
- SoC: MT7621 (880MHz)
- RAM: DDR3 256M
- Flash: NAND 128MB (Macronix NAND 128MiB 3,3V 8-bit)
- WiFi:
- 2.4GHz: MT7615E
- 5GHz : MT7615E
- Ethernet:
- 4x LAN
- 1x WAN
- USB: 1 * USB3.0 port
- 3.3V, TX, RX, GND / 57600 8N1
Installation via web interface:
1. Flash initramfs image using OEM's Recovery mode
2. Boot into OpenWrt and perform sysupgrade with sysupgrade image.
Revert to stock firmware:
- Flash stock firmware via OEM's Recovery mode
How to use OEM's Recovery mode:
1. Power up with holding down the reset key until CPU LED stop blinking.
2. Set fixed ip with `` with subnet mask ``
3. Flash image via tftp to ``
Additional Notes:
This router shares one MT7915E chip for both 2.4Ghz/5Ghz.
radio0 will not working on 5Ghz as it's not connected to the antenna.
Signed-off-by: WonJung Kim <>
(added led dt-bindings)
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
WeVO AIR DUO is a 1-bay NAS & 802.11ac (Wi-Fi 5) router, based on
MediaTek MT7620A.
* SoC: MT7620A
* RAM: 64 MiB
* Flash: SPI NOR 16 MiB
* USB & SATA bridge controller: JMicron JMS567
* SATA 6Gb/s: 2.5" drive slot
* USB 3.0: Micro-B
* USB 2.0: connected to SoC
* Wi-Fi:
* 2.4 GHz: SoC built-in
* 5 GHz: MT7612EN
* Ethernet: 5x 1GbE
* Switch: MT7530WU
* UART: 4-pin 1.27 mm pitch through-hole (57600 baud)
* Pinout: (3V3)|(RXD) (TXD) (GND)
* The drive is accessible through the external USB port only when the
router is turned off.
Installation via web interface:
1. Flash **initramfs** image through the stock web interface.
The image filename should have ".upload" extension.
2. Boot into OpenWrt and perform sysupgrade with sysupgrade image.
Revert to stock firmware:
1. Perform sysupgrade with stock image.
Signed-off-by: Sungbo Eo <>
According to the vendor [1] these HATs share the same DT overlay:
hifiberry-dacplus. The PCM512x-compatible control unit is attached to
I2C, so the additional snd-soc-pcm512x-i2c kernel module is required.
Also explicitly note the Amp2 support to reduce confusion for those
[1] <>
Signed-off-by: Torsten Duwe <>
(added bcm27xx tag, changed commit message)
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
NETGEAR ReadyNAS Duo v2 is a NAS based on Marvell kirkwood SoC.
- Processor Marvell 88F6282 (1.6 GHz)
- 256MB RAM
- 128MB NAND
- 1x GBE LAN port (PHY: Marvell 88E1318)
- 1x USB 2.0
- 2x USB 3.0
- 2x SATA
- 3x button
- 5x leds
- serial on J5 connector accessible from rear panel
(115200 8N1) (VCC,TX,RX,GND) (3V3 LOGIC!)
Installation by USB + serial:
- Copy initramfs image to fat32 usb drive
- Connect pendrive to USB 2.0 front socket
- Connect serial console
- Stop booting in u-boot
- Do:
usb reset
setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 earlyprintk'
setenv bootcmd 'nand read.e 0x1200000 0x200000 0x600000;bootm 0x1200000'
fatload usb 0:1 0x1200000 openwrt-kirkwood-netgear_readynas-duo-v2-initramfs-uImage
bootm 0x1200000
- copy sysupgrade image via ssh.
- run sysupgrade
Installation by TFTP + serial:
- Setup TFTP server and copy initramfs image
- Connect serial console
- Stop booting in u-boot
- Do:
setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 earlyprintk'
setenv bootcmd 'nand read.e 0x1200000 0x200000 0x600000;bootm 0x1200000'
setenv serverip
setenv ipaddr
tftpboot 0x1200000 openwrt-kirkwood-netgear_readynas-duo-v2-initramfs-uImage
bootm 0x1200000
- copy sysupgrade image via ssh.
- run sysupgrade
Known issues:
- Power button and PHY INTn pin are connected to the same GPIO. It
causes that every network restart button is pressed in system.
As workaround, button is used as regular BTN_1.
For more info please look at file:
from Netgear GPL sources.
Tested-by: Raylynn Knight <>
Tested-by: Lech Perczak <>
Signed-off-by: Pawel Dembicki <>
Linkstation poweroff driver was added to mvebu target, but is required
for kirkwood target too.
This commit make two changes:
- move linkstation-poweroff support patch from mvebu to generic and
replace upstream accepted version
- backport small linkstation-poweroff fix from 5.12
Signed-off-by: Pawel Dembicki <>
The GPIO expander is connected via I2C, thus the can_sleep flag has to
be set to true. This should fix spurious "scheduling while atomic" bugs
in the kernel ringbuffer.
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
Upon comment of Russell King ('Oh no, not this "-1 disease" again.')
clean up mdio read and write return type and value in mtk_eth_soc
driver and also use appropriate return values for bus-busy-timeout-
errors in newly added Clause 45 access code.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Replace recently added patch
with version sent upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Copy and refresh patches and config from 5.4 to 5.10. Most patches
require no more then automatic refresh. The only exception is the
Ethernet driver patch, which requires some more work:
* drop eth_change_mtu() usage since it was removed from the kernel,
it anyway useless for drivers that utilizes alloc_etherdev();
* add the txqueue number argument to the .ndo_tx_timeout callback
* replace ioremap_nocache() which was finally removed from the kernel by
the ioremap() with the same behaviour.
Switch target to the new kernel version.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Signed-off-by: Sergey Ryazanov <>
The target config require some refresh due to the just introduced
filtering of the "run-time" options, MIPS eBPF JIT backporting, and so
The configuration is easily updated using make kernel_oldconfig. So
let's update it now in preparation for v5.10 support to reduce the new
kernel configuration diff.
Signed-off-by: Sergey Ryazanov <>
ath25 requires a 88E6060 driver to support boards such as Fonera 2.0g
(FON2202). The swconfig based mvswitch driver has not yet been ported to
the 5.10 kernel as the only user is the ath25 target while all other
targets have been switched to the upstream DSA implementation.
Switching ath25 to the DSA implementation is a complex task, since we
need either per-board platform data or DTS support. ath25 lacks both of
them and builds only a single generic image. So we need to keep the
swconfig driver implementation to easly and quickly port ath25 to the
5.10 kernel.
Since porting the mvswitch driver to 5.10 as a generic driver is not an
option, and since the ath25 is its only user, make mvswitch a target
specific driver to be able to port it to the 5.10 kernel as part of the
kernel version update of the target. This will allow us quickly migrate
to the next kernel version and not delay the next firmware release.
Suggested-by: Felix Fietkau <>
Signed-off-by: Sergey Ryazanov <>
These never worked and upstream is in the process of removing
them as well. Legacy PCI interrupt signaling is still working
as before.
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
Apart from the dtb partition, these were all "read-only;"
they serve no purpose other than being a copy of what
netgear had defined in their original firmware.
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
where to begin? the USB regulator settings were just
a part of the issue. With them changed, according to
the forum it still failed when a USB device was
connected to the port with:
dwc2 4bff80000.usbotg: dwc2_restore_global_registers: no global registers to restore
dwc2 4bff80000.usbotg: dwc2_exit_partial_power_down: failed to restore registers
dwc2 4bff80000.usbotg: exit partial_power_down failed
dwc2 4bff80000.usbotg: HC died; cleaning up
One clue was found upstream in
commit cc10ce0c51b1 ("usb: dwc2: disable power_down on Amlogic devices")
|Disable power_down by setting the parameter to
|DWC2_POWER_DOWN_PARAM_NONE. This fixes a problem on various Amlogic
|Meson SoCs where USB devices are only recognized when plugged in before
|booting Linux. A hot-plugged USB device was not detected even though the
|device got power (my USB thumb drive for example has an LED which lit
the same method proposed there worked with APM821xx's USB IP-Core.
Reported-by: thwe and takimata (openwrt forum)
Fixes: b70d3557e0 ("apm821xx: clean up gpio-hogs")
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
The GS110TPP has an RGB LED used for system status indication. Expose
all three components as separate GPIO LEDs connected via the device's
Signed-off-by: Sander Vanheule <>
Since the move to 5.10, there are now two GPIO drivers. The gpio0 node
refers to the internal GPIOs, so the indirect-access-bus-id is no longer
relevant for that node.
Set indirect-access-bus-id to the correct value (31) on the correct node
(gpio1) and enable the device.
Cc: Raylynn Knight <>
Cc: Michael Mohr <>
Cc: Stijn Segers <>
Cc: Stijn Tintel <>
Signed-off-by: Sander Vanheule <>
Tested-by: Bjørn Mork <>
Assuming cmdlinepart is only one level deep partition scheme and that
static partition are also defined in DTS, we can assign an of_node for
partition declared from bootargs.
The cmdlinepart parser is the first parser checked and if it does find
some partition declared in the bootargs, every other parser is ignored.
This means that the fixed-partition parser is ignored and an of_node for
the mtd is never assigned.
Fix this by searching a defined of_node using a similar fixed_partition
parsing logig, check if a partition is present with the same label, check
that it has the same offset and size and finally assign an of_node to the
mtd. The NVMEM can now find the of_node for the mtd and correctly works.
Fixes: abc17bf306 ("ath79: convert mtd-mac-address to nvmem implementation")
Tested-by: Sven Eckelmann <>
Signed-off-by: Ansuel Smith <>
The UBNT_REVISION was already added for the ubnt-xw target because:
U-boot bootloader on M-XW devices expects factory image revision
version in specific format. On airOS v6.1.7 with `U-Boot 1.1.4-s1039
(May 24 2017 - 15:58:18)` bootloader checks if the revision major(?)
number is actually a number, but in currently generated images there's
OpenWrt text and so the check fails
By placing arbitrary correct number first in major version, we make the
bootloader happy and we can flash factory images over TFTP again.
commit d42a7c4699 ("ath79: ubnt-m-xw: Fix factory image flashing using TFTP recovery method")
Fixes errors in the form of (tftp flashing):
sent DATA <block=8577, 412 bytes>
received ERROR <code=2, msg=Firmware check failed>
Error code 2: Firmware check failed
The missing UBNT_REVISION was not noticed before, since the
UBNT_REVISION field for the ubnt-xm target was also set to:
Probably, UBNT_REVISION for the ubnt-xm target was set by the ubnt-xw
and was never overridden somewhere else. However, it is missing and
should be part of the ubnt-xm device.
Signed-off-by: Nick Hainke <>
The firmware for the rtl8723bs chip is now included in the
rtl8723bu-firmware package.
Fixes: 397dfe4a97 ("linux-firmware: Update to version 20121216")
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
This change enables proper Ethernet link status and speed reporting on
the Ubiquiti UniFi 6 LR access point:
mtk_soc_eth 1b100000.ethernet eth0: PHY [mdio-bus:08] driver [Aquantia AQR112C] (irq=POLL)
mtk_soc_eth 1b100000.ethernet eth0: configuring for phy/2500base-x link mode
mtk_soc_eth 1b100000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control rx/tx
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Enable Aquantia Ethernet PHY driver as there is an AQR112C 2500Base-T
PHY in the Ubiquiti UniFi 6 LR access point.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Fix default network configuration of the Puzzle-M902 so all LAN ports
are included in the LAN bridge.
Setup network LED to indicate WAN port link status, like vendor
firmware does as well.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Fixes Ethernet link status on all ports and makes 2.5G ports usable
in 2.5G and 1G full-duplex mode.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Copy and refresh patch enabling AQR112 and AQR412 Ethernet PHY from
layerscape (5.4) target to generic (5.10) as AQR112 can also be found
on other targets as well.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Wire up MCU driver for LEDs, fan and temperature sensor, and add
GPIO reset button just like on the M902 also on the Puzzle M901.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Set blinking mode using scheduled work instead of blocking which may
result in deadlocks.
Add dynamic kprintf debugging hexdumps of all MCU rx and tx.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Kernel 5.10 is used by many people since quite a while. With other
targets already moved to 5.10, let ath79 follow suit.
Tested-by: Stefan Lippers-Hollmann <> [ath79/tl-wdr3600; ath79/tl-wdr4300]
Tested-by: Aleksander Jan Bajkowski <> [ath79/tl-wdr4300]
Signed-off-by: Paul Spooren <>
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
This device is based on NXP's QorIQ T2081QDS board, with a quad-core
dual-threaded 1.5 GHz ppc64 CPU and 4GB ECC RAM. The board has 5
ethernet interfaces, of which 3 are connected to the ethernet ports on
the front panel. The other 2 are internally connected to a Marvell
88E6171 switch; the other 5 ports of this switch are also connected to
the ethernet ports on the front panel.
Installation: write the sdcard image to an SD card. Stock U-Boot will
not boot, wait for it to fail then run these commands:
setenv OpenWrt_fdt image-watchguard-firebox-m300.dtb
setenv OpenWrt_kernel watchguard_firebox-m300-kernel.bin
setenv wgBootSysA 'setenv bootargs root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootdelay=2 console=$consoledev,$baudrate fsl_dpaa_fman.fsl_fm_max_frm=1530; ext2load mmc 0:1 $fdtaddr $OpenWrt_fdt; ext2load mmc 0:1 $loadaddr $OpenWrt_kernel; bootm $loadaddr - $fdtaddr'
The default U-Boot boot entry will now boot OpenWrt from the SD card.
Signed-off-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Acked-by: Rui Salvaterra <>
Add a new target named "qoriq", that will support boards using PowerPC
processors from NXP's QorIQ brand.
This doesn't actually add support for any board yet, so that
installation instructions can go in the commit message of the commit
that adds actual support for a board.
Using CONFIG_E6500_CPU here due to the kernel using -mcpu=powerpc64
rather than -mcpu=e5500 when selecting CONFIG_E5500_CPU. The only
difference between e5500 and e6500 is AltiVec support, and the kernel
checks for it at runtime. Musl will only check at runtime if AltiVec
support is disabled at compile-time, so we need to use e5500 in CPU_TYPE
to avoid SIGILL.
Math emulation (CONFIG_MATH_EMULATION_HW_UNIMPLEMENTED) is required, as
neither e5500 nor e6500 implement fsqrt nor fsqrts, and musl hardcodes
sqrt and sqrtf to use these ASM instructions on PowerPC64.
Signed-off-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Reviewed-by: Rui Salvaterra <>
Backport MFD driver for communicating with the on-board MCU found on
IEI World Puzzle appliances.
Improve the driver to support multiple LEDs, apply a default state and
let MCU take care of blinking if timing is within supported range.
Wire up LEDs and fan for Puzzle M902 in device tree.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
The UniFi 6 Lite has two MAC addresses for the 2.4 and 5GHz radio in
it's EEPROM partition.
On my unit these are
F4 92 BF A0 BB 6F
F6 92 BF A0 BB 6F
The problem with these is that mac80211 increases the first octet by
2, which leads to conflicting MAC addresses between radios.
Work around this problem for now by increasing the last octet by 1 on
the 5 GHz radio.
Ubiquiti increases the last octet by 2 for each subsequent VAP created
per radio. Ideally we should do the same, however this functionality is
currently lacking from mac80211.
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
Add ethernet0 alias in device tree to make U-Boot inherit the Ethernet
mac address (set via environment variable 'ethaddr') down to Linux.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Each of
either directly required for mac80211 crypto support, or directly
selected by such options. Support for the mac80211 crypto was enabled in
the generic config since c7182123b9 ("kernel: make cryptoapi support
needed by mac80211 built-in"). So move the above options from the target
configs to the generic config to make it clear why do we need them.
CC: Felix Fietkau <>
Signed-off-by: Sergey Ryazanov <>
Both CLANG_VERSION and LLD_VERISON are autogenerated runtime
configuration options, so add them to the kernel configuration filter
and remove from generic and per-target configs to keep configs clean.
Signed-off-by: Sergey Ryazanov <>
Removed target for patch which does not exist:
All patches automatically rebased.
Build system: x86_64
Build-tested: bcm2711/RPi4B, ipq806x/R7800*
Run-tested: bcm2711/RPi4B, ipq806x/R7800*
* Had to revert 7f1edbd412 in order to build
(binutils 2.37,
Signed-off-by: John Audia <>
All patches automatically rebased.
Build system: x86_64
Build-tested: ramips/mt7621*
*FS#4149 affects me so I had to revert 7f1edbd412
in order to downgrade to 2.35.1
Signed-off-by: John Audia <>
All patches automatically rebased.
Build system: x86_64
Build-tested: ramips/mt7621*
*FS#4149 affects me so I had to revert 7f1edbd412
in order to downgrade to 2.35.1
Signed-off-by: John Audia <>
All patches automatically rebased.
Build system: x86_64
Build-tested: ramips/mt7621*
*FS#4149 affects me so I had to revert 7f1edbd412
in order to downgrade to 2.35.1
Signed-off-by: John Audia <>
The workqueue based implementation has a few corner cases and typically lower
performance than the upstream one
Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <>
It was reported, that Tenbay T-MB5EU v1 do have incorrect Wireless MAC
address set on 2.4 and 5 GHz.
Some boards do not seem to have the correct MAC address set for the
external PHY of the MT7915 radio at caldata offset 0xa.
As the external PHY does not expose a DT binding (yet), fix up the mac
address in userspace.
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
Since we decided to drop the LSDK patches with linux-5.10, we now have
to switch to the corresponding upstream dts files as well.
Signed-off-by: Martin Schiller <>
In kernel versions newer than 5.8 the arm64 TEXT_OFFSET (0x80000) has
been set to 0x0 (and later removed). This will break Uimages with kernel
load addresses that aren't 2MiB aligned any longer. Resulting in the
kernel silently fail to boot. For layerscape armv8_64b targets this
needs to be changed to 0x80000000 (start of RAM).
Signed-off-by: Martin Schiller <>
This patch adds "KERNEL_TESTING_PATCHVER:=5.10" to the Makefile in
layerscape target to allow using Kernel 5.10 for testing.
Signed-off-by: Martin Schiller <>
Tested on mt7621 (Redmi AC2100) and running stable for several months.
Signed-off-by: Rui Salvaterra <>
Tested-by: Stijn Segers <>
Tested-by: Eneas U de Queiroz <>
Jboot devices have problem with >2MB kernelsize. The only way to avoid
this problem is use small loader.
This patch switch all mt7620 Jboot devices to lzma OKLI loader.
Suggested-by: Szabolcs Hubai <>
Co-authored-by: Michael Pratt <>
Signed-off-by: Pawel Dembicki <>
BCM4908 devices with U-Boot use pkgtb firmware format. It's based on
U-Boot's FIT: DTB with configurations, images & embedded data.
This format contains bootfs, rootfs and optionally a first stage U-Boot
loader. Contained images need to be extracted & flashed.
Broadcom used two sets of firmwares: main & backup. It uses UBI volumes
"metadata1" & "metadata2" for storing U-Boot env variables with info
about flashed images.
Signed-off-by: Rafał Miłecki <>
GL.iNet's U-Boot checks for GPIO 40, not 43.
Changing this allows the RESET button to work as expected.
Signed-off-by: Enrico Mioso <>
CC: Daniel Golle <>
CC: Li Zhang <>
HUMAX E10 (also known as HUMAX QUANTUM E10) is a 2.4/5GHz band AC router,
based on MediaTek MT7621A.
- SoC: MT7621A
- RAM: DDR3 128MB
- Flash: SPI NOR 16MB (MXIC MX25L12805D)
- WiFi:
- 2.4GHz: MT7615
- 5GHz: MT7615
- Ethernet: 2x 10/100/1000Mbps
- Switch: SoC internal
- USB: 1x USB 2.0 Type-A
- UART: J1 (57600 8N1)
- pinout: [3V3] (RXD) (GND) (TXD)
Installation via web interface:
- Flash **factory** image through the stock web interface.
Recovery procedure:
1. Connect ethernet cable between Router **LAN** port and PC Ethernet port.
2. Set your computer to a static IP ****
3. Turn the device off and wait a few seconds. Hold the WPS button on front
of device and insert power.
4. Send a firmware image to **** using TFTP.
You can use any TFTP client. (tftp, curl, Tftpd64...)
- It can accept both images which is
HUMAX stock firmware dump (0x70000-0x1000000) image
and OpenWRT **sysupgrade** image.
Signed-off-by: Kyoungkyu Park <>
[remove trailing whitespace]
Signed-off-by: Sungbo Eo <>
ar9344_openmesh_mr600-v1.dts:40.10-44.5: Warning (gpios_property):
/leds-ath9k/wifi2g: Missing property '#gpio-cells' in node
/ahb/pcie-controller@180c0000/wifi@0,0 or bad phandle
=> added gpio-controller + #gpio-cells
qca955x_zyxel_nbg6x16.dtsi:121.3-13: Warning (reg_format):
/ahb/usb@1b000000/port@1:reg: property has invalid length (4 bytes)
(#address-cells == 2, #size-cells == 1)
../dts/qca955x_zyxel_nbg6x16.dtsi:131.3-13: Warning (reg_format):
/ahb/usb@1b400000/port@1:reg: property has invalid length (4 bytes)
(#address-cells == 2, #size-cells == 1)
qca955x_zyxel_nbg6x16.dtsi:120.20-123.4: Warning (avoid_default_addr_size):
/ahb/usb@1b000000/port@1: Relying on default #address-cells value
=> ath79's usb-nodes are missing the address- and size-cells properties.
These are needed for usb led trigger support.
ar7242_ubnt_sw.dtsi:54.4-14: Warning (reg_format): /gpio_spi/gpio_spi@0:reg:
property has invalid length (4 bytes) (#address-cells == 1, #size-cells == 1)
=> the #address-cells and #size-cells had to be nudged.
qca9531_dlink_dch-g020-a1.dts:19.6-39.4: Warning (i2c_bus_bridge):
/i2c: incorrect #size-cells for I2C bus
=> #size-cells = <0>;
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
adds the correct offset for the calibration data.
The values are according to the OpenWrt Forum Thread:
"Fritzbox 7430 and wifi".
Link: <>
Reported-by: RENErica
Signed-off-by: Joel Linn <>
[changed commit message]
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
SoC: AR9344
RAM: 128MB
Flash: 16MiB SPI NOR
5GHz WiFi: AR9382 PCIe 2x2:2 802.11n
2.4GHz WiFi: AR9344 (SoC) AHB 2x2:2 802.11n
5x Fast ethernet via SoC switch (green LEDs)
1x USB 2.0
4x front LEDs from SoC GPIO
1x front WPS button from SoC GPIO
1x bottom reset button from SoC GPIO
UART header JP1, 115200 no parity 1 stop
Flash factory image via "emergency room" recovery:
- Configure your computer with a static IP
- Connect to LAN port on the N600 switch
- Hold reset putton
- Power on, holding reset until the power LED blinks slowly
- Visit and upload OpenWrt factory image
- Wait at least 5 minutes for flashing, reboot and key generation
- Visit (OpenWrt LuCI) and upload OpenWrt sysupgrade image
Signed-off-by: Ryan Mounce <>
[dt leds preparations]
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
The jjPlus JWAP230 is an access point board built around the QCA9558,
with built-in 2.4GHz 3x3 N WiFi (28dBm). It can be expanded with 2
mini-PCIe boards, and has an USB2 root port.
- SOC: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9558
- CPU: 720MHz
- H/W switch: QCA8327 rev 2
- Flash: 16 MiB SPI NOR (en25qh128)
- RAM: 128 MiB DDR2
- WLAN: AR9550 built-in SoC bgn 3T3R (ath9k)
- PCI: 2x mini-PCIe (optional 5V)
- LEDs: 6x LEDs (3 are currently available)
- Button: 1x Reset (not yet defined)
- USB2:
- 1x Type A root port
- 1x combined mini-PCIe
- Ethernet:
- 2x 10/100/1000 (1x PoE 802.3af (36-57 V))
The device used to be supported in the ar71xx target.
For upgrades: Please use "sysupgrade --force -n <image>".
This will restore the device back to OpenWrt defaults!
MAC address assignment:
use source
LAN art 0x0
WAN art 0x6
WLAN art 0x1002 (as part of the calibration data)
Flash instructions:
- install from u-boot with tftp (requires serial access)
> setenv ipaddr a.b.c.d
> setenv serverip e.f.g.h
> tftp 0x80060000 \
> erase 0x9f050000 +${filesize}
> cp.b $fileaddr 0x9f050000 $filesize
> setenv bootcmd bootm 0x9f050000
> saveenv
Signed-off-by: Olivier Valentin <>
[Added DT-Leds (based on ar71xx), Added more notes about sysupgrade,
fixed "qca9550" to match SoC in commit and dts file name]
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
Chen Minqiang reported in his GitHub PR #4733 that:
the popular x86/amd64 target's initramfs-kernel failed to boot.
The cause for this boot failure is that the LZMA compression
uses a the first bytes to encode the compression parameters.
It does not have a fixed magic. Yes, this only works if the
the existing lzma options in the upstream are not changed.
This patch does away with OpenWrt special LZMA options tuning
since it is rather unlikely that upstream will improve the
compression algorithm detection after all this time. Even
though, the tuning produced a smaller initramfs (~1.1% in a
spot check).
Link: <>
Reported-by: Chen Minqiang <>
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
* Better product ID for Sophos SG/XG-105 models
* Add support for Sophos SG/XG-135 r1, r2 with/without wireless
Signed-off-by: Stan Grishin <>
[Changed subject to x86 - probably eaten somewhere, the PR had it]
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
Marvell 88E6xxx Ethernet switch fabric support (NET_DSA_MV88E6XXX) [N/m/y/?] n
Ocelot / Felix Ethernet switch support (NET_DSA_MSCC_FELIX) [N/m/y/?] (NEW)
Error in reading or end of file.
make[6]: *** [scripts/kconfig/Makefile:71: syncconfig] Error 1
make[5]: *** [Makefile:603: syncconfig] Error 2
SoundGraph iMON Receiver (early raw IR models) (IR_IMON_RAW) [N/m/?] (NEW)
Signed-off-by: Josef Schlehofer <>
[squashed with "kernel: add missing IR_IMON_RAW config symbol"]
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
Zbtlink ZBT-WG1602 is a Wi-Fi router intendent to use with WWAN
(UMTS/LTE/3G/4G) modems. The router board offsers a couple of miniPCIe
slots with USB and SIM only and another one pure miniPCIe slot as well
as five Gigabit Ethernet ports (4xLAN + WAN).
* SoC: MT7621A
* RAM: 256/512 MiB
* Flash: 16/32 MiB (SPI NOR)
* external watchdog (looks like Torexsemi XC6131B)
* Eth: 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet x5 ports (4xLAN + WAN)
* WLAN 2GHz: MT7603EN (.11n, MIMO 2x2)
* WLAN 5GHz: MT7612EN (.11ac, MIMO 2x2)
* WLAN Ants: detachable x2, shared by 2GHz & 5GHz radios
* miniPCIe: 2x slots with USB&SIM + 1x slot with regular PCIe bus
* WWAN Ants: detachable x4
* External storage: microSD (SDXC) slot
* USB: 2.0 Type-A port
* LED: 11 (5 per Eth phy, 3 SoC controlled, 2 WLAN 2/5 controlled, 1
power indicator)
* Button: 1 (reset)
* UART: console (115200 baud)
* Power: DC jack (12 V / 2.5 A)
Additional HW information:
* SoC USB port #1 is shared by internal miniPCIe slot and external
Type-A USB port, USB D+/D- lines are toggled between ports using a
GPIO controlled DPDT switch.
* Power of the USB enabled miniPCIe slots can be individually controlled
using dedicated GPIO lines.
* Vendor firmware feeds the external watchdog with 1s pulses. GPIO
watchdog driver is able to either generate a 1us pulses or toggle the
output line. 1us is not enough for the external watchod timer, so
the line toggling driver mode is utilized.
Vendor's firmware is OpenWrt (LEDE) based, so the sysupgrade image can
be directly used to install OpenWrt. Firmware must be upgraded using the
'force' and 'do not save configuration' command line options (or
correspondig web interface checkboxes) since the vendor firmware is from
the pre-DSA era.
Signed-off-by: Sergey Ryazanov <>
TP-Link EAP225 v1 is an AC1200 (802.11ac Wave-1) ceiling mount access point.
Device specifications:
* SoC: QCA9563 @ 775MHz
* RAM: 128MiB DDR2
* Flash: 16MiB SPI-NOR
* Wireless 2.4GHz (SoC): b/g/n, 2x2
* Wireless 5Ghz (QCA9882): a/n/ac, 2x2
* Ethernet (AR8033): 1× 1GbE, 802.3at PoE
Flashing instructions:
* Ensure the device is upgraded to firmware v1.4.0
* Exploit the user management page in the web interface to start telnetd
by changing the username to `;/usr/sbin/telnetd -l/bin/sh&`.
* Immediately change the malformed username back to something valid
(e.g. 'admin') to make ssh work again.
* Use the root shell via telnet to make /tmp world writeable (chmod 777)
* Extract /usr/bin/uclited from the device via ssh and apply the binary
patch listed below. The patch is required to prevent `uclited -u` in
the last step from crashing.
* Copy the patched uclited binary back to the device at /tmp/uclited
(via ssh)
* Upload the factory image to /tmp/upgrade.bin (via ssh)
* Run `chmod +x /tmp/uclited && /tmp/uclited -u` to install OpenWrt.
uclited patching:
--- xxd uclited
+++ xxd uclited-patched
@@ -53811,7 +53811,7 @@
000d2330: 8c44 0000 0320 f809 0000 0000 8fbc 0010 .D... ..........
000d2340: 8fa6 0a4c 02c0 2821 8f82 87c4 0000 0000 ...L..(!........
-000d2350: 8c44 0000 0c13 461c 27a7 0018 8fbc 0010 .D....F.'.......
+000d2350: 8c44 0000 2402 0000 0000 0000 8fbc 0010 .D..$...........
000d2360: 1040 001d 0000 1821 8f99 8378 3c04 0058 .@.....!...x<..X
000d2370: 3c05 0056 2484 ad68 24a5 9f00 0320 f809 <..V$..h$.... ..
To make sure the correct file is patched, the following MD5 checksums
should match the unpatched and patched files:
4bd74183c23859c897ed77e8566b84de uclited
4107104024a2e0aeaf6395ed30adccae uclited-patched
* Serial port can be soldered on unpopulated 4-pin header
(1: TXD, 2: RXD, 3: GND, 4: VCC)
* Bridge unpopulated resistors running from pins 1 (TXD) and 2 (RXD).
Do NOT bridge the pull-down for pin 2, running parallel to the
* Use 3.3V, 115200 baud, 8n1
* Interrupt bootloader by holding CTRL+B during boot
* tftp initramfs to flash via the LuCI web interface
setenv ipaddr # default, change as required
setenv serverip # default, change as required
tftp 0x80800000 initramfs.bin
bootelf $fileaddr
Tested by forum user KernelMaker.
Signed-off-by: Sander Vanheule <>
Mac adresses are assigned in the order given by the port list. The
interfaces are also brought up in this order. This target supports
devices with up to 52 ports. Sorting these alphabetically is very
confusing, and assigning mac addresses in alphabetic order does not
match stock firmware behaviour.
Suggested-by: Sander Vanheule <>
Signed-off-by: Bjørn Mork <>
The Realtek Otto watchdog timer driver was accepted upstream, and is
queued for 5.17. Update the patch's file name, and replace by the final
Signed-off-by: Sander Vanheule <>
Added support to generate dynamic-sized VHDX images for Hyper-V.
Compile-tested on x86 and run-tested on Windows 10 21H2 (Hyper-V).
Signed-off-by: Oldřich Jedlička <>
Revert the SDC "CLK_SET_RATE_GATE" changes to the SDC clock regulator
> if ((clk->flags & CLK_SET_RATE_GATE) && clk->prepare_count) {
> For this particular clock, setting its rate is possible only if the
> clock is ungated (not yet prepared)
This fixes the MMC failing to initialize on newer ZyXEL NBG6817
hardware revisions with Kingston MMC. Older revisions should
hopefully be unaffected.
Check MMC hardware details with:
cd /sys/block/mmcblk0/device/ && \
tail -v cid date name manfid fwrev hwrev oemid rev
Known problematic MMC names (broken before this commit):
* M62704 (dated 12/2018) via myself
* M62704 (dated 11/2018) via Drake Stefani
Known unaffected MMC names (already working without this commit):
* S10004 (dated 12/2015) via slh
Without enabling dynamic debugging, this error manifests in the kernel
hardware serial console as the following:
[ 2.746605] mmc0: error -110 whilst initialising MMC card
[…trimmed other messages…]
[ 2.877832] Waiting for root device /dev/mmcblk0p5...
Enabling Linux dynamic kernel debugging provides additional messages.
For guidance, see the Linux kernel documentation:
First, enable dynamic debugging in OpenWRT's configuration:
1. Run "make menuconfig"
2. Select "Global build settings --->"
3. Select "Kernel build options --->"
4. Enable "Compile the kernel with dynamic printk" via spacebar
5. Save and exit (arrow key to "Exit" until prompted to save, save)
Alternatively, set "CONFIG_KERNEL_DYNAMIC_DEBUG=y" in your .config.
Then, turn on dynamic debugging at boot:
Modify bootargs in
to add…
bootargs = "[…existing bootargs…] dyndbg=\"file drivers/mmc/* +p\" dynamic_debug.verbose=1 loglevel=8";
For example:
chosen {
- bootargs = "rootfstype=squashfs,ext4 rootwait noinitrd fstools_ignore_partname=1";
+ bootargs = "rootfstype=squashfs,ext4 rootwait noinitrd fstools_ignore_partname=1 dyndbg=\"file drivers/mmc/* +p\" dynamic_debug.verbose=1 loglevel=8";
append-rootblock = "root=/dev/mmcblk0p";
Then, compile and flash the resulting build. If you are testing
before this commit on newer MMC hardware, be prepared to recover!
NOTE: If you have hardware serial console access, you don't need to
use TFTP recovery to change the active boot partition.
Reboot to working alternative partition via serial console:
1. Connect to hardware serial console
* See
2. Interrupt boot at "Hit any key to stop autoboot:"
3. Run "ATSE NBG6817"
4. Copy the result (e.g. "001976FE4B04")
* Changes with **every boot** - can't reuse this
5. On your local system, run
"./ <copied value here>"
* Example: "./ 001976FE4B04"
6. Run the command provided by the password tool
* Example: "ATEN 1,910F129B"
* Changes with **every boot** - can't reuse this
7. Run "ATGU"
* You now have full u-boot shell until next boot - unlocking is
not remembered
8. Run either "run boot_mmc" (for booting partition set "FF") or
"run boot_mmc_1" (for booting partition set "01")
* These commands are not affected by dual-boot partition flags
NOTE: This will NOT set the dual-boot partition flag. You'll need to
fix that manually. The "nbg6817-dualboot" script may help: - sourced from
commit 459c8c9ef8:
ror32() {
echo $(( ($1 >> $2) | (($1 << (32 - $2) & (2**32-1)) ) ))
b=$(( a + 0x10F0A563))
c=$(( 0x${v:12:14} & 7 ))
p=$(( $(ror32 $b $c) ^ a ))
printf "ATEN 1,%X\n" $p
Kernel serial console log BEFORE commit with dynamic debug enabled:
[ 3.171343] mmci-pl18x 12400000.sdcc: designer ID = 0x51
[ 3.171397] mmci-pl18x 12400000.sdcc: revision = 0x0
[ 3.175811] mmci-pl18x 12400000.sdcc: clocking block at 96000000 Hz
[ 3.181134] mmci-pl18x 12400000.sdcc: No vqmmc regulator found
[ 3.186788] mmci-pl18x 12400000.sdcc: mmc0: PL180 manf 51 rev0 at 0x12400000 irq 41,0 (pio)
[ 3.192902] mmci-pl18x 12400000.sdcc: DMA channels RX dma1chan1, TX dma1chan2
[ 3.215609] mmc0: clock 0Hz busmode 2 powermode 1 cs 0 Vdd 21 width 1 timing 0
[ 3.227532] mmci-pl18x 12400000.sdcc: Initial signal voltage of 3.3v
[ 3.247518] mmc0: clock 52000000Hz busmode 2 powermode 2 cs 0 Vdd 21 width 1 timing 0
[ 3.997725] mmc0: req done (CMD2): -110: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 4.003631] mmci-pl18x 12400000.sdcc: irq0 (data+cmd) 00000000
[ 4.003659] mmc0: error -110 whilst initialising MMC card
[ 4.016481] mmc0: clock 0Hz busmode 2 powermode 0 cs 0 Vdd 0 width 1 timing 0
Notice how the initial clock is 52 MHz, which is incorrect - MMC
requires negotiation to enable higher speeds.
Kernel serial console log AFTER commit with dynamic debug enabled:
[ 3.168996] mmci-pl18x 12400000.sdcc: designer ID = 0x51
[ 3.169051] mmci-pl18x 12400000.sdcc: revision = 0x0
[ 3.173492] mmci-pl18x 12400000.sdcc: clocking block at 96000000 Hz
[ 3.178808] mmci-pl18x 12400000.sdcc: No vqmmc regulator found
[ 3.184702] mmci-pl18x 12400000.sdcc: mmc0: PL180 manf 51 rev0 at 0x12400000 irq 41,0 (pio)
[ 3.190573] mmci-pl18x 12400000.sdcc: DMA channels RX dma1chan1, TX dma1chan2
[ 3.217873] mmc0: clock 0Hz busmode 2 powermode 1 cs 0 Vdd 21 width 1 timing 0
[ 3.229250] mmci-pl18x 12400000.sdcc: Initial signal voltage of 3.3v
[ 3.249111] mmc0: clock 400000Hz busmode 2 powermode 2 cs 0 Vdd 21 width 1 timing 0
[ 4.392652] mmci-pl18x 12400000.sdcc: irq0 (data+cmd) 00000000
[ 4.392785] mmc0: clock 52000000Hz busmode 2 powermode 2 cs 0 Vdd 21 width 1 timing 1
[ 4.406554] mmc0: starting CMD6 arg 03b70201 flags 0000049d
Now, the MMC properly initializes and later switches to high speed.
Thanks to:
* Ansuel for maintaining/help with the IPQ806x platform, kernel code
* slh for additional debugging and suggestions
* dwfreed for confirming newer MMC details, clock frequency
* robimarko for device driver debug printing help, clock debugging
* Drake for testing and confirmation with their own newer NBG6817
...and anyone else I missed!
Signed-off-by: Shane Synan <>
Tested-by: Shane Synan <>
BMT replaces nand-specific ops for erasing and writing, but the
mtk-snand driver only implements generic mtd api.
Replace erase, block_isbad, block_markbad in mtd_info for generic mtd
Fixes: b600aee3ed ("mediatek: attach bmt to the new snand driver")
Signed-off-by: Chuanhong Guo <>
ipTIME A3004NS-dual is a 2.4/5GHz band router, based on Mediatek MT7621.
- SoC: MT7621 (880MHz)
- RAM: DDR3 256M
- Flash: SPI NOR 16MB
- WiFi:
- 2.4GHz: MT7602E
- 5GHz : MT7612E
- Ethernet:
- 4x LAN
- 1x WAN
- USB: 1 * USB3.0 port
- 3.3V, TX, RX, GND / 57600 8N1
Installation via web interface:
- 1. Flash Initramfs image using OEM Firmware's web GUI
- 2. Boot into OpenWrt and perform Sysupgrade with sysupgrade image.
Revert to stock firmware:
- 1. Boot into OpenWrt and perform Sysupgrade with OEM Stock Firmware image.
Signed-off-by: Yuchan Seo <>
Reviewed-by: Sungbo Eo <>
Currently it is not possible to configure VLANs via LUCI on
tplink tl-mr3020-v3. This patch fixes switch topology for the
LUCI interface.
Signed-off-by: Sergey V. Lobanov <>
[copied commit message from github PR]
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
In 20b09a2125 Lava LR-25G001 router have problem with two inactive
ethernet ports. JBOOT bootloader didn't configure ethernet devices by default.
The same situation was there. It is required to enable all phy ports.
This is fragment of stock bootlog:
switch reg write_athr offset=90, value=2b0
switch reg write_athr offset=8c, value=2b0
switch reg write_athr offset=88, value=2b0
switch reg write_athr offset=84, value=2b0
switch reg write_athr offset=80, value=2b0
This patch adds proper registers configuration ar8337 initvals.
0x2b0 value causes force flow control configuration, 0x1200 was used
instead (flow control config auto-neg with phy). [1]
When switch is now ok, let's fix port numeration too.
Fixes: 20b09a2125 ("ramips: add support for Lava LR-25G001")
Signed-off-by: Pawel Dembicki <>
introduce nvmem pre-cal + mac-address cells for both Wifis
and ethernet on the EZVIZ CS-W3-WD1200G EUP. This is one of
the few devices in which the correct mac adress is already
at the right place for Wifi, so no separate nvmem cell is
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
with current images, the device is no longer booting.
It gets stuck in the bootloader with "Config not available"
and drops to the uboot shell.
|flash_type: 0
|Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
|SF: Detected MX25L12805D with page size 4 KiB, total 16 MiB
|Config not availabale
|(IPQ40xx) #
This is because the default bootcmd "bootipq" will only read
the first four MiB of the kernel image. With 5.10 the gzip'd
kernel is slightly larger. So the part of the FIT image which
had the configuration is cut off. Hence it can't find it.
To update the bootcmd, you have to attach the serial console
again and enter the following commands into the boot prompt:
# setenv bootcmd "sf probe; sf read 84000000 180000 600000; bootm"
# saveenv
# run bootcmd
This will allow booting kernels with up to six MiB. This also
allows us to drop the DEVICE_DTS_CONFIG hack we had to use.
uboot doesn't support LZMA. It fails with:
"Unimplemented compression type 3"
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
The itian sq201, raidsonic ib-4220-b and storlink sl93512r
can't boot from ext4. This is because the rootfstype in the
device-tree bootargs is set to "squashfs,jffs2". (And ext4
was not designed for raw NOR flash chips).
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
Add the Embedded Wireless "Balin" platform, it is in ar71xx too
SoC: QCA AR9344 or AR9350
RAM: DDR2-RAM 64MBytes
Flash: SPI-NOR 16MBytes
WLAN: 2 x 2 MIMO 2.4 & 5 GHz IEEE802.11 a/b/g/n
Ethernet: 3 x 10/100 Mb/s
USB: 1 x USB2.0 Host/Device bootstrap-pin at power-up
PCIe: MiniPCIe - 1 x lane PCIe 1.2
Button: 1 x Reset-Button
UART: 1 x Normal, 1 x High-Speed
LED: 1 x Green Power/Status LED
GPIO: 10 x Input/Output multiplexed
The module comes already with the current vanilla OpenWrt firmware.
To update, use "sysupgrade -n --force <image>" image directly in
vendor firmware. This resets the existing configurations back to
Signed-off-by: Catrinel Catrinescu <>
[indent, led function+color properties, fix partition unit-address,
re-enable pcie port, mention button+led in commit message]
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
The commented out code is not required, as the comment
The purpose of this code seems to be to avoid issues caused
by partially overwriting an existing UBI partition, where some
of the erase counters would be reset but not the unmodified
ones. This problem has been solved in a more generic way by
the UBI EOF marker. This ensures that any old PEBs after the
marker are properly initialized. It is therefore unnecessary
to erase the whole partition before flashing a new OpenWrt
factory image.
Signed-off-by: Bjørn Mork <>
The purpose of this code seems to be to avoid issues caused
by partially overwriting an existing UBI partition, where some
of the erase counters would be reset but not the unmodified
ones. This problem has been solved in a more generic way by
the UBI EOF marker. This ensures that any old PEBs after the
marker are properly initialized. It is therefore unnecessary
to erase the whole partition before flashing a new OpenWrt
factory image.
Signed-off-by: Bjørn Mork <>
The purpose of this code seems to be to avoid issues caused
by partially overwriting an existing UBI partition, where some
of the erase counters would be reset but not the unmodified
ones. This problem has been solved in a more generic way by
the UBI EOF marker. This ensures that any old PEBs after the
marker are properly initialized. It is therefore unnecessary
to erase the whole partition before flashing a new OpenWrt
factory image.
Signed-off-by: Bjørn Mork <>
The recent changes to the maximum kernel size for Mamba and Venom
highlighted the fact that the old Mamba kernel size has been
hardcoded in linksys_get_root_magic() even for devices with
a different kernel/rootfs split.
The purpose of this code seems to be to avoid issues caused
by partially overwriting an existing UBI partition, where some
of the erase counters would be reset but not the unmodified
ones. This problem has been solved in a more generic way by
the UBI EOF marker. This ensures that any old PEBs after the
marker are properly initialized. It is therefore unnecessary
to erase the whole partition before flashing a new OpenWrt
factory image.
Signed-off-by: Bjørn Mork <>
This patch adds supports for the GL-B2200 router.
- SOC: Qualcomm IPQ4019 ARM Quad-Core
- RAM: 512 MiB
- Flash: 16 MiB NOR - SPI0
- ETH: Qualcomm QCA8075
- WLAN1: Qualcomm Atheros QCA4019 2.4GHz 802.11b/g/n 2x2
- WLAN2: Qualcomm Atheros QCA4019 5GHz 802.11n/ac W2 2x2
- WLAN3: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9886 5GHz 802.11n/ac W2 2x2
- INPUT: Reset, WPS
- LED: Power, Internet
- UART1: On board pin header near to LED (3.3V, TX, RX, GND), 3.3V without pin - 115200 8N1
- UART2: On board with BLE module
- SPI1: On board socket for Zigbee module
Update firmware instructions:
Please update the firmware via U-Boot web UI (by default at, following instructions found at
Normal sysupgrade, either via CLI or LuCI, is not possible from stock firmware.
Please do use the *gl-b2200-squashfs-emmc.img file, gunzipping the produced *gl-b2200-squashfs-emmc.img.gz one first.
What's working:
- WiFi 2G, 5G
Not tested:
- Bluetooth LE/Zigbee
Credits goes to the original authors of this patch.
- updates *arm-boot-add-dts-files.patch correctly (sorry, my mistake)
- add uboot-envtools support
- Li Zhang updated official patch to fix wrong MAC address on wlan0 (PCI) interface
- wire up sysupgrade
Signed-off-by: Li Zhang <>
[fix tab and trailing space, document what's working and what's not]
Signed-off-by: TruongSinh Tran-Nguyen <>
[rebase on top of master, address remaining comments]
Signed-off-by: Enrico Mioso <>
[remove redundant check in]
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Adds generic support for sysupgrading on eMMC-based devices.
Provide function emmc_do_upgrade and emmc_copy_config to be used in
/lib/upgrade/ instead of redundantly implementing the same
logic over and over again.
Similar to generic sysupgrade on NAND, use environment variables
CI_KERNPART, CI_ROOTPART and newly introduce CI_DATAPART to indicate
GPT partition names to be used. On devices with more than one MMC
block device, CI_ROOTDEV can be used to specify the MMC device for
partition name lookups.
Also allow to select block devices directly using EMMC_KERN_DEV,
EMMC_ROOT_DEV and EMMC_DATA_DEV, as using GPT partition names is not
always an option (e.g. when forced to use MBR).
To easily handle writing kernel and rootfs make use of sysupgrade.tar
format convention which is also already used for generic NAND support.
Signed-off-by: Enrico Mioso <>
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
CC: Li Zhang <>
CC: TruongSinh Tran-Nguyen <>
LHGG-60ad is IPQ4019 + wil6210 based.
- Qualcomm IPQ4019 (717 MHz)
- 256 MB of RAM (DDR3L)
- 16 MB (SPI NOR) of flash
- 1x Gbit ethernet, 802.3af/at POE IN connected through AR8035.
- WLAN: wil6210 802.11ad PCI card
- No USB or SD card ports
- UART disabled
- 8x LEDs
Biggest news is the wil6210 PCI card.
Integration for its configuration and detection has already been taken
care of when adding support for TP-Link Talon AD7200.
However, signal quality is much lower than with stock firmware, so
probably additional board-specific data has to be provided to the
driver and is still missing at the moment.
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Couzens <>
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
[Fix Ethernet Interface]
Signed-off-by: Nick Hainke <>
Update wifi firmware used for nanopi neo air, with
cypress-firmware-43430-sdio there is no wifi detected, as
brcmfmac-firmware-43430a0-sdio allow to acces to wifi.
Signed-off-by: Michel Promonet <>
This results in setting format specific data (format info, extract
commands) in a single function. It should help maintaining sysupgrade
This change has been tested on Asus GT-AC5300 and Netgear R8000P.
Signed-off-by: Rafał Miłecki <>
List of supported formats grew over time and implementation got a bit
messy. There are multiple functions with format-specific parameters and
Refactor it by making platform_identify() setup all required info right
after detecting firmware format. This simplifies formats handling in
platform_other_check_image() and platform_do_upgrade() a lot.
This has been tested on:
1. SmartRG SR400ac (TRX): non-NAND sysupgrade
2. Netgear R8000 (CHK): NAND aware and standard sysupgrade-s
3. D-Link DIR-885L (Seama): NAND aware and standard sysupgrade-s
4. Luxul XWR-3150 (LXL): NAND aware and standard sysupgrade-s
Signed-off-by: Rafał Miłecki <>
The xway_legacy subtarget only supports 5 devices. Most compiled
switch drivers are unused by any of these devices. The same drivers
are compiled into the xway subtarget. They were probably copied
from there when creating this subtarget.
Switches used by devices:
Arcadyan ARV4518PWR01 Realtek RTL8306SD
Arcadyan ARV4518PWR01A Realtek RTL8306SD
Arcadyan ARV4520PW Infineon ADM6996I
Arcadyan ARV4525PW only PHY(IC+ IP101A)
Arcadyan ARV452CQW Realtek RTL8306
The CONFIG_ETHERNET_PACKET_MANGLE symbol has also been disabled,
as it is only needed by the driver for AR8216.
Reduces kernel size by 19.9 kB.
Signed-off-by: Aleksander Jan Bajkowski <>
We actually need to enclose the whole section of partitions in a
`partitions { ... }` to assign it a `compatible = "fixed-partitions";
otherwise the partition referred to by `hwinfo` won't be registered
when bringing up MTD partitions, for example as per:
- <>
- commit e2b03c16eb ("ipq806x: add missing enclosing partitions block for TP-Link C2600")'
Fixes: 8ec21d6bb2 ("mpc85xx: convert mtd-mac-address to nvmem implementation")
Signed-off-by: Martin Kennedy <>
[minor beautification]
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
This target does not activate CONFIG_PCI kernel configuration option, do
not activate the PCI feature. This will deactivate some PCI drivers
which are not building without PCI support in the kernel.
If PCI_SUPPORT or PCIE_SUPPORT are activated in the kernel configuration
the feature flag will be automatically set by the build system again.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Deactivate all the symbols of the B53 DSA driver in the generic kernel
configuration. Multiple targets are now using this drivers and they
only need some of the options.
This fixes the bcm4908 build which didn't deactivate all of the options.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
From driver source:
{ .compatible = "allwinner,sun4i-a10-rtc", .data =
&data_year_param[0] },
{ .compatible = "allwinner,sun7i-a20-rtc", .data =
&data_year_param[1] },
The rtc-sunxi module only supports allwinner a10 and a20 SoCs,
other SoCs in the cortexa7 and cortexa53 subtarget using the
CONFIG_RTC_DRV_SUN6I driver which is compiled into the kernel
binary, so remove this package for these unsupported devices.
Signed-off-by: Chukun Pan <>
The Netgear GS110TPP v1 switch cannot reliably perform cold reboots
using the system's internal reset controller.
On this device, and the other supported Netgear switches, internal GPIO
line 13 is connected to the system's hard reset logic. Expose this GPIO
on all systems to ensure restarts work properly.
Cc: Raylynn Knight <>
Cc: Michael Mohr <>
Cc: Stijn Segers <>
Cc: Stijn Tintel <>
Signed-off-by: Sander Vanheule <>
Tested-by: Bjørn Mork <>
Add the gpio-restart driver to the realtek build. This way devices,
which cannot reliably perform resets using the SoC's internal reset
logic, can use a GPIO line to drive the SoC's hard reset input.
Signed-off-by: Sander Vanheule <>
The internal GPIO controller on RTL838x is also an IRQ controller, which
requires the 'interrupt-controller' and '#interrupts-cells' properties
to be present in the device tree.
Reported-by: INAGAKI Hiroshi <>
Signed-off-by: Sander Vanheule <>
Some devices are assigned globally unique MAC addresses for all
ports. These are stored by U-Boot in the second U-Boot enviroment
("sysinfo") as a range of start and end address.
Use the full range if provided.
Signed-off-by: Bjørn Mork <>
The default management interface should be easy to find for users
doing "blind" installations without console access. There are
already multiple examples in the forum of advanced early adopters
having problems locating the management interface after installing
Requiring tagged VLAN configration to access the initial management
interface creates unnecessary hassle at best. Errors on the other
end are close to impossible to debug without console access, even
for advanced users. Less advanced users might have problems with
the concept of VLAN tagging.
Limiting management access to a single arbitrary port among up to
52 possible LAN ports makes this even more difficult, for no
reason at all. Users might have reasons to use a different port
for management. And they might even have difficulties using the
OpenWrt selected one. The port might be the wrong type for their
management link (e.g copper instead of fibre). Or they might
depend on PoE power from a device which they can't reconfigure.
User expectations will be based on
- OpenWrt defaults for other devices
- stock firmware default for the device in question
- common default behaviour of similar devices
All 3 cases point to a static IP address accessible on the native
VLAN of any LAN port. A switch does not have any WAN port. All
ports are LAN ports.
This changes the default network configuration in line with these
Cc: John Crispin <>
Signed-off-by: Bjørn Mork <>
Acked-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
The configs/omap3_overo_defconfig file was removed from upstream U-Boot
in commit ed3294d6d1f9 ("arm: Remove overo board"). Remove it in OpenWrt
too. If someone needs this please add it also to upstream U-Boot.
This fixes the compile of the omap target.
Fixes: ffb807ec90 ("omap: update u-boot to 2021.07")
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
This patch adds support for the Teltonika RUTX10.
This device is an industrial DIN-rail router with 4 ethernet ports,
2.4G/5G dualband WiFi, Bluetooth, a USB 2.0 port and two GPIOs.
The RUTX series devices are very similiar so common parts of the DTS
are kept in a DTSI file. They are based on the QCA AP-DK01.1-C1 dev
See for more info.
SoC: Qualcomm IPQ4018
SPI Flash 1: XTX XT25F128B (16MB, NOR)
SPI Flash 2: XTX XT26G02AWS (256MB, NAND)
Ethernet: Built-in IPQ4018 (SoC, QCA8075), 4x 10/100/1000 ports
WiFi 1: Qualcomm QCA4019 IEEE 802.11b/g/n
Wifi 2: Qualcomm QCA4019 IEEE 802.11a/n/ac
USB Hub: Genesys Logic GL852GT
Bluetooth: Qualcomm CSR8510 (A10U)
LED/GPIO controller: STM32F030 with custom firmware
Buttons: Reset button
Leds: Power (green, cannot be controlled)
WiFi 2.4G activity (green)
WiFi 5G activity (green)
MACs Details verified with the stock firmware:
eth0: Partition 0:CONFIG Offset: 0x0
eth1: = eth0 + 1
radio0 (2.4 GHz): = eth0 + 2
radio1 (5.0 GHz): = eth0 + 3
Label MAC address is from eth0.
The LED/GPIO controller needs a separate kernel driver to function.
The driver was extracted from the Teltonika GPL sources and can be
found at following feed:
USB detection of the bluetooth interface is sometimes a bit flaky. When
not detected power cycle the device. When the bluetooth interface was
detected properly it can be used with bluez / bluetoothctl.
Flash instructions via stock web interface (sysupgrade based):
1. Set PC to fixed ip address
2. Push reset button and power on the device
3. Open u-boot HTTP recovery at
4. Upload latest stock firmware and wait until the device is rebooted
5. Open stock web interface at
6. Set some password so the web interface is happy
7. Go to firmware upgrade settings
8. Choose
9. Set 'Keep settings' to off
10. Click update, when warned that it is not a signed image proceed
Return to stock firmware:
1. Set PC to fixed ip address
2. Push reset button and power on the device
3. Open u-boot HTTP recovery at
4. Upload latest stock firmware and wait until the device is rebooted
Note: The DTS expects OpenWrt to be running from the second rootfs
partition. u-boot on these devices hot-patches the DTS so running from the
first rootfs partition should also be possible. If you want to be save follow
the instructions above. u-boot HTTP recovery restores the device so that when
flashing OpenWrt from stock firmware it is flashed to the second rootfs
partition and the DTS matches.
Signed-off-by: Felix Matouschek <>
The MR42 and MR52 are two similar IPQ806x based devices from the Cisco
Meraki "Cryptid" series.
MR42 main features:
- IPQ8068 1.4GHz
- 512MB RAM
- 128MB NAND
- 2x QCA9992 (2.4 & 5GHz)
- 1x QCA9889 (2.4 & 5GHz)
- 1x AR8033 PHY
- PoE/AC power
MR52 main features:
- IPQ8068 1.4GHz
- 512MB RAM
- 128MB NAND
- 2x QCA9994 (2.4 & 5GHz)
- 1x QCA9889 (2.4 & 5GHz)
- 2x AR8033 PHYs
- PoE/AC power
(MR42 Only) Installation via diagnostic mode:
If you can successfully complete step 1 then you can continue to install
via this method without having to open the device. Otherwise please use
the standard UART method. Please note that when booting via TFTP, some
Ethernet devices, in particular those on laptops, will not connect in
time, resulting in TFTP boot not succeeding. In this instance it is
advised to connect via a switch.
1. Hold down reset at power on and keep holding, after around 10 seconds
if the orange LED changes behaviour to begin flashing, proceed to
release reset, then press reset two times. Ensure that the LED has
turned blue. Note that flashing will occur on some devices, but it
will not be possible to change the LED colour using the reset button.
In this case it will still be possible to continue with this install
2. Set your IP to Set up a TFTP server serving
mr42_u-boot.mbn and
openwrt-ipq806x-generic-meraki_mr42-initramfs-fit-uImage.itb, obtained
from [1].
3. Use telnet and connect to Run the following commands to
install u-boot. Note that all these commands are critical, an error
will likely render the device unusable.
Option 3.1:
If you are sure you have set up the TFTP server correctly you can
run this script on the device. This will download and flash the
u-boot image immediately:
`/etc/ mr42_u-boot.mbn`
Once completed successfully, power off the device.
Option 3.2:
If you are unsure the TFTP server is correctly set up you can
obtain the image and flash manually:
3.2.1. `cd /tmp`
3.2.2. `tftp-hpa -m binary -c get mr42_u-boot.mbn`
3.2.3. Confirm file has downloaded correctly by comparing the
`md5sum mr42_u-boot.mbn`
3.2.4. The following are the required commands to write the image.
`echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/msm_nand/boot_layout
mtd erase /dev/mtd1
nandwrite -pam /dev/mtd1 mr42_u-boot.mbn
echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/msm_nand/boot_layout`
Important: You must observe the output of the `nandwrite`
command. Look for the following to verify writing is occurring:
`Writing data to block 0 at offset 0x0
Writing data to block 1 at offset 0x20000
Writing data to block 2 at offset 0x40000`
If you do not see this then do not power off the device. Check
your previous commands and that mr42_u-boot.mbn was downloaded
correctly. Once you are sure the image has been written you
can proceed to power off the device.
4. Hold the reset button and power on the device. This will immediately
begin downloading the appropriate initramfs image and boot into it.
Note: If the device does not download the initramfs, this is likely
due to the interface not being brought up in time. Changing Ethernet
source to a router or switch will likely resolve this. You can also
try manually setting the link speed to 10Mb/s Half-Duplex.
5. Once a solid white LED is displayed on the device, continue to the
UART installation method, step 6.
Standard installation via UART - MR42 & MR52
1. Disassemble the device and connect a UART header. The header pinout
is as follows:
1 - 3.3v
2 - TXD
3 - RXD
4 - GND
Important: You should only connect TXD, RXD and GND. Connecting
3.3v may damage the device.
2. Set your IP to Set up a TFTP server serving
Separately obtain the respective sysupgrade image.
3. Run the following commands, preferably from a Linux host. The
mentioned files, including and u-boot images, can be
obtained from [1].
`python --write=(mr42|mr52)_u-boot.bin`
The default for "--serial" option is /dev/ttyUSB0.
4. Power on the device. The ubootwrite script will upload the image to
the device and launch it. The second stage u-boot will in turn load
the initramfs image by TFTP, provided the TFTP server is running
correctly. This process will take about 13 minutes. Once a solid
white LED is displayed, the image has successfully finished
loading. Note: If the image does not load via TFTP, try again with
the Ethernet link to 10Mb/s Half-Duplex.
5. (MR42 only) Do not connect over the network. Instead connect over
the UART using minicom or similar tool. To replace u-boot with
the network enabled version, please run the following commands.
Note that in the provided initramfs images, the u-boot.mbn file
is located in /root:
If you have not used the provided initramfs, you must ensure you
are using an image with "boot_layout" ECC configuration enabled in
the Kernel. This will be version 5.10 or higher. If you do not do
this correctly the device will be bricked.
`insmod mtd-rw i_want_a_brick=1
mtd erase /dev/mtd8
nandwrite -pam /dev/mtd8 /root/mr42_u-boot.mbn`
After running nandwrite, ensure you observe the following output:
`Writing data to block 0 at offset 0x0
Writing data to block 1 at offset 0x20000
Writing data to block 2 at offset 0x40000`
6. (Optional) If you have no further use for the Meraki OS, you can
remove all other UBI volumes on ubi0 (mtd11), including diagnostic1,
part.old, storage and You must not remove the ubi1 ART
partition (mtd12).
`for i in diagnostic1 part.old storage ; do
ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 -N $i
7. Proceed to flash the sysupgrade image via luci, or else download or
scp the image to /tmp and use the sysupgrade command.
[1] The mentioned images and script can be found in this repo:
[2] The modified u-boot sources for the MR42 and MR52 are available:
Signed-off-by: Matthew Hagan <>
Add backports of the following patches:
"net: stmmac: explicitly deassert GMAC_AHB_RESET" and
"ARM: dts: qcom: add ahb reset to ipq806x-gmac"
Required for Meraki MR42/MR52.
Signed-off-by: Matthew Hagan <>
Rather than having separate patches for each GSBI node added, this patch
consolidates the existing GSBI1 patch into
083-ipq8064-dtsi-additions.patch. In addition, GSBI6 and GSBI7 I2C nodes,
required for the MR42 and MR52 respectively, are added.
Signed-off-by: Matthew Hagan <>
This adds support for the MikroTik RouterBOARD RBD53iG-5HacD2HnD
(hAP ac³), a indoor dual band, dual-radio 802.11ac
wireless AP with external omnidirectional antennae, USB port, five
10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet ports and PoE passthrough.
See for more info.
- SoC: Qualcomm Atheros IPQ4019
- RAM: 256 MB
- Storage: 16 MB NOR + 128 MB NAND
- Wireless:
· Built-in IPQ4019 (SoC) 802.11b/g/n 2x2:2, 3 dBi antennae
· Built-in IPQ4019 (SoC) 802.11a/n/ac 2x2:2, 5.5 dBi antennae
- Ethernet: Built-in IPQ4019 (SoC, QCA8075) , 5x 1000/100/10 port,
passive PoE in, PoE passtrough on port 5
- 1x USB Type A port
1. Boot the initramfs image via TFTP
2. Run "cat /proc/mtd" and look for "ubi" partition mtd device number, ex. "mtd1"
3. Use ubiformat to remove MikroTik specific UBI volumes
* Detach the UBI partition by running: "ubidetach -d 0"
* Format the partition by running: "ubiformat /dev/mtdN -y"
Replace mtdN with the correct mtd index from step 2.
3. Flash the sysupgrade image using "sysupgrade -n"
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
Tested-by: Mark Birss <>
Tested-by: Michael Büchler <>
Tested-by: Alex Tomkins <>
All patches automatically rebased.
Build system: x86_64
Build-tested: ramips/mt7621*
*I am hit with the binutils 2.37 bug so I had to revert 7f1edbd412
in order to downgrade to 2.35.1
Signed-off-by: John Audia <>
Steven Maddox reported in the OpenWrt bugzilla, that his
RaidSonic IB-NAS4220-B was no longer booting with the new
OpenWrt 21.02 (uses linux 5.10's device-tree). However, it was
working with the previous OpenWrt 19.07 series (uses 4.14).
(This is still under investigation.)
Reported-by: Steven Maddox <>
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
the Netgear EX6100v2 and EX6150v2 can utilize the nvmem
for the pre-calibration and mac-address for both WIFI
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
For v2, both ath9k (2.4GHz Wifi) and ath10k (5 GHz) driver now
pull the (pre-)calibration data from the nvmem subsystem. v1
is slightly different as only the ath9k Wifi is supported.
This allows us to move the userspace caldata extraction
and mac-address patching for the 5GHZ ath10k supported
wifi into the device-tree definition of the device.
ath9k's nodes are also changed over to use nvmem-cells
over OpenWrt's custom mtd-cal-data property.
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
Martin Kennedy reported:
|Presently, I get this kernel panic on mpc85xx (Aerohive HiveAP 370)
|on OpenWrt 'master' which occurs right as the second processor is
|[ 0.478804] rcu: Hierarchical SRCU implementation.
|[ 0.535569] dyndbg: Ignore empty _ddebug table in a CONFIG_DYNAMIC_DEBUG_CORE build
|[ 0.627233] smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ...
|[ 0.681659] kernel tried to execute user page (0) - exploit attempt? (uid: 0)
|[ 0.766618] BUG: Unable to handle kernel instruction fetch (NULL pointer?)
|[ 0.848899] Faulting instruction address: 0x00000000
|[ 0.908273] Oops: Kernel access of bad area, sig: 11 [#1]
|[ 0.972851] BE PAGE_SIZE=4K SMP NR_CPUS=2 P1020 RDB
|[ 1.031179] Modules linked in:
|[ 1.067640] CPU: 0 PID: 1 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 5.10.80 #0
|[ 1.139507] NIP: 00000000 LR: c0021d2c CTR: 00000000
|[ 1.199921] REGS: c1051cf0 TRAP: 0400 Not tainted (5.10.80)
|[ 1.758220] NIP [00000000] 0x0
|[ 1.794688] LR [c0021d2c] smp_85xx_kick_cpu+0xe8/0x568
|[ 1.856126] Call Trace:
|[ 1.885295] [c1051da8] [c0021cb8] smp_85xx_kick_cpu+0x74/0x568 (unreliable)
|[ 1.968633] [c1051de8] [c0011460] __cpu_up+0xc0/0x228
|[ 2.029038] [c1051e18] [c0031bbc] bringup_cpu+0x30/0x224
|[ 2.092572] [c1051e48] [c0031f3c] cpu_up.constprop.0+0x180/0x33c
|[ 2.727952] ---[ end trace 9b796a4bafb6bc14 ]---
|[ 3.800879] Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception
|[ 3.862353] Rebooting in 1 seconds..
|[ 5.905097] System Halted, OK to turn off power
|I bisected this down to commit 3ae5da5adc ("kernel: bump 5.10 to 5.10.80");
|that is, I don't get the panic right before this commit, but I do after.
He reported the issue upstream and Xiaoming Ni from huawei came up with
the patch (that is on it's way to upstream). While the AP370 is not in
Openwrt, this will likely affect other SMP P1020 devices OpenWrt ships
with: like the AP330, Enterasys WS-AP3710i, etc.
Reported-by: Martin Kennedy <>
Tested-by: Martin Kennedy <>
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
these flags have been creeping in from the QSDK.
All needed clocks should be accounted for, and
if a device is broken due to this. It should be
looked into.
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
The board has a fixed size kernel partition but do not limit the kernel
size during image building.
Disable image building for both boards as well, since the kernel of the
last release as well as master are to big to fit into the 2 MByte kernel
Signed-off-by: Mathias Kresin <>
The current state of the kernel 5.4 support is in the openwrt-21.02
branch. No need to keep a not default used kernel in this branch.
Signed-off-by: Aleksander Jan Bajkowski <>
Tested-by: Stefan Lippers-Hollmann <> [VRX268/ bthub5]
With Kernel 5.10 the ar7 FRITZ!Box are not booting the initramfs nor the
sysupgrade image any more. Presumably due to the grown kernel.
Use the okli preloader to workaround the bootloader issue. No solution
so far for the initramfs.
Signed-off-by: Mathias Kresin <>
Removed due to being unused with 1f7a03a706, but now required for the
ar7 FRITZ!Box.
Could be used for the ARV7519RW22 as well, for which the image
generation was disabled due to a stock u-boot issue with kernel bigger
than 2 MByte.
The code is combination of the ath79 and ramips okli loader.
Signed-off-by: Mathias Kresin <>
By dropping _machine_restart, users can provide more reliable or
device-specific restart modes.
_machine_halt was already removed in commit f4b687d1f0 ("realtek: use
kernel defined halt"), but quietly reintroduced in commit 8faffa00cb
("realtek: add support for the RTL9300 timer"). Let's remove it again.
Signed-off-by: Sander Vanheule <>
Tested-by: Stijn Segers <>
Tested-by: Paul Fertser <>
Tested-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Add and enable the Realtek Otto WDT peripheral found on these SoCs.
Default all devices to use standard (cold) reboot and "soc" resets.
Devices that require the PLL value fixup before restarting, should pick
the "cpu" or "software" reset mode. These devices also need to provide a
custom reboot mode, by adding the reboot argument to the kernel command
WDT reset mode | kernel reboot mode
soc | reboot=cold (default if not specified)
cpu | reboot=warm
software | reboot=software
Preferrably, these devices should use an alternative restart method like
gpio-restart to provide reliable restarts.
Note that watchdog restarts are not yet exposed, since the
_machine_restart override is still present.
Signed-off-by: Sander Vanheule <>
Tested-by: Stijn Segers <>
Tested-by: Paul Fertser <>
Tested-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Add patch submitted upstream to linux-watchdog and replace the MIPS
architecture symbols. Requires one extra patch for the DIV_ROUND_*
macros, which have moved to a different header since 5.10.
Signed-off-by: Sander Vanheule <>
Tested-by: Stijn Segers <>
Tested-by: Paul Fertser <>
Tested-by: Stijn Tintel <>
The CPU peripherals on RTL83xx/RTL930x are connected to the CPU via the
Lexra bus. This bus can provide a clock signal to these peripherals, but
no clock driver is currently available. Instead, use a fixed-clock to
provide the clock frequency, and update the dependent peripherals.
Lexra bus clock frequencies:
- RTL838x: 200MHz
- RTL839x: 200MHz
- RTL930x: 175MHz
Signed-off-by: Sander Vanheule <>
Tested-by: Stijn Segers <>
Tested-by: Paul Fertser <>
Tested-by: Stijn Tintel <>
All current devices use identical bootargs, so let's move that to the
common devicetree includes.
Signed-off-by: Sander Vanheule <>
Tested-by: Stijn Segers <>
Tested-by: Paul Fertser <>
Tested-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Recent versions of Realtek's SDK reset both the ethernet NIC and queues
(SW_NIC_RST and SW_Q_RST bits) when initialising the hardware.
Furthermore, when issuing a CPU reset on the Zyxel GS1900-8 (not
supported by any current driver), the networking part of the SoC is not
reset. This leads to unresponsive network after the restart. By
resetting both the ethernet NIC and queues, networking always comes up
Suggested-by: Birger Koblitz <>
Signed-off-by: Sander Vanheule <>
Tested-by: Stijn Tintel <>
This fixes WARNing, missing clocks and
[ 10.422481] bcm_ns_usb2 1800c164.usb2-phy: Clock not defined
Fixes: 5901917b93 ("bcm53xx: use more upsteam DT patches from 5.16 / 5.17")
Signed-off-by: Rafał Miłecki <>
This fixes:
[ 10.440495] bcm_ns_usb2 1800c000.usb2-phy: can't request region for resource [mem 0x1800c000-0x1800cfff]
[ 10.450039] bcm_ns_usb2 1800c000.usb2-phy: Failed to map DMU regs
[ 10.456183] bcm_ns_usb2: probe of 1800c000.usb2-phy failed with error -16
caused by conflict in allocating resources.
Fixes: f55f1dbaad ("bcm53xx: switch to the kernel 5.10")
Signed-off-by: Rafał Miłecki <>
sun6i-rtc cannot be built as a module and the hardware is only
present in some of the sunxi SoCs, see driver source:
{ .compatible = "allwinner,sun6i-a31-rtc" },
{ .compatible = "allwinner,sun8i-a23-rtc" },
{ .compatible = "allwinner,sun8i-h3-rtc" },
{ .compatible = "allwinner,sun8i-r40-rtc" },
{ .compatible = "allwinner,sun8i-v3-rtc" },
{ .compatible = "allwinner,sun50i-h5-rtc" },
{ .compatible = "allwinner,sun50i-h6-rtc" },
Set CONFIG_RTC_DRV_SUN6I=y in kernel config file for cortexa7 and
cortexa53 subtargets which covers all of the above.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
sun6i-rtc is a builtin_platform_driver and cannot be built as a module.
Hence this reverts commit e178d9a549.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Correct ralink_i2s_debugfs_remove declaration in ralink patches when
CONFIG_DEBUG_FS is not selected.
Signed-off-by: Eneas U de Queiroz <>
This commit adds support for the Wavlink WL-WN576A2 wall-plug wireles
repeater / router. It is also sold under the name SilverCrest SWV 733 B1.
Device specs:
- CPU: MediaTek MT7628AN
- Flash: 8MB
- RAM: 64MB
- Bootloader: U-Boot
- Ethernet: 1x 10/100 Mbps
- 2.4 GHz: b/g/n SoC
- 5 GHz: a/n/ac MT7610EN
- Buttons: WPS, reset, sliding switch (ap/repeater)
- LEDs: 5x wifi status, 1x LAN/WAN, 1x WPS
U-Boot launches a TFTP client if WPS button is held during boot.
- Server IP:
- Firmware file name: firmware.bin
Device will reboot automatically. First boot takes about 90s.
Coelner ( is the original author, but I have made some
fixes. He does not wish to sign off using his real name.
Signed-off-by: Thomas Aldrian <>
Further devices from the series have been added in the meantime,
introducing `qca955x_dlink_dap-2xxx.dtsi`.
Thus, merge support for DAP-2695 with the existing dtsi.
This implies factory images can now be flashed via the regular
OEM Web UI, as well as the bootloader recovery.
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Schaper <>
This device can be merged with the existing dtsi, which declares
the location of ath9k cal-data via devicetree, correcting the 2.4G
mac address in `10_fix_wifi_mac` rather than `10-ath9k-eeprom`.
To make these changes more visible, apply before merging with dtsi.
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Schaper <>
This device can be merged with the existing dtsi,
which will increase spi-max-frequency to 50 MHz.
To make this change more visible, increase to 50 MHz before merging.
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Schaper <>
The MikroTik LHG 5 series (product codes RBLHG-5nD, RBLHG-5HPnD and
RBLHG-5HPnD-XL) devices are an outdoor 5GHz CPE with a 24.5dBi or 27dBi
integrated antenna built around the Atheros AR9344 SoC.
It is very similar to the SXT Lite5 series which this patch is based
- SoC: Atheros AR9344
- RAM: 64 MB
- Storage: 16 MB SPI NOR
- Wireless: Atheros AR9340 (SoC) 802.11a/n 2x2:2
- Ethernet: Atheros AR8229 switch (SoC), 1x 10/100 port,
8-32 Vdc PoE in
- 8 user-controllable LEDs:
- 1x power (blue)
- 1x user (white)
- 1x ethernet (green)
- 5x rssi (green)
See for more details.
The device was already supported in the ar71xx target.
TFTP boot initramfs image and then perform a sysupgrade. Follow common
MikroTik procedure as in
Signed-off-by: Jakob (Jack/XDjackieXD) <>
AP6212 wifi need wifi_pwrseq, but from OrangePi Lite 2 dts :
wifi_pwrseq: wifi_pwrseq {
compatible = "mmc-pwrseq-simple";
clocks = <&rtc 1>;
clock-names = "ext_clock";
reset-gpios = <&r_pio 1 3 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; /* PM3 */
post-power-on-delay-ms = <200>;
this pwrseq need rtc clock, or kernel won't find this device.
but now rtc-sunxi.c only support A10/A20.
Orangepi Lite 2 use H6 ,from rtc-sun6i.c show compatible is
{ .compatible = "allwinner,sun6i-a31-rtc" },
{ .compatible = "allwinner,sun8i-a23-rtc" },
{ .compatible = "allwinner,sun8i-h3-rtc" },
{ .compatible = "allwinner,sun8i-r40-rtc" },
{ .compatible = "allwinner,sun8i-v3-rtc" },
{ .compatible = "allwinner,sun50i-h5-rtc" },
{ .compatible = "allwinner,sun50i-h6-rtc" },
So it need this to let kernel find this mmc wifi device.
As suggested by hauke, let it build as package.
Signed-off-by: Zhao Yu <>
The MikroTik RouterBOARD wAPR-2nD (wAP R) router features a miniPCI-e
slot with USB lines connected, which are used by some USB cards with
miniPCI-e form factor, like the R11e-LR8. Enabling USB support is
required for such cards to work.
Tested on a MikroTik wAP LR8 kit (RB wAPR-2nD + R11e-LR8).
Signed-off-by: Roger Pueyo Centelles <>
Implement a basic MQPrio support, inserting rules in RX that translate
the TC to prio mapping into vlan prio to queues.
Signed-off-by: Kabuli Chana <>
Manually rebased:
All other patches automatically rebased.
Signed-off-by: John Audia <>
The crashlog patch as not ported to kernel 5.4.
Fixes: 4e0c54bc5b ("kernel: add support for kernel 5.4")
Signed-off-by: Jianhui Zhao <>
There's no such thing as ucidef_set_interfaces_lan. It's
Cc: David Bauer <>
Signed-off-by: Mark Mentovai <>
bootfs still needs more work before it's ready.
For some unknown reason model RAXE500 uses board id RAX220.
Signed-off-by: Rafał Miłecki <>
Orange Pi Zero Plus uses a Realtek RTL8211E RGMII Gigabit PHY, but its
currently set to plain RGMII mode meaning that it doesn't introduce
With this setup, TX packets are completely lost and changing the mode to
RGMII-ID so the PHY will add delays internally fixes the issue.
It looks like this got broken in 5.10 as the PHY RGMII config got fixed
due to datasheet being available and a lot of boards got broken by that.
This has already been sent upstream and received multiple reviews.
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
This commit contains a series of fixes for DMA. The burst length
patch significantly improves Ethernet performance. Patches were
tested on the xRX200 and xRX330.
Signed-off-by: Aleksander Jan Bajkowski <>
Fix mac address increment patch. Permit to overflow to the next
byte and correctly calculate the incremented mac.
Reported-by: Chen Minqiang <>
Fixes: d284e6ef0f ("treewide: convert mtd-mac-address-increment* to generic implementation")
Signed-off-by: Ansuel Smith <>
Backport of Ansuel Smith's "net: dsa: qca8k: make sure PAD0 MAC06
exchange is disabled", to ensure mac06 is disabled even if enabled by
the bootloader.
Signed-off-by: Ansuel Smith <>
Signed-off-by: Matthew Hagan <>
The devicetree property mac-address is expected to be set by the
bootloader and has priority over the nvmem supplied one.
Drop the mac-address address property from the dtsi files, to let the
mac address from nvmem-cells get used.
Signed-off-by: Mathias Kresin <>
This patch fixes a blunder of mine. The include needed
for LED_COLOR_ID_BLUE property is missing.
This caused the builds to fail with:
|Error: arch/arm/boot/dts/qcom-ipq4019-r619ac.dtsi:91.13-14 syntax error
|FATAL ERROR: Unable to parse input tree
Fixes: 12d33d388c ("ipq40xx: add support for P&W R619AC (aka G-DOCK 2.0)")
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
The Zyxel NBG6617 already uses lzma to compress the kernel.
A local build with every module enabled (either as =Y or =M)
ended produced a 3058 KiB kernel (the kernel partition is 4MiB).
It booted just fine, let's reenable the device.
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
P&W R619AC is a IPQ4019 Dual-Band AC1200 router.
It is made by P&W ( known as P&W R619AC
but marketed and sold more popularly as G-DOCK 2.0.
* SOC: Qualcomm Atheros IPQ4019 (717 MHz)
* RAM: 512 MiB
* Flash: 16 MiB (NOR) + 128 MiB (NAND)
* Ethernet: 5 x 10/100/1000 (4 x LAN, 1 x WAN)
* Wireless:
- 2.4 GHz b/g/n Qualcomm Atheros IPQ4019
- 5 GHz a/n/ac Qualcomm Atheros IPQ4019
* USB: 1 x USB 3.0
* LED: 4 x LAN, 1 x WAN, 2 x WiFi, 1 x Power (All Blue LED)
* Input: 1 x reset
* 1 x MicroSD card slot
* Serial console: 115200bps, pinheader J2 on PCB
* Power: DC 12V 2A
* 1 x Unpopulated mPCIe Slot (see below how to connect it)
* 1 x Unpopulated Sim Card Slot
1. Access to tty console via UART serial
2. Enter failsafe mode and mount rootfs
3. Edit inittab to enable shell on tty console
`sed -i 's/#ttyM/ttyM/' /etc/inittab`
4. Reboot and upload `-nand-factory.bin` to the router (using wget)
5. Use `sysupgrade` command to install
Another installation method is to hijack the upgrade server domain
of stock firmware, because it's using insecure http.
This commit is based on @LGA1150(at GitHub)'s work
With some changes:
1. Added `qpic_bam` node in dts. I don't know much about this,
but I observed other dtses have this node.
2. Removed `ldo` node under `sd_0_pinmux`, because `ldo` cause SD card not
working. This fix is from
3. Removed the 32MB NOR variant.
4. Removed `cd-gpios` in `sdhci` node, because it's reported that it makes
wlan2g led light up.
5. Added ethphy led config in dts.
6. Changed nand partition label from `rootfs` to `ubi`.
About the 128MiB variant: The stock bootloader sets size of nand to 64MiB.
But most of this devices have 128MiB nand. If you want to use all 128MiB,
you need to modify the `MIBIB` data of bootloader. More details can be
found on github:
For instructions on how to flash the MIBIB partition from u-boot console:
About the Mini PCIe slot: (from "ygleg")
"The REFCLK signals on the Mini PCIe slot is not connected on
this board out of the box. If you want to use the Mini PCIe slot
on the board, you need to (preferably) solder two 0402 resistors:
R436 (REFCLK+) and R444 (REFCLK-)..."
This and much more information is provoided in the github comment:
Signed-off-by: Richard Yu <>
Signed-off-by: DENG Qingfang <>
[Added comment about MIBIB+128 MiB variant. Added commit
message section about pcie slot. Renamed gpio-leds' subnodes
and added color, function+enum properties.]
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
Similar to mt7623, also no longer use 'blockdev' and stop relying on
in-kernel partition parsers. Instead, strip off all metadata using
'fwtool' while writing the firmware image and scrape the number of
blocks written from 'dd', then use that block offset to stash the
configuration backup.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Re-reading the partition table doesn't work reliably, it fails if
anything on the device is still in use and it's not trivial to prevent
every possible case of a block device still being in use somehow.
Therefore, instead of relying on the in-kernel partition parser to know
where to write the configuration backup, use OpenWrt's format-agnostic
fwtool to strip off all metadata from the image and count its blocks
while writing. In that way we can know where to write the config backup
without needing the kernel to parse the MBR and FIT structures.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
It isn't used anymore so there is no need to hack CPU port. Upstream
(DSA-based) b53 also supports all switch ports just fine.
Signed-off-by: Rafał Miłecki <>
This patch never received a proper description and was never sent
upstream as supposed. It was meant to be handled in 2015-2018 so it
should be safe to assume noone really understands it or care.
Cc: Felix Fietkau <>
Signed-off-by: Rafał Miłecki <>
Fail if arguments couldn't be parsed and print unrecognized part. It's
important when running it from script with dynamic values. Missing value
could result in skipping argument and silent failures (unexpected its).
Signed-off-by: Rafał Miłecki <>
New BCM4908 family based routers will use U-Boot bootloader. That will
require using a totally different firmware format. Kernel has to be put
in a FIT image.
OpenWrt has some helpers for generating .its files but they don't fit
BCM4908 requirements and there is no simple way of extending any of
them. The best solution seems to be storing an .its template.
BCM4908 bootfs may:
1. contain extra binaries (other than kernel & DTB)
2. include multiple DTB files
3. store device specific U-Boot configurations with custom properties
Such setups are too complex to generate using shell script. Raw .its
file on the other hand seems quire clean & reasonable.
Signed-off-by: Rafał Miłecki <>
Kernel 5.10 grew bigger than 5.4 so we need to bump BZ_TEXT_START to
allow lzma loader hanel its size.
At the same time BZ_STACK_START needs to be increased to avoid
overwriting the stack.
For a reference see:
d5cf4a5aa4 ("brcm47xx: relocate loader to higher address")
2909a4b78e ("brcm47xx: relocate the stack in loader")
Cc: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Signed-off-by: Rafał Miłecki <>
Acked-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Update config, Makefile and image/Makefile.
Directly switch to kernel 5.10.
This patch was tested in nSIM simulator, no errors appeared.
Signed-off-by: Evgeniy Didin <>
Cc: Alexey Brodkin <>
Cc: Paul Spooren <>
Cc: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Cc: John Crispin <>
Enabling KERNEL_UBSAN exposes several missing symbols. Add new kernel
build options for UBSAN_BOUNDS and UBSAN_TRAP, disable CONFIG_TEST_UBSAN
in the generic kernel configs and enable CONFIG_UBSAN_MISC in generic
5.10 config. The latter symbol was removed in later kernels, as it was
causing some issues, so just disable it in 5.10 instead of adding a
build option for it.
Fixes build failures with KERNEL_UBSAN enabled.
Signed-off-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Acked-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Enabling KERNEL_KASAN exposes several missing symbols. As KASAN_SW_TAGS
is only implemented for arm64 CPUs and requires clang, it doesn't make
sense to make this a build option so just default to KASAN_GENERIC and
disable KASAN_SW_TAGS.
While at it, disable TEST_KASAN_MODULE in the generic 5.10 config.
Fixes build failures with KERNEL_KASAN enabled.
Signed-off-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Acked-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
The qca8k patch series brings the numbering to 799. This patch renames
7xx patches to create space for more backports to be added.
Signed-off-by: Matthew Hagan <>
[rename 729->719]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
After switch to 5.10 kernel, kernel size was too high.
This patch switches Cell-C RTL30VW from uImage to zImage build.
Lzma uImage wrap is required for factory booting and it must left
Signed-off-by: Pawel Dembicki <>
This is needed because the HLK-7621 EvB has 32MB of flash,
so it will have to use 4B addressing and the
broken-flash-reset hack has to be used to be able to reboot.
Signed-off-by: Wout Bertrums <>
[copied github message into commit message]
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
It looks like CONFIG_BLK_CMDLINE_PARSER was forgotten during the Orbi
device merge.
So lets refresh the config with it.
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
sorting alphabetically default packages
and placing them on their own line.
Signed-off-by: Alberto Bursi <>
[fixed whitespaces before tab, double whitespaces]
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
Gigabit ethernet adapters using BCM5719/5720 chipset
are common on servers and as easy/cheap to get as
Intel based ones.
Usually found in 2-port and 4-port cards.
Also some devices recently added to x86_64 target
like the Meraki MX100 use this chipset for 8 of
their 12 integrated ports.
Signed-off-by: Alberto Bursi <>
Device tree pcie node for this SoC is using different
styles in its different properties. Hence properly
unify them to be able to write a a proper yaml schema
Signed-off-by: Sergio Paracuellos <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
According to the YAML schema 'pci-bus.yaml' the 'device_type'
property is mandatory for all pcie root ports. Hence add it.
Signed-off-by: Sergio Paracuellos <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
Property 'bus-range' when values are the default are
not necessary to be defined. Hence, remove all of them.
Signed-off-by: Sergio Paracuellos <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
Both 'memc' and 'sysc' nodes are not using 'syscon'
as a node string which is the standard one to be used.
Update both of them.
Signed-off-by: Sergio Paracuellos <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
DT 'ethsys' node is being configured as a syscon
to get access to reset and other registers in the
'mediateķ,mt7621-eth' driver. Since the 'sysc' is also
a syscon, provides the clock and also is virtually
mapped from the same physical address 0x1e000000 we
can just use 'sysc' as the phandle for the syscon in
the ethernet node. Compatible string 'mediatek,mt7621-ethsys'
of the node is not being used anywhere inside the kernel
so, this node can be safely removed.
Signed-off-by: Sergio Paracuellos <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
This was for OpenWrt's swconfig driver, which never made it upstream,
and was also superseded by MT7530 DSA driver.
Reviewed-by: Sergio Paracuellos <>
Signed-off-by: DENG Qingfang <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
'cpc' and 'mc' nodes correspond with the MIPS 'Cluster Power Controller'
and 'MIPS Common Device Memory Map' which are present in some MIPS related
boards. There is already bindings documentation for these two located in:
- Documentation/devicetree/bindings/power/mti,mips-cpc.yaml
- Documentation/devicetree/bindings/bus/mti,mips-cdmm.yaml
Hence, properly update compatible strings and align nodes with already
mainlined bindings documentation. Also, move their definition to a proper
place since both of them are not related with the palmbus at all.
Signed-off-by: Sergio Paracuellos <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
Hexadecimal addresses in device tree must be defined using lower case.
There are some of them that are still in upper case. Change them all.
Signed-off-by: Sergio Paracuellos <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
Nodes 'gdma' and 'hsdma' are using magic number '4' in interrupts property.
Use 'IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH' instead to align with the rest of the nodes in
the file.
Signed-off-by: Sergio Paracuellos <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
converts the still popular WNDR3700 Series to fetch the
caldata through nvmem. As the "MAC with NVMEM" has shown,
there could pitfalls along the way.
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
Removed upstreamed:
All other patches automatically rebased.
Signed-off-by: John Audia <>
This commit fixes commit "2999f810ff: build,IB: include kmods only in
local builds" which cause the local packages/ folder only to be added
for local builds but no longer for ImageBuilder created by the Buildbot.
The commits intention was to use remote kmods repositories rather than
storing them locally. Accidentally the entire handling of the local
`packages/` was removed.
Re-add the folder and include a README describing what it can be used
Signed-off-by: Paul Spooren <>
This can be used for adding the toolchain to an existing tree without having
to build it from scratch.
Enable building the toolchain + tarball by default on buildbot
Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <>
Disable some of the ipq40xx devices due to their kernel size limitations.
These devices fail to build with kernel 5.10 and full buildbot config.
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
[keep gl-b1300/gl-s1300 enabled, extend commit message]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
There have been enough tests and new developments require the new
kernel, so let's update it.
There is a bunch of devices that do not build anymore due to
kernel size limitations. These are disabled in a subsequent commit.
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
This adds some essential files required by new 'cortexa7' subtarget,
dedicated for Cortex-A7 based NXP i.MX series. For now, the kernel
config-default focuses only on the i.MX 6UL family, as the following
changeset will introduce support for i.MX 6ULL based device. Support
for more platforms (e.g. i.MX 7) might be enabled later, while adding
more devices.
Signed-off-by: Piotr Dymacz <>
Modern NXP i.MX series includes several different families, based on
single- or multi-core Arm Cortex-A CPUs. To be able to support more
families within a single target, we split the 'imx' in arch-specific
subtargets, starting with 'cortexa9' for the Cortex-A9 based i.MX 6,
already supported by the original 'imx6' target.
Signed-off-by: Piotr Dymacz <>
This is first step in migrating to a generic i.MX target which in the
next steps will also get divided into arch-specific subtargets.
In the result, this will make it possible to support, within a single
target, also other modern NXP i.MX families, like the i.MX 7, i.MX 8
or recently introduced i.MX 9.
Signed-off-by: Piotr Dymacz <>
This is a minor extension of the commit 26ae69fd03 ("imx6: refresh
kernel config with 5.10 symbols"), with correct and full disable of
the Arm Cortex-A7 based i.MX 6UL and 6UL{L,Z} families support and
re-enable of the Cortex-A9 based i.MX 6L{S,X}.
Signed-off-by: Piotr Dymacz <>
U-Boot for the Gateworks Ventana includes filename of the boot script in
the default/embedded environment (see 'include/configs/gw_ventana.h' in
the U-Boot sources).
This restores the old boot script filename ('6x_bootscript-ventana'),
making Ventana boards boot again.
Fixes: 8dba71dd33 ("imx6: image: drop BOOT_SCRIPT and fix DEVICE_NAME")
Reported-by: Koen Vandeputte <>
Signed-off-by: Piotr Dymacz <>
Netgear R6100 is a dual-band Wi-Fi 5 (AC1200) router based on Qualcomm
Atheros (AR9344 + QCA9882) platform. Support for this device was first
introduced in 15f6f67d18 (ar71xx). FCC ID: PY312400225.
- Atheros AR9344 (560 MHz)
- 128 MB of RAM (DDR2)
- 128 MB of flash (parallel NAND)
- 2T2R 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi (AR9344)
- 2T2R 5 GHz Wi-Fi (QCA9882)
- 5x 10/100 Mbps Ethernet (AR9344)
- 4x internal antenna
- 1x USB 2.0 (GPIO-controlled power)
- 6x LED, 3x button (reset, Wi-Fi, WPS)
- UART (4-pin, 2.54 mm pitch) header on PCB
- 1x mechanical power switch
- DC jack for main power input (12 V)
WARNING: sysupgrade from older stable releases is not possible, fresh
installation (via vendor's GUI or TFTP based recovery) is required.
Reason for that is increased kernel partition size.
Use the 'factory' image under vendor's GUI or via TFTP U-Boot recovery.
You can use the 'nmrpflash' tool at a boot time, before kernel is loaded
or start it manually by pressing the 'reset' button for ~20 seconds from
powering up the device (U-Boot will start TFTP server on,
use TFTP client to send the image).
Signed-off-by: Enrico Mioso <>
Signed-off-by: Zoltan HERPAI <>
Signed-off-by: Michael Pratt <>
Signed-off-by: Piotr Dymacz <>
CONFIG_COMPAT_32BIT_TIME is a new symbol and has to be set to avoid:
Provide system calls for 32-bit time_t (COMPAT_32BIT_TIME) [N/y/?] (NEW)
CONFIG_RELOCATABLE needs to be enabled to make kernel start booting.
That raises a question: do we really need CONFIG_EXPERT=y ?
Signed-off-by: Rafał Miłecki <>
The boot arguments are copied into the device tree by the boot loader
and taken from the device tree by the kernel.
The code which takes the boot arguments from the different sources was
reworked with kernel 5.5.
We have to activate CONFIG_MIPS_CMDLINE_DTB_EXTEND to take the boot
arguments from the device tree.
This makes the system boot on the board again.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Make the patches apply on kernel 5.10 and refresh the patches and the
kernel configuration on top of kernel 5.10.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
The pistachio U-Boot expects a default configuration with the name
config@1 in the FIT image. The default was changed in OpenWrt some
months ago.
This makes the board boot again.
Fixes: 9f714398e0 ("build: use config-1 instead of config@1 as default")
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
I had quite a hard time to understand what the change to net/core/dev.c
is supposed to do.
Simplify the change by returning NETDEV_TX_OK in case a eth_mangle_tx
callback was set but returned NULL instead of setting the return value
in the else branch.
Signed-off-by: Mathias Kresin <>
ar8216 switches have a hardware bug, which renders normal 802.1q support
unusable. Packet mangling is required to fix up the vlan for incoming
The patch was ommited at the time kernel 5.10 support was added but is
still required for ar8216 switches.
Signed-off-by: Mathias Kresin <>
Add the latest default Kernel for testing. This step is required to keep
UML in tree for the next release.
Signed-off-by: Paul Spooren <>
The UML target been outdated for a long time. Instead of just carrying
unmaintained code we should build it again and allow people and CIs to
use it for testing.
This commit removes the `source-only` feature which disables building.
Signed-off-by: Paul Spooren <>
This step drops support host build systems other than x86/64 to allow
two Kernel configuration in parallel. With this commit the setup follow
the config style of all other targets.
Signed-off-by: Paul Spooren <>
The current `uml` README is terribly outdated and non of the examples
work by default. Fix that and while at it convert it to Markdown.
Signed-off-by: Paul Spooren <>
Don't patch the kernel to expose the partition name in sysfs as it is
already exposed via 'uevent'.
All previous users have been converted to use 'uevent', so we can
safely drop the custom patch.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Use find_mmc_part instead of previously introduced
get_partition_by_name which requires a custom kernel patch.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Use find_mmc_part instead of previously introduced
get_partition_by_name which requires a custom kernel patch.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
The Netgear SRS60 and SRR60 (sold together as SRK60) are two almost
identical AC3000 routers. The SRR60 has one port labeled as wan while
the SRS60 not. The RBR50 and RBS50 (sold together as RBK50) have a
different external shape but they have an USB 2.0 port on the back.
This patch has been tested only on SRS60 and RBR50, but should work
on SRR60 and RBS50.
SoC: Qualcomm IPQ4019 (717 MHz, 4 cores 4 threads)
- 3x 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet
- 1x 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet (WAN)
- 2.4GHz: 1x IPQ4019 (2x2:2)
- 5GHz: 1x IPQ4019 (2x2:2)
- 5GHz: 1x QCA9984 (4x4:4)
- 6 internal antennas
- 1x Reset button
- 1x Sync button
- 1x ON/OFF button
- 8 leds controlled by TLC59208F (they can be switched on/off
independendently but the color can by changed by GPIOs)
- 1x Red led (Power)
- 1x Green led (Power)
- 115200-8-N-1
Everything works correctly.
These routers have a dual partition system. However this firmware works
only on boot partition 1 and the OEM web interface will always flash on
the partition currently not booted.
The following steps will use the SRS60 firmware, but you have to chose
the right firmware for your router.
There are 2 ways to install Openwrt the first time:
1) Using NMRPflash
1. Download nmrpflash (
2. Put the openwrt-ipq40xx-generic-netgear_srs60-squashfs-factory.img
file in the same folder of the nmrpflash executable
3. Connect your pc to the router using the port near the power button.
4. Run "nmrpflash -i XXX -f openwrt-ipq40xx-generic-netgear_srs60-squashfs-factory.img".
Replace XXX with your network interface (can be identified by
running "nmrpflash -L")
5. Power on the router and wait for the flash to complete. After about
a minute the router should boot directly to Openwrt. If nothing
happens try to reboot the router. If you have problems flashing
try to set "" as your computer IP address
2) Without NMRPflash
The OEM web interface will always flash on the partition currently not
booted, so to flash OpenWrt for the first time you have to switch to
boot partition 2 and then flash the factory image directly from the OEM
web interface.
To switch on partition 2 you have to enable telnet first:
1. Go to and check "Enable Telnet".
2. Connect through telent ("telnet") and login using
To read the current boot_part:
artmtd -r boot_part
To write the new boot_part:
artmtd -w boot_part 02
Then reboot the router and then check again the current booted
Now that you are on boot partition 2 you can flash the factory Openwrt
image directly from the OEM web interface.
Restore OEM Firmware
1. Download the stock firmware from official netgear support.
2. Follow the nmrpflash procedure like above, using the official
Netgear firmware (for example SRS60-V2.2.1.210.img)
nmrpflash -i XXX -f SRS60-V2.2.1.210.img
1) You can check and edit the boot partition in the Uboot shell using
the UART connection.
"boot_partition_show" shows the current boot partition
"boot_partition_set 1" sets the current boot partition to 1
2) Router mac addresses:
WIFI 5G (2nd) XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:6c
Signed-off-by: Davide Fioravanti <>
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
[added 5.10 changes for 901-arm-boot-add-dts-files.patch, moved
sysupgrade to here and renamed it, various dtsi changes]
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
Some devices with mmc like the Netgear Orbi Pro SRS60 or Netgear Orbi
RBR50 needs to hardcode the partitions layout in the cmdline boot
This is needed for the led driver found in the Netgear Orbi Pro SRS60
Signed-off-by: Davide Fioravanti <>
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
Signed-off-by: Shang Jia <>
[added 5.10 config]
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
Backport the patch queued upstream for 5.16. The patch differs slightly
from the upstream patch due to an upstream change that added a
convenience function.
Signed-off-by: Sander Vanheule <>
It seems like sleep_clk was copied from ipq806x.
Fix ipq40xx sleep_clk to the value QSDK defines.
Signed-off-by: Pavel Kubelun <>
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <> [5.4+5.10]
This patch changes the default network configuration
to fetch the IP addresses over dhcp instead of being
statically assigned.
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
GPIOs on the Aircube AC are wrong:
- Reset GPIO moved from 17 to 12
- PoE Pass Through GPIO for Aircube AC is 3
Fixes: 491ae3357e ("ath79: add support for Ubiquiti airCube AC")
Signed-off-by: Nicolò Veronese <>
SOC: QCA9531 650 MHz
ROM: 16 MiB Flash (Winbond W25Q128FV)
RAM: 128 MiB DDR2 (Winbond W971GG6SB)
LAN: 10/100M *2
WAN: 10/100M *1
LED: BGR color *1
Mac address:
label C8:0E:77:xx:xx:68 art@0x0
lan C8:0E:77:xx:xx:62 art@0x6
wan C8:0E:77:xx:xx:68 art@0x0 (same as the label)
wlan C8:0E:77:xx:xx:B2 art@0x1002 (load automatically)
TFTP installation:
* Set local IP to and open tftpd64, link lan
port to computer.
Rename "xxxx-factory.bin" to
* Make sure firmware file is in the tftpd's directory, push
reset button and plug in, hold it for 5 seconds, and then
it will download firmware from tftp server automatically.
More information:
* This device boot from flash@0xe80000 so we need a okli
loader to deal with small kernel partition issue. In order
to make full use of the storage space, connect a part of the
previous kernel partition to the firmware.
Stock Modify
0x000000-0x040000(u-boot) 0x000000-0x040000(u-boot)
0x040000-0x050000(u-boot-env) 0x000000-0x050000(u-boot-env)
0x050000-0xe80000(rootfs) 0x050000-0xe80000(firmware part1)
0xe80000-0xff0000(kernel) 0xe80000-0xe90000(okli-loader)
0xe90000-0xff0000(firmware part2)
0xff0000-0x1000000(art) 0xff0000-0x1000000(art)
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
Dongwon T&I DW02-412H is a 2.4/5GHz band 11ac (WiFi-5) router, based on
Qualcomm Atheros QCA9557.
- SoC: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9557-AT4A
- RAM: DDR2 128MB
- Flash: SPI NOR 2MB (Winbond W25Q16DVSSIG / ESMT F25L16PA(2S)) +
NAND 64/128MB
- WiFi:
- 2.4GHz: QCA9557 WMAC
- 5GHz: QCA9882-BR4A
- Ethernet: 5x 10/100/1000Mbps
- Switch: QCA8337N-AL3C
- USB: 1x USB 2.0
- JP2: 3.3V, TX, RX, GND (3.3V is the square pad) / 115200 8N1
1. Connect a serial interface to UART header and
interrupt the autostart of kernel.
2. Transfer the factory image via TFTP and write it to the NAND flash.
3. Update U-Boot environment variable.
> tftpboot 0x81000000 <your image>-factory.img
> nand erase 0x1000000
> nand write 0x81000000 0x1000000 ${filesize}
> setenv bootpart 2
> saveenv
Revert to stock firmware
1. Revert to stock U-Boot environment variable.
> setenv bootpart 1
> saveenv
MAC addresses as verified by OEM firmware
WAN: *:XX (label)
LAN: *:XX + 1
2.4G: *:XX + 3
5G: *:XX + 4
The label MAC address was found in art 0x0.
Credit goes to the @manatails who first developed how to port OpenWRT
to this device and had a significant impact on this patch.
And thanks to @adschm and @mans0n for guiding me to revise the code
in many ways.
Signed-off-by: Jihoon Han <>
Reviewed-by: Sungbo Eo <>
Tested-by: Sungbo Eo <>
This fixes support for Dongwon T&I DW02-412H which uses F25L16PA(2S) flash.
Signed-off-by: Jihoon Han <>
Reviewed-by: Sungbo Eo <>
[refresh patches]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Currently, we are overriding the bootloader provided MAC-s as the ethernet
aliases are reversed so MAC-s were fixed up in userspace.
There is no need to do that as we can just fix the aliases instead and get
rid of MAC setting via userspace helper.
Fixes: 59f0a0f ("ipq806x: add Edgecore ECW5410 support")
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
ECW5410 has 2 QCA9984 cards, one per PCI controller.
They are located at PCI adresses 0001:01:00.0 and 0002:01:00.0.
Currently, pre-cal is not provided for 0001:01:00.0 at all,but for
0000:01:00.0 which is incorrect and causes the ath10k driver to not
be able to fetch the BMI ID and use that to fetch the proper BDF but
rather fail with:
[ 12.029708] ath10k 5.10 driver, optimized for CT firmware, probing pci device: 0x46.
[ 12.031816] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: enabling device (0140 -> 0142)
[ 12.037660] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: pci irq msi oper_irq_mode 2 irq_mode 0 reset_mode 0
[ 13.173898] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: qca9984/qca9994 hw1.0 target 0x01000000 chip_id 0x00000000 sub 168c:cafe
[ 13.174015] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: kconfig debug 0 debugfs 1 tracing 0 dfs 1 testmode 0
[ 13.189304] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: firmware ver 10.4b-ct-9984-fW-13-5ae337bb1 api 5 features mfp,peer-flow-ctrl,txstatus-noack,wmi-10.x-CT,ratemask-CT,regdump-CT,txrate-CT,flush-all-CT,pingpong-CT,ch-regs-CT,nop-CT,set-special-CT,tx-rc-CT,cust-stats-CT,txrate2-CT,beacon-cb-CT,wmi-block-ack-CT,wmi-bcn-rc-CT crc35
[ 15.492322] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: failed to fetch board data for bus=pci,vendor=168c,device=0046,subsystem-vendor=168c,subsystem-device=cafe,variant=Edgecore-ECW541 from ath10k/QCA9984/hw1.0/board-2.bin
[ 15.543883] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: failed to fetch board-2.bin or board.bin from ath10k/QCA9984/hw1.0
[ 15.543920] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: failed to fetch board file: -12
[ 15.552281] ath10k_pci 0001:01:00.0: could not probe fw (-12)
So, provide the pre-cal for the actual PCI card and not the non-existent
Fixes: 59f0a0f ("ipq806x: add Edgecore ECW5410 support")
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
It looks like this is a leftover before there was a proper MDIO driver.
Since both PHY-s are connected to the HW MDIO bus there is no reason for
this to exist anymore, especially since it uses the same pins as the HW
controller and has the pinmux for the set to "MDIO" so this worked by
pure luck as GPIO MDIO would probe first and override the HW driver.
Move the GMAC3 to simply use the same MDIO bus phandle.
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
This changes the image generation to use a unique directory. With
parallel building it may occur that two concurrent jobs try
to create an image which leds to errors. It also removes a needless
Signed-off-by: André Valentin <>
- SoC: MediaTek MT7621AT
- RAM: 256 MB (DDR3)
- Flash: 32 MB SPI NOR 44MHz
- Switch: 1 WAN, 4 LAN (Gigabit)
- LEDs: 1 WAN, 4 LAN (controlled by PHY)
- USB Ports: 1 x USB2, 1 x USB3
- WLAN: 1 x 2.4, 5 GHz 866Mbps (MT7612E)
- Button: 1 button (reset)
- UART Serial: UART1 as console : 57600 baud
- Power: 12VDC, 1A
Update openWRT firmware using internal GNUBEE uboot:
By HTTP: Initial uboot address is, your address
needs to be 10.10.10.x, and mask
By TFTP: Uboot is in client mode, the address of the firmware must
be tftp://
Manufacturer provides MTK OpenWrt 14.07 source code, compile then
flash it by uboot.
HLK-7621A is a stamp hole package module for embedded development,
users have to design IO boards to use it.
MAC addresses:
- u-boot-env contains a placeholder address:
> mtd_get_mac_ascii u-boot-env ethaddr
- phy0 gets a valid-looking address:
> cat /sys/class/ieee80211/phy0/macaddress
- Calibration data for &pcie2 contains a valid address, however the
zeros in the right half look like it's not real:
- Since it's an evaluation board and there is no solid information
about the MAC address assignment, the ethernet MAC address is left random.
Signed-off-by: Chen Yijun <>
[add keys and pcie nodes to properly support evaluation board]
Signed-off-by: Sergio Paracuellos <>
[remove ethernet address, wrap lines properly]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
This commit adds support for Xiaomi MiWiFi 3C device.
Xiaomi MiWifi 3C has almost the same system architecture
as the Xiaomi Mi WiFi Nano, which is already officially
supported by OpenWrt.
The differences are:
- Numbers of antennas (4 instead of 2). The antenna management
is done via the µC. There is no configuration needed in the
software code.
- LAN port assignments are different. LAN1 and WAN are
OpenWrt Wiki:
OpenWrt developers forum page:
- CPU: MediaTek MT7628AN (575MHz)
- Flash: 16MB
- RAM: 64MB DDR2
- 2.4 GHz: IEEE 802.11b/g/n with Integrated LNA and PA
- Antennas: 4x external single band antennas
- WAN: 1x 10/100M
- LAN: 2x 10/100M
- LED: 1x amber/blue/red. Programmable
- Button: Reset
MAC addresses as verified by OEM firmware:
use address source
LAN *:92 factory 0x28
WAN *:92 factory 0x28
2g *:93 factory 0x4
OEM firmware uses VLAN's to create the network interface for WAN and LAN.
Bootloader info:
The stock bootloader uses a "Dual ROM Partition System".
OS1 is a deep copy of OS2.
The bootloader start OS2 by default.
To force start OS1 it is needed to set "flag_try_sys2_failed=1".
How to install:
1- Use OpenWRTInvasion to gain telnet, ssh and ftp access.
(IP: - Username: root - Password: root)
2- Connect to router using telnet or ssh.
3- Backup all partitions. Use command "dd if=/dev/mtd0 of=/tmp/mtd0".
Copy /tmp/mtd0 to computer using ftp.
4- Copy openwrt-ramips-mt76x8-xiaomi_miwifi-3c-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
to /tmp in router using ftp.
5- Enable UART access and change start image for OS1.
nvram set uart_en=1
nvram set flag_last_success=1
nvram set boot_wait=on
nvram set flag_try_sys2_failed=1
nvram commit
6- Installing Openwrt on OS1 and free OS2.
mtd erase OS1
mtd erase OS2
mtd -r write /tmp/openwrt-ramips-mt76x8-xiaomi_miwifi-3c-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin OS1
Limitations: For the first install the image size needs to be less
than 7733248 bits.
Thanks for all community and especially for this device:
minax007, earth08, S.Farid
Signed-off-by: Eduardo Santos <>
[wrap lines, remove whitespace errors, add mediatek,mtd-eeprom to
&wmac, convert to nvmem]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
This patch enables the SFP cage on the MikroTik RouterBOARD 921GS-5HPacD
(mANTBox 15s).
The RB922UAGS-5HPacD had it already working, so the support code is
moved to the common DTSI file both devices share.
Tested on a RouterBOARD 921GS-5HPacD with a MikroTik S-53LC20D module.
Signed-off-by: Roger Pueyo Centelles <>
LED labels for this device are different in 01_leds file and in device
DTS. Switch to DT triggers, which works on Telewell TW-4 (LTE) clone
This has not been tested on the LR-25G001 itself, just on the clone
mentioned above.
Fixes: 20b09a2125 ("ramips: add support for Lava LR-25G001")
Signed-off-by: Jani Partanen <>
[rephrase commit title/message]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
After the ath10k_patch_mac lines have been removed, a lot of blocks
can be consolidated.
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
The out-of-tree qcom-smem patches traditionally displayed mtd partition names
in upper case, starting with the new mainline qcom-smem support in kernel v5.10,
it switched to normalizing the partition names to lower case.
While both 5.4 and 5.10 were supported in the target, we carried a workaround
to support both of them. Since the target has dropped 5.4 recently, those
can be removed now.
2db9dded0a ("ipq806x: nbg6817: case-insensitive qcom-smem partitions")
435dc2e77e ("ipq806x: ecw5410: case-insensitive qcom-smem partitions")
f70e11cd97 ("ipq806x: g10: case-insensitive qcom-smem partitions")
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Use nvmem framework for supported mac-address stored
in nvmem cells and drop mac patch function for hotplug
script for supported devices.
Signed-off-by: Ansuel Smith <>
[rebase, move to correct node for d7800, include xr500]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Specs (same as in v1):
- MT7628AN (575 MHz)
- 64MB RAM
- 8MB of flash (SPI NOR)
- 1x 10/100Mbps Ethernet (MT7628AN built-in switch with vlan)
- 1x 2.4GHz wifi (MT7628AN)
- 1x 5Ghz wifi (MT7612E)
- 4x LEDs (5 GPIO-controlled)
- 1x reset button
- 1x WPS button
The only and important difference between v1 & v3 is in flash memory
layout, so pls don't interchange these 2 builds!
Installation through web-ui (on OEM factory firmware):
1. Visit or the configured IP address of
your RE305 v3 (default
2. Log in with the password you've set during initial setup of the
RE305 (there is no default password).
3. Go to Settings -> System Tools -> Firmware upgrade
4. Click Browse and select the OpenWRT image with factory.bin suffix
(not sysupgrade.bin)
5. A window with a progress bar will appear. Wait until it completes.
6. The RE305 will reboot into OpenWRT and serve DHCP requests on the
ethernet port.
7. Connect an RJ45 cable from the RE305 to your computer and access
LuCI at to configure (or use ssh).
Just unscrew 4 screws in the corners & take off the back cover.
Serial is exposed to the right side of the main board (in the middle)
and marked with TX/RX/3V3/GND, but the holes are filled with solder.
Installation through serial:
1. connect trough serial (1n8, baudrate=57600)
2. setup the TFTP server and connect it via ethernet
(ipaddr= of device, serverip= - your pc)
3. boot from a initramfs image first (choose 1 in the bootloader
4. test it a bit with that, then proceed to run sysupgrade build
MAC addresses as verified by OEM firmware:
use OpenWrt address reference
LAN eth0 *:d2 label
2g wlan0 *:d1 label - 1
5g wlan1 *:d0 label - 2
The label MAC address can be found in config 0x2008.
Signed-off-by: Michal Kozuch <>
[redistribute WLAN node properties between DTS/DTSI, remove
compatible on DTSI, fix indent/wrapping, split out firmware-utils
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
ELECOM WRC-X3200GST3 uses the same header/footer as WRC-GS/GST devices
in ramips/mt7621 subtarget, so move "Build/elecom-wrc-gs-factory" to to use from mediatek/mt7622 subtarget.
Signed-off-by: INAGAKI Hiroshi <>
CPU: Allwinner H5, Quad-core Cortex-A53
Network: 10/100/1000M Ethernet x 2
USB Host: Type-A x 1
MicroSD Slot x 1
MicroUSB: for power input
Debug Serial Port: 3Pin pin-header
KEY: Reset
Power Supply: DC 5V/2A
Write the image to SD Card with dd.
1. OpenWrt currently does not support LED_FUNCTION, change back to the
previous practice (Consistent with NanoPi R1).
2. Since the upstream commit
("net: phy: realtek: fix rtl8211e rx/tx delay config"), we need to
change the phy-mode from rgmii to rgmii-id.
So set phy-mode for 5.4 and 5.10 respectively.
Signed-off-by: Chukun Pan <>
Deleted (upstreamed):
bcm27xx/patches-5.10/950-0145-xhci-add-quirk-for-host-controllers-that-don-t-updat.patch [1]
Manually rebased:
Note: although automatically rebaseable, the last patch has been edited to avoid
conflicting bit definitions.
Signed-off-by: Rui Salvaterra <>
Back in the day, the board-2.bin came with ath10k-firmware-qca4019.
This changed with
commit c3b2efaf24 ("linux-firmware: ath10k: add board firmware packages")
which placed the board-2.bin into a separate package: ath10k-board-qca4019.
This was great, because it addressed one of the caveat of the original
ipq-wifi package:
commit fa03d441e9 ("firmware: add custom IPQ wifi board definitions")
| 2. updating ath10k-firmware-qca4019 will also replace
| the board-2.bin. For this cases the user needs to
| manually reinstall the wifi-board package once the
| ath10k-firmware-qca4019 is updated.
This could be extended further so that ipq-wifi packages
no longer use "install-override" and the various QCA4019
variants list the ath10k-board-qca4019 as a CONFLICT
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
OpenWrt maintains two special out-of-tree DT properties:
"qca,disable-5ghz" and "qca,disable-2ghz". These are implemented
in a mac80211 ath9k patch "550-ath9k-disable-bands-via-dt.patch".
With the things being what they are, now might be a good
point to switch the devices to the generic and upstream
"ieee80211-freq-limit" property. This property is much
broader and works differently. Instead of disabling the
drivers logic which would add the affected band and
channels. It now disables all channels which are not
within the specified frequency range.
Reviewed-by: Martin Blumenstingl <>
Tested-by: Martin Blumenstingl <> # HH5A
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
Commit 03e1d93e07 ("realtek: add driver support for routing
offload") added routing offload for IPv4, but broke IPv6 routing
completely. The routing table is empty and cannot be updated:
root@gs1900-10hp:~# ip -6 route
root@gs1900-10hp:~# ip -6 route add unreachable default
RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument
As a side effect, this breaks opkg on IPv4 only systems too,
since uclient-fetch fails when there are no IPv6 routes:
root@gs1900-10hp:~# uclient-fetch
Downloading ''
Failed to send request: Operation not permitted
Fix by returning NOTIFY_DONE when offloading is unsupported, falling
back to default behaviour.
Fixes: 03e1d93e07 ("realtek: add driver support for routing offload")
Signed-off-by: Bjørn Mork <>
The current rule produces empty trailers, causing the OEM firmware
update application to reject our images.
The double expansion of a makefile variable does not work inside
shell code. The second round is interpreted as a shell expansion,
attempting to run the command ZYXEL_VERS instead of expanding the
$(ZYXEL_VERS) makefile variable.
Fix by removing one level of variable indirection.
Fixes: c6c8d597e1 ("realtek: Add generic zyxel_gs1900 image definition")
Tested-by: Sander Vanheule <>
Signed-off-by: Bjørn Mork <>
During review of the MR32, Florian Fainelli pointed out that the
SoC has a real I2C-controller. Furthermore, the connected pins
(SDA and SCL) would line up perfectly for use. This patch swaps
out the the bitbanged i2c-gpio with the real deal.
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
Deselect CONFIG_VIDEO_SUN6I_CSI Kconfig symbol for now. If anyone wants
to use CSI (camera interface) they should package the kernel module.
After this change, sunxi targets build again.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
This switches pinctrl driver to use the old & good DT binding. There is
no more need to adjust upstream DTS file.
Signed-off-by: Rafał Miłecki <>
Simply disable this for now, if anyone wants to use CSI feel free to
package it as a kernel module package.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
In case of the block device still being in use, re-reading the
partition table fails. In that case, abort sysupgrade to avoid
corrupting the just-written image because of wrong offsets caused
by failure to re-read the partition table.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
This adds support for the Netgear Nighthawk Pro Gaming XR500.
It is the successor to the Netgear Nighthawk R7800 and shares almost
identical hardware to that device.
The stock firmware is a heavily modified version of OpenWRT.
SoC: Qualcomm Atheros IPQ8065
RAM: 512 MB
Storage: 256 MiB NAND Flash
Wireless: 2x Qualcomm Atheros QCA9984
Ethernet: 2x 1000/100/10 dedicated interfaces
Switch: 5x 1000/100/10 external ports
USB: 2x 3.0 ports
More information:
Manufacturer page:
Almost identical to Netgear R7800
Differences (r7800 > xr500):
Flash: 128MiB > 256MiB
Removed esata
swapped leds:
usb1 (gpio 7 > 8)
usb2 (gpio 8 > 26)
guest/esata (gpio 26 > 7)
MAC addresses:
On the OEM firmware, the mac addresses are:
WAN: *:50 art 0x6
LAN: *:4f art 0x0 (label)
2G: *:4f art 0x0
5G: *:51 art 0xc
Install via Web Interface (preferred):
Utilize openwrt-ipq806x-netgear_xr500-squashfs-factory.img
Install via TFTP recovery:
1.Turn off the power, push and hold the reset button (in a hole on
backside) with a pin
2.Turn on the power and wait till power led starts flashing white
(after it first flashes orange for a while)
3.Release the reset button and tftp the factory img in binary mode.
The power led will stop flashing if you succeeded in transferring
the image, and the router reboots rather quickly with the new
4.Try to ping the router (ping If does not respond,
then tftp will not work either.
Uploading the firmware image with a TFTP client
$ tftp
put openwrt-ipq806x-netgear_xr500-squashfs-factory.img
The end of the last partition is at 0xee00000. This was chosen
by the initial author, but nobody was able to tell why this
particular arbitrary size was chosen. Since it's not leaving
too much empty space and it's the only issue left, let's just
keep it for now.
Based on work by Adam Hnat <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Geis <>
[squash commits, move common LEDs to DTSI, remove SPDX on old
files, minor whitespace cleanup, commit message facelift,
add MAC address overview, add Notes, fix MAC addresses,
use generic name for partition nodes in DTS]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Allow RAM size to be passed thru U-Boot. There are 128MB and 64MB
versions of Minew G1-C. This is also in line with the behaviour of
most other RAMIPS boards.
Signed-off-by: Bruno Randolf <>
Compile tested and run tested on Pine64+.
Acked-by: Daniel Golle <>
Acked-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Signed-off-by: Paul Spooren <>
Add support for SAM9X60-EK board.
- SoC: SAM9X60
- RAM: Winbond W972GG6KB-25 (2Gbit DDR2)
- NAND Flash: Micron MT29F4G08ABAEA
- QSPI Flash: Microchip SST26VF064B
- EEPROM: Microchip 24AA02E48
- SDMMC: One standard 4-bit SD card interface
- USB: two stacked Type-A connectors with power switches, one micro-B
USB device
- CAN: 2 interfaces (Microchip MCP2542)
- Ethernet: one 10/100Mbps
- WiFi/BT: one optional WiFi/Bluetooth interface
- Audio: one ClassD port
- Display: one 24-bit LCD interface
- Camera: one 12-bit image sensor interface
- IO: one IO expander (Microchip MCP23008)
- Debug ports: one J-Link-OB + CDC, one JTAG interface
- Leds: one RGB LED
- Buttons: 4 push button switches
- Expansion: one PIO connector, one mikrobus connector
- Power management: two power regulators, two power consumption measurement
- follow the procedure at [1]
Signed-off-by: Claudiu Beznea <>
Add support for SAMA5D27 WLSOM1-EK board.
- SIP: SAMA5D27C-LD2G-CU including SAMA5D27 MPU and 2Gbit LPDDR2-SDRAM
- MMC: one standard SD card interface
- Flash: 64 Mb serial quad I/O flash memory (SST26VF064BEUIT-104I/MF)
with embedded EUI-48 and EUI-64 MAC addresses
- USB: one USB device, one USB host one HSIC interface
- Ethernet: 1x10/100Mbps port
- WiFi/BT: IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi plus Bluetooth (Wi-Fi/BT) module
- Crypto: one ATECC608B-TNGTLS secure element
- Video: one LCD RGB 18-bit interface, one ISC 12-bit camera interface
- Debug port: one JTAG interface, one UART interface, one WILC UART
- Leds: one RGB LED
- Buttons: start, reset, wakeup, user buttons
- Expansion: one tamper connector, one mikrobus interface, 2 XPRO PTC
- Power managament: PMIC (MCP16502)
- follow procedure at [1]
Signed-off-by: Claudiu Beznea <>
Add support for SAMA5D2 ICP board.
- SoC: SAMA5D27
- RAM: 512 MB DDR3L
- MMC: One stanard SD card interface
- USB: One USB host switch 4 ports with power switch,
One USB device type Micro-AB
- CAN: 2 interfaces
- Ethernet: One Gigabit Ethernet PHY through HSIC,
One ETH switchport,
One EtherCAT interface
- WiFi/BT: Footprint for IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi plus
Bluetooth module (Wi-Fi/BT), suitable for
Microchip WILC3000-MR110CA or WILC3000-MR110UA
- Debug port: One J-Link-OB/J-Link-CDC, one JTAG interface
- Leds: one RGB LED
- Buttons: reset, wakeup, 2 user buttons
- Expansion: one PIOBU/PIO connector, 3 mikrobus sockets
- Power mangament: PMIC (MCP16502), one power consumption device
Not working in Linux:
- EtherCAT interface: there is no Linux support integrated
- PAC1934: driver available at [1] but not integrated in Linux
- follow the procedure at [2]
Signed-off-by: Claudiu Beznea <>
Bump at91 targets to kernel v5.10. With this patches and files for
wb45n and wb50n were removed as they are now included in upstream
kernel. Along with:
- this the kernel config for sama5d2 and sam9x targets has been
refreshed (with make kernel_menuconfig + save);
- CONFIG_ARCH_AT91 and specific sam9x SoCs (AT91RM9200, AT91SAM9,
SAM9X60) has been enabled such that sam9x SoCs to be able to boot.
Signed-off-by: Claudiu Beznea <>
Enable the sun8i-thermal driver to allow reading the
temperature of the SoC.
As suggested by mans0n, disable this driver in the
a8 subtarget because it does not support yet.
Tested on NanoPi R1S H5.
Signed-off-by: Chukun Pan <>
Tidy qca8k_setup for loops relating to port handling. No functional
Signed-off-by: Ansuel Smith <>
Signed-off-by: Matthew Hagan <>
Add cpu_port_index fix to apply settings to correct CPU port.
Signed-off-by: Ansuel Smith <>
Signed-off-by: Matthew Hagan <>
Backport Ansuel Smith's various qca8k feature additions:
- mac-power-sel support
- SGMII PLL explicit enable
- tx/rx clock phase to falling edge
- power-on-sel and LED open drain mode
- cpu port 6
- qca8328 support
- sgmii internal delay
- move port config to dedicated struct
- convert to yaml schema
Signed-off-by: Ansuel Smith <>
Signed-off-by: Matthew Hagan <>
Backport workaround for QCA8327 PHY resume, which does not properly support
genphy_suspend/resume. Also add DAC amplitude fix for the QCA8327 PHY,
set port to preferred master and add proper names to debug regs.
Signed-off-by: Ansuel Smith <>
Signed-off-by: Matthew Hagan <>
This commit add accepted upstream patches that improve & tidy qca83xx support.
1 - Split qca8327 to A & B variants, identifiable by phy_id
2 - Add suspend/resume support to qca8xx phys
3 - Tidy spacing and phy naming.
Signed-off-by: Ansuel Smith <>
Signed-off-by: Matthew Hagan <>
Add support for qca8327 internal phy needed for correct init of the
switch port. It does use the same qca8337 function and reg just with a
different id.
Signed-off-by: Ansuel Smith <>
Signed-off-by: Matthew Hagan <>
Backport fixes including:
net: dsa: qca8k: fix missing unlock on error in qca8k_vlan_(add|del)
net: dsa: qca8k: check return value of read functions correctly
net: dsa: qca8k: add missing check return value in qca8k_phylink_mac_config()
net: dsa: qca8k: fix an endian bug in qca8k_get_ethtool_stats()
net: dsa: qca8k: check the correct variable in qca8k_set_mac_eee()
Signed-off-by: Ansuel Smith <>
Signed-off-by: Matthew Hagan <>
This is a backport of Ansuel Smith's "Multiple improvement to qca8k stability"
series. The QCA8337 switch is available on multiple platforms including
ipq806x, ath79 and bcm53xx.
Signed-off-by: Ansuel Smith <>
Signed-off-by: Matthew Hagan <>
Rosen reported strange dtc warnings that had their origin in
an upstream patch to 5.8-rc1. Upon further digging this
revealed an ongoing thread [0] discussing the topic:
> [...]I don't think we need a bunch of warning fix patches to add
> these everywhere. Also, the need for #address-cells pretty much makes
> no sense on any modern system. It is a relic from days when the bus
> (address) topology and interrupt topology were related.
and later on:
> So really, we only need to be checking for #address-cells in nodes
> with interrupt-map.
This patch backports just the patch which removed the warning message
(this is from the upstream dtc project [1] - but not the kernel).
the patch does not add the checking of the #address-cells in nodes
with interrupt-map.
[0] <>
[1] <>
Link: <>
Reported-by: Rosen Penev <>
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
ag71xx_probe is registering ag71xx_interrupt as handler for the gmac0/gmac1
interrupts. The handler is trying to use napi_schedule to handle the
processing of packets. But the netif_napi_add for this device is
called a lot later in ag71xx_probe.
It can therefore happen that a still running gmac0/gmac1 is triggering the
interrupt handler with a bit from AG71XX_INT_POLL set in
AG71XX_REG_INT_STATUS. The handler will then call napi_schedule and the
napi code will crash the system because the ag->napi is not yet
libphy: Fixed MDIO Bus: probed
CPU 0 Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00000000, epc == 00000000, ra == 81373408
CPU: 0 PID: 1 Comm: swapper Not tainted 5.4.152 #0
$ 0 : 00000000 00000001 00000000 8280bf28
$ 4 : 82a98cb0 00000000 81620000 00200140
$ 8 : 00000000 00000000 74657272 7570743a
$12 : 0000005b 8280bdb9 ffffffff ffffffff
$16 : 00000001 82a98cb0 00000000 8280bf27
$20 : 8280bf28 81620000 ffff8b00 8280bf30
$24 : 00000000 8125af9c
$28 : 82828000 8280bed8 81610000 81373408
Hi : 00005fff
Lo : 2e48f657
epc : 00000000 0x0
ra : 81373408 __napi_poll+0x3c/0x11c
Status: 1100dc03 KERNEL EXL IE
Cause : 00800008 (ExcCode 02)
BadVA : 00000000
PrId : 00019750 (MIPS 74Kc)
Modules linked in:
Process swapper (pid: 1, threadinfo=(ptrval), task=(ptrval), tls=00000000)
Stack : ffff8afb ffff8afa 81620000 00200140 00000000 82a98cb0 00000008 0000012c
81625620 81373684 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffef 00000008 816153d8 81620000
815b0d60 815bbd54 00000000 81753700 8280bf28 8280bf28 8280bf30 8280bf30
81753748 00000008 00000003 00000004 0000000c 00000100 3fffffff 8175373c
816059f0 814ddb48 00000001 8160ab30 81615488 810618bc 00000006 00000000
Call Trace:
[<81373684>] net_rx_action+0xfc/0x26c
[<814ddb48>] __do_softirq+0x118/0x2ec
[<810618bc>] handle_percpu_irq+0x50/0x80
[<8125ab8c>] plat_irq_dispatch+0x94/0xc8
[<81004e98>] handle_int+0x138/0x144
Code: (Bad address in epc)
---[ end trace a60d797432b656b2 ]---
The gmcc0/gmac1 must be brought in a state in which it doesn't signal a
AG71XX_INT_POLL related status bits as interrupt before registering the
interrupt handler. ag71xx_hw_start will take care of re-initializing the
Fixes: f529a37420 ("surprise :p")
Signed-off-by: Sven Eckelmann <>
This allows to specify and control switch LEDs on devices using mt7530
(typically mediatek and ramips targets).
Normally these LED GPIOs are 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12. wan/lan assignment is
per device. GPIO 9 is normally inverted. so GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH instead of
Tested on Linksys E7350.
Refreshed all patches.
Signed-off-by: Rosen Penev <>
This fixes a kernel build problem.
The removed parts of the patch are already applied upstream.
Fixes: 9ad3ef27b9 ("kernel: bump 5.4 to 5.4.153")
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
This should have been included in the previous patch that
resized the kernel partition to fit bigger kernels.
Fixes: 7a6a349445 ("apm821xx: WNDAP620 + WNDAP660: reorganize partitions for 5.10")
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
This patch updates all current APM82181 devices over to that
"new LED naming scheme". This includes many updates to the
- dropped the deprecated, but beloved "label" property.
- rename all DT leds node names to led-#.
- add function and color properties.
- utilized panic-indicator property.
- dropped led- aliases (see below).
migration scripts for all devices are included.
For more information. See:
For the future: It looks like the color+function properties
won over the dt-alias / label. This will need to be wired up
into openwrt eventually. For APM821xx the situation is that
all devices have a dedicated power and fault indicator.
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
Back in the AR71XX days, the lzma-loader code could be customized
based on the $BOARD variable. These would be passed as a
compile-time -DCONFIG_BOARD_$DEVICE_MODEL flag to the compiler.
Hence, the lzma-loader would be able to include device-specific
Note: There's still a fixup for the TpLink TL-WR1043ND V1 found
in the lzma-loader's board.c code. But since the days of AR71XX
I couldn't find a forum post or bug reported. So, I left it
as is to not break anything by enabling it.
=> If you have a TL-WR1043ND V1 and you have problem with
the ethernet: let me know. Because otherwise, the fixup
might simply no longer needed with ath79 and it can be removed.
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>