The DDR firmware binaries are not part of the U-Boot source code, so we should look for them in the build directory, where they need to be copied to before building U-Boot. The ATF binary is already fetched from the build directory, but the README files for the i.MX8M EVKs claim that it needs to be copied to the source directory (which is still true for in-tree builds, but not in general). Therefore we also fix the READMEs to use the build directory as the correct location for all additional binary files. Sined-off-by: Frieder Schrempf <>
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U-Boot for the NXP i.MX8MQ EVK board
Quick Start
- Build the ARM Trusted firmware binary
- Get ddr and hdmi fimware
- Build U-Boot
- Boot
Get and Build the ARM Trusted firmware
Note: srctree is U-Boot source directory
Get ATF from:
branch: imx_4.19.35_1.0.0
$ make PLAT=imx8mq bl31
$ cp build/imx8mq/release/bl31.bin $(builddir)
Get the ddr and hdmi firmware
$ wget
$ chmod +x firmware-imx-7.9.bin
$ ./firmware-imx-7.9.bin
$ cp firmware-imx-7.9/firmware/hdmi/cadence/signed_hdmi_imx8m.bin $(builddir)
$ cp firmware-imx-7.9/firmware/ddr/synopsys/lpddr4*.bin $(builddir)
Build U-Boot
$ export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-poky-linux-
$ make imx8mq_evk_defconfig
$ make flash.bin
Burn the flash.bin to MicroSD card offset 33KB
$sudo dd if=flash.bin of=/dev/sd[x] bs=1024 seek=33
Set Boot switch SW801: 1100 and Bmode: 10 to boot from Micro SD.