Rosy Song 07c2d29859 nft-qos: use prerouting chain rather than input
Using the input chain can only limit the upload rate in local network.
Since to do the limit rate on both native and remote, we have to
replace the input hook with prerouting.

Signed-off-by: Rosy Song <>

(Added Makefile version bump)
Signed-off-by: Hannu Nyman <>
2018-11-10 20:47:23 +02:00

73 lines
1.8 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2018
. /lib/nft-qos/
# append rule for static qos
qosdef_append_rule_sta() { # <section> <operator> <default-unit> <default-rate>
local ipaddr unit rate
local operator=$2
config_get ipaddr $1 ipaddr
config_get unit $1 unit $3
config_get rate $1 rate $4
[ -z "$ipaddr" ] && return
qosdef_append_rule_ip_limit $ipaddr $operator $unit $rate
# append chain for static qos
qosdef_append_chain_sta() { # <hook> <name> <section> <unit> <rate>
local hook=$1 name=$2
local config=$3 operator
case "$name" in
download) operator="daddr";;
upload) operator="saddr";;
qosdef_appendx "\tchain $name {\n"
qosdef_append_chain_def filter $hook 0 accept
qosdef_append_rule_limit_whitelist $name
config_foreach qosdef_append_rule_sta $config $operator $4 $5
qosdef_appendx "\t}\n"
qosdef_flush_static() {
qosdef_flush_table "$NFT_QOS_INET_FAMILY" nft-qos-static
# static limit rate init
qosdef_init_static() {
local unit_dl unit_ul rate_dl rate_ul
local limit_enable limit_type hook_ul="prerouting" hook_dl="postrouting"
uci_validate_section nft-qos default default \
'limit_enable:bool:0' \
'limit_type:maxlength(8)' \
'static_unit_dl:string:kbytes' \
'static_unit_ul:string:kbytes' \
'static_rate_dl:uinteger:50' \
[ $? -ne 0 ] && {
logger -t nft-qos-static "validation failed"
return 1
[ $limit_enable -eq 0 -o \
$limit_type = "dynamic" ] && return 1
[ -z "$NFT_QOS_HAS_BRIDGE" ] && {
qosdef_appendx "table $NFT_QOS_INET_FAMILY nft-qos-static {\n"
qosdef_append_chain_sta $hook_ul upload upload $unit_ul $rate_ul
qosdef_append_chain_sta $hook_dl download download $unit_dl $rate_dl
qosdef_appendx "}\n"