Revert an upstream commit to enable compiling without external glib2. Edit the 'disable UI compilation' patch to match the original upstream commit more closely. Signed-off-by: Hannu Nyman <>
421 lines
11 KiB
421 lines
11 KiB
Revert upstream commit d1993bcde2a524346a9508754671f096ec129ad1
to avoid glib dependency. That commit polluted the main code
with glib types.
--- a/irqbalance.h
+++ b/irqbalance.h
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <glib.h>
-#include <glib-unix.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <limits.h>
@@ -63,7 +62,6 @@ extern GList *packages;
extern GList *cache_domains;
extern GList *cpus;
extern int numa_avail;
-extern GList *cl_banned_irqs;
extern int debug_mode;
extern int journal_logging;
@@ -171,7 +169,5 @@ extern unsigned int log_mask;
#endif /* HAVE_LIBSYSTEMD */
-#define SOCKET_PATH "irqbalance"
--- a/irqbalance.c
+++ b/irqbalance.c
@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/un.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <getopt.h>
@@ -44,7 +42,6 @@
#include "irqbalance.h"
volatile int keep_going = 1;
-int socket_fd;
int one_shot_mode;
int debug_mode;
int foreground_mode;
@@ -61,9 +58,6 @@ char *banscript = NULL;
char *polscript = NULL;
long HZ;
int sleep_interval = SLEEP_INTERVAL;
-GMainLoop *main_loop;
-char *banned_cpumask_from_ui = NULL;
static void sleep_approx(int seconds)
@@ -236,224 +230,22 @@ static void force_rebalance_irq(struct i
info->assigned_obj = NULL;
-gboolean handler(gpointer data __attribute__((unused)))
+static void handler(int signum)
+ (void)signum;
keep_going = 0;
- g_main_loop_quit(main_loop);
- return TRUE;
-gboolean force_rescan(gpointer data __attribute__((unused)))
+static void force_rescan(int signum)
+ (void)signum;
if (cycle_count)
need_rescan = 1;
- return TRUE;
-gboolean scan(gpointer data)
- log(TO_CONSOLE, LOG_INFO, "\n\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- clear_work_stats();
- parse_proc_interrupts();
- parse_proc_stat();
- /* cope with cpu hotplug -- detected during /proc/interrupts parsing */
- if (need_rescan) {
- need_rescan = 0;
- cycle_count = 0;
- log(TO_CONSOLE, LOG_INFO, "Rescanning cpu topology \n");
- clear_work_stats();
- free_object_tree();
- build_object_tree();
- for_each_irq(NULL, force_rebalance_irq, NULL);
- parse_proc_interrupts();
- parse_proc_stat();
- sleep_approx(sleep_interval);
- clear_work_stats();
- parse_proc_interrupts();
- parse_proc_stat();
- }
- if (cycle_count)
- update_migration_status();
- calculate_placement();
- activate_mappings();
- if (debug_mode)
- dump_tree();
- if (one_shot_mode)
- keep_going = 0;
- cycle_count++;
- if (data != &sleep_interval) {
- data = &sleep_interval;
- g_timeout_add_seconds(sleep_interval, scan, data);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (keep_going)
- return TRUE;
- else
- return FALSE;
-void get_irq_data(struct irq_info *irq, void *data)
- sprintf(data + strlen(data),
- "IRQ %d LOAD %lu DIFF %lu CLASS %d ", irq->irq, irq->load,
- (irq->irq_count - irq->last_irq_count), irq->class);
-void get_object_stat(struct topo_obj *object, void *data)
- char irq_data[1024] = "\0";
- if (g_list_length(object->interrupts) > 0) {
- for_each_irq(object->interrupts, get_irq_data, irq_data);
- }
- sprintf(data + strlen(data), "TYPE %d NUMBER %d LOAD %lu SAVE_MODE %d %s",
- object->obj_type, object->number, object->load,
- object->powersave_mode, irq_data);
- if (object->obj_type != OBJ_TYPE_CPU) {
- for_each_object(object->children, get_object_stat, data);
- }
-gboolean sock_handle(gint fd, GIOCondition condition, gpointer user_data __attribute__((unused)))
- char buff[500];
- int sock;
- int recv_size = 0;
- int valid_user = 0;
- struct iovec iov = { buff, 500 };
- struct msghdr msg = { NULL, 0, &iov, 1, NULL, 0, 0 };
- msg.msg_control = malloc(CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct ucred)));
- msg.msg_controllen = CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct ucred));
- struct cmsghdr *cmsg;
- if (condition == G_IO_IN) {
- sock = accept(fd, NULL, NULL);
- if (sock < 0) {
- log(TO_ALL, LOG_WARNING, "Connection couldn't be accepted.\n");
- return TRUE;
- }
- if ((recv_size = recvmsg(sock, &msg, 0)) < 0) {
- log(TO_ALL, LOG_WARNING, "Error while receiving data.\n");
- return TRUE;
- }
- cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg);
- if ((cmsg->cmsg_level == SOL_SOCKET) &&
- (cmsg->cmsg_type == SCM_CREDENTIALS)) {
- struct ucred *credentials = (struct ucred *) CMSG_DATA(cmsg);
- if (!credentials->uid) {
- valid_user = 1;
- }
- }
- if (!valid_user) {
- log(TO_ALL, LOG_INFO, "Permission denied for user to connect to socket.\n");
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (!strncmp(buff, "stats", strlen("stats"))) {
- char stats[2048] = "\0";
- for_each_object(numa_nodes, get_object_stat, stats);
- send(sock, stats, strlen(stats), 0);
- }
- if (!strncmp(buff, "settings ", strlen("settings "))) {
- if (!(strncmp(buff + strlen("settings "), "sleep ",
- strlen("sleep ")))) {
- char *sleep_string = malloc(
- sizeof(char) * (recv_size - strlen("settings sleep ")));
- strncpy(sleep_string, buff + strlen("settings sleep "),
- recv_size - strlen("settings sleep "));
- int new_iterval = strtoul(sleep_string, NULL, 10);
- if (new_iterval >= 1) {
- sleep_interval = new_iterval;
- }
- } else if (!(strncmp(buff + strlen("settings "), "ban irqs ",
- strlen("ban irqs ")))) {
- char *end;
- char *irq_string = malloc(
- sizeof(char) * (recv_size - strlen("settings ban irqs ")));
- strncpy(irq_string, buff + strlen("settings ban irqs "),
- recv_size - strlen("settings ban irqs "));
- g_list_free_full(cl_banned_irqs, free);
- cl_banned_irqs = NULL;
- need_rescan = 1;
- if (!strncmp(irq_string, "NONE", strlen("NONE"))) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- int irq = strtoul(irq_string, &end, 10);
- do {
- add_cl_banned_irq(irq);
- } while((irq = strtoul(end, &end, 10)));
- } else if (!(strncmp(buff + strlen("settings "), "cpus ",
- strlen("cpus")))) {
- char *cpu_ban_string = malloc(
- sizeof(char) * (recv_size - strlen("settings cpus ")));
- strncpy(cpu_ban_string, buff + strlen("settings cpus "),
- recv_size - strlen("settings cpus "));
- banned_cpumask_from_ui = strtok(cpu_ban_string, " ");
- if (!strncmp(banned_cpumask_from_ui, "NULL", strlen("NULL"))) {
- banned_cpumask_from_ui = NULL;
- }
- need_rescan = 1;
- }
- }
- if (!strncmp(buff, "setup", strlen("setup"))) {
- char setup[2048] = "\0";
- snprintf(setup, 2048, "SLEEP %d ", sleep_interval);
- if(g_list_length(cl_banned_irqs) > 0) {
- for_each_irq(cl_banned_irqs, get_irq_data, setup);
- }
- char banned[512];
- cpumask_scnprintf(banned, 512, banned_cpus);
- snprintf(setup + strlen(setup), 2048 - strlen(setup),
- "BANNED %s", banned);
- send(sock, setup, strlen(setup), 0);
- }
- close(sock);
- }
- return TRUE;
-int init_socket(char *socket_name)
- struct sockaddr_un addr;
- memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un));
- socket_fd = socket(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (socket_fd < 0) {
- log(TO_ALL, LOG_WARNING, "Socket couldn't be created.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
- addr.sun_path[0] = '\0';
- strncpy(addr.sun_path + 1, socket_name, strlen(socket_name));
- if (bind(socket_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr,
- sizeof(sa_family_t) + strlen(socket_name) + 1) < 0) {
- log(TO_ALL, LOG_WARNING, "Daemon couldn't be bound to the socket.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- int optval = 1;
- if (setsockopt(socket_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PASSCRED, &optval, sizeof(optval)) < 0) {
- log(TO_ALL, LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set socket options.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- listen(socket_fd, 1);
- g_unix_fd_add(socket_fd, G_IO_IN, sock_handle, NULL);
- return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ struct sigaction action, hupaction;
sigset_t sigset, old_sigset;
@@ -553,11 +345,19 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
- g_unix_signal_add(SIGINT, handler, NULL);
- g_unix_signal_add(SIGTERM, handler, NULL);
- g_unix_signal_add(SIGUSR1, handler, NULL);
- g_unix_signal_add(SIGUSR2, handler, NULL);
- g_unix_signal_add(SIGHUP, force_rescan, NULL);
+ action.sa_handler = handler;
+ sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask);
+ action.sa_flags = 0;
+ sigaction(SIGINT, &action, NULL);
+ sigaction(SIGTERM, &action, NULL);
+ sigaction(SIGUSR1, &action, NULL);
+ sigaction(SIGUSR2, &action, NULL);
+ hupaction.sa_handler = force_rescan;
+ sigemptyset(&hupaction.sa_mask);
+ hupaction.sa_flags = 0;
+ sigaction(SIGHUP, &hupaction, NULL);
sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &old_sigset, NULL);
@@ -566,32 +366,58 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
for_each_irq(NULL, force_rebalance_irq, NULL);
- char socket_name[64];
- snprintf(socket_name, 64, "%s%d.sock", SOCKET_PATH, getpid());
+ while (keep_going) {
+ sleep_approx(sleep_interval);
+ log(TO_CONSOLE, LOG_INFO, "\n\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- if (init_socket(socket_name)) {
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- main_loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE);
- int *last_interval = &sleep_interval;
- g_timeout_add_seconds(sleep_interval, scan, last_interval);
- g_main_loop_run(main_loop);
- g_main_loop_quit(main_loop);
+ clear_work_stats();
+ parse_proc_interrupts();
+ parse_proc_stat();
+ /* cope with cpu hotplug -- detected during /proc/interrupts parsing */
+ if (need_rescan) {
+ need_rescan = 0;
+ cycle_count = 0;
+ log(TO_CONSOLE, LOG_INFO, "Rescanning cpu topology \n");
+ clear_work_stats();
+ free_object_tree();
+ build_object_tree();
+ for_each_irq(NULL, force_rebalance_irq, NULL);
+ parse_proc_interrupts();
+ parse_proc_stat();
+ sleep_approx(sleep_interval);
+ clear_work_stats();
+ parse_proc_interrupts();
+ parse_proc_stat();
+ }
+ if (cycle_count)
+ update_migration_status();
+ calculate_placement();
+ activate_mappings();
+ if (debug_mode)
+ dump_tree();
+ if (one_shot_mode)
+ keep_going = 0;
+ cycle_count++;
+ }
/* Remove pidfile */
if (!foreground_mode && pidfile)
- /* Remove socket */
- close(socket_fd);
--- a/cputree.c
+++ b/cputree.c
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
#include "irqbalance.h"
-extern char *banned_cpumask_from_ui;
GList *cpus;
GList *cache_domains;
@@ -77,15 +76,11 @@ static void setup_banned_cpus(void)
/* A manually specified cpumask overrides auto-detection. */
- if (banned_cpumask_from_ui != NULL) {
- cpulist_parse(banned_cpumask_from_ui,
- strlen(banned_cpumask_from_ui), banned_cpus);
- goto out;
- }
cpumask_parse_user(getenv("IRQBALANCE_BANNED_CPUS"), strlen(getenv("IRQBALANCE_BANNED_CPUS")), banned_cpus);
goto out;
file = fopen("/sys/devices/system/cpu/isolated", "r");
if (file) {
if (getline(&line, &size, file) > 0) {
@@ -117,8 +112,6 @@ out:
log(TO_CONSOLE, LOG_INFO, "Isolated CPUs: %s\n", buffer);
cpumask_scnprintf(buffer, 4096, nohz_full);
log(TO_CONSOLE, LOG_INFO, "Adaptive-ticks CPUs: %s\n", buffer);
- cpumask_scnprintf(buffer, 4096, banned_cpus);
- log(TO_CONSOLE, LOG_INFO, "Banned CPUs: %s\n", buffer);
static struct topo_obj* add_cache_domain_to_package(struct topo_obj *cache,