This is necessary when there are multiple records for the same domain, otherwise the script will overwrite the first one returned by the API. It has the secondary benefit of allowing faster updates by performing only one API call instead of two. In case 'rec_id' is not set the script behaves exactly as before. Signed-off-by: Leonardo Brondani Schenkel <>
144 lines
5.8 KiB
144 lines
5.8 KiB
#.Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0
# script for sending updates to
#.2014-2015 Christian Schoenebeck <christian dot schoenebeck at gmail dot com>
# many thanks to Paul for testing and feedback during development
# This script is parsed by inside send_update() function
# using following options from /etc/config/ddns
# option username - your cloudflare e-mail
# option password - cloudflare api key, you can get it from
# option domain - your full hostname to update, in cloudflare its subdomain.domain
# i.e. where myhost is the subdomain and is your domain
# variable __IP already defined with the ip-address to use for update
[ $use_https -eq 0 ] && write_log 14 "Cloudflare only support updates via Secure HTTP (HTTPS). Please correct configuration!"
[ -z "$username" ] && write_log 14 "Service section not configured correctly! Missing 'username'"
[ -z "$password" ] && write_log 14 "Service section not configured correctly! Missing 'password'"
# split given Host/Domain into TLD, registrable domain, and subdomain
split_FQDN $domain __TLD __DOMAIN __SUBDOM
[ $? -ne 0 -o -z "$__DOMAIN" ] && \
write_log 14 "Wrong Host/Domain configuration ($domain). Please correct configuration!"
# put together what we need
# parse OpenWrt script with
# functions for parsing and generating json
. /usr/share/libubox/
# function copied from /usr/share/libubox/
# from BB14.09 for backward compatibility to AA12.09
grep -i "json_get_keys" /usr/share/libubox/ >/dev/null 2>&1 || json_get_keys() {
local __dest="$1"
local _tbl_cur
if [ -n "$2" ]; then
json_get_var _tbl_cur "$2"
_json_get_var _tbl_cur JSON_CUR
local __var="${JSON_PREFIX}KEYS_${_tbl_cur}"
eval "export -- \"$__dest=\${$__var}\"; [ -n \"\${$__var+x}\" ]"
# function to "sed" unwanted string parts from DATFILE
cleanup() {
# based on the sample output on homepage we need to do some cleanup
sed -i 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' $DATFILE # remove invisible chars at beginning and end of lines
sed -i '/^-$/d' $DATFILE # remove lines with "-" (dash)
sed -i '/^$/d' $DATFILE # remove empty lines
sed -i "#'##g" $DATFILE # remove "'" (single quote)
[ -n "$rec_id" ] && __RECID="$rec_id" || {
# build url according to cloudflare client api at
# to "rec_load_all" to detect rec_id needed for update
__URL="" #
__URL="${__URL}?a=rec_load_all" # -d 'a=rec_load_all'
__URL="${__URL}&tkn=$password" # -d 'tkn=8afbe6dea02407989af4dd4c97bb6e25'
__URL="${__URL}&email=$username" # -d ''
__URL="${__URL}&z=$__DOMAIN" # -d ''
# lets request the data
do_transfer "$__URL" || return 1
cleanup # cleanup dat file
json_load "$(cat $DATFILE)" # lets extract data
__FOUND=0 # found record indicator
json_get_var __RES "result" # cloudflare result of last request
json_get_var __MSG "msg" # cloudflare error message
[ "$__RES" != "success" ] && {
write_log 4 "'rec_load_all' failed with error: \n$__MSG"
return 1
json_select "response"
json_select "recs"
json_select "objs"
json_get_keys __KEYS
for __KEY in $__KEYS; do
json_select "$__KEY"
# json_get_var __ZONE "zone_name" # for debugging
# json_get_var __DISPLAY "display_name" # for debugging
json_get_var __NAME "name"
json_get_var __TYPE "type"
if [ "$__NAME" = "$domain" ]; then
# we must verify IPv4 and IPv6 because there might be both for the same host
[ \( $use_ipv6 -eq 0 -a "$__TYPE" = "A" \) -o \( $use_ipv6 -eq 1 -a "$__TYPE" = "AAAA" \) ] && {
__FOUND=1 # mark found
break # found leave for loop
json_select ..
[ $__FOUND -eq 0 ] && {
# we don't need to continue trying to update cloudflare because record to update does not exist
# user has to setup record first outside ddns-scripts
write_log 14 "No valid record found at Cloudflare setup. Please create first!"
json_get_var __RECID "rec_id" # last thing to do get rec_id
json_cleanup # cleanup
write_log 7 "rec_id '$__RECID' detected for host/domain '$domain'"
# build url according to cloudflare client api at
# for "rec_edit" to update IP address
__URL="" #
__URL="${__URL}?a=rec_edit" # -d 'a=rec_edit'
__URL="${__URL}&tkn=$password" # -d 'tkn=8afbe6dea02407989af4dd4c97bb6e25'
__URL="${__URL}&id=$__RECID" # -d 'id=9001'
__URL="${__URL}&email=$username" # -d ''
__URL="${__URL}&z=$__DOMAIN" # -d ''
[ $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] && __URL="${__URL}&type=A" # -d 'type=A' (IPv4)
[ $use_ipv6 -eq 1 ] && __URL="${__URL}&type=AAAA" # -d 'type=AAAA' (IPv6)
# handle subdomain or domain record
[ -n "$__SUBDOM" ] && __URL="${__URL}&name=$__SUBDOM" # -d 'name=sub' (HOST/SUBDOMAIN)
[ -z "$__SUBDOM" ] && __URL="${__URL}&name=$__DOMAIN" # -d ''(DOMAIN)
__URL="${__URL}&content=$__IP" # -d 'content='
__URL="${__URL}&service_mode=0" # -d 'service_mode=0'
__URL="${__URL}&ttl=1" # -d 'ttl=1'
# lets do the update
do_transfer "$__URL" || return 1
cleanup # cleanup tmp file
json_load "$(cat $DATFILE)" # lets extract data
json_get_var __RES "result" # cloudflare result of last request
json_get_var __MSG "msg" # cloudflare error message
[ "$__RES" != "success" ] && {
write_log 4 "'rec_edit' failed with error:\n$__MSG"
return 1
write_log 7 "Update of rec_id '$__RECID' successful"
return 0