- fix the init script to read the right config - rework the init script to allow reusing its code in the hotplug script - find wan interfaces in the hotplug script instead of using hardcoded name and set the online/offline status separately for IPv4/IPv6 - allow NTP access on interfaces that are configured after chronyd start - add NTP servers obtained from DHCP, options are specified in a new dhcp_ntp_server config section - start chronyd before the network service, include a patch to always have IP_FREEBIND defined, which seems to be missing with uclibc Signed-off-by: Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar0@gmail.com>
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# Set chronyd online/offline status, allow NTP access and add servers from DHCP
[ "$ACTION" = ifup -o "$ACTION" = ifdown ] || exit 0
run_command() {
/usr/bin/chronyc -n "$*" > /dev/null 2>&1
run_command tracking || exit 0
. /lib/functions/network.sh
network_find_wan iface4
network_find_wan6 iface6
run_command $([ -n "$iface4" ] && echo online || echo offline)
run_command $([ -n "$iface6" ] && echo online || echo offline) ::/0
[ "$ACTION" = ifup ] || exit 0
. /lib/functions.sh
. /etc/init.d/chronyd
config_load chrony
config_foreach handle_allow allow | while read command; do
run_command "$command"
# Add servers from DHCP only if the config has a dhcp_ntp_server section
[ -z "$(config_foreach echo dhcp_ntp_server)" ] && exit 0
. /usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh
for iface in $iface4 $iface6; do
json_load "$(ifstatus $iface)"
json_select data
json_get_var dhcp_ntp_servers ntpserver
for server in $dhcp_ntp_servers; do
run_command add $(NTP_SOURCE_HOSTNAME=$server config_foreach \
handle_source dhcp_ntp_server server)