Eric Luehrsen 9d96dfd468 unbound: add option for dhcp UCI domain mx srv and cname
Base LEDE/OpenWrt UCI for dnsmasq provides for DNS override in
/etc/config/dhcp. It is desired to be able to use dnsmasq and
Unbound as transparently as possible. Option 'add_extra_dns'
will pull 'domain', 'mxhost', 'srvhost, and 'cname' from base.

netifd/procd have an interaction with DHCPv6/RA on WAN (FS#713).
Minor IP6 parameter updates can cause Unbound reload events every
few minutes. List option 'trigger' selects which interfaces may
cause reload. For example 'lan', 'wan' but not 'wan6'.

Squash other cosmetics.

Signed-off-by: Eric Luehrsen <>
2017-05-23 00:14:33 -04:00

31 lines
766 B

config unbound
option add_extra_dns '0'
option add_local_fqdn '1'
option add_wan_fqdn '0'
option dhcp_link 'none'
option dhcp4_slaac6 '0'
option dns64 '0'
option dns64_prefix '64:ff9b::/96'
option domain 'lan'
option domain_type 'static'
option edns_size '1280'
option hide_binddata '1'
option listen_port '53'
option localservice '1'
option manual_conf '0'
option protocol 'mixed'
option query_minimize '0'
option query_min_strict '0'
option rebind_localhost '0'
option rebind_protection '1'
option recursion 'passive'
option resource 'small'
option root_age '9'
option ttl_min '120'
option unbound_control '0'
option validator '0'
option validator_ntp '1'
list trigger 'lan'
list trigger 'wan'
#list domain_insecure ''