Busybox in default uses SHA512 as well. On big ditribution this default is sourced from PAM. That means that shadow reads pam settings and uses that. OpenWrt in most cases does not have PAM installed and in such case shadow fallbacks to its own default which is DES. This just changes that default to SHA512 which is consistent with rest of the system. Signed-off-by: Karel Kočí <karel.koci@nic.cz>
11 lines
301 B
11 lines
301 B
--- a/etc/login.defs
+++ b/etc/login.defs
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ CHFN_RESTRICT rwh
# Note: If you use PAM, it is recommended to use a value consistent with
# the PAM modules configuration.
# Only works if ENCRYPT_METHOD is set to SHA256 or SHA512.