update package versions and hashes remove bzero patches remove uclibc++ patch refactor directory structure relocate mrmctl in menuconfig update macremapper patch Signed-off-by: Carey Sonsino <careys@edgewaterwireless.com> Signed-off-by: Carey Sonsino <csonsino@gmail.com>
475 lines
18 KiB
475 lines
18 KiB
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/dcwlinux/uci_configuration_provider.h
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#include "./ap_configuration.h"
+namespace dcwlinux {
+class UciConfigurationProvider : public APConfigurationProvider {
+ static const char *SECTION_TYPE_GENERAL;
+ static const char *SECTION_TYPE_CHANNEL_SET;
+ static const char *SECTION_TYPE_DATA_CHANNEL;
+ static const char *SECTION_TYPE_FILTER_SET;
+ static const char *SECTION_TYPE_FILTER;
+ static const char *DEFAULT_FILTER_SET_NAME;
+ static const char *OPTION_TMPDIR;
+ static const char *OPTION_ENABLED;
+ static const char *OPTION_SSID;
+ static const char *OPTION_BRIDGE;
+ static const char *OPTION_DATA_CHANNELS;
+ static const char *OPTION_INTERFACES;
+ static const char *OPTION_MAC_ADDRESS;
+ static const char *OPTION_FILTERS;
+ static const char *OPTION_PACKET_SIZE;
+ static const char *OPTION_SOURCE_IP;
+ static const char *OPTION_SOURCE_PORT;
+ static const char *OPTION_PROTOCOL;
+ static const char *OPTION_DEST_PORT;
+ static const char *FILTER_FILE_EXTENSION;
+ UciConfigurationProvider(const UciConfigurationProvider&); //no copy
+ typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> DataChannelBridgeMap;
+ struct PrimaryChannel {
+ std::string bridgeName;
+ DataChannelBridgeMap dataChannels;
+ };
+ typedef std::map<std::string, PrimaryChannel> PrimaryChannelMap;
+ typedef std::map<dcw::MacAddress, std::string> StationFilterMap;
+ struct uci_context *_uciContext;
+ struct uci_package *_uciPackage;
+ const char *_uciConfig;
+ std::string _filterDirectory;
+ PrimaryChannelMap _primaryChannels;
+ StationFilterMap _stationFilters;
+ UciConfigurationProvider(const char * const uciConfig); // the "config" part of UCI commands
+ virtual ~UciConfigurationProvider();
+ virtual void InstanciateCFileTrafficFilterProfiles(CFTFPList& output) const;
+ virtual void GetPrimarySsids(SsidSet& output) const;
+ virtual void GetDataSsids(SsidSet& output, const char * const primarySsid) const;
+ virtual const char *GetSsidIfname(const char * const ssid) const;
+ virtual void GetStationTrafficFilterProfiles(StationTFPMap& output) const;
+}; //namespace dcwlinux {
+#include "./ap_configuration.h"
+namespace dcwlinux {
+class UciConfigurationProvider : public APConfigurationProvider {
+ UciConfigurationProvider(const UciConfigurationProvider&); //no copy
+ typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> DataChannelBridgeMap;
+ struct PrimaryChannel {
+ std::string bridgeName;
+ DataChannelBridgeMap dataChannels;
+ };
+ typedef std::map<std::string, PrimaryChannel> PrimaryChannelMap;
+ typedef std::map<dcw::MacAddress, std::string> StationFilterMap;
+ struct uci_context *_uciContext;
+ struct uci_package *_uciPackage;
+ const char *_uciConfig;
+ PrimaryChannelMap _primaryChannels;
+ StationFilterMap _stationFilters;
+ CFTFPList _defaultFilters;
+ UciConfigurationProvider(const char * const uciConfig); // the "config" part of UCI commands
+ virtual ~UciConfigurationProvider();
+ virtual void InstanciateCFileTrafficFilterProfiles(CFTFPList& output) const;
+ virtual void GetPrimarySsids(SsidSet& output) const;
+ virtual void GetDataSsids(SsidSet& output, const char * const primarySsid) const;
+ virtual const char *GetSsidIfname(const char * const ssid) const;
+ virtual void GetStationTrafficFilterProfiles(StationTFPMap& output) const;
+}; //namespace dcwlinux {
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/dcwlinux/uci_configuration_provider.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+#include <uci.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include "./uci_configuration_provider.h"
+#include "dcwposix/filterdirscanner.h"
+#include "dcw/macaddress.h"
+#include "dcw/dcwlog.h"
+using namespace dcwlinux;
+ const char *UciConfigurationProvider::SECTION_TYPE_GENERAL = "general";
+ const char *UciConfigurationProvider::SECTION_TYPE_CHANNEL_SET = "channel-set";
+ const char *UciConfigurationProvider::SECTION_TYPE_DATA_CHANNEL = "datachannel";
+ const char *UciConfigurationProvider::SECTION_TYPE_FILTER_SET = "filter-set";
+ const char *UciConfigurationProvider::SECTION_TYPE_FILTER = "filter";
+ const char *UciConfigurationProvider::DEFAULT_FILTER_SET_NAME = "TFP_Default";
+ const char *UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_TMPDIR = "tmpdir";
+ const char *UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_ENABLED = "enabled";
+ const char *UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_SSID = "ssid";
+ const char *UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_BRIDGE = "bridge";
+ const char *UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_DATA_CHANNELS = "data_channels";
+ const char *UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_INTERFACES = "interfaces";
+ const char *UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_MAC_ADDRESS = "mac";
+ const char *UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_FILTERS = "filters";
+ const char *UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_PACKET_SIZE = "packet_size";
+ const char *UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_SOURCE_IP = "source_ip";
+ const char *UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_SOURCE_PORT = "source_port";
+ const char *UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_PROTOCOL = "protocol";
+ const char *UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_DEST_PORT = "dest_port";
+ const char *UciConfigurationProvider::FILTER_FILE_EXTENSION = ".tfp";
+ UciConfigurationProvider::UciConfigurationProvider(const char * const uciConfig) : _uciConfig(uciConfig) {
+ //printf("*** Start UciConfigurationProvider(%s)\n", _uciConfig);
+ //printf("*** About to uci_alloc_context()\n");
+ _uciContext = uci_alloc_context();
+ //printf("*** uci_alloc_context() complete\n");
+ //printf("*** About to uci_load()\n");
+ if (_uciContext == NULL)
+ {
+ std::string err = "Error creating UCI context ";
+ throw std::runtime_error(err);
+ }
+ uci_load(_uciContext, _uciConfig, &_uciPackage);
+ //printf("*** uci_load complete()\n");
+ if (_uciPackage == NULL)
+ {
+ std::string err = "Error loading UCI package " + std::string(_uciConfig);
+ throw std::runtime_error(err);
+ }
+ uci_section *generalSection = uci_lookup_section(_uciContext, _uciPackage, UciConfigurationProvider::SECTION_TYPE_GENERAL);
+ if (generalSection == NULL)
+ {
+ std::string err = "Error: A general section (" + std::string(UciConfigurationProvider::SECTION_TYPE_GENERAL) + ") must be specified!";
+ throw std::runtime_error(err);
+ }
+ uci_option *opt_tmpdir = uci_lookup_option(_uciContext, generalSection, UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_TMPDIR);
+ if (opt_tmpdir == NULL)
+ {
+ std::string err = "Error: A temporary directory (" + std::string(UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_TMPDIR) + ") must be specified!";
+ throw std::runtime_error(err);
+ }
+ char *tmpdir = opt_tmpdir->v.string;
+ //printf(" *** Set tmpdir: %s\n", tmpdir);
+ // make sure that tmpdir exists
+ int status = mkdir(tmpdir, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
+ if ((status != 0) && // failure
+ (errno != EEXIST)) // the failure was not that the directory already existed
+ {
+ std::string err = "Error: Unable to create the temporary directory (tmpdir), error # " + errno;
+ throw std::runtime_error(err);
+ }
+ _filterDirectory = std::string(tmpdir);
+ if (uci_lookup_section(_uciContext, _uciPackage, UciConfigurationProvider::DEFAULT_FILTER_SET_NAME) == NULL)
+ {
+ std::string err = "Error: A default traffic filter profile named " + std::string(UciConfigurationProvider::DEFAULT_FILTER_SET_NAME) + " MUST exist!";
+ throw std::runtime_error(err);
+ }
+ // iterate over all of the sections in the package
+ uci_element *elem;
+ uci_foreach_element(&_uciPackage->sections, elem)
+ {
+ //printf("--==-- element.type: %d\n", elem->type);
+ //printf("--==-- element.name: %s\n", elem->name);
+ if (elem->type == UCI_TYPE_SECTION)
+ {
+ // look up the section and get it's type
+ uci_section *section = NULL;
+ //printf("*** Looking up section: %s\n", elem->name);
+ section = uci_lookup_section(_uciContext, _uciPackage, elem->name);
+ if ((section != NULL) && (section->type != NULL))
+ {
+ //printf(" *** Section type: %s\n", section->type);
+ if (strcmp(elem->name, UciConfigurationProvider::SECTION_TYPE_GENERAL) == 0)
+ {
+ // we already processed the general section for the tmpdir
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(section->type, UciConfigurationProvider::SECTION_TYPE_CHANNEL_SET) == 0)
+ {
+ // the section is a channel set, populate it with the specified values
+ uci_option *enabled = uci_lookup_option(_uciContext, section, UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_ENABLED);
+ if ((enabled == NULL) || (strcmp(enabled->v.string, "1") != 0))
+ {
+ // found a disabled channel set, ignore it
+ continue;
+ }
+ uci_option *ssid = uci_lookup_option(_uciContext, section, UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_SSID);
+ uci_option *bridge = uci_lookup_option(_uciContext, section, UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_BRIDGE);
+ uci_option *dataChannels = uci_lookup_option(_uciContext, section, UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_DATA_CHANNELS);
+ if ((ssid != NULL) && (bridge != NULL) && (dataChannels != NULL))
+ {
+ PrimaryChannel &pc = _primaryChannels[ssid->v.string];
+ pc.bridgeName = bridge->v.string;
+ char dataChannels_list[255];
+ // The dataChannels option is not a list
+ //if (dataChannels->type == UCI_TYPE_LIST)
+ if (dataChannels->v.string != NULL)
+ {
+ strcpy(dataChannels_list, dataChannels->v.string);
+ std::string str_dataChannels = dataChannels->v.string;
+ size_t start_pos = 0;
+ size_t pos = 0;
+ while(start_pos != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ pos = str_dataChannels.find(" ", start_pos);
+ //printf("****** start_pos: %u, pos: %u\n", start_pos, pos);
+ std::string str_dataChannel = str_dataChannels.substr(start_pos,
+ pos == std::string::npos ? pos : pos-start_pos);
+ //printf("*** dataChannel: %s\n", str_dataChannel.c_str());
+ // update the start position for next loop
+ start_pos = (pos == std::string::npos ? pos : pos+1);
+ uci_section *dcSection = uci_lookup_section(_uciContext, _uciPackage, str_dataChannel.c_str());
+ if (dcSection != NULL)
+ {
+ uci_option *dcSsid = uci_lookup_option(_uciContext, dcSection, UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_SSID);
+ uci_option *dcBridge = uci_lookup_option(_uciContext, dcSection, UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_BRIDGE);
+ // TODO: configure dcBridge and dcInterfaces
+ //uci_option *dcInterfaces = uci_lookup_option(_uciContext, dcSection, UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_INTERFACES);
+ if ((dcSsid != NULL) && (dcBridge != NULL))
+ {
+ pc.dataChannels[dcSsid->v.string];
+ pc.dataChannels[dcSsid->v.string] = dcBridge->v.string;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //printf("Section: %s, SSID: %s, Bridge: %s, Data Channels: %s\n", section->e.name, ssid->v.string, bridge->v.string, dataChannels_list);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(section->type, UciConfigurationProvider::SECTION_TYPE_DATA_CHANNEL) == 0)
+ {
+ // data channels are processed by the channel set
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(section->type, UciConfigurationProvider::SECTION_TYPE_FILTER_SET) == 0)
+ {
+ // the section is a filter set, populate it with the specified values
+ //printf("*** filter set: %s\n", elem->name);
+ // create a tfp file for the sectionName
+ std::ofstream tfpFile;
+ std::string tfpFilePath =
+ tmpdir + std::string("/") +
+ std::string(elem->name) +
+ std::string(UciConfigurationProvider::FILTER_FILE_EXTENSION);
+ tfpFile.open(tfpFilePath.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
+ if (!tfpFile.is_open())
+ {
+ std::string err = "Error: Unable to open the filter file: " + tfpFilePath;
+ throw std::runtime_error(err);
+ }
+ const char *filterDelimiter = "\n";
+ char sFilterContents[2048];
+ sFilterContents[0] = '\0';
+ uci_option *filters = uci_lookup_option(_uciContext, section, UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_FILTERS);
+ // The filters option is not a list
+ //if ((filters != NULL) && (filters->type == UCI_TYPE_LIST))
+ if (filters != NULL)
+ {
+ //printf("*** %s.filters is a list.\n", elem->name);
+ //struct uci_element *e;
+ //uci_foreach_element(&filters->v.list, e)
+ std::string str_filters = filters->v.string;
+ //printf("*** STR_FILTERS: %s\n", str_filters.c_str());
+ size_t start_pos = 0;
+ size_t pos = 0;
+ while(start_pos != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ pos = str_filters.find(" ", start_pos);
+ //printf("****** start_pos: %u, pos: %u\n", start_pos, pos);
+ std::string str_filter = str_filters.substr(start_pos,
+ pos == std::string::npos ? pos : pos-start_pos);
+ //printf("*** Looking for filter section named: %s ...\n", str_filter.c_str());
+ // update the start position for next loop
+ start_pos = (pos == std::string::npos ? pos : pos+1);
+ uci_section *fSection = uci_lookup_section(_uciContext, _uciPackage, str_filter.c_str());
+ if (fSection != NULL)
+ {
+ uci_option *fPacketSize = uci_lookup_option(_uciContext, fSection, UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_PACKET_SIZE);
+ uci_option *fSourceIp = uci_lookup_option(_uciContext, fSection, UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_SOURCE_IP);
+ uci_option *fSourcePort = uci_lookup_option(_uciContext, fSection, UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_SOURCE_PORT);
+ uci_option *fProtocol = uci_lookup_option(_uciContext, fSection, UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_PROTOCOL);
+ uci_option *fDestPort = uci_lookup_option(_uciContext, fSection, UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_DEST_PORT);
+ if ((fPacketSize != NULL) &&
+ (fSourceIp != NULL) &&
+ (fSourcePort != NULL) &&
+ (fProtocol != NULL) &&
+ (fDestPort != NULL))
+ {
+ //printf("*** filter: %s %s:%s:%s:%s:%s\n", e->name,
+ // fPacketSize->v.string, fSourceIp->v.string, fSourcePort->v.string,
+ // fProtocol->v.string, fDestPort->v.string);
+ strcpy(sFilterContents, fPacketSize->v.string);
+ strcat(sFilterContents, ":");
+ strcat(sFilterContents, fSourceIp->v.string);
+ strcat(sFilterContents, ":");
+ strcat(sFilterContents, fSourcePort->v.string);
+ strcat(sFilterContents, ":");
+ strcat(sFilterContents, fProtocol->v.string);
+ strcat(sFilterContents, ":");
+ strcat(sFilterContents, fDestPort->v.string);
+ strcat(sFilterContents, filterDelimiter);
+ //printf("*** Writing filter contents to file: %s\n", sFilterContents);
+ tfpFile << sFilterContents;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::string err = "Error parsing filter: " + str_filter;
+ throw std::runtime_error(err);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tfpFile.close();
+ // if there is a MAC address for the filter set, we need to add it to the station filters list
+ uci_option *mac = uci_lookup_option(_uciContext, section, UciConfigurationProvider::OPTION_MAC_ADDRESS);
+ if (mac != NULL)
+ {
+ // ignore wildcard MAC address
+ if (strcmp(mac->v.string,"*") != 0)
+ {
+ //printf(" *** MAC Address: %s\n", mac->v.string);
+ _stationFilters[::dcw::MacAddress(mac->v.string)] = elem->name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(section->type, UciConfigurationProvider::SECTION_TYPE_FILTER) == 0)
+ {
+ // filters are processed by the filter set
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //std::string err = "Error: Unknown UCI section type: " + std::string(section->type);
+ //throw std::runtime_error(err);
+ // Don't throw an exception. It is fine for UCI to contain things that we do not know about
+ // that it may use for other purposes, like UI or internal state
+ dcwlogdbgf("Ignoring UCI section type: %s\n", section->type);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ UciConfigurationProvider::~UciConfigurationProvider() {
+ uci_free_context(_uciContext);
+ }
+ void UciConfigurationProvider::InstanciateCFileTrafficFilterProfiles(CFTFPList& output) const {
+ ::dcwposix::FilterdirScanner::FileFilterProfileList ffpl;
+ ::dcwposix::FilterdirScanner dirScanner(_filterDirectory.c_str());
+ dirScanner.Scan(ffpl);
+ for (::dcwposix::FilterdirScanner::FileFilterProfileList::const_iterator i = ffpl.begin(); i != ffpl.end(); i++) {
+ output.push_back(new ::dcw::FileTrafficFilterProfile(*i));
+ }
+ }
+ void UciConfigurationProvider::GetPrimarySsids(SsidSet& output) const {
+ for (PrimaryChannelMap::const_iterator i = _primaryChannels.begin(); i != _primaryChannels.end(); i++) {
+ output.insert(i->first);
+ }
+ }
+ void UciConfigurationProvider::GetDataSsids(SsidSet& output, const char * const primarySsid) const {
+ const PrimaryChannelMap::const_iterator pssid = _primaryChannels.find(primarySsid);
+ if (pssid == _primaryChannels.end()) return;
+ for (DataChannelBridgeMap::const_iterator i = pssid->second.dataChannels.begin(); i != pssid->second.dataChannels.end(); i++) {
+ output.insert(i->first);
+ }
+ }
+ const char *UciConfigurationProvider::GetSsidIfname(const char * const ssid) const {
+ PrimaryChannelMap::const_iterator pssid = _primaryChannels.find(ssid);
+ if (pssid != _primaryChannels.end()) {
+ if (pssid->second.bridgeName.empty()) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return pssid->second.bridgeName.c_str();
+ }
+ for (pssid = _primaryChannels.begin(); pssid != _primaryChannels.end(); pssid++) {
+ const DataChannelBridgeMap& dataChannels = pssid->second.dataChannels;
+ const DataChannelBridgeMap::const_iterator dc = dataChannels.find(ssid);
+ if (dc == dataChannels.end()) continue;
+ if (dc->second.empty()) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return dc->second.c_str();
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ void UciConfigurationProvider::GetStationTrafficFilterProfiles(StationTFPMap& output) const {
+ for (StationFilterMap::const_iterator i = _stationFilters.begin(); i != _stationFilters.end(); i++) {
+ output[i->first] = i->second;
+ }
+ }