network_get_device should be enough, and since;a=commitdiff;h=4b9a67362d70c544b85078b8d5c661f43f7472d9 uci network config interface sections use 'device' instead of 'ifname', rendering the fallback useless Signed-off-by: Etienne Champetier <>
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# Copyright (C) 2018
. /lib/functions/
. /lib/nft-qos/
P1=""; P2=""; P3=""; P4=""; P5=""; P6="";
P7=""; P8=""; P9=""; P10=""; P11="";
qosdef_validate_priority() {
uci_load_validate nft-qos default "$1" "$2" \
'priority_enable:bool:0' \
_qosdef_handle_protox() { # <priority> <rule>
case "$1" in
-400) P1="$P1""$2";;
-300) P2="$P2""$2";;
-225) P3="$P3""$2";;
-200) P4="$P4""$2";;
-150) P5="$P5""$2";;
-100) P6="$P6""$2";;
0) P7="$P7""$2";;
50) P8="$P8""$2";;
100) P9="$P9""$2";;
225) P10="$P10""$2";;
300) P11="$P11""$2";;
qosdef_handle_protox() { # <section>
local proto prio srv
config_get proto $1 'protocol'
config_get prio $1 'priority'
config_get srv $1 'service'
[ -z "$proto" -o \
-z "$prio" -o \
-z "$srv" ] && return
_qosdef_handle_protox $prio \
"\t\t$proto dport { $srv } accept\n"
qosdef_append_rule_protox() { # <section>
config_foreach qosdef_handle_protox $1
qosdef_appendx \
qosdef_append_chain_priority() { # <name> <section> <device>
local name=$1 device=$3
qosdef_appendx "\tchain $name {\n"
qosdef_append_chain_ingress filter $device 0 accept
qosdef_append_rule_protox $2
qosdef_appendx "\t}\n"
qosdef_remove_priority() {
qosdef_remove_table netdev nft-qos-priority
# init traffic priority
qosdef_init_priority() {
[ "$2" = 0 ] || {
logger -t nft-qos-priority "validation failed"
return 1
[ $priority_enable -eq 0 ] && return 1
local ifname
network_get_device ifname "$priority_netdev"
[ -n "$ifname" ] || {
logger -t nft-qos-priority "unable to get ifname for $priority_netdev"
return 1
qosdef_appendx "table netdev nft-qos-priority {\n"
qosdef_append_chain_priority filter priority $ifname
qosdef_appendx "}\n"