Now that we don't ship any modules by default, znc might be started without any modules. Unfortunately znc refuses to start without any modules, so patch out the appropriate check. Signed-off-by: Jonas Gorski <>
291 lines
9.6 KiB
291 lines
9.6 KiB
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/playback.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 J-P Nurmi
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <znc/Modules.h>
+#include <znc/IRCNetwork.h>
+#include <znc/Client.h>
+#include <znc/Buffer.h>
+#include <znc/Utils.h>
+#include <znc/Query.h>
+#include <znc/Chan.h>
+#include <znc/znc.h>
+#include <znc/version.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <cfloat>
+#error The playback module requires ZNC version 1.6.0 or later.
+static const char* PlaybackCap = "";
+class CPlaybackMod : public CModule
+ {
+ m_play = false;
+ AddHelpCommand();
+ AddCommand("Clear", static_cast<CModCommand::ModCmdFunc>(&CPlaybackMod::ClearCommand), "<buffer(s)>", "Clears playback for given buffers.");
+ AddCommand("Play", static_cast<CModCommand::ModCmdFunc>(&CPlaybackMod::PlayCommand), "<buffer(s)> [from] [to]", "Sends playback for given buffers.");
+ AddCommand("List", static_cast<CModCommand::ModCmdFunc>(&CPlaybackMod::ListCommand), "[buffer(s)]", "Lists available/matching buffers.");
+ AddCommand("Limit", static_cast<CModCommand::ModCmdFunc>(&CPlaybackMod::LimitCommand), "<client> [limit]", "Get/set the buffer limit (<= 0 to clear) for the given client.");
+ }
+ void OnClientCapLs(CClient* client, SCString& caps) override
+ {
+ caps.insert(PlaybackCap);
+ }
+ bool IsClientCapSupported(CClient* client, const CString& cap, bool state) override
+ {
+ return cap.Equals(PlaybackCap);
+ }
+ EModRet OnChanBufferStarting(CChan& chan, CClient& client) override
+ {
+ if (!m_play && client.IsCapEnabled(PlaybackCap))
+ return HALTCORE;
+ return CONTINUE;
+ }
+ EModRet OnChanBufferPlayLine(CChan& chan, CClient& client, CString& line) override
+ {
+ if (!m_play && client.IsCapEnabled(PlaybackCap))
+ return HALTCORE;
+ return CONTINUE;
+ }
+ EModRet OnChanBufferEnding(CChan& chan, CClient& client) override
+ {
+ if (!m_play && client.IsCapEnabled(PlaybackCap))
+ return HALTCORE;
+ return CONTINUE;
+ }
+ EModRet OnPrivBufferPlayLine(CClient& client, CString& line) override
+ {
+ if (!m_play && client.IsCapEnabled(PlaybackCap))
+ return HALTCORE;
+ return CONTINUE;
+ }
+ void ClearCommand(const CString& line)
+ {
+ // CLEAR <buffer(s)>
+ const CString arg = line.Token(1);
+ if (arg.empty() || !line.Token(2).empty())
+ return;
+ std::vector<CChan*> chans = FindChans(arg);
+ for (CChan* chan : chans)
+ chan->ClearBuffer();
+ std::vector<CQuery*> queries = FindQueries(arg);
+ for (CQuery* query : queries)
+ query->ClearBuffer();
+ }
+ void PlayCommand(const CString& line)
+ {
+ // PLAY <buffer(s)> [from] [to]
+ const CString arg = line.Token(1);
+ if (arg.empty() || !line.Token(4).empty())
+ return;
+ double from = line.Token(2).ToDouble();
+ double to = DBL_MAX;
+ if (!line.Token(3).empty())
+ to = line.Token(3).ToDouble();
+ int limit = -1;
+ if (CClient* client = GetClient())
+ limit = GetLimit(client->GetIdentifier());
+ std::vector<CChan*> chans = FindChans(arg);
+ for (CChan* chan : chans) {
+ if (chan->IsOn() && !chan->IsDetached()) {
+ CBuffer lines = GetLines(chan->GetBuffer(), from, to, limit);
+ m_play = true;
+ chan->SendBuffer(GetClient(), lines);
+ m_play = false;
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<CQuery*> queries = FindQueries(arg);
+ for (CQuery* query : queries) {
+ CBuffer lines = GetLines(query->GetBuffer(), from, to, limit);
+ m_play = true;
+ query->SendBuffer(GetClient(), lines);
+ m_play = false;
+ }
+ }
+ void ListCommand(const CString& line)
+ {
+ // LIST [buffer(s)]
+ CString arg = line.Token(1);
+ if (arg.empty())
+ arg = "*";
+ std::vector<CChan*> chans = FindChans(arg);
+ for (CChan* chan : chans) {
+ if (chan->IsOn() && !chan->IsDetached()) {
+ CBuffer buffer = chan->GetBuffer();
+ if (!buffer.IsEmpty()) {
+ timeval from = UniversalTime(buffer.GetBufLine(0).GetTime());
+ timeval to = UniversalTime(buffer.GetBufLine(buffer.Size() - 1).GetTime());
+ PutModule(chan->GetName() + " " + CString(Timestamp(from)) + " " + CString(Timestamp(to)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<CQuery*> queries = FindQueries(arg);
+ for (CQuery* query : queries) {
+ CBuffer buffer = query->GetBuffer();
+ if (!buffer.IsEmpty()) {
+ timeval from = UniversalTime(buffer.GetBufLine(0).GetTime());
+ timeval to = UniversalTime(buffer.GetBufLine(buffer.Size() - 1).GetTime());
+ PutModule(query->GetName() + " " + CString(Timestamp(from)) + " " + CString(Timestamp(to)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void LimitCommand(const CString& line)
+ {
+ // LIMIT <client> [limit]
+ const CString client = line.Token(1);
+ if (client.empty()) {
+ PutModule("Usage: LIMIT <client> [limit]");
+ return;
+ }
+ const CString arg = line.Token(2);
+ int limit = GetLimit(client);
+ if (!arg.empty()) {
+ limit = arg.ToInt();
+ SetLimit(client, limit);
+ }
+ if (limit <= 0)
+ PutModule(client + " buffer limit: -");
+ else
+ PutModule(client + " buffer limit: " + CString(limit));
+ }
+ EModRet OnSendToClient(CString& line, CClient& client) override
+ {
+ if (client.IsAttached() && client.IsCapEnabled(PlaybackCap) && !line.Token(0).Equals("CAP")) {
+ MCString tags = CUtils::GetMessageTags(line);
+ if (tags.find("time") == tags.end()) {
+ // CUtils::FormatServerTime() converts to UTC
+ tags["time"] = CUtils::FormatServerTime(LocalTime());
+ CUtils::SetMessageTags(line, tags);
+ }
+ }
+ return CONTINUE;
+ }
+ static double Timestamp(timeval tv)
+ {
+ return tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec / 1000000.0;
+ }
+ static timeval LocalTime()
+ {
+ timeval tv;
+ if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) == -1) {
+ tv.tv_sec = time(NULL);
+ tv.tv_usec = 0;
+ }
+ return tv;
+ }
+ static timeval UniversalTime(timeval tv = LocalTime())
+ {
+ tm stm;
+ memset(&stm, 0, sizeof(stm));
+ const time_t secs = tv.tv_sec; // OpenBSD has tv_sec as int, so explicitly convert it to time_t to make gmtime_r() happy
+ gmtime_r(&secs, &stm);
+ const char* tz = getenv("TZ");
+ setenv("TZ", "UTC", 1);
+ tzset();
+ tv.tv_sec = mktime(&stm);
+ if (tz)
+ setenv("TZ", tz, 1);
+ else
+ unsetenv("TZ");
+ tzset();
+ return tv;
+ }
+ std::vector<CChan*> FindChans(const CString& arg) const
+ {
+ std::vector<CChan*> chans;
+ CIRCNetwork* network = GetNetwork();
+ if (network) {
+ VCString vargs;
+ arg.Split(",", vargs, false);
+ for (const CString& name : vargs) {
+ std::vector<CChan*> found = network->FindChans(name);
+ chans.insert(chans.end(), found.begin(), found.end());
+ }
+ }
+ return chans;
+ }
+ std::vector<CQuery*> FindQueries(const CString& arg) const
+ {
+ std::vector<CQuery*> queries;
+ CIRCNetwork* network = GetNetwork();
+ if (network) {
+ VCString vargs;
+ arg.Split(",", vargs, false);
+ for (const CString& name : vargs) {
+ std::vector<CQuery*> found = network->FindQueries(name);
+ queries.insert(queries.end(), found.begin(), found.end());
+ }
+ }
+ return queries;
+ }
+ int GetLimit(const CString& client) const
+ {
+ return GetNV(client).ToInt();
+ }
+ void SetLimit(const CString& client, int limit)
+ {
+ if (limit > 0)
+ SetNV(client, CString(limit));
+ else
+ DelNV(client);
+ }
+ static CBuffer GetLines(const CBuffer& buffer, double from, double to, int limit)
+ {
+ CBuffer lines(buffer.Size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < buffer.Size(); ++i) {
+ const CBufLine& line = buffer.GetBufLine(i);
+ timeval tv = UniversalTime(line.GetTime());
+ if (from < Timestamp(tv) && to >= Timestamp(tv))
+ lines.AddLine(line.GetFormat(), line.GetText(), &tv);
+ }
+ if (limit > 0)
+ lines.SetLineCount(limit);
+ return lines;
+ }
+ bool m_play;
+GLOBALMODULEDEFS(CPlaybackMod, "An advanced playback module for ZNC")