Eric Fahlgren e05835deac snort3: add missing action-override option
Allow use of rules as-defined, and don't override their actions.  This
is generally the best way to use the ruleset, and overriding their
actions should only be undertaken when you fully understand how it
affects their use.

Signed-off-by: Eric Fahlgren <>
2024-01-02 15:29:50 -08:00

166 lines
4.7 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2023 Eric Fahlgren <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
// Create some snort-format-specific items.
let home_net = snort.home_net == 'any' ? "'any'" : snort.home_net;
let external_net = snort.external_net;
let line_mode = snort.mode == "ids" ? "tap" : "inline";
let mod_mode = snort.mode == "ids" ? "passive" : "inline";
let inputs = null;
let vars = null;
switch (snort.method) {
case "pcap":
case "afpacket":
inputs = `{ '${snort.interface}' }`;
vars = "{}";
case "nfq":
inputs = "{ ";
for (let i = int(nfq.queue_start); i < int(nfq.queue_start)+int(nfq.queue_count); i++) {
inputs += `'${i}', `
inputs += "}";
vars = `{ 'device=${snort.interface}', 'queue_maxlen=${nfq.queue_maxlen}', 'fanout_type=${nfq.fanout_type}', 'fail_open', }`;
-- Do not edit, automatically generated. See /usr/share/snort/templates.
-- These must be defined before processing snort.lua
HOME_NET = [[ {{ home_net }} ]]
EXTERNAL_NET = [[ {{ external_net }} ]]
include('{{ snort.config_dir }}/snort.lua')
snort = {
{% if (snort.mode == 'ips'): %}
['-Q'] = true,
{% endif %}
['--daq'] = '{{ snort.method }}',
--['--daq-dir'] = '/usr/lib/daq/',
{% if (snort.method == 'nfq'): %}
['--max-packet-threads'] = {{ nfq.thread_count }},
{% endif %}
ips = {
mode = '{{ line_mode }}',
variables = default_variables,
{% if (snort.action != 'default'): %}
action_override = '{{ snort.action }}',
{% endif %}
{% if (getenv("_SNORT_WITHOUT_RULES") == "1"): %}
{% else %}
include = '{{ snort.config_dir }}/' .. RULE_PATH .. '/snort.rules',
{% endif -%}
daq = {
inputs = {{ inputs }},
snaplen = {{ snort.snaplen }},
module_dirs = { '/usr/lib/daq/', },
modules = {
name = '{{ snort.method }}',
mode = '{{ mod_mode }}',
variables = {{ vars }},
alert_syslog = {
level = 'info',
{% if (int(snort.logging)): %}
-- Note that this is also the location of the PID file, if you use it.
output.logdir = '{{ snort.log_dir }}'
-- alert_full = { file = true, }
alert_fast = {
-- bool alert_fast.file = false: output to alert_fast.txt instead of stdout
-- bool alert_fast.packet = false: output packet dump with alert
-- int alert_fast.limit = 0: set maximum size in MB before rollover (0 is unlimited) { 0:maxSZ }
file = true,
packet = false,
alert_json = {
-- bool alert_json.file = false: output to alert_json.txt instead of stdout
-- int alert_json.limit = 0: set maximum size in MB before rollover (0 is unlimited) { 0:maxSZ }
-- string alert_json.separator = , : separate fields with this character sequence
-- multi alert_json.fields = 'timestamp pkt_num proto pkt_gen pkt_len dir src_ap dst_ap'
-- Rule action: selected fields will be output in given order left to right.
-- { action | class | b64_data | client_bytes | client_pkts | dir
-- | dst_addr | dst_ap | dst_port | eth_dst | eth_len | eth_src
-- | eth_type | flowstart_time | geneve_vni | gid | icmp_code
-- | icmp_id | icmp_seq | icmp_type | iface | ip_id | ip_len
-- | msg | mpls | pkt_gen | pkt_len | pkt_num | priority
-- | proto | rev | rule | seconds | server_bytes | server_pkts
-- | service | sgt | sid | src_addr | src_ap | src_port | target
-- | tcp_ack | tcp_flags | tcp_len | tcp_seq | tcp_win | timestamp
-- | tos | ttl | udp_len | vlan }
-- This is a minimal set of fields that simply supports 'snort-mgr report'
-- and minimizes log size:
fields = 'dir src_ap dst_ap msg',
-- This set also supports the report, but closely matches 'alert_fast' contents.
--fields = 'timestamp pkt_num proto pkt_gen pkt_len dir src_ap dst_ap rule action msg',
file = true,
unified2 = {
limit = 10, -- int unified2.limit = 0: set maximum size in MB before rollover (0 is unlimited) { 0:maxSZ }
{% endif -%}
normalizer = {
tcp = {
ips = true,
file_policy = {
enable_type = true,
enable_signature = true,
rules = {
use = {
verdict = 'log',
enable_file_type = true,
enable_file_signature = true,
-- To use openappid with snort, 'opkg install openappid' and enable in config.
{% if (int(snort.openappid)): %}
appid = {
log_stats = true,
app_detector_dir = '/usr/lib/openappid',
app_stats_period = 60,
{% endif %}
if (snort.include) {
// We use the ucode include here, so that the included file is also
// part of the template and can use values passed in from the config.
printf("-- The following content from included file '%s'\n", snort.include);
include(snort.include, { snort, nfq });