Import miniupnpd from routing repo and bump to 20180422. Drop 102-ipv6-ext-port.patch as this looks upstreamed in the pinhole code to me. Consolidate all other patches & update with a view to sending upstream. Add support for runtime IGDv1 mode switch (default to IGDv2) (not extensively) Tested-on: ar71xx Archer C7 v2 in IGDv1 compatibility mode. A variety of devices/applications appear to be able to create mappings. Have an attempt at resolving TL;DR miniupnpd rules get processed before fw3 rules and thus can override existing/intended redirects. Ideally the miniupnpd rules would be last in the relevant chains, unfortunately fw3 can sometimes use the last rule as a REJECT. Put miniupnpd rules as penultimate. Signed-off-by: Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant <>
210 lines
5.7 KiB
210 lines
5.7 KiB
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# Copyright (C) 2006-2014
upnpd_get_port_range() {
local var="$1"; shift
local val
config_get val "$@"
case "$val" in
export -n -- "${var}_start=${val%%[:-]*}"
export -n -- "${var}_end=${val##*[:-]}"
export -n -- "${var}_start=$val"
export -n -- "${var}_end="
conf_rule_add() {
local cfg="$1"
local tmpconf="$2"
local action external_port_start external_port_end int_addr
local internal_port_start internal_port_end comment
config_get action "$cfg" action "deny" # allow or deny
upnpd_get_port_range "ext" "$cfg" ext_ports "0-65535" # external ports: x, x-y, x:y
config_get int_addr "$cfg" int_addr "" # ip or network and subnet mask (internal)
upnpd_get_port_range "int" "$cfg" int_ports "0-65535" # internal ports: x, x-y, x:y or range
config_get comment "$cfg" comment "ACL" # comment
# Make a single IP IP/32 so that miniupnpd.conf can use it.
[ "${int_addr%/*}" = "$int_addr" ] && int_addr="$int_addr/32"
echo "$action $ext_start${ext_end:+-}$ext_end $int_addr $int_start${int_end:+-}$int_end #$comment" >>$tmpconf
upnpd_write_bool() {
local opt="$1"
local def="${2:-0}"
local alt="${3:-$opt}"
local val
config_get_bool val config "$opt" "$def"
if [ "$val" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "$alt=no" >> $tmpconf
echo "$alt=yes" >> $tmpconf
boot() {
start() {
config_load "upnpd"
local extiface intiface upload download logging secure enabled natpmp
local extip port usesysuptime conffile serial_number model_number
local uuid notify_interval presentation_url enable_upnp
local upnp_lease_file clean_ruleset_threshold clean_ruleset_interval
local ipv6_listening_ip enabled
config_get_bool enabled config enabled 1
[ "$enabled" -eq 0 ] && return 1
config_get extiface config external_iface
config_get extzone config external_zone
config_get intiface config internal_iface
config_get extip config external_ip
config_get port config port 5000
config_get upload config upload
config_get download config download
config_get_bool logging config log_output 0
config_get conffile config config_file
config_get serial_number config serial_number
config_get model_number config model_number
config_get uuid config uuid
config_get notify_interval config notify_interval
config_get presentation_url config presentation_url
config_get upnp_lease_file config upnp_lease_file
config_get clean_ruleset_threshold config clean_ruleset_threshold
config_get clean_ruleset_interval config clean_ruleset_interval
config_get ipv6_listening_ip config ipv6_listening_ip
local args ifname
. /lib/functions/
# manual external interface overrides everything
if [ -z "$extiface" ] ; then
# manual external zone (if dynamically find interfaces
# belonging to it) overrides network_find_wan*
if [ -n "$extzone" ] ; then
ifname=$(fw3 -q zone $extzone | head -1)
[ -n "$extiface" ] || network_find_wan extiface
[ -n "$extiface" ] || network_find_wan6 extiface
[ -n "$ifname" ] || network_get_device ifname $extiface
if [ -n "$conffile" ]; then
args="-f $conffile"
local tmpconf="/var/etc/miniupnpd.conf"
args="-f $tmpconf"
mkdir -p /var/etc
echo "ext_ifname=$ifname" >$tmpconf
[ -n "$extip" ] && \
echo "ext_ip=$extip" >>$tmpconf
local iface
for iface in ${intiface:-lan}; do
local device
network_get_device device "$iface" && {
echo "listening_ip=$device" >>$tmpconf
[ "$port" != "auto" ] && \
echo "port=$port" >>$tmpconf
config_load "upnpd"
upnpd_write_bool enable_natpmp 1
upnpd_write_bool enable_upnp 1
upnpd_write_bool secure_mode 1
upnpd_write_bool pcp_allow_thirdparty 0
upnpd_write_bool system_uptime 1
upnpd_write_bool igdv1 0 force_igd_desc_v1
[ -n "$upnp_lease_file" ] && \
echo "lease_file=$upnp_lease_file" >>$tmpconf
[ -n "$upload" -a -n "$download" ] && {
echo "bitrate_down=$(($download * 1024 * 8))" >>$tmpconf
echo "bitrate_up=$(($upload * 1024 * 8))" >>$tmpconf
[ -n "${presentation_url}" ] && \
echo "presentation_url=${presentation_url}" >>$tmpconf
[ -n "${notify_interval}" ] && \
echo "notify_interval=${notify_interval}" >>$tmpconf
[ -n "${clean_ruleset_threshold}" ] && \
echo "clean_ruleset_threshold=${clean_ruleset_threshold}" >>$tmpconf
[ -n "${clean_ruleset_interval}" ] && \
echo "clean_ruleset_interval=${clean_ruleset_interval}" >>$tmpconf
[ -n "${ipv6_listening_ip}" ] && \
echo "ipv6_listening_ip=${ipv6_listening_ip}" >>$tmpconf
[ -z "$uuid" ] && {
uuid="$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid)"
uci set upnpd.config.uuid=$uuid
uci commit upnpd
[ "$uuid" = "nocli" ] || \
echo "uuid=$uuid" >>$tmpconf
[ -n "${serial_number}" ] && \
echo "serial=${serial_number}" >>$tmpconf
[ -n "${model_number}" ] && \
echo "model_number=${model_number}" >>$tmpconf
config_foreach conf_rule_add perm_rule "$tmpconf"
if [ -n "$ifname" ]; then
# start firewall
iptables -L MINIUPNPD >/dev/null 2>&1 || fw3 reload
if [ "$logging" = "1" ]; then
service_start /usr/sbin/miniupnpd $args -d
service_start /usr/sbin/miniupnpd $args
logger -t "upnp daemon" "external interface not found, not starting"
stop() {
service_stop /usr/sbin/miniupnpd
iptables -t nat -F MINIUPNPD 2>/dev/null
iptables -t nat -F MINIUPNPD-POSTROUTING 2>/dev/null
iptables -t filter -F MINIUPNPD 2>/dev/null
[ -x /usr/sbin/ip6tables ] && {
ip6tables -t filter -F MINIUPNPD 2>/dev/null