Jan Pavlinec 5906bfecd5
tor-hs: add new package
Signed-off-by: Jan Pavlinec <>
2020-04-17 13:57:00 +02:00

Tor Hidden service configurator

tor-hs packages tries to simplify creating of hidden services on OpenWrt routers.


To run tor-hs, you need Tor package with uci config support (it was added with this commit ).


To install package simple run

opkg update
opkg install tor-hs


Uci configuration is located in /etc/config/tor-hs

Required section of configuration

There is one required section common

Example of this section

config tor-hs common
	option GenConf "/etc/tor/torrc_hs"
	option HSDir "/etc/tor/hidden_service"
	option RestartTor "true"
	option UpdateTorConf "true"

Table with options description

Type Name Default Description
option GenConf /etc/tor/torrc_generated Generated config by tor-hs.
option HSDir /etc/tor/hidden_service Directory with meta-data for hidden services (hostname,keys,etc).
option RestartTor true It will restart tor after running /etc/init.d/tor-hs start.
option UpdateTorConf true Update /etc/config/tor with config from GenConf option.

Hidden service configuration

If you want to create a new hidden service, you have to add a hidden-service section. For every hidden service, there should be a new hidden-service section.

Example of hidden service section for ssh server:

config hidden-service
	option Name 'sshd'
	option Description "Hidden service for ssh"
	option Enabled 'false'
	option IPv4 ''
	#public port=2222, local port=22
	list PublicLocalPort '2222;22'

Table with options description

Type Name Example value Description
option Name sshd Name of hidden service. It is used as directory name in HSDir
option Description Hidden service for ssh Description used in rpcd service
option Enabled false Enable hidden service after running tor-hs init script
option IPv4 Local IPv4 address of service. Service could run on another device, in that case OpenWrt will redirect comunication.
list PublicLocalPort 2222;22 Public port is port accesible via Tor network. Local port is normal port of service.
option HookScript '/etc/tor/nextcloud-update.php' Path to script which is executed after starting tor-hs. Script is executed with paramters --update-onion hostname . Hostname is replaced with Onion v3 address for given hidden service.

Running service

To enable tor-hs service run

/etc/init.d/tor-hs enable
/etc/init.d/tor-hs start

In case you enabled option RestartTor and UpdateTorConf hidden service should be running. Otherwise, you should also restart tor daemon.

/etc/init.d/tor restart

After that you should also restart rpcd daemon, so you can use tor-hs RPCD service.

/etc/init.d/rpcd restart


RPCD servis helps users to access basic informations about hidden services on router. After running HS it contains onion url for given hidden service in hostname value.

root@turris:/# ubus call list-hs '{}'
	"hs-list": [
			"name": "sshd",
			"description": "Hidden service for ssh",
			"enabled": "1",
			"ipv4": "",
			"hostname": "****hidden-service-hostname****.onion",
			"ports": [