- moved /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_lucihelper.sh from luci-app-ddns into this package (Github openwrt/luci issue 251) (OpenWrt Trac tickets 18326 18347) - fix: dynamic_dns_update.sh did not loop (OpenWrt Trac ticket 18336) - add provider cloudflare.com IPv4 and IPv6 (Thanks to Paul for support and testing) (OpenWrt Trac ticket 12500) - modified detection, if dynamic_dns_fuctions are used by dynamic_dns_lucihelper.sh - redirect stdout of wget,curl,host,nslookup,nc etc to /tmp/ddns_$$.dat and *.err instead of variables - extended error detection in get_local_ip function - modified verify of option ip_script to allow parameters, when calling - add provider selfhost.de IPv4 - add provider no-ip.pl (nothing to do with no-ip.com) (Github openwrt/packages issue #542) IPv4 (tested) and also added for IPv6 (NOT tested) because client IP is autodetected be provider - add getlocalip_sample.sh as sample script for usage of option ip_source 'script' together with option ip_script '/usr/lib/ddns/getlocalip.sh -4' - cleanup whitespaces at line ends Signed-off-by: Christian Schoenebeck <christian.schoenebeck@gmail.com>
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# sample script for sending user defined updates
# 2014 Christian Schoenebeck <christian dot schoenebeck at gmail dot com>
# activated inside /etc/config/ddns by setting
# option update_script '/usr/lib/ddns/update_sample.sh'
# the script is parsed (not executed) inside send_update() function
# of /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_functions.sh
# so you can use all available functions and global variables inside this script
# already defined in dynamic_dns_updater.sh and dynamic_dns_functions.sh
# It make sence to define the update url ONLY inside this script
# because it's anyway unique to the update script
# otherwise it should work with the default scripts
# the code here is the copy of the default used inside send_update()
# tested with spdns.de
local __URL="http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]@update.spdns.de/nic/update?hostname=[DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]"
# do replaces in URL
__URL=$(echo $__URL | sed -e "s#\[USERNAME\]#$URL_USER#g" -e "s#\[PASSWORD\]#$URL_PASS#g" \
-e "s#\[DOMAIN\]#$domain#g" -e "s#\[IP\]#$__IP#g")
[ $use_https -ne 0 ] && __URL=$(echo $__URL | sed -e 's#^http:#https:#')
do_transfer "$__URL" || return 1
write_log 7 "DDNS Provider answered:\n$(cat $DATFILE)"
# analyse provider answers
# "good [IP_ADR]" = successful
# "nochg [IP_ADR]" = no change but OK
grep -E "good|nochg" $DATFILE >/dev/null 2>&1
return $? # "0" if "good" or "nochg" found