Christian Schoenebeck 4192651448 ddns-scripts: Update to Version 2.1.0-1 see description
- fixed postinst and prerm in Makefile
- implementation of provider specific update scripts into services and
services_ipv6 file.
	first Provider ""	- Thanks to DarkStarXxX for
request and testing
- finished uci/ddns wiki at
- rewritten retry management
- rewritten logging including following Issue 469
- stop running sections on hotplug ifdown event (like start on ifup)
- implement trap detection
	also kill "sleep" child processes
	SIGHUP to reload configuration (not really reloading, simply
starting a new process)
	/etc/init.d/ddns reload implemented
- code optimization
- new provider	Issue 494

Signed-off-by: Christian Schoenebeck <>
2014-11-09 16:37:11 +01:00

34 lines
2 KiB

#6 This file contains the update urls for various dynamic dns services.
#6 Column one contains the service name, column two contains the update url.
#6 within the update url there are 4 variables you can use: [USERNAME],
#6 [PASSWORD], [DOMAIN] and [IP]. These are substituted for the username,
#6 password, and domain name specified in the /etc/config/ddns file when an
#6 update is performed. The IP is substituted for the current ip address of the
#6 router. These variables are case sensitive, while urls generally are not, so
#6 if you need to enter the same text in the url (which seems very unlikely) put
#6 that text in lowercase, while the variables should remain in uppercase
#6 There are TONS of dynamic dns services out there. There's a huge list of them at:
#6 If anyone has time they could update this file to be compatible with a bunch of them
#6 !!! Since ddns-scripts Version 2.x the update of IPv6 addresses is also supported
#6 !!! This file is used for update of IPv6 adresses only. For IPv4 use services
#6 !!! Since ddns-scripts Version 2.x the update via provider specific update scripts is supported.
#6 !!! This scripts must be located at /usr/lib/ddns directory if defined inside this file.
#6 !!! Use only the script name (without path). Sample:
#6 !!! "" ""
#IPv6 @ Securepoint Dynamic-DNS-Service
"" "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]"
#IPv6 @ Hurricane Electric Dynamic DNS
"" "http://[DOMAIN]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]"
#IPv6 @ MyDNS.JP