The UCI for Unbound already links to dnsmasq, but what if with Unbound, we want to configure a plain dhcp server. Most servers can call a script for lease events. That script can then formulate DNS records and load them with unbound-control (dependency). The files added here work with OpenWRT/LEDE odhcpd, such that it can be run alone. They can be used as examples for any dhcp server. '' is to be called by odhcpd when a lease event occurs. 'odhcpd.awk' is called internal to the shell script. The awk script handles any tricky reformating that may be required. /etc/config/dhcp config odhcpd 'odhcpd' option leasetrigger '/usr/lib/unbound/' Signed-off-by: Eric Luehrsen <>
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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# Copyright (C) 2016 Eric Luehrsen
# This script facilitates alternate installation of Unbound+odhcpd and no
# need for dnsmasq. There are some limitations, but it works and is small.
# The lease file is parsed to make "zone-data:" and "local-data:" entries.
# config odhcpd 'odhcpd'
# option leasetrigger '/usr/lib/unbound/'
# Common file location definitions
. /usr/lib/unbound/
odhcpd_settings() {
# This trigger is out of normal init context, so we need to read some UCI.
local cfg="$1"
config_get UNBOUND_D_DHCP_LINK "$cfg" dhcp_link none
config_get_bool UNBOUND_B_SLAAC6_MAC "$cfg" dhcp4_slaac6 0
odhcpd_zonedata() {
local dns_ls_add=$UNBOUND_VARDIR/dhcp_dns.add
local dns_ls_del=$UNBOUND_VARDIR/dhcp_dns.del
local dhcp_ls_new=$UNBOUND_VARDIR/
local dhcp_ls_old=$UNBOUND_VARDIR/dhcp_lease.old
local dhcp_ls_add=$UNBOUND_VARDIR/dhcp_lease.add
local dhcp_ls_del=$UNBOUND_VARDIR/dhcp_lease.del
local dhcp_origin=$( uci get dhcp.@odhcpd[0].leasefile )
config_load unbound
config_foreach odhcpd_settings unbound
if [ "$UNBOUND_D_DHCP_LINK" = "odhcpd" -a -f "$dhcp_origin" ] ; then
# Capture the lease file which could be changing often,
# and unbound-control only for changes in hosts (or else...)
cat $dhcp_origin | sort > $dhcp_ls_new
touch $dhcp_ls_old
sort $dhcp_ls_new $dhcp_ls_old $dhcp_ls_old | uniq -u > $dhcp_ls_add
sort $dhcp_ls_old $dhcp_ls_new $dhcp_ls_new | uniq -u > $dhcp_ls_del
# Go through the messy business of coding up A, AAAA, and PTR records.
awk -v hostfile=$dns_ls_del -v domain=$UNBOUND_TXT_DOMAIN \
-v bslaac=$UNBOUND_B_SLAAC6_MAC -v bisolt=0 \
-f /usr/lib/unbound/odhcpd.awk $dhcp_ls_del
awk -v hostfile=$dns_ls_add -v domain=$UNBOUND_TXT_DOMAIN \
-v bslaac=$UNBOUND_B_SLAAC6_MAC -v bisolt=0 \
-f /usr/lib/unbound/odhcpd.awk $dhcp_ls_add
if [ -f "$dns_ls_del" ] ; then
cat $dns_ls_del | $UNBOUND_CONTROL_CFG local_datas_remove
if [ -f "$dns_ls_add" ] ; then
cat $dns_ls_add | $UNBOUND_CONTROL_CFG local_datas
# prepare next round
mv $dhcp_ls_new $dhcp_ls_old
rm -f $dns_ls_del $dns_ls_add