The provider could also be read from the custom directory. To get always the latest version of the provider config json file, we read first the custom directory and after that we also check the default directory, if we could not find the provider file Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert <>
436 lines
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436 lines
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# /usr/lib/ddns/
#.Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0
# Original written by Eric Paul Bishop, January 2008
# (Loosely) based on the script on the one posted by exobyte in the forums here:
# extended and partial rewritten
#.2014-2018 Christian Schoenebeck <christian dot schoenebeck at gmail dot com>
# variables in small chars are read from /etc/config/ddns
# variables in big chars are defined inside these scripts as global vars
# variables in big chars beginning with "__" are local defined inside functions only
# set -vx #script debugger
. $(dirname $0)/ # global vars are also defined here
usage() {
cat << EOF
$MYPROG [options] -- command
start Start SECTION or NETWORK or all
stop Stop NETWORK or all
-n NETWORK Start/Stop sections in background monitoring NETWORK, force VERBOSE=0
use either -N NETWORK or -S SECTION
-h show this help and exit
-V show version and exit
-v LEVEL VERBOSE=LEVEL (default 1)
'0' NO output to console
'1' output to console
'2' output to console AND logfile
+ run once WITHOUT retry on error
'3' output to console AND logfile
+ run once WITHOUT retry on error
+ NOT sending update to DDNS service
usage_err() {
printf %s\\n "$MYPROG: $@" >&2
usage >&2
exit 1
while getopts ":hv:n:S:V" OPT; do
case "$OPT" in
h) usage; exit 0;;
V) printf %s\\n "ddns-scripts $VERSION"; exit 0;;
:) usage_err "option -$OPTARG missing argument";;
\?) usage_err "invalid option -$OPTARG";;
*) usage_err "unhandled option -$OPT $OPTARG";;
shift $((OPTIND - 1 )) # OPTIND is 1 based
[ -n "$NETWORK" -a -n "$SECTION_ID" ] && usage_err "use either option '-N' or '-S' not both"
[ $# -eq 0 ] && usage_err "missing command"
[ $# -gt 1 ] && usage_err "to much commands"
case "$1" in
if [ -n "$NETWORK" ]; then
start_daemon_for_all_ddns_sections "$NETWORK"
exit 0
if [ -z "$SECTION_ID" ]; then
exit 0
if [ -n "$INTERFACE" ]; then
stop_daemon_for_all_ddns_sections "$NETWORK"
exit 0
exit 0
exit 1
killall -1 2>/dev/null
exit $?
*) usage_err "unknown command - $1";;
# set file names
PIDFILE="$ddns_rundir/$" # Process ID file
UPDFILE="$ddns_rundir/$SECTION_ID.update" # last update successful send (system uptime)
DATFILE="$ddns_rundir/$SECTION_ID.dat" # save stdout data of WGet and other extern programs called
ERRFILE="$ddns_rundir/$SECTION_ID.err" # save stderr output of WGet and other extern programs called
IPFILE="$ddns_rundir/$SECTION_ID.ip" #
LOGFILE="$ddns_logdir/$SECTION_ID.log" # log file
# VERBOSE > 1 delete logfile if exist to create an empty one
# only with this data of this run for easier diagnostic
# new one created by write_log function
[ $VERBOSE -gt 1 -a -f $LOGFILE ] && rm -f $LOGFILE
# TRAP handler
trap "trap_handler 0 \$?" 0 # handle script exit with exit status
trap "trap_handler 1" 1 # SIGHUP Hangup / reload config
trap "trap_handler 2" 2 # SIGINT Terminal interrupt
trap "trap_handler 3" 3 # SIGQUIT Terminal quit
# trap "trap_handler 9" 9 # SIGKILL no chance to trap
trap "trap_handler 15" 15 # SIGTERM Termination
# Leave this comment here, to clearly document variable names that are expected/possible
# Use load_all_config_options to load config options, which is a much more flexible solution.
# config_load "ddns"
# config_get <variable> $SECTION_ID <option>
# defined options (also used as variable):
# enabled self-explanatory
# interface network interface used by hotplug.d i.e. 'wan' or 'wan6'
# service_name Which DDNS service do you use or "custom"
# update_url URL to use to update your "custom" DDNS service
# update_script SCRIPT to use to update your "custom" DDNS service
# lookup_host FQDN of ONE of your at DDNS service defined host / required to validate if IP update happen/necessary
# domain Nomally your DDNS hostname / replace [DOMAIN] in update_url
# username Username of your DDNS service account / urlenceded and replace [USERNAME] in update_url
# password Password of your DDNS service account / urlencoded and replace [PASSWORD] in update_url
# param_enc Optional parameter for (later) usage / urlencoded and replace [PARAMENC] in update_url
# param_opt Optional parameter for (later) usage / replace [PARAMOPT] in update_url
# use_https use HTTPS to update DDNS service
# cacert file or directory where HTTPS can find certificates to verify server; 'IGNORE' ignore check of server certificate
# use_syslog log activity to syslog
# ip_source source to detect current local IP ('network' or 'web' or 'script' or 'interface')
# ip_network local defined network to read IP from i.e. 'wan' or 'wan6'
# ip_url URL to read local address from i.e. or
# ip_script full path and name of your script to detect local IP
# ip_interface physical interface to use for detecting
# check_interval check for changes every !!! checks below 10 minutes make no sense because the Internet
# check_unit 'days' 'hours' 'minutes' !!! needs about 5-10 minutes to sync an IP-change for an DNS entry
# force_interval force to send an update to your service if no change was detected
# force_unit 'days' 'hours' 'minutes' !!! force_interval="0" runs this script once for use i.e. with cron
# retry_interval if error was detected retry in
# retry_unit 'days' 'hours' 'minutes' 'seconds'
# retry_count number of retries before scripts stops
# use_ipv6 detecting/sending IPv6 address
# force_ipversion force usage of IPv4 or IPv6 for the whole detection and update communication
# dns_server using a non default dns server to get Registered IP from Internet
# force_dnstcp force communication with DNS server via TCP instead of default UDP
# proxy using a proxy for communication !!! ALSO used to detect local IP via web => return proxy's IP !!!
# use_logfile self-explanatory "/var/log/ddns/$SECTION_ID.log"
# is_glue the record that should be updated is a glue record
# some functionality needs
# - GNU Wget or cURL installed for sending updates to DDNS service
# - BIND host installed to detect Registered IP
load_all_config_options "ddns" "$SECTION_ID"
ERR_LAST=$? # save return code - equal 0 if SECTION_ID found
# set defaults if not defined
[ -z "$enabled" ] && enabled=0
[ -z "$retry_count" ] && retry_count=0 # endless retry
[ -z "$use_syslog" ] && use_syslog=2 # syslog "Notice"
[ -z "$use_https" ] && use_https=0 # not use https
[ -z "$use_logfile" ] && use_logfile=1 # use logfile by default
[ -z "$use_ipv6" ] && use_ipv6=0 # use IPv4 by default
[ -z "$force_ipversion" ] && force_ipversion=0 # default let system decide
[ -z "$force_dnstcp" ] && force_dnstcp=0 # default UDP
[ -z "$ip_source" ] && ip_source="network"
[ -z "$is_glue" ] && is_glue=0 # default the ddns record is not a glue record
[ "$ip_source" = "network" -a -z "$ip_network" -a $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] && ip_network="wan" # IPv4: default wan
[ "$ip_source" = "network" -a -z "$ip_network" -a $use_ipv6 -eq 1 ] && ip_network="wan6" # IPv6: default wan6
[ "$ip_source" = "web" -a -z "$ip_url" -a $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] && ip_url=""
[ "$ip_source" = "web" -a -z "$ip_url" -a $use_ipv6 -eq 1 ] && ip_url=""
[ "$ip_source" = "interface" -a -z "$ip_interface" ] && ip_interface="eth1"
# url encode username (might be email or something like this)
# and password (might have special chars for security reason)
# and optional parameter "param_enc"
[ -n "$username" ] && urlencode URL_USER "$username"
[ -n "$password" ] && urlencode URL_PASS "$password"
[ -n "$param_enc" ] && urlencode URL_PENC "$param_enc"
# SECTION_ID does not exists
[ $ERR_LAST -ne 0 ] && {
[ $VERBOSE -le 1 ] && VERBOSE=2 # force console out and logfile output
[ -f $LOGFILE ] && rm -f $LOGFILE # clear logfile before first entry
write_log 7 "************ ************** ************** **************"
write_log 5 "PID '$$' started at $(eval $DATE_PROG)"
write_log 7 "ddns version : $VERSION"
write_log 7 "uci configuration:${N}$(uci -q show ddns | grep '=service' | sort)"
write_log 14 "Service section '$SECTION_ID' not defined"
write_log 7 "************ ************** ************** **************"
write_log 5 "PID '$$' started at $(eval $DATE_PROG)"
write_log 7 "ddns version : $VERSION"
write_log 7 "uci configuration:${N}$(uci -q show ddns.$SECTION_ID | sort)"
# write_log 7 "ddns version : $(opkg list-installed ddns-scripts | cut -d ' ' -f 3)"
case $VERBOSE in
0) write_log 7 "verbose mode : 0 - run normal, NO console output";;
1) write_log 7 "verbose mode : 1 - run normal, console mode";;
2) write_log 7 "verbose mode : 2 - run once, NO retry on error";;
3) write_log 7 "verbose mode : 3 - run once, NO retry on error, NOT sending update";;
*) write_log 14 "error detecting VERBOSE '$VERBOSE'";;
# check enabled state otherwise we don't need to continue
[ $enabled -eq 0 ] && write_log 14 "Service section disabled!"
# determine what update url we're using if a service_name is supplied
# otherwise update_url is set inside configuration (custom update url)
# or update_script is set inside configuration (custom update script)
[ -n "$service_name" ] && {
# Check first if we have a custom service provider with this name
get_service_data "$service_name" "/usr/share/ddns/custom" update_url update_script UPD_ANSWER
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
get_service_data "$service_name" "/usr/share/ddns/default" update_url update_script UPD_ANSWER
[ -z "$update_url" -a -z "$update_script" ] && write_log 14 "No update_url found/defined or no update_script found/defined!"
[ -n "$update_script" -a ! -f "$update_script" ] && write_log 14 "Custom update_script not found!"
# temporary needed to convert existing uci settings
[ -z "$lookup_host" ] && {
uci -q set ddns.$SECTION_ID.lookup_host="$domain"
uci -q commit ddns
# later versions only check if configured correctly
# without lookup host and possibly other required options we can do nothing for you
[ -z "$lookup_host" ] && write_log 14 "Service section not configured correctly! Missing 'lookup_host'"
# verify validity of variables
[ -n "$lookup_host" ] && sanitize_variable lookup_host "$DNS_CHARSET" ""
[ -n "$dns_server" ] && sanitize_variable dns_server "$DNS_CHARSET" ""
[ -n "$domain" ] && sanitize_variable domain "$DNS_CHARSET" ""
# Filter shell escape characters, if these are required in the URL, they
# can still be passed url encoded
[ -n "$param_opt" ] && sanitize_variable param_opt "" "$SHELL_ESCAPE"
[ -n "$update_url" ] && {
# only check if update_url is given, update_scripts have to check themselves
[ -z "$domain" ] && $(echo "$update_url" | grep "\[DOMAIN\]" >/dev/null 2>&1) && \
write_log 14 "Service section not configured correctly! Missing 'domain'"
[ -z "$username" ] && $(echo "$update_url" | grep "\[USERNAME\]" >/dev/null 2>&1) && \
write_log 14 "Service section not configured correctly! Missing 'username'"
[ -z "$password" ] && $(echo "$update_url" | grep "\[PASSWORD\]" >/dev/null 2>&1) && \
write_log 14 "Service section not configured correctly! Missing 'password'"
[ -z "$param_enc" ] && $(echo "$update_url" | grep "\[PARAMENC\]" >/dev/null 2>&1) && \
write_log 14 "Service section not configured correctly! Missing 'param_enc'"
[ -z "$param_opt" ] && $(echo "$update_url" | grep "\[PARAMOPT\]" >/dev/null 2>&1) && \
write_log 14 "Service section not configured correctly! Missing 'param_opt'"
# verify ip_source 'script' if script is configured and executable
if [ "$ip_source" = "script" ]; then
set -- $ip_script #handling script with parameters, we need a trick
[ -z "$1" ] && write_log 14 "No script defined to detect local IP!"
[ -x "$1" ] || write_log 14 "Script to detect local IP not executable!"
# compute update interval in seconds
get_seconds CHECK_SECONDS ${check_interval:-10} ${check_unit:-"minutes"} # default 10 min
get_seconds FORCE_SECONDS ${force_interval:-72} ${force_unit:-"hours"} # default 3 days
get_seconds RETRY_SECONDS ${retry_interval:-60} ${retry_unit:-"seconds"} # default 60 sec
[ $CHECK_SECONDS -lt 300 ] && CHECK_SECONDS=300 # minimum 5 minutes
write_log 7 "check interval: $CHECK_SECONDS seconds"
write_log 7 "force interval: $FORCE_SECONDS seconds"
write_log 7 "retry interval: $RETRY_SECONDS seconds"
write_log 7 "retry counter : $retry_count times"
# kill old process if it exists & set new pid file
stop_section_processes "$SECTION_ID"
[ $? -gt 0 ] && write_log 7 "'SIGTERM' was send to old process" || write_log 7 "No old process"
echo $$ > $PIDFILE
# determine when the last update was
# the following lines should prevent multiple updates if hotplug fires multiple startups
# as described in Ticket #7820, but did not function if never an update take place
# i.e. after a reboot (/var is linked to /tmp)
# using uptime as reference because date might not be updated via NTP client
get_uptime CURR_TIME
[ -e "$UPDFILE" ] && {
# check also LAST > CURR because link of /var/run to /tmp might be removed
# i.e. boxes with larger filesystems
[ -z "$LAST_TIME" ] && LAST_TIME=0
if [ $LAST_TIME -eq 0 ]; then
write_log 7 "last update: never"
EPOCH_TIME=$(( $(date +%s) - $CURR_TIME + $LAST_TIME ))
EPOCH_TIME="date -d @$EPOCH_TIME +'$ddns_dateformat'"
write_log 7 "last update: $(eval $EPOCH_TIME)"
# verify DNS server
[ -n "$dns_server" ] && verify_dns "$dns_server"
# verify Proxy server and set environment
[ -n "$proxy" ] && {
verify_proxy "$proxy" && {
# everything ok set proxy
export HTTP_PROXY="http://$proxy"
export HTTPS_PROXY="http://$proxy"
export http_proxy="http://$proxy"
export https_proxy="http://$proxy"
# let's check if there is already an IP registered on the web
get_registered_ip REGISTERED_IP "NO_RETRY"
# No error or No IP set otherwise retry
[ $ERR_LAST -eq 0 -o $ERR_LAST -eq 127 ] || get_registered_ip REGISTERED_IP
# on IPv6 we use expanded version to be shure when comparing
[ $use_ipv6 -eq 1 ] && expand_ipv6 "$REGISTERED_IP" REGISTERED_IP
# loop endlessly, checking ip every check_interval and forcing an updating once every force_interval
write_log 6 "Starting main loop at $(eval $DATE_PROG)"
while : ; do
get_local_ip LOCAL_IP # read local IP
[ $use_ipv6 -eq 1 ] && expand_ipv6 "$LOCAL_IP" LOCAL_IP # on IPv6 we use expanded version
# prepare update
# never updated or forced immediate then NEXT_TIME = 0
[ $FORCE_SECONDS -eq 0 -o $LAST_TIME -eq 0 ] \
&& NEXT_TIME=0 \
get_uptime CURR_TIME # get current uptime
# send update when current time > next time or local ip different from registered ip
if [ $CURR_TIME -ge $NEXT_TIME -o "$LOCAL_IP" != "$REGISTERED_IP" ]; then
if [ $VERBOSE -gt 2 ]; then
write_log 7 "Verbose Mode: $VERBOSE - NO UPDATE send"
elif [ "$LOCAL_IP" != "$REGISTERED_IP" ]; then
write_log 7 "Update needed - L: '$LOCAL_IP' <> R: '$REGISTERED_IP'"
write_log 7 "Forced Update - L: '$LOCAL_IP' == R: '$REGISTERED_IP'"
[ $VERBOSE -lt 3 ] && {
# only send if VERBOSE < 3
send_update "$LOCAL_IP"
ERR_LAST=$? # save return value
# error sending local IP to provider
# we have no communication error (handled inside send_update/do_transfer)
# but update was not recognized
# do NOT retry after RETRY_SECONDS, do retry after CHECK_SECONDS
# to early retrys will block most DDNS provider
# providers answer is checked inside send_update() function
if [ $ERR_LAST -eq 0 ]; then
get_uptime LAST_TIME # we send update, so
echo $LAST_TIME > $UPDFILE # save LASTTIME to file
&& write_log 6 "Update successful - IP '$LOCAL_IP' send" \
|| write_log 6 "Forced update successful - IP: '$LOCAL_IP' send"
elif [ $ERR_LAST -eq 127 ]; then
write_log 3 "No update send to DDNS Provider"
write_log 3 "IP update not accepted by DDNS Provider"
# now we wait for check interval before testing if update was recognized
# only sleep if VERBOSE <= 2 because otherwise nothing was send
[ $VERBOSE -le 2 ] && {
write_log 7 "Waiting $CHECK_SECONDS seconds (Check Interval)"
wait $PID_SLEEP # enable trap-handler
} || write_log 7 "Verbose Mode: $VERBOSE - NO Check Interval waiting"
REGISTERED_IP="" # clear variable
get_registered_ip REGISTERED_IP # get registered/public IP
[ $use_ipv6 -eq 1 ] && expand_ipv6 "$REGISTERED_IP" REGISTERED_IP # on IPv6 we use expanded version
# IP's are still different
if [ "$LOCAL_IP" != "$REGISTERED_IP" ]; then
if [ $VERBOSE -le 1 ]; then # VERBOSE <=1 then retry
[ $retry_count -gt 0 -a $ERR_UPDATE -gt $retry_count ] && \
write_log 14 "Updating IP at DDNS provider failed after $retry_count retries"
write_log 4 "Updating IP at DDNS provider failed - starting retry $ERR_UPDATE/$retry_count"
continue # loop to beginning
write_log 4 "Updating IP at DDNS provider failed"
write_log 7 "Verbose Mode: $VERBOSE - NO retry"; exit 1
# we checked successful the last update
ERR_UPDATE=0 # reset error counter
# force_update=0 or VERBOSE > 1 - leave here
[ $VERBOSE -gt 1 ] && write_log 7 "Verbose Mode: $VERBOSE - NO reloop"
[ $FORCE_SECONDS -eq 0 ] && write_log 6 "Configured to run once"
[ $VERBOSE -gt 1 -o $FORCE_SECONDS -eq 0 ] && exit 0
write_log 6 "Rerun IP check at $(eval $DATE_PROG)"
# we should never come here there must be a programming error
write_log 12 "Error in ' - program coding error"