In hash-checking mode[1], pip will verify downloaded package archives (source tarballs in our case) against known SHA256 hashes before installing the packages. As a consequence, this requires the use of requirements files[2] and pinning packages to known versions. The syntax for package Makefiles has changed slightly; HOST_PYTHON3_PACKAGE_BUILD_DEPENDS no longer accepts requirement specifiers like "foo>=1.0", only requirements file names (which are the same as package names in the most common case). This also updates affected packages, in particular: * python-zipp: "setuptools_scm[toml]" has been split into "setuptools-scm toml" to reuse the requirements file for setuptools-scm (the extra depends installed by "setuptools_scm[toml]" is toml). * python-pycparser: This previously used ply 3.10, whereas the requirements file will now install 3.11. [1]: [2]: Signed-off-by: Jeffery To <>
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cffi==1.14.2 --hash=sha256:ae8f34d50af2c2154035984b8b5fc5d9ed63f32fe615646ab435b05b132ca91b
pycparser==2.20 --hash=sha256:2d475327684562c3a96cc71adf7dc8c4f0565175cf86b6d7a404ff4c771f15f0