Christian Schoenebeck 83e8a0e36c luci-app-privoxy: modified to support new LuCI structure
* Makefile
    - modified to support new LuCI build structure when building i18n support
    - increase "patch" version
* privoxy.lua detail.lua apperror.lua
    - modified version detection
    - removed function ipgk_version()
* new file build/
    - copied from luci build system to create lmo language files

Signed-off-by: Christian Schoenebeck <>
2015-01-11 21:30:50 +01:00

27 lines
633 B
Executable file

@ARGV == 2 || die "Usage: $0 <source-dir> <dest-dir>\n";
my $source_dir = shift @ARGV;
my $target_dir = shift @ARGV;
if( ! -d $target_dir )
system('mkdir', '-p', $target_dir);
if( open F, "find $source_dir -type f -name '*.po' |" )
while( chomp( my $file = readline F ) )
my ( $lang, $basename ) = $file =~ m{.+/(\w+)/([^/]+)\.po$};
$lang = lc $lang;
$lang =~ s/_/-/g;
printf "Generating %-40s ", "$target_dir/$basename.$lang.lmo";
system("./build/po2lmo", $file, "$target_dir/$basename.$lang.lmo");
print ( -f "$target_dir/$basename.$lang.lmo" ? "done\n" : "empty\n" );
close F;