Kwonjin Jeong e25b558999 ddns-scripts: Change protocols of urls to HTTPS.
- Use HTTPS protocol for updating urls for to protect the password.
- Bump/align package version number.

Signed-off-by: Kwonjin Jeong <>
2019-12-01 15:24:38 +09:00

106 lines
6.1 KiB

# 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
# This file contains the update urls for various dynamic dns services.
# Column one contains the service name, column two contains the update url.
# within the update url there are 4 variables you can use: [USERNAME],
# [PASSWORD], [DOMAIN] and [IP]. These are substituted for the username,
# password, and domain name specified in the /etc/config/ddns file when an
# update is performed. The IP is substituted for the current ip address of the
# router. These variables are case sensitive, while urls generally are not, so
# if you need to enter the same text in the url (which seems very unlikely) put
# that text in lowercase, while the variables should remain in uppercase
# There are TONS of dynamic dns services out there. There's a huge list of them at:
# If anyone has time they could update this file to be compatible with a bunch of them
# !!! Since ddns-scripts Version 2.x the update of IPv6 addresses is also supported
# !!! This file is used for update of IPv6 adresses only. For IPv4 use services
# !!! Since ddns-scripts Version 2.x the update via provider specific update scripts is supported.
# !!! This scripts must be located at /usr/lib/ddns directory if defined inside this file.
# !!! Use only the script name (without path). Sample:
# !!! "" ""
# !!! Since ddns-scripts Version 2.5.x additional parameters are supported
# !!! and a given answer on success is checked (ignored by earlier versions)
# !!! Additional parameters: [PARAMOPT] and [PARAMENC]; [PARAMENC] is send urlencoded
# Line syntax: "service" [TAB] "update_url" [TAB] "answer"
# "service" name used as "option service_name" inside /etc/config/ddns
# "update_url" update url as given by the provider; custom urls should not saved here
# "answer" words inside providers answer string; use "|" to combine "or"
# 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
# !!! Please install additional package "" !!! Please install additional package "" / !!! Please install additional package "ddns-scripts_no-ip_com"
#.route53-v1 !!! Please install additional package "ddns-scripts_route53-v1"
"" "https://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]"
"" "[PASSWORD]&address=[IP]"
"" "https://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&ip=[IP]"
"" "[PASSWORD]/?address=[IP]"
"" "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][IP]"
"" "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]&keepipv4=1" "good"
# "" "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&ip6=[IP]" "good|nochg"
"" "[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&host=[DOMAIN]&ip6=[IP]" "good|nochg"
"" "[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]&hostname=[DOMAIN]&myipv6=[IP]" "good|nochg"
"" "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]"
"" "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&ip6=[IP]"
"" "[IP]&hostname=[DOMAIN]&username=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]" "good|nochg"
"" "[DOMAIN]&token=[PASSWORD]&ipv6=[IP]" "OK"
"" "[DOMAIN]&password=[PASSWORD]&ip6=[IP]"
"" "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]" "good|nochg"
"" "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]" "good|nochg"
"" "[DOMAIN]&myipv6=[IP]&username=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]"
"" "[DOMAIN]&token=[PASSWORD]&ipv6=[IP]" "updated|unchanged"
"" "[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]&subdomain=[DOMAIN]&ip6=[IP]"
"" "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]" "good|nochg"
"" "http://[DOMAIN]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]" "good|nochg"
"" "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][IP]" "good|nochg"
"" "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]" "good|nochg"
"" "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&ip6=[IP]" "good|nochg"
"" "[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]&command=REPLACE%20[DOMAIN]%2060%20AAAA%20DYNAMIC_IP&origin=."
"" "https://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]" "good|nochg"
"" "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]" "good|nochg"
"" "[DOMAIN]&forcehost=1&authtype=secure&token=[PASSWORD]&ipv6=[IP]" "success|100|101"
"" "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]" "good|nochg"
"" "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][IP]"
"" "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]" "good|nochg"
"" "[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]&host=[DOMAIN]&ip=[IP]" "ok"
"" "[DOMAIN]/?token=[PASSWORD]&type=aaaa&ip=[IP]" "Updated|No change"