ruby_find_pkgsdeps: look for file dependencies (checks require and Encoding references) and extrapolate it to pkgs deps. Also checks whether a dep is redundant or missing in pkgs. Must run inside an OpenWRT with all ruby* pkgs installed. ruby_missingfiles: list files in staging/target and from files comparing side by side its contents. It helps to easly visualize which file is not packaged in an ipk. Signed-off-by: Luiz Angelo Daros de Luca <>
20 lines
624 B
20 lines
624 B
function list_staging_files {
cd staging_dir/target-*/; find \
\( \( -name "root-x86" -or -name "packages" -or -name "stamp" -or -name "pkginfo" \) -prune \) -or -true \
\( -path "*ruby*" -or -name "erb" -or -name "gem" -or -name "irb" -or -name "rake" -or -name "rdoc" -or -name "ri" -or -name "testrb" \) \
-print | sort
function list_ipkg_files {
for OPKG in bin/*/packages/packages/*ruby*; do
tar --to-stdout -xzf "$OPKG" ./data.tar.gz | tar tz | sed -e 's%/$%%'
done | sort -u
echo " Staging Packages"
diff -y <(list_staging_files) <(list_ipkg_files)