We add the necessary Makefile, hotplug, config, and init bits so that p910nd daemon runs as user:group p910nd:lp by default. This eliminates an unnecessary root daemon. The hotplug script sets the permissions of the USB lp device(s) to read-write owner and group and no access to anyone else, and sets owner root, group lp. This is allows sufficient privileges to p910nd to do it's job. Signed-off-by: Daniel F. Dickinson <cshored@thecshore.com>
59 lines
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59 lines
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#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# Copyright (C) 2007 OpenWrt.org
append_bool() {
local section="$1"
local option="$2"
local value="$3"
local _val
config_get_bool _val "$section" "$option" '0'
[ "$_val" -gt 0 ] && append args "$3"
append_string() {
local section="$1"
local option="$2"
local value="$3"
local _val
config_get _val "$section" "$option"
[ -n "$_val" ] && append args "$3$_val"
start_service() {
config_load "p910nd"
config_foreach start_p910nd p910nd
start_p910nd() {
local section="$1" runas_root
config_get_bool "enabled" "$section" "enabled" '1'
if [ "$enabled" -gt 0 ]; then
args="-d "
config_get port "$section" port
append_bool "$section" bidirectional "-b"
append_string "$section" device "-f "
append_string "$section" bind "-i "
append_string "$section" port ""
procd_open_instance $name
procd_set_param command /usr/sbin/p910nd $args
procd_set_param respawn
config_get_bool runas_root "$section" runas_root 0
[ "$runas_root" -ne 1 ] && procd_set_param user p910nd
config_get_bool "mdns" "$section" "mdns" '0'
config_get mdns_note "$section" mdns_note
config_get mdns_ty "$section" mdns_ty
config_get mdns_product "$section" mdns_product
config_get mdns_mfg "$section" mdns_mfg
config_get mdns_mdl "$section" mdns_mdl
config_get mdns_cmd "$section" mdns_cmd
[ "$mdns" -gt 0 ] && procd_add_mdns "pdl-datastream" "tcp" "$((port+9100))" "note=$mdns_note" "ty=$mdns_ty" "product=$mdns_product" "usb_MFG=$mdns_mfg" "usb_MDL=$mdns_mdl" "usb_CMD=$mdns_cmd"