Aleksander Morgado ecad39fd60 modemmanager: don't flag the 'device' option as 'device' type
Unlike other modem protocol handlers like the ones implemented by uqmi
or umbim, in the modemmanager protocol handler the 'device' option
does not specify a device node in /dev. Therefore, we shouldn't flag
the option as 'device' type (dt_type_device).

Signed-off-by: Aleksander Morgado <>
2019-11-27 09:28:10 +01:00

501 lines
15 KiB
Protocol Buffer
Executable file

# Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Aleksander Morgado <>
[ -x /usr/bin/mmcli ] || exit 0
[ -x /usr/sbin/pppd ] || exit 0
[ -n "$INCLUDE_ONLY" ] || {
. /lib/
. ../
. ./
init_proto "$@"
cdr2mask ()
# Number of args to shift, 255..255, first non-255 byte, zeroes
set -- $(( 5 - ($1 / 8) )) 255 255 255 255 $(( (255 << (8 - ($1 % 8))) & 255 )) 0 0 0
if [ "$1" -gt 1 ]
shift "$1"
echo "${1-0}"."${2-0}"."${3-0}"."${4-0}"
# This method expects as first argument a list of key-value pairs, as returned by mmcli --output-keyvalue
# The second argument must be exactly the name of the field to read
# Sample output:
# $ mmcli -m 0 -K
# modem.dbus-path : /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0
# modem.generic.device-identifier : ed6eff2e3e0f90463da1c2a755b2acacd1335752
# modem.generic.manufacturer : Dell Inc.
# modem.generic.model : DW5821e Snapdragon X20 LTE
# modem.generic.revision : T77W968.F1.\n026
# modem.generic.carrier-configuration : GCF
# modem.generic.carrier-configuration-revision : 08E00009
# modem.generic.hardware-revision : DW5821e Snapdragon X20 LTE
# ....
modemmanager_get_field() {
local list=$1
local field=$2
local value=""
[ -z "${list}" ] || [ -z "${field}" ] && return
# there is always at least a whitespace after each key, and we use that as part of the
# key matching we do (e.g. to avoid getting 'modem.generic.state-failed-reason' as a result
# when grepping for 'modem.generic.state'.
line=$(echo "${list}" | grep "${field} ")
value=$(echo ${line#*:})
# not found?
[ -n "${value}" ] || return 2
# only print value if set
[ "${value}" != "--" ] && echo "${value}"
return 0
# build a comma-separated list of values from the list
modemmanager_get_multivalue_field() {
local list=$1
local field=$2
local value=""
local length idx item
[ -z "${list}" ] || [ -z "${field}" ] && return
length=$(modemmanager_get_field "${list}" "${field}.length")
[ -n "${length}" ] || return 0
[ "$length" -ge 1 ] || return 0
while [ $idx -le "$length" ]; do
item=$(modemmanager_get_field "${list}" "${field}.value\[$idx\]")
[ -n "${item}" ] && [ "${item}" != "--" ] && {
[ -n "${value}" ] && value="${value}, "
idx=$((idx + 1))
# nothing built?
[ -n "${value}" ] || return 2
# only print value if set
echo "${value}"
return 0
modemmanager_cleanup_connection() {
local modemstatus="$1"
local bearercount idx bearerpath
bearercount=$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.generic.bearers.length")
# do nothing if no bearers reported
[ -n "${bearercount}" ] && [ "$bearercount" -ge 1 ] && {
# explicitly disconnect just in case
mmcli --modem="${device}" --simple-disconnect >/dev/null 2>&1
# and remove all bearer objects, if any found
while [ $idx -le "$bearercount" ]; do
bearerpath=$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.generic.bearers.value\[$idx\]")
mmcli --modem "${device}" --delete-bearer="${bearerpath}" >/dev/null 2>&1
idx=$((idx + 1))
modemmanager_connected_method_ppp_ipv4() {
local interface="$1"
local ttyname="$2"
local username="$3"
local password="$4"
proto_run_command "${interface}" /usr/sbin/pppd \
"${ttyname}" \
115200 \
nodetach \
noaccomp \
nobsdcomp \
nopcomp \
novj \
noauth \
${username:+ user $username} \
${password:+ password $password} \
lcp-echo-failure 5 \
lcp-echo-interval 15 \
lock \
crtscts \
nodefaultroute \
usepeerdns \
ipparam "${interface}" \
ip-up-script /lib/netifd/ppp-up \
ip-down-script /lib/netifd/ppp-down
modemmanager_disconnected_method_ppp_ipv4() {
local interface="$1"
echo "running disconnection (ppp method)"
[ -n "${ERROR}" ] && {
local errorstring
errorstring=$(ppp_exitcode_tostring "${ERROR}")
case "$ERROR" in
proto_notify_error "$interface" "$errorstring"
proto_block_restart "$interface"
proto_notify_error "$interface" "$errorstring"
} || echo "pppd result code not given"
proto_kill_command "$interface"
modemmanager_connected_method_dhcp_ipv4() {
local interface="$1"
local wwan="$2"
local metric="$3"
proto_init_update "${wwan}" 1
proto_set_keep 1
proto_send_update "${interface}"
json_add_string name "${interface}_4"
json_add_string ifname "@${interface}"
json_add_string proto "dhcp"
[ -n "$metric" ] && json_add_int metric "${metric}"
ubus call network add_dynamic "$(json_dump)"
modemmanager_connected_method_static_ipv4() {
local interface="$1"
local wwan="$2"
local address="$3"
local prefix="$4"
local gateway="$5"
local mtu="$6"
local dns1="$7"
local dns2="$8"
local metric="$9"
local mask=""
[ -n "${address}" ] || {
proto_notify_error "${interface}" ADDRESS_MISSING
[ -n "${prefix}" ] || {
proto_notify_error "${interface}" PREFIX_MISSING
mask=$(cdr2mask "${prefix}")
# TODO: mtu reporting in proto handler
proto_init_update "${wwan}" 1
proto_set_keep 1
echo "adding IPv4 address ${address}, netmask ${mask}"
proto_add_ipv4_address "${address}" "${mask}"
[ -n "${gateway}" ] && {
echo "adding default IPv4 route via ${gateway}"
proto_add_ipv4_route "" "0" "${gateway}" "${address}"
[ -n "${dns1}" ] && {
echo "adding primary DNS at ${dns1}"
proto_add_dns_server "${dns1}"
[ -n "${dns2}" ] && {
echo "adding secondary DNS at ${dns2}"
proto_add_dns_server "${dns2}"
[ -n "$metric" ] && json_add_int metric "${metric}"
proto_send_update "${interface}"
modemmanager_connected_method_dhcp_ipv6() {
local interface="$1"
local wwan="$2"
local metric="$3"
proto_init_update "${wwan}" 1
proto_set_keep 1
proto_send_update "${interface}"
json_add_string name "${interface}_6"
json_add_string ifname "@${interface}"
json_add_string proto "dhcpv6"
json_add_string extendprefix 1 # RFC 7278: Extend an IPv6 /64 Prefix to LAN
[ -n "$metric" ] && json_add_int metric "${metric}"
ubus call network add_dynamic "$(json_dump)"
modemmanager_connected_method_static_ipv6() {
local interface="$1"
local wwan="$2"
local address="$3"
local prefix="$4"
local gateway="$5"
local mtu="$6"
local dns1="$7"
local dns2="$8"
local metric="$9"
[ -n "${address}" ] || {
proto_notify_error "${interface}" ADDRESS_MISSING
[ -n "${prefix}" ] || {
proto_notify_error "${interface}" PREFIX_MISSING
# TODO: mtu reporting in proto handler
proto_init_update "${wwan}" 1
proto_set_keep 1
echo "adding IPv6 address ${address}, prefix ${prefix}"
proto_add_ipv6_address "${address}" "128"
proto_add_ipv6_prefix "${address}/${prefix}"
[ -n "${gateway}" ] && {
echo "adding default IPv6 route via ${gateway}"
proto_add_ipv6_route "${gateway}" "128"
proto_add_ipv6_route "::0" "0" "${gateway}" "" "" "${address}/${prefix}"
[ -n "${dns1}" ] && {
echo "adding primary DNS at ${dns1}"
proto_add_dns_server "${dns1}"
[ -n "${dns2}" ] && {
echo "adding secondary DNS at ${dns2}"
proto_add_dns_server "${dns2}"
[ -n "$metric" ] && json_add_int metric "${metric}"
proto_send_update "${interface}"
modemmanager_disconnected_method_common() {
local interface="$1"
echo "running disconnection (common)"
proto_init_update "*" 0
proto_send_update "${interface}"
proto_modemmanager_init_config() {
proto_config_add_string device
proto_config_add_string apn
proto_config_add_string username
proto_config_add_string password
proto_config_add_string pincode
proto_config_add_string iptype
proto_config_add_boolean lowpower
proto_modemmanager_setup() {
local interface="$1"
local modempath modemstatus bearercount bearerpath connectargs bearerstatus beareriface
local bearermethod_ipv4 bearermethod_ipv6
local operatorname operatorid registration accesstech signalquality
local device apn username password pincode iptype metric
local address prefix gateway mtu dns1 dns2
json_get_vars device apn username password pincode iptype metric
# validate sysfs path given in config
[ -n "${device}" ] || {
echo "No device specified"
proto_notify_error "${interface}" NO_DEVICE
proto_set_available "${interface}" 0
return 1
[ -e "${device}" ] || {
echo "Device not found in sysfs"
proto_set_available "${interface}" 0
return 1
# validate that ModemManager is handling the modem at the sysfs path
modemstatus=$(mmcli --modem="${device}" --output-keyvalue)
modempath=$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.dbus-path")
[ -n "${modempath}" ] || {
echo "Device not managed by ModemManager"
proto_notify_error "${interface}" DEVICE_NOT_MANAGED
proto_set_available "${interface}" 0
return 1
echo "modem available at ${modempath}"
# always cleanup before attempting a new connection, just in case
modemmanager_cleanup_connection "${modemstatus}"
# setup connect args; APN mandatory (even if it may be empty)
echo "starting connection with apn '${apn}'..."
mmcli --modem="${device}" --timeout 120 --simple-connect="${connectargs}" || {
proto_notify_error "${interface}" CONNECT_FAILED
proto_block_restart "${interface}"
return 1
# log additional useful information
modemstatus=$(mmcli --modem="${device}" --output-keyvalue)
operatorname=$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.3gpp.operator-name")
[ -n "${operatorname}" ] && echo "network operator name: ${operatorname}"
operatorid=$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.3gpp.operator-code")
[ -n "${operatorid}" ] && echo "network operator MCCMNC: ${operatorid}"
registration=$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.3gpp.registration-state")
[ -n "${registration}" ] && echo "registration type: ${registration}"
accesstech=$(modemmanager_get_multivalue_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.generic.access-technologies")
[ -n "${accesstech}" ] && echo "access technology: ${accesstech}"
signalquality=$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.generic.signal-quality.value")
[ -n "${signalquality}" ] && echo "signal quality: ${signalquality}%"
# we won't like it if there are more than one bearers, as that would mean the
# user manually created them, and that's unsupported by this proto
bearercount=$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.generic.bearers.length")
[ -n "${bearercount}" ] && [ "$bearercount" -eq 1 ] || {
proto_notify_error "${interface}" INVALID_BEARER_LIST
return 1
# load connected bearer information
bearerpath=$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.generic.bearers.value\[1\]")
bearerstatus=$(mmcli --bearer "${bearerpath}" --output-keyvalue)
# load network interface and method information
beareriface=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.status.interface")
bearermethod_ipv4=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv4-config.method")
bearermethod_ipv6=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv6-config.method")
# setup IPv4
[ -n "${bearermethod_ipv4}" ] && {
echo "IPv4 connection setup required in interface ${interface}: ${bearermethod_ipv4}"
case "${bearermethod_ipv4}" in
modemmanager_connected_method_dhcp_ipv4 "${interface}" "${beareriface}" "${metric}"
address=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv4-config.address")
prefix=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv4-config.prefix")
gateway=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv4-config.gateway")
mtu=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv4-config.mtu")
dns1=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv4-config.dns.value\[1\]")
dns2=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv4-config.dns.value\[2\]")
modemmanager_connected_method_static_ipv4 "${interface}" "${beareriface}" "${address}" "${prefix}" "${gateway}" "${mtu}" "${dns1}" "${dns2}" "${metric}"
modemmanager_connected_method_ppp_ipv4 "${interface}" "${beareriface}" "${username}" "${password}"
proto_notify_error "${interface}" UNKNOWN_METHOD
return 1
# setup IPv6
# note: if using ipv4v6, both IPv4 and IPv6 settings will have the same MTU and metric values reported
[ -n "${bearermethod_ipv6}" ] && {
echo "IPv6 connection setup required in interface ${interface}: ${bearermethod_ipv6}"
case "${bearermethod_ipv6}" in
modemmanager_connected_method_dhcp_ipv6 "${interface}" "${beareriface}" "${metric}"
address=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv6-config.address")
prefix=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv6-config.prefix")
gateway=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv6-config.gateway")
mtu=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv6-config.mtu")
dns1=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv6-config.dns.value\[1\]")
dns2=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv6-config.dns.value\[2\]")
modemmanager_connected_method_static_ipv6 "${interface}" "${beareriface}" "${address}" "${prefix}" "${gateway}" "${mtu}" "${dns1}" "${dns2}" "${metric}"
proto_notify_error "${interface}" "unsupported method"
return 1
proto_notify_error "${interface}" UNKNOWN_METHOD
return 1
return 0
proto_modemmanager_teardown() {
local interface="$1"
local modemstatus bearerpath errorstring
local bearermethod_ipv4 bearermethod_ipv6
local device lowpower iptype
json_get_vars device lowpower iptype
echo "stopping network"
# load connected bearer information, just the first one should be ok
modemstatus=$(mmcli --modem="${device}" --output-keyvalue)
bearerpath=$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.generic.bearers.value\[1\]")
[ -n "${bearerpath}" ] || {
echo "couldn't load bearer path"
# load bearer connection methods
bearerstatus=$(mmcli --bearer "${bearerpath}" --output-keyvalue)
bearermethod_ipv4=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv4-config.method")
[ -n "${bearermethod_ipv4}" ] &&
echo "IPv4 connection teardown required in interface ${interface}: ${bearermethod_ipv4}"
bearermethod_ipv6=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv6-config.method")
[ -n "${bearermethod_ipv6}" ] &&
echo "IPv6 connection teardown required in interface ${interface}: ${bearermethod_ipv6}"
# disconnection handling only requires special treatment in IPv4/PPP
[ "${bearermethod_ipv4}" = "ppp" ] && modemmanager_disconnected_method_ppp_ipv4 "${interface}"
modemmanager_disconnected_method_common "${interface}"
# disconnect
mmcli --modem="${device}" --simple-disconnect ||
proto_notify_error "${interface}" DISCONNECT_FAILED
# disable
mmcli --modem="${device}" --disable
# low power, only if requested
[ "${lowpower:-0}" -lt 1 ] ||
mmcli --modem="${device}" --set-power-state-low
[ -n "$INCLUDE_ONLY" ] || {
add_protocol modemmanager