Alexandru Ardelean 48277ec915 python3: bump to version 3.8
This required a bit work to get working, compared to other versions. So,
some things have changed a bit more significantly.

Some highlights:
* there is no longer a pgen executable, seems this is now part of
  libpython; let's see what this means for us in the future
* blake2 hash (from OpenSSL) detection needs some fixing; will upstream
  added patch 002-fix-blake2-detection.patch
* removed all bpo patches; those should be fixed in upstream
* some needed to be manually re-applied as stuff changed:
  - 001-enable-zlib.patch  - file changed
  - 004-do-not-write-bytes-codes.patch  - file changed
  - 015-abort-on-failed-modules.patch - variable was renamed
    cross_compiling -> CROSS_COMPILING
* 017_lib2to3_fix_pyc_search.patch - the code changed, it does not seem to
     have the original problem with respect to file-extension, as there
     does not seem to be any special extension logic anymore there
* 006-remove-multi-arch-and-local-paths.patch - dropped patch; I can't
     remember the full-details of this issue; it was something with
     Debian/Ubuntu's multi-arch stuff; it was probably added maybe due to
     some overzealous (on my part) thingy caused by some weird reports,
     that I could never solve; let's have this patch dropped and see
* make package/python3/refresh to reduce fuzz for the rest

Signed-off-by: Alexandru Ardelean <>
2019-10-21 15:24:51 +03:00

11 lines
663 B

--- a/Python/initconfig.c
+++ b/Python/initconfig.c
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ int Py_NoSiteFlag = 0; /* Suppress 'impo
int Py_BytesWarningFlag = 0; /* Warn on str(bytes) and str(buffer) */
int Py_FrozenFlag = 0; /* Needed by getpath.c */
int Py_IgnoreEnvironmentFlag = 0; /* e.g. PYTHONPATH, PYTHONHOME */
-int Py_DontWriteBytecodeFlag = 0; /* Suppress writing bytecode files (*.pyc) */
+int Py_DontWriteBytecodeFlag = 1; /* Suppress writing bytecode files (*.pyc) */
int Py_NoUserSiteDirectory = 0; /* for -s and */
int Py_UnbufferedStdioFlag = 0; /* Unbuffered binary std{in,out,err} */
int Py_HashRandomizationFlag = 0; /* for -R and PYTHONHASHSEED */