When using the configuration under "Unbound and odhcpd" in the package's README.md, the scripts generated a malformed config file for unbound, due to an "ip route" command giving extra output lines with the string "anycast" where the awk script expects an address. These are now filtered. Signed-off-by: Daniel Gimpelevich <daniel@gimpelevich.san-francisco.ca.us>
208 lines
6.1 KiB
208 lines
6.1 KiB
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# Copyright (C) 2016 Eric Luehrsen
# Turn DHCP records into meaningful A, AAAA, and PTR records. Also lift a
# function from dnsmasq and use DHCPv4 MAC to find IPV6 SLAAC hosts.
# External Parameters
# "hostfile" = where this script will cache host DNS data
# "domain" = text domain suffix
# "bslaac" = boolean, use DHCPv4 MAC to find GA and ULA IPV6 SLAAC
# "bisolt" = boolean, format <host>.<network>.<domain>. so you can isolate
# "bconf" = boolean, write conf file format rather than pipe records
/^#/ {
# We need to pick out DHCP v4 or v6 records
net = $2 ; id = $3 ; cls = $4 ; hst = $5 ; adr = $9 ; adr2 = $10
cdr = adr ;
cdr2 = adr2 ;
sub( /\/.*/, "", adr ) ;
sub( /.*\//, "", cdr ) ;
sub( /\/.*/, "", adr2 ) ;
sub( /.*\//, "", cdr2 ) ;
if ( bisolt == 1 ) {
# TODO: this might be better with a substituion option,
# or per DHCP pool do-not-DNS option, but its getting busy here.
fqdn = net
fqdn = sub( /\./, "-", fqdn ) ;
fqdn = tolower( hst "." fqdn "." domain ) ;
else {
fqdn = tolower( hst "." domain ) ;
if ( cls == "ipv4" ) {
if ( NF == 8 ) {
# odhcpd errata in field format without host name
adr = $8 ; hst = "-" ; cdr = adr ;
sub( /\/.*/, "", adr ) ;
sub( /.*\//, "", cdr ) ;
if (( cdr == 32 ) && ( hst != "-" )) {
# only for provided hostnames and full /32 assignments
ptr = adr ; qpr = "" ; split( ptr, ptr, "." ) ;
slaac = slaac_eui64( id ) ;
if ( bconf == 1 ) {
x = ( "local-data: \"" fqdn ". 120 IN A " adr "\"" ) ;
y = ( "local-data-ptr: \"" adr " 120 " fqdn "\"" ) ;
print ( x "\n" y "\n" ) > hostfile ;
else {
for( i=1; i<=4; i++ ) { qpr = ( ptr[i] "." qpr) ; }
x = ( fqdn ". 120 IN A " adr ) ;
y = ( qpr "in-addr.arpa. 120 IN PTR " fqdn ) ;
print ( x "\n" y ) > hostfile ;
if (( bslaac == 1 ) && ( slaac != 0 )) {
# UCI option to discover IPV6 routed SLAAC addresses
# NOT TODO - ping probe take too long when added in awk-rule loop
cmd = ( "ip -6 --oneline route show dev " net ) ;
while ( ( cmd | getline adr ) > 0 ) {
if (( substr( adr, 1, 5 ) <= "fd00:" ) \
&& ( index( adr, "anycast" ) == 0 ) \
&& ( index( adr, "via" ) == 0 )) {
# GA or ULA routed addresses only (not LL or MC)
sub( /\/.*/, "", adr ) ;
adr = ( adr slaac ) ;
if ( split( adr, tmp0, ":" ) >= 8 ) {
sub( "::", ":", adr ) ;
if ( bconf == 1 ) {
x = ( "local-data: \"" fqdn ". 120 IN AAAA " adr "\"" ) ;
y = ( "local-data-ptr: \"" adr " 120 " fqdn "\"" ) ;
print ( x "\n" y "\n" ) > hostfile ;
else {
qpr = ipv6_ptr( adr ) ;
x = ( fqdn ". 120 IN AAAA " adr ) ;
y = ( qpr ". 120 IN PTR " fqdn ) ;
print ( x "\n" y ) > hostfile ;
close( cmd ) ;
else {
if (( cdr == 128 ) && ( hst != "-" )) {
if ( bconf == 1 ) {
x = ( "local-data: \"" fqdn ". 120 IN AAAA " adr "\"" ) ;
y = ( "local-data-ptr: \"" adr " 120 " fqdn "\"" ) ;
print ( x "\n" y "\n" ) > hostfile ;
else {
# only for provided hostnames and full /128 assignments
qpr = ipv6_ptr( adr ) ;
x = ( fqdn ". 120 IN AAAA " adr ) ;
y = ( qpr ". 120 IN PTR " fqdn ) ;
print ( x "\n" y ) > hostfile ;
if (( cdr2 == 128 ) && ( hst != "-" )) {
if ( bconf == 1 ) {
x = ( "local-data: \"" fqdn ". 120 IN AAAA " adr2 "\"" ) ;
y = ( "local-data-ptr: \"" adr2 " 120 " fqdn "\"" ) ;
print ( x "\n" y "\n" ) > hostfile ;
else {
# odhcp puts GA and ULA on the same line (position 9 and 10)
qpr2 = ipv6_ptr( adr2 ) ;
x = ( fqdn ". 120 IN AAAA " adr2 ) ;
y = ( qpr2 ". 120 IN PTR " fqdn ) ;
print ( x "\n" y ) > hostfile ;
function ipv6_ptr( ipv6, arpa, ary, end, i, j, new6, sz, start ) {
# IPV6 colon flexibility is a challenge when creating [ptr].ip6.arpa.
sz = split( ipv6, ary, ":" ) ; end = 9 - sz ;
for( i=1; i<=sz; i++ ) {
if( length(ary[i]) == 0 ) {
for( j=1; j<=end; j++ ) { ary[i] = ( ary[i] "0000" ) ; }
else {
ary[i] = substr( ( "0000" ary[i] ), length( ary[i] )+5-4 ) ;
new6 = ary[1] ;
for( i = 2; i <= sz; i++ ) { new6 = ( new6 ary[i] ) ; }
start = length( new6 ) ;
for( i=start; i>0; i-- ) { arpa = ( arpa substr( new6, i, 1 ) ) ; } ;
gsub( /./, "&\.", arpa ) ; arpa = ( arpa "ip6.arpa" ) ;
return arpa ;
function slaac_eui64( mac, ary, glbit, eui64 ) {
if ( length(mac) >= 12 ) {
# RFC2373 and use DHCPv4 registered MAC to find SLAAC addresses
split( mac , ary , "" ) ;
glbit = ( "0x" ary[2] ) ;
glbit = sprintf( "%d", glbit ) ;
glbit = or( glbit, 2 ) ;
ary[2] = sprintf( "%x", glbit ) ;
eui64 = ( ary[1] ary[2] ary[3] ary[4] ":" ary[5] ary[6] "ff:fe" ) ;
eui64 = ( eui64 ary[7] ary[8] ":" ary[9] ary[10] ary[11] ary[12] ) ;
else {
eui64 = 0 ;
return eui64 ;