Some clients do not close connections properly or do not keep it alive, so each time the connection times out a corresponding log entry is written into a log. These messages may spam the log really hard. This may be an issue if log is placed on internal flash - it may prematurely wear a flash chip. This also prevents hdd from spinning down if the log is located on hdd and the dlna capable tv is online. Set the log level to "error" by default. MAN: Set this to change the verbosity of the information that is logged each section can use a different level: off, fatal, error, warn, info, or debug Example log_level=general,artwork,database,inotify,scanner,metadata,http,ssdp,tivo=warn Signed-off-by: Pavel Kubelun <>
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#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# Copyright (C) 2010
minidlna_cfg_append() {
echo "$1" >> "$MINIDLNA_CONFIG_FILE"
minidlna_cfg_addbool() {
local cfg="$1"
local key="$2"
local def="$3"
local val
config_get_bool val "$cfg" "$key" "$def"
[ "$val" -gt 0 ] && val="yes" || val="no"
minidlna_cfg_append "$key=$val"
minidlna_cfg_addstr() {
local cfg="$1"
local key="$2"
local def="$3"
local val
config_get val "$cfg" "$key" "$def"
[ -n "$val" ] && minidlna_cfg_append "$key=$val"
minidlna_cfg_add_media_dir() {
local val=$1
minidlna_cfg_append "media_dir=$val"
minidlna_create_config() {
local cfg=$1
local port
local interface
config_get port $cfg port
config_get interface $cfg interface
[ -z "$interface" -o -t "$port" ] && return 1
echo "# this file is generated automatically, don't edit" > "$MINIDLNA_CONFIG_FILE"
minidlna_cfg_append "port=$port"
minidlna_cfg_append "network_interface=$interface"
minidlna_cfg_addstr $cfg friendly_name
minidlna_cfg_addstr $cfg db_dir
minidlna_cfg_addstr $cfg log_dir
minidlna_cfg_addstr $cfg log_level 'error'
minidlna_cfg_addbool $cfg inotify '1'
minidlna_cfg_addbool $cfg enable_tivo '0'
minidlna_cfg_addbool $cfg wide_links '0'
minidlna_cfg_addbool $cfg strict_dlna '0'
minidlna_cfg_addstr $cfg album_art_names
minidlna_cfg_addstr $cfg presentation_url
minidlna_cfg_addstr $cfg notify_interval '900'
minidlna_cfg_addstr $cfg serial '12345678'
minidlna_cfg_addstr $cfg model_number '1'
minidlna_cfg_addstr $cfg minissdpsocket
minidlna_cfg_addstr $cfg root_container '.'
config_list_foreach "$cfg" "media_dir" minidlna_cfg_add_media_dir
return 0
start() {
local enabled
local db_dir
local log_dir
config_load 'minidlna'
config_get_bool enabled config 'enabled' '0'
[ "$enabled" -gt 0 ] || return 1
minidlna_create_config config || return 1
config_get db_dir config 'db_dir' '/var/run/minidlna'
config_get log_dir config 'log_dir' '/var/log'
mkdir -m 0755 -p $db_dir
mkdir -m 0755 -p $log_dir
service_start /usr/bin/minidlna -f "$MINIDLNA_CONFIG_FILE"
stop() {
service_stop /usr/bin/minidlna