Domoticz 3.8153 introduced support for dzVents. Unfortunately this was broken by the 902_add-scripts-path, which attempts to make Domoticz more FHS-compliant instead of throwing everything under /opt/domoticz. The problem is that dzVents scripts added via the webinterface will be generated on the filesystem. With the 902_add-scripts-path patch, Domoticz tried to write this to "scriptsdir/dzVents/generated_scripts". As the scriptsdir contains scripts that come with upstream, and are not meant to be changed, this defaults to /usr/share/domoticz/scripts, which is not writeable, so Domoticz is unable to write the script to the filesystem. What is worse is that this silently fails. Fix this by moving the generated_scripts dir to "userdatadir/generated_scripts". The userdatadir defaults to /var/lib/domoticz, which is writeable. Additionally, since this patch does more than just adding the scripts path, rename it to something more appropriate. Signed-off-by: Stijn Tintel <>
55 lines
1.6 KiB
55 lines
1.6 KiB
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
start_domoticz() {
local section="$1"
local loglevel sslcert sslpass sslwww syslog userdata
config_get loglevel "$section" "loglevel"
config_get sslcert "$section" "sslcert"
config_get sslkey "$section" "sslkey"
config_get sslpass "$section" "sslpass"
config_get sslwww "$section" "sslwww"
config_get syslog "$section" "syslog"
config_get userdata "$section" "userdata"
[ -n "$loglevel" ] && procd_append_param command -loglevel "$loglevel"
[ -n "$syslog" ] && procd_append_param command -syslog "$syslog"
[ -n "$userdata" ] && {
mkdir -p "${userdata}/generated_scripts"
chmod -R 0770 "$userdata"
chown -R domoticz:domoticz "$userdata"
procd_append_param command -userdata "$userdata"
[ -n "$sslcert" -a "${sslwww:-0}" -gt 0 ] && {
procd_append_param command -sslcert "$sslcert"
procd_append_param command -sslwww "$sslwww"
[ -n "$sslkey" ] && procd_append_param command -sslkey "$sslkey"
[ -n "$sslpass" ] && procd_append_param command -sslpass "$sslpass"
} || procd_append_param command -sslwww 0
start_service() {
procd_set_param command "$PROG"
procd_append_param command -scripts /usr/share/domoticz/scripts/
procd_append_param command -wwwroot /usr/share/domoticz/www/
config_load "domoticz"
config_get_bool disabled "$section" "disabled" 0
[ "$disabled" -gt 0 ] && return 1
config_foreach start_domoticz domoticz
procd_set_param pidfile "$PIDFILE"
procd_set_param respawn
procd_set_param stdout 0
procd_set_param term_timeout 10
procd_set_param user "domoticz"