New subpackages (reflect of ongoing ruby gemification) - ruby-benchmark (from ruby-debuglib) - ruby-delegate (from ruby-misc) - ruby-getoptlong (from ruby-misc) - ruby-net-pop (from ruby-net) - ruby-net-imap (from ruby-net) - ruby-observer (from ruby-patterns, now gone) - ruby-open3 (from ruby-misc) - ruby-readline-ext (was ruby-readline, while ruby-readline now selects either ruby-readline-ext or ruby-reline) - ruby-reline (alternative to ruby-readline-ext as pure ruby) - ruby-singleton (from ruby-patterns, now gone) - ruby-timeout (from ruby-multithread) Dropped subpackages: - ruby-cmath (gone in 2.7.0) - ruby-e2mmap (gone in 2.7.0) - ruby-patterns (splitted into ruby-observer, ruby-singleton) - ruby-scanf (gone in 2.7.0) - ruby-shell (gone in 2.7.0) - ruby-sync (gone in 2.7.0) - ruby-thwait (gone in 2.7.0) Ruby 2.7.0 also dropped profile.rb and profiler.rb (they were in ruby-debuglib) Patches changes: - Dropped patch 001_fix_isnan_isinf_finite_with_uclibc.patch (now in release) - Added 100-musl.patch, fixing mainly coroutine implementation selection Helper scripts changes: - ruby_missingfiles: do not ignore ruby-dev files - ruby_find_pkgsdeps: better detect circular dependencies Ruby 2.7.1 fixes these security issues: * CVE-2020-10663: Unsafe Object Creation Vulnerability in JSON (Additional fix) * CVE-2020-10933: Heap exposure vulnerability in the socket library Signed-off-by: Luiz Angelo Daros de Luca <>
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# bash feeds/packages/lang/ruby/ruby_missingfiles staging_dir/target-i386_i486_musl-1.1.11/ bin/x86/packages/packages/*ruby*_2.3.0*
function list_staging_files {
cd "$1"; find \
\( \( -name "root-*" -or -name "packages" -or -name "stamp" -or -name "pkginfo" -or -name "host" -or -name man \) -prune \) -or -true \
\( -path "*ruby*" -or -name "erb" -or -name "gem" -or -name "irb" -or -name "rake" -or -name "rdoc" -or -name "ri" -or -name "testrb" -or -name "racc" -or -name "racc2y" -or -name "y2racc" \) \
-not -path "*/usr/lib/ruby/gems/*/cache/*" \
-not -name "*test_case.rb" \
-not -name "*.rdoc" \
-not -name "*.doc" \
-not -name "*.md" \
-not -name "*.txt" \
-not -name "*.travis.yml" \
-not -regex ".*/usr/lib/ruby/gems/[^/]*/gems/[^/]*/benchmark/.*" \
-not -regex ".*/usr/lib/ruby/gems/[^/]*/gems/[^/]*/evaluation/.*" \
-not -regex ".*/usr/lib/ruby/gems/[^/]*/gems/[^/]*/sample/.*" \
-not -regex ".*/usr/lib/ruby/gems/[^/]*/gems/[^/]*/test/.*" \
-not -regex ".*/usr/lib/ruby/gems/[^/]*/gems/[^/]*/doc/.*" \
-not -type d \
-print | sort
function list_ipkg_files {
for OPKG; do
tar --to-stdout -xzf "$OPKG" ./data.tar.gz | tar tzv | grep -v ^d | sed -e 's,.* \./,./,;s/ -> .*//'
done | sort -u | grep -v ./usr/lib/ruby/ruby...-bin
set -e
: ${1:?First arg is staging_dir}
: ${2:?Second and following args are ruby ipkg packages}
STAGING_DIR=$1; shift
(cd "$STAGING_DIR" )
if ! [ -e "$1" ]; then
echo "$1 does not exist!"
exit 1
printf '%-62s %-62s\n' "Installed in Staging" "From Packages Files"
diff -d -y <(list_staging_files "$STAGING_DIR") <(list_ipkg_files "$@")