Beginning in PathTools 3.47 and/or perl 5.20.0, the File::Spec::canonpath() routine returned untained strings even if passed tainted input. This defect undermines the guarantee of taint propagation, which is sometimes used to ensure that unvalidated user input does not reach sensitive code. This defect was found and reported by David Golden of MongoDB, and a patch was provided by Tony Cook. References: * * Signed-off-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
26 lines
927 B
26 lines
927 B
--- a/t/op/tie_fetch_count.t
+++ b/t/op/tie_fetch_count.t
@@ -250,12 +250,17 @@ for ([chdir=>''],[chmod=>'0,'],[chown=>'
check_count "$op $args\\\$tied_glob$postargs";
-$dummy = crypt $var,0; check_count 'crypt $tied, ...';
-$dummy = crypt 0,$var; check_count 'crypt ..., $tied';
-$var = substr(chr 256,0,0);
-$dummy = crypt $var,0; check_count 'crypt $tied_utf8, ...';
-$var = substr(chr 256,0,0);
-$dummy = crypt 0,$var; check_count 'crypt ..., $tied_utf8';
+SKIP: {
+ use Config;
+ skip "crypt() is unavailable", 4, unless defined $Config{'d_crypt'};
+ $dummy = crypt $var,0; check_count 'crypt $tied, ...';
+ $dummy = crypt 0,$var; check_count 'crypt ..., $tied';
+ $var = substr(chr 256,0,0);
+ $dummy = crypt $var,0; check_count 'crypt $tied_utf8, ...';
+ $var = substr(chr 256,0,0);
+ $dummy = crypt 0,$var; check_count 'crypt ..., $tied_utf8';