Extend configuration of NTP sources in UCI: - Add nts option to enable NTS - Add disabled option to allow inactive sources Add nts section to UCI with: - rtccheck option to disable certificate time checks on systems that don't have an RTC to avoid the chicken-and-egg problem (it is less secure, but still should be better than no NTS at all) - systemcerts option to disable system certificates - trustedcerts option to specify path to trusted certificates Save NTS keys and cookies by default to avoid unnecessary NTS-KE sessions when restarted or switching back to an already used NTS source. Also, save the drift to stabilize the clock after chronyd restart. Signed-off-by: Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar0@gmail.com>
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93 lines
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#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# Copyright (C) 2006-2015 OpenWrt.org
handle_source() {
local cfg=$1 sourcetype=$2 disabled hostname minpoll maxpoll iburst nts
config_get_bool disabled "$cfg" disabled 0
[ "$disabled" = "1" ] && return
[ -z "$hostname" ] && config_get hostname "$cfg" hostname
[ -z "$hostname" ] && return
config_get minpoll "$cfg" minpoll
config_get maxpoll "$cfg" maxpoll
config_get_bool iburst "$cfg" iburst 0
config_get_bool nts "$cfg" nts 0
echo $(
echo $sourcetype $hostname
[ -n "$minpoll" ] && echo minpoll $minpoll
[ -n "$maxpoll" ] && echo maxpoll $maxpoll
[ "$iburst" = "1" ] && echo iburst
[ "$nts" = "1" ] && echo nts
handle_allow() {
local cfg=$1 iface wan_iface wan6_iface subnet subnets subnets6
network_find_wan wan_iface true
network_find_wan6 wan6_iface true
config_get iface "$cfg" interface
if [ "$wan_iface" = "$iface" ]; then
echo allow 0/0
elif [ "$wan6_iface" = "$iface" ]; then
echo allow ::/0
network_get_subnets subnets $iface
network_get_subnets6 subnets6 $iface
for subnet in $subnets $subnets6; do
echo allow $subnet
handle_makestep() {
local cfg=$1 threshold limit
config_get threshold "$cfg" threshold
config_get limit "$cfg" limit
[ -z "$threshold" -o -z "$limit" ] && return
echo makestep $threshold $limit
handle_nts() {
local cfg=$1 threshold limit
config_get_bool rtccheck "$cfg" rtccheck 0
config_get_bool systemcerts "$cfg" systemcerts 1
config_get trustedcerts "$cfg" trustedcerts
# Disable certificate time checks if no RTC is present
[ "$rtccheck" = "1" ] && ! [ -c $RTCDEVICE ] && echo nocerttimecheck 1
[ "$systemcerts" = "0" ] && echo nosystemcert
[ -n "$trustedcerts" ] && echo ntstrustedcerts "$trustedcerts"
start_service() {
. /lib/functions/network.sh
procd_set_param command $PROG -n
procd_set_param file $CONFIGFILE
procd_set_param file $INCLUDEFILE
config_load chrony
mkdir -p $(dirname $INCLUDEFILE)
config_foreach handle_source server server
config_foreach handle_source pool pool
config_foreach handle_source peer peer
config_foreach handle_allow allow
config_foreach handle_makestep makestep
config_foreach handle_nts nts