Jean-Michel Lacroix 5c9665a070 bandwidthd: update to 2.0.1-34, sqlite support and SMTP tracking
Addition of sqlite storage
Tracking of SMTP traffic instead of P2P traffic
Based on NethServer bandwidthd implementation

Signed-off-by: Jean-Michel lacroix <>
2017-01-01 12:44:56 -05:00

190 lines
6 KiB

<img src=logo.gif>
$sensor_name = 'default';
// Get variables from url
if (isset($_GET['interval']) && $_GET['interval'] != "none")
$interval = $_GET['interval'];
if (isset($_GET['timestamp']) && $_GET['timestamp'] != "none")
$timestamp = $_GET['timestamp'];
if (isset($_GET['subnet']) && $_GET['subnet'] != "none")
$subnet = $_GET['subnet'];
if (isset($_GET['limit']) && $_GET['limit'] != "none")
$limit = $_GET['limit'];
$db = ConnectDb();
<FORM name="navigation" method="get">
<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border=1>
<td><SELECT name="interval">
<OPTION value="none">--Select An Interval--
<OPTION value=<?php echo INT_DAILY?> <?php echo $interval==INT_DAILY?"SELECTED":""?>>Daily
<OPTION value=<?php echo INT_WEEKLY?> <?php echo $interval==INT_WEEKLY?"SELECTED":""?>>Weekly
<OPTION value=<?php echo INT_MONTHLY?> <?php echo $interval==INT_MONTHLY?"SELECTED":""?>>Monthly
<OPTION value=<?php echo INT_YEARLY?> <?php echo $interval==INT_YEARLY?"SELECTED":""?>>Yearly
<OPTION value=<?php echo 24*60*60?> <?php echo $interval==24*60*60?"SELECTED":""?>>24hrs
<OPTION value=<?php echo 30*24*60*60?> <?php echo $interval==30*24*60*60?"SELECTED":""?>>30days
<td><SELECT name="limit">
<OPTION value="none">--How Many Results--
<OPTION value=20 <?php echo $limit==20?"SELECTED":""?>>20
<OPTION value=50 <?php echo $limit==50?"SELECTED":""?>>50
<OPTION value=100 <?php echo $limit==100?"SELECTED":""?>>100
<OPTION value=all <?php echo $limit=="all"?"SELECTED":""?>>All
<td>Subnet Filter:<input name=subnet value="<?php echo isset($subnet)?$subnet:""?>">
<input type=submit value="Go">
// Set defaults
if (!isset($interval))
$interval = DFLT_INTERVAL;
if (!isset($timestamp))
$timestamp = time() - $interval + (0.05*$interval);
if (!isset($limit))
$limit = 20;
// Validation
if (!isset($sensor_name))
// Print Title
if (isset($limit))
echo "<h2>Top $limit - $sensor_name</h2>";
echo "<h2>All Records - $sensor_name</h2>";
// Sqlize the incomming variables
if (isset($subnet)) {
$sql_subnet = prepare_sql_subnet($subnet);
// Sql Statement
$sql = "select tx.ip, rx.scale as rxscale, tx.scale as txscale, as total, as sent, as received, tx.tcp+rx.tcp as tcp, tx.udp+rx.udp as udp,
tx.icmp+rx.icmp as icmp, tx.http+rx.http as http,
tx.p2p+rx.p2p as p2p, tx.ftp+rx.ftp as ftp
(SELECT ip, max(total/sample_duration)*8 as scale, sum(total) as total, sum(tcp) as tcp, sum(udp) as udp, sum(icmp) as icmp,
sum(http) as http, sum(p2p) as p2p, sum(ftp) as ftp
from sensors, bd_tx_log
where sensor_name = '$sensor_name'
and sensors.sensor_id = bd_tx_log.sensor_id
and timestamp > $timestamp and timestamp < ".($timestamp+$interval)."
group by ip) as tx,
(SELECT ip, max(total/sample_duration)*8 as scale, sum(total) as total, sum(tcp) as tcp, sum(udp) as udp, sum(icmp) as icmp,
sum(http) as http, sum(p2p) as p2p, sum(ftp) as ftp
from sensors, bd_rx_log
where sensor_name = '$sensor_name'
and sensors.sensor_id = bd_rx_log.sensor_id
and timestamp > $timestamp and timestamp < ".($timestamp+$interval)."
group by ip) as rx
where tx.ip = rx.ip
order by total desc;";
//echo "</center><pre>$sql</pre><center>"; error_log($sql);
$pdoResult = $db->query($sql);
$result = $pdoResult->fetchAll();
$db = NULL;
$num_rows = count($result);
if ($limit == "all")
$limit = $num_rows;
echo "<table width=100% border=1 cellspacing=0><tr><td>Ip<td>Name<td>Total<td>Sent<td>Received<td>tcp<td>udp<td>icmp<td>http<td>smtp<td>ftp";
if (!isset($subnet)) // Set this now for total graphs
$subnet = "";
// Output Total Line
echo "<TR><TD><a href=Total>Total</a><TD>$subnet";
foreach (array("total", "sent", "received", "tcp", "udp", "icmp", "http", "p2p", "ftp") as $key)
for($Counter=0, $Total = 0; $Counter < $num_rows; $Counter++)
$r = $result[$Counter];
$Total += $r[$key];
echo fmtb($Total);
echo "\n";
// Output Other Lines
for($Counter=0; $Counter < $num_rows && $Counter < $limit; $Counter++)
$r = $result[$Counter];
$r['ip'] = long2ip($r['ip']);
echo "<tr><td><a href=#".$r['ip'].">";
echo $r['ip']."<td>".gethostbyaddr($r['ip']);
echo "</a>";
echo fmtb($r['total']).fmtb($r['sent']).fmtb($r['received']).
echo "</table></center>";
// Output Total Graph
for($Counter=0, $Total = 0; $Counter < $num_rows; $Counter++)
$r = $result[$Counter];
$scale = max($r['txscale'], $scale);
$scale = max($r['rxscale'], $scale);
if ($subnet == "")
$total_table = "bd_tx_total_log";
$total_table = "bd_tx_log";
echo "<a name=Total><h3><a href=details.php?sensor_name=$sensor_name&ip=$subnet>";
echo "Total - Total of $subnet</h3>";
echo "</a>";
echo "Send:<br><img src=graph.php?ip=$subnet&interval=$interval&sensor_name=".$sensor_name."&table=$total_table><br>";
echo "<img src=legend.gif><br>\n";
if ($subnet == "")
$total_table = "bd_rx_total_log";
$total_table = "bd_rx_log";
echo "Receive:<br><img src=graph.php?ip=$subnet&interval=$interval&sensor_name=".$sensor_name."&table=$total_table><br>";
echo "<img src=legend.gif><br>\n";
// Output Other Graphs
for($Counter=0; $Counter < $num_rows && $Counter < $limit; $Counter++)
$r = $result[$Counter];
$r['ip'] = long2ip($r['ip']);
echo "<a name=".$r['ip']."><h3><a href=details.php?sensor_name=$sensor_name&ip=".$r['ip'].">";
if ($r['ip'] == "")
echo "Total - Total of all subnets</h3>";
echo $r['ip']." - ".gethostbyaddr($r['ip'])."</h3>";
echo "</a>";
echo "Send:<br><img src=graph.php?ip=".$r['ip']."&interval=$interval&sensor_name=".$sensor_name."&table=bd_tx_log&yscale=".(max($r['txscale'], $r['rxscale']))."><br>";
echo "<img src=legend.gif><br>\n";
echo "Receive:<br><img src=graph.php?ip=".$r['ip']."&interval=$interval&sensor_name=".$sensor_name."&table=bd_rx_log&yscale=".(max($r['txscale'], $r['rxscale']))."><br>";
echo "<img src=legend.gif><br>\n";