Eric Luehrsen a7fd69233d unbound: improve local zone evaluation in UCI
When UCI local zone is private and static, Unbound covered private
addresses with defaults. Optional delegated global IP6 prefix
protection lacked a static zone, but it was prevented from appearing
in global DNS responses. Domain names router-as-TLD, "lan." and
"local." were static, but they lacked default SOA or NS such as
Unbound had assinged to private addresses. Clean up these local
zones UCI evaluation and block global DNS inclusion.

Signed-off-by: Eric Luehrsen <>
2018-06-12 22:32:54 -04:00

162 lines
4.3 KiB

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# Copyright (C) 2016 Eric Luehrsen
# These are iptools that might be useful in a larger package, if provided
# elsewhere for common use. One example that many may find useful is turning
# flexible IPV6 colon dividers into PTR. Otherwise these are incomplete and
# would need robustness improvements for more generic applications.
domain_ptr_ip6() {
# Get the nibble rounded /CIDR
echo "$1" | awk -F: \
'BEGIN { OFS = "" ; }
{ CIDR = $0 ;
sub(/.*\//,"",CIDR) ;
CIDR = (CIDR / 4) ;
sub(/\/[0-9]+/,"",$0) ;
ct_stop = 9 - NF ;
for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
if(length($i) == 0) {
for(j=1; j<=ct_stop; j++) { $i = ($i "0000") ; } }
else { $i = substr(("0000" $i), length($i)+5-4) ; } } ;
y = $0 ;
ct_start = length(y) - 32 + CIDR ;
for(i=ct_start; i>0; i--) { x = (x substr(y,i,1)) ; } ;
gsub(/./,"&\.",x) ;
x = (x "") ;
print x }'
host_ptr_ip6() {
# Get complete host
echo "$1" | awk -F: \
'BEGIN { OFS = "" ; }
{ sub(/\/[0-9]+/,"",$0) ;
ct_stop = 9 - NF ;
for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
if(length($i) == 0) {
for(j=1; j<=ct_stop; j++) { $i = ($i "0000") ; } }
else { $i = substr(("0000" $i), length($i)+5-4) ; } } ;
y = $0 ;
ct_start = length(y);
for(i=ct_start; i>0; i--) { x = (x substr(y,i,1)) ; } ;
sub(/[0-9]+\//,"",x) ;
gsub(/./,"&\.",x) ;
x = (x "") ;
print x }'
domain_ptr_ip4() {
# Get the byte rounded /CIDR
echo "$1" | awk \
'{ CIDR = $0 ;
sub(/.*\//,"",CIDR) ;
CIDR = (CIDR / 8) ;
dtxt = $0 ;
sub(/\/.*/,"",dtxt) ;
split(dtxt, dtxt, ".") ;
for(i=1; i<=CIDR; i++) { x = (dtxt[i] "." x) ; }
x = (x "") ;
print x }'
host_ptr_ip4() {
# Get omplete host
echo "$1" | awk -F. \
'{ x = ( $4"."$3"."$2"."$1"" ) ;
sub(/\/[0-9]+/,"",x) ;
print x }'
valid_subnet6() {
case "$1" in
# GA
[1-9][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]":"*) echo "ok" ;;
f[cd][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]":"*) echo "ok" ;;
# fe80::, ::1, and such
*) echo "not" ;;
valid_subnet4() {
case "$1" in
# Link, Local, and Such
169"."254"."*) echo "not" ;;
127"."*) echo "not" ;;
0"."*) echo "not" ;;
255"."*) echo "not" ;;
# Other Normal
25[0-4]"."[0-9]*) echo "ok" ;;
2[0-4][0-9]"."[0-9]*) echo "ok" ;;
1[0-9][0-9]"."[0-9]*) echo "ok" ;;
[0-9][0-9]"."[0-9]*) echo "ok" ;;
[0-9]"."[0-9]*) echo "ok" ;;
# Not Right
*) echo "not";;
private_subnet() {
case "$1" in
10"."*) echo "ok" ;;
172"."1[6-9]"."*) echo "ok" ;;
172"."2[0-9]"."*) echo "ok" ;;
172"."3[0-1]"."*) echo "ok" ;;
192"."168"."*) echo "ok" ;;
f[cd][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]":"*) echo "ok" ;;
*) echo "not" ;;
domain_ptr_any() {
local subnet=$1
local arpa validip4 validip6
validip4=$( valid_subnet4 $subnet )
validip6=$( valid_subnet6 $subnet )
if [ "$validip4" = "ok" ] ; then
arpa=$( domain_ptr_ip4 "$subnet" )
elif [ "$validip6" = "ok" ] ; then
arpa=$( domain_ptr_ip6 "$subnet" )
if [ -n "$arpa" ] ; then
echo $arpa