Rosen Penev 5ff177bd40
bonnie++: update to 2.00a
Add custom meson build since the Makefile requires too much patching

Stop using uClibc++. It will be removed in the near future.

Signed-off-by: Rosen Penev <>
2021-02-22 20:32:58 -08:00

80 lines
1.6 KiB

--- /dev/null
+++ b/conf.h.meson
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#mesondefine HAVE_ALGORITHM
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+project('bonnie++', 'cpp',
+ version : '2.00a',
+ default_options : [ 'cpp_std=c++11' ])
+cxx = meson.get_compiler('cpp')
+cdata = configuration_data()
+cdata.set('HAVE_ALGORITHM', cxx.has_header('algorithm'))
+configure_file(input : 'conf.h.meson',
+ output : 'conf.h',
+ configuration : cdata)
+bonniepp_incdir = include_directories('.')
+thread_dep = dependency('threads')
+add_global_arguments('-DHAVE_CONFIG_H', language : 'cpp')
+ 'bonnie++.cpp',
+ 'bon_io.cpp',
+ 'bon_file.cpp',
+ 'bon_time.cpp',
+ 'semaphore.cpp',
+ 'sync.cpp',
+ 'thread.cpp',
+ 'bon_suid.cpp',
+ 'duration.cpp',
+ 'util.cpp',
+ 'rand.cpp',
+ install: true,
+ include_directories : bonniepp_incdir,
+ dependencies : thread_dep,
+ 'bon_csv2html.cpp',
+ install: true,
+ include_directories : bonniepp_incdir,
+ 'zcav.cpp',
+ 'thread.cpp',
+ 'zcav_io.cpp',
+ 'bon_suid.cpp',
+ 'duration.cpp',
+ install: true,
+ include_directories : bonniepp_incdir,
+ dependencies : [ thread_dep ]
+ 'getc_putc.cpp',
+ 'bon_suid.cpp',
+ 'duration.cpp',
+ 'util.cpp',
+ install: true,
+ include_directories : bonniepp_incdir,
+ 'getc_putc_helper.cpp',
+ 'duration.cpp',
+ install: true,
+ include_directories : bonniepp_incdir,
+ 'generate_randfile.cpp',
+ install: true,
+ include_directories : bonniepp_incdir,