# banIP shared function library/include # Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Dirk Brenken (dev@brenken.org) # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. # (s)hellcheck exceptions # shellcheck disable=all # set initial defaults # export LC_ALL=C export PATH="/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" ban_basedir="/tmp" ban_backupdir="${ban_basedir}/banIP-backup" ban_reportdir="${ban_basedir}/banIP-report" ban_feedarchive="/etc/banip/banip.feeds.gz" ban_pidfile="/var/run/banip.pid" ban_lock="/var/run/banip.lock" ban_blocklist="/etc/banip/banip.blocklist" ban_allowlist="/etc/banip/banip.allowlist" ban_fetchcmd="" ban_logreadcmd="$(command -v logread)" ban_logcmd="$(command -v logger)" ban_ubuscmd="$(command -v ubus)" ban_nftcmd="$(command -v nft)" ban_fw4cmd="$(command -v fw4)" ban_awkcmd="$(command -v awk)" ban_grepcmd="$(command -v grep)" ban_lookupcmd="$(command -v nslookup)" ban_mailcmd="$(command -v msmtp)" ban_mailsender="no-reply@banIP" ban_mailreceiver="" ban_mailtopic="banIP notification" ban_mailprofile="ban_notify" ban_mailtemplate="/etc/banip/banip.tpl" ban_nftpriority="-200" ban_nftexpiry="" ban_loglevel="warn" ban_loglimit="100" ban_logcount="1" ban_logterm="" ban_country="" ban_asn="" ban_loginput="0" ban_logforward="0" ban_allowlistonly="0" ban_autoallowlist="1" ban_autoblocklist="1" ban_deduplicate="1" ban_splitsize="0" ban_autodetect="" ban_feed="" ban_blockinput="" ban_blockforward="" ban_protov4="0" ban_protov6="0" ban_ifv4="" ban_ifv6="" ban_dev="" ban_sub="" ban_fetchinsecure="" ban_cores="" ban_memory="" ban_trigger="" ban_triggerdelay="10" ban_resolver="" ban_enabled="0" ban_debug="0" # gather system information # f_system() { local cpu core ban_memory="$("${ban_awkcmd}" '/^MemAvailable/{printf "%s",int($2/1000)}' "/proc/meminfo" 2>/dev/null)" ban_ver="$(${ban_ubuscmd} -S call rpc-sys packagelist 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -ql1 -e '@.packages.banip')" ban_sysver="$(${ban_ubuscmd} -S call system board 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -ql1 -e '@.model' -e '@.release.description' | "${ban_awkcmd}" 'BEGIN{RS="";FS="\n"}{printf "%s, %s",$1,$2}')" if [ -z "${ban_cores}" ]; then cpu="$("${ban_grepcmd}" -c '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null)" core="$("${ban_grepcmd}" -cm1 '^core id' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null)" [ "${cpu}" = "0" ] && cpu="1" [ "${core}" = "0" ] && core="1" ban_cores="$((cpu * core))" fi f_log "debug" "f_system ::: system: ${ban_sysver:-"n/a"}, version: ${ban_ver:-"n/a"}, memory: ${ban_memory:-"0"}, cpu_cores: ${ban_cores}" } # create directories # f_mkdir() { local dir="${1}" if [ ! -d "${dir}" ]; then rm -f "${dir}" mkdir -p "${dir}" f_log "debug" "f_mkdir ::: created directory: ${dir}" fi } # create files # f_mkfile() { local file="${1}" if [ ! -f "${file}" ]; then : >"${file}" f_log "debug" "f_mkfile ::: created file: ${file}" fi } # create temporary files and directories # f_tmp() { f_mkdir "${ban_basedir}" ban_tmpdir="$(mktemp -p "${ban_basedir}" -d)" ban_tmpfile="$(mktemp -p "${ban_tmpdir}" -tu)" f_log "debug" "f_tmp ::: base_dir: ${ban_basedir:-"-"}, tmp_dir: ${ban_tmpdir:-"-"}" } # remove directories # f_rmdir() { local dir="${1}" if [ -d "${dir}" ]; then rm -rf "${dir}" f_log "debug" "f_rmdir ::: deleted directory: ${dir}" fi } # convert chars # f_char() { local char="${1}" [ "${char}" = "1" ] && printf "%s" "✔" || printf "%s" "✘" } # trim strings # f_trim() { local string="${1}" string="${string#"${string%%[![:space:]]*}"}" string="${string%"${string##*[![:space:]]}"}" printf "%s" "${string}" } # write log messages # f_log() { local class="${1}" log_msg="${2}" if [ -n "${log_msg}" ] && { [ "${class}" != "debug" ] || [ "${ban_debug}" = "1" ]; }; then if [ -x "${ban_logcmd}" ]; then "${ban_logcmd}" -p "${class}" -t "banIP-${ban_ver}[${$}]" "${log_msg}" else printf "%s %s %s\n" "${class}" "banIP-${ban_ver}[${$}]" "${log_msg}" fi fi if [ "${class}" = "err" ]; then f_genstatus "error" f_rmdir "${ban_tmpdir}" rm -rf "${ban_lock}" exit 1 fi } # load config # f_conf() { unset ban_dev ban_ifv4 ban_ifv6 ban_feed ban_blockinput ban_blockforward ban_logterm ban_country ban_asn config_cb() { option_cb() { local option="${1}" local value="${2}" eval "${option}=\"${value}\"" } list_cb() { local option="${1}" local value="${2}" case "${option}" in "ban_dev") eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_dev}")${value} \"" ;; "ban_ifv4") eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_ifv4}")${value} \"" ;; "ban_ifv6") eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_ifv6}")${value} \"" ;; "ban_feed") eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_feed}")${value} \"" ;; "ban_blockinput") eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_blockinput}")${value} \"" ;; "ban_blockforward") eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_blockforward}")${value} \"" ;; "ban_logterm") eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_logterm}")${value}\\|\"" ;; "ban_country") eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_country}")${value} \"" ;; "ban_asn") eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_asn}")${value} \"" ;; esac } } config_load banip [ "${ban_action}" = "boot" ] && [ -z "${ban_trigger}" ] && sleep ${ban_triggerdelay} } # prepare fetch utility # f_fetch() { local ut utils packages insecure if [ -z "${ban_fetchcmd}" ] || [ ! -x "${ban_fetchcmd}" ]; then packages="$(${ban_ubuscmd} -S call rpc-sys packagelist 2>/dev/null)" [ -z "${packages}" ] && f_log "err" "local opkg package repository is not available, please set the download utility 'ban_fetchcmd' manually" utils="aria2c curl wget uclient-fetch" for ut in ${utils}; do if { [ "${ut}" = "uclient-fetch" ] && printf "%s" "${packages}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q '"libustream-'; } || { [ "${ut}" = "wget" ] && printf "%s" "${packages}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q '"wget-ssl'; } || [ "${ut}" = "curl" ] || [ "${ut}" = "aria2c" ]; then ban_fetchcmd="$(command -v "${ut}")" if [ -x "${ban_fetchcmd}" ]; then uci_set banip global ban_fetchcmd "${ban_fetchcmd##*/}" uci_commit "banip" break fi fi done fi [ ! -x "${ban_fetchcmd}" ] && f_log "err" "download utility with SSL support not found" case "${ban_fetchcmd##*/}" in "aria2c") [ "${ban_fetchinsecure}" = "1" ] && insecure="--check-certificate=false" ban_fetchparm="${ban_fetchparm:-"${insecure} --timeout=20 --allow-overwrite=true --auto-file-renaming=false --log-level=warn --dir=/ -o"}" ;; "curl") [ "${ban_fetchinsecure}" = "1" ] && insecure="--insecure" ban_fetchparm="${ban_fetchparm:-"${insecure} --connect-timeout 20 --fail --silent --show-error --location -o"}" ;; "uclient-fetch") [ "${ban_fetchinsecure}" = "1" ] && insecure="--no-check-certificate" ban_fetchparm="${ban_fetchparm:-"${insecure} --timeout=20 -O"}" ;; "wget") [ "${ban_fetchinsecure}" = "1" ] && insecure="--no-check-certificate" ban_fetchparm="${ban_fetchparm:-"${insecure} --no-cache --no-cookies --max-redirect=0 --timeout=20 -O"}" ;; esac f_log "debug" "f_fetch ::: fetch_cmd: ${ban_fetchcmd:-"-"}, fetch_parm: ${ban_fetchparm:-"-"}" } # remove logservice # f_rmpid() { local ppid pid pids ppid="$(cat "${ban_pidfile}" 2>/dev/null)" [ -n "${ppid}" ] && pids="$(pgrep -P "${ppid}" 2>/dev/null)" || return 0 for pid in ${pids}; do kill -INT "${pid}" >/dev/null 2>&1 done : >"${ban_pidfile}" } # get wan interfaces # f_getif() { local iface "${ban_ubuscmd}" -t 5 wait_for network.device network.interface 2>/dev/null if [ "${ban_autodetect}" = "1" ]; then if [ -z "${ban_ifv4}" ]; then network_find_wan iface if [ -n "${iface}" ] && ! printf "%s" "${ban_ifv4}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${iface}"; then ban_protov4="1" ban_ifv4="${ban_ifv4}${iface} " uci_set banip global ban_protov4 "1" uci_add_list banip global ban_ifv4 "${iface}" fi fi if [ -z "${ban_ifv6}" ]; then network_find_wan6 iface if [ -n "${iface}" ] && ! printf "%s" "${ban_ifv6}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${iface}"; then ban_protov6="1" ban_ifv6="${ban_ifv6}${iface} " uci_set banip global ban_protov6 "1" uci_add_list banip global ban_ifv6 "${iface}" fi fi ban_ifv4="${ban_ifv4%%?}" ban_ifv6="${ban_ifv6%%?}" [ -n "$(uci -q changes "banip")" ] && uci_commit "banip" fi [ -z "${ban_ifv4}" ] && [ -z "${ban_ifv6}" ] && f_log "err" "wan interfaces not found, please check your configuration" f_log "debug" "f_getif ::: auto_detect: ${ban_autodetect}, interfaces (4/6): ${ban_ifv4}/${ban_ifv6}, protocols (4/6): ${ban_protov4}/${ban_protov6}" } # get wan devices # f_getdev() { local dev iface if [ "${ban_autodetect}" = "1" ] && [ -z "${ban_dev}" ]; then for iface in ${ban_ifv4} ${ban_ifv6}; do network_get_device dev "${iface}" if [ -n "${dev}" ] && ! printf "%s" "${ban_dev}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${dev}"; then ban_dev="${ban_dev}${dev} " uci_add_list banip global ban_dev "${dev}" else network_get_physdev dev "${iface}" if [ -n "${dev}" ] && ! printf "%s" "${ban_dev}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${dev}"; then ban_dev="${ban_dev}${dev} " uci_add_list banip global ban_dev "${dev}" fi fi done ban_dev="${ban_dev%%?}" [ -n "$(uci -q changes "banip")" ] && uci_commit "banip" fi [ -z "${ban_dev}" ] && f_log "err" "wan devices not found, please check your configuration" f_log "debug" "f_getdev ::: auto_detect: ${ban_autodetect}, devices: ${ban_dev}" } # get local subnets # f_getsub() { local sub iface ip for iface in ${ban_ifv4} ${ban_ifv6}; do network_get_subnet sub "${iface}" if [ -n "${sub}" ] && ! printf "%s" "${ban_sub}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${sub}"; then ban_sub="${ban_sub} ${sub}" fi network_get_subnet6 sub "${iface}" if [ -n "${sub}" ] && ! printf "%s" "${ban_sub}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${sub}"; then ban_sub="${ban_sub} ${sub}" fi done if [ "${ban_autoallowlist}" = "1" ]; then for ip in ${ban_sub}; do if ! "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${ip}" "${ban_allowlist}"; then printf "%-42s%s\n" "${ip}" "added on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" >>"${ban_allowlist}" f_log "info" "add subnet '${ip}' to local allowlist" fi done fi [ -z "${ban_sub}" ] && f_log "err" "wan subnet(s) not found, please check your configuration" f_log "debug" "f_getsub ::: auto_allowlist: ${ban_autoallowlist}, subnet(s): ${ban_sub:-"-"}" } # get set elements # f_getelements() { local file="${1}" [ -s "${file}" ] && printf "%s" "elements={ $(cat "${file}") };" } # build initial nft file with base table, chains and rules # f_nftinit() { local feed_log feed_rc file="${1}" { # nft header (tables and chains) # printf "%s\n\n" "#!/usr/sbin/nft -f" if "${ban_nftcmd}" -t list table inet banIP >/dev/null 2>&1; then printf "%s\n" "delete table inet banIP" fi printf "%s\n" "add table inet banIP" printf "%s\n" "add chain inet banIP wan-input { type filter hook input priority ${ban_nftpriority}; policy accept; }" printf "%s\n" "add chain inet banIP lan-forward { type filter hook forward priority ${ban_nftpriority}; policy accept; }" # default input rules # printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ct state established,related counter accept" printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input iifname != { ${ban_dev// /, } } counter accept" printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input meta nfproto ipv4 icmp type { echo-request } limit rate 1000/second counter accept" printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input meta nfproto ipv6 icmpv6 type { echo-request } limit rate 1000/second counter accept" printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input meta nfproto ipv6 icmpv6 type { nd-neighbor-advert, nd-neighbor-solicit, nd-router-advert} limit rate 1000/second ip6 hoplimit 1 counter accept" printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input meta nfproto ipv6 icmpv6 type { nd-neighbor-advert, nd-neighbor-solicit, nd-router-advert} limit rate 1000/second ip6 hoplimit 255 counter accept" # default forward rules # printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ct state established,related counter accept" printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward oifname != { ${ban_dev// /, } } counter accept" } >"${file}" # load initial banIP table within nft (atomic load) # feed_log="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -f "${file}" 2>&1)" feed_rc="${?}" f_log "debug" "f_nftinit ::: devices: ${ban_dev}, priority: ${ban_nftpriority}, rc: ${feed_rc:-"-"}, log: ${feed_log:-"-"}" return ${feed_rc} } f_down() { local nft_loginput nft_logforward start_ts end_ts tmp_raw tmp_load tmp_file split_file input_handles forward_handles handle local cnt_set cnt_dl restore_rc feed_direction feed_rc feed_log feed="${1}" proto="${2}" feed_url="${3}" feed_rule="${4}" feed_flag="${5}" start_ts="$(date +%s)" feed="${feed}v${proto}" tmp_load="${ban_tmpfile}.${feed}.load" tmp_raw="${ban_tmpfile}.${feed}.raw" tmp_split="${ban_tmpfile}.${feed}.split" tmp_file="${ban_tmpfile}.${feed}.file" tmp_flush="${ban_tmpfile}.${feed}.flush" tmp_nft="${ban_tmpfile}.${feed}.nft" [ "${ban_loginput}" = "1" ] && nft_loginput="limit rate 2/second log level ${ban_loglevel} prefix \"banIP_drp/${feed}: \"" [ "${ban_logforward}" = "1" ] && nft_logforward="limit rate 2/second log level ${ban_loglevel} prefix \"banIP_rej/${feed}: \"" # set source block direction # if printf "%s" "${ban_blockinput}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${feed%v*}"; then feed_direction="input" elif printf "%s" "${ban_blockforward}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${feed%v*}"; then feed_direction="forward" fi # chain/rule maintenance # if [ "${ban_action}" = "reload" ] && "${ban_nftcmd}" -t list set inet banIP "${feed}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then input_handles="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -t --handle --numeric list chain inet banIP wan-input 2>/dev/null)" forward_handles="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -t --handle --numeric list chain inet banIP lan-forward 2>/dev/null)" { printf "%s\n" "flush set inet banIP ${feed}" handle="$(printf "%s\n" "${input_handles}" | "${ban_awkcmd}" "/@${feed} /{print \$NF}")" [ -n "${handle}" ] && printf "%s\n" "delete rule inet banIP wan-input handle ${handle}" handle="$(printf "%s\n" "${forward_handles}" | "${ban_awkcmd}" "/@${feed} /{print \$NF}")" [ -n "${handle}" ] && printf "%s\n" "delete rule inet banIP lan-forward handle ${handle}" } >"${tmp_flush}" fi # restore local backups during init # if { [ "${ban_action}" != "reload" ] || [ "${feed_url}" = "local" ]; } && [ "${feed%v*}" != "allowlist" ] && [ "${feed%v*}" != "blocklist" ]; then f_restore "${feed}" "${feed_url}" "${tmp_load}" restore_rc="${?}" feed_rc="${restore_rc}" fi # handle local lists # if [ "${feed%v*}" = "allowlist" ]; then { printf "%s\n\n" "#!/usr/sbin/nft -f" [ -s "${tmp_flush}" ] && cat "${tmp_flush}" if [ "${proto}" = "MAC" ]; then "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^([0-9A-f]{2}:){5}[0-9A-f]{2}([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s, ",tolower($1)}' "${ban_allowlist}" >"${tmp_file}" printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ether_addr; policy memory; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }" if [ "${feed_direction}" != "input" ]; then printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ether saddr @${feed} counter accept" fi elif [ "${proto}" = "4" ]; then "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s, ",$1}' "${ban_allowlist}" >"${tmp_file}" printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv4_addr; flags interval; auto-merge; policy memory; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }" if [ "${feed_direction}" != "forward" ]; then if [ "${ban_allowlistonly}" = "1" ]; then printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ip saddr != @${feed} ${nft_loginput} counter drop" else printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ip saddr @${feed} counter accept" fi fi if [ "${feed_direction}" != "input" ]; then if [ "${ban_allowlistonly}" = "1" ]; then printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ip daddr != @${feed} ${nft_logforward} counter reject with icmp type admin-prohibited" else printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ip daddr @${feed} counter accept" fi fi elif [ "${proto}" = "6" ]; then "${ban_awkcmd}" '!/^([0-9A-f]{2}:){5}[0-9A-f]{2}([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s\n",$1}' "${ban_allowlist}" | "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^(([0-9A-f]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9A-f]{0,4}:?(\/(1?[0-2][0-8]|[0-9][0-9]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s, ",tolower($1)}' >"${tmp_file}" printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv6_addr; flags interval; auto-merge; policy memory; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }" if [ "${feed_direction}" != "forward" ]; then if [ "${ban_allowlistonly}" = "1" ]; then printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ip6 saddr != @${feed} ${nft_loginput} counter drop" else printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ip6 saddr @${feed} counter accept" fi fi if [ "${feed_direction}" != "input" ]; then if [ "${ban_allowlistonly}" = "1" ]; then printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ip6 daddr != @${feed} ${nft_logforward} counter reject with icmpv6 type admin-prohibited" else printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ip6 daddr @${feed} counter accept" fi fi fi } >"${tmp_nft}" feed_rc="${?}" elif [ "${feed%v*}" = "blocklist" ]; then { printf "%s\n\n" "#!/usr/sbin/nft -f" [ -s "${tmp_flush}" ] && cat "${tmp_flush}" if [ "${proto}" = "MAC" ]; then "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^([0-9A-f]{2}:){5}[0-9A-f]{2}([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s, ",tolower($1)}' "${ban_blocklist}" >"${tmp_file}" printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ether_addr; policy memory; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }" if [ "${feed_direction}" != "input" ]; then printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ether saddr @${feed} ${nft_logforward} counter reject" fi elif [ "${proto}" = "4" ]; then if [ "${ban_deduplicate}" = "1" ]; then "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s,\n",$1}' "${ban_blocklist}" >"${tmp_raw}" "${ban_awkcmd}" 'NR==FNR{member[$0];next}!($0 in member)' "${ban_tmpfile}.deduplicate" "${tmp_raw}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_split}" "${ban_awkcmd}" 'BEGIN{FS="[ ,]"}NR==FNR{member[$1];next}!($1 in member)' "${ban_tmpfile}.deduplicate" "${ban_blocklist}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_raw}" cat "${tmp_raw}" 2>/dev/null >"${ban_blocklist}" else "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s,\n",$1}' "${ban_blocklist}" >"${tmp_split}" fi "${ban_awkcmd}" '{ORS=" ";print}' "${tmp_split}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_file}" printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv4_addr; flags interval, timeout; auto-merge; policy memory; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }" if [ "${feed_direction}" != "forward" ]; then printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ip saddr @${feed} ${nft_loginput} counter drop" fi if [ "${feed_direction}" != "input" ]; then printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ip daddr @${feed} ${nft_logforward} counter reject with icmp type admin-prohibited" fi elif [ "${proto}" = "6" ]; then if [ "${ban_deduplicate}" = "1" ]; then "${ban_awkcmd}" '!/^([0-9A-f]{2}:){5}[0-9A-f]{2}([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s\n",$1}' "${ban_blocklist}" | "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^(([0-9A-f]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9A-f]{0,4}:?(\/(1?[0-2][0-8]|[0-9][0-9]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s,\n",tolower($1)}' >"${tmp_raw}" "${ban_awkcmd}" 'NR==FNR{member[$0];next}!($0 in member)' "${ban_tmpfile}.deduplicate" "${tmp_raw}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_split}" "${ban_awkcmd}" 'BEGIN{FS="[ ,]"}NR==FNR{member[$1];next}!($1 in member)' "${ban_tmpfile}.deduplicate" "${ban_blocklist}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_raw}" cat "${tmp_raw}" 2>/dev/null >"${ban_blocklist}" else "${ban_awkcmd}" '!/^([0-9A-f]{2}:){5}[0-9A-f]{2}([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s\n",$1}' "${ban_blocklist}" | "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^(([0-9A-f]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9A-f]{0,4}:?(\/(1?[0-2][0-8]|[0-9][0-9]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s,\n",tolower($1)}' >"${tmp_split}" fi "${ban_awkcmd}" '{ORS=" ";print}' "${tmp_split}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_file}" printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv6_addr; flags interval, timeout; auto-merge; policy memory; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }" if [ "${feed_direction}" != "forward" ]; then printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ip6 saddr @${feed} ${nft_loginput} counter drop" fi if [ "${feed_direction}" != "input" ]; then printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ip6 daddr @${feed} ${nft_logforward} counter reject with icmpv6 type admin-prohibited" fi fi } >"${tmp_nft}" feed_rc="${?}" # handle external downloads # elif [ "${restore_rc}" != "0" ] && [ "${feed_url}" != "local" ]; then # handle country downloads # if [ "${feed%v*}" = "country" ]; then for country in ${ban_country}; do feed_log="$("${ban_fetchcmd}" ${ban_fetchparm} "${tmp_raw}" "${feed_url}${country}-aggregated.zone" 2>&1)" feed_rc="${?}" [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ] && cat "${tmp_raw}" 2>/dev/null >>"${tmp_load}" done rm -f "${tmp_raw}" # handle asn downloads # elif [ "${feed%v*}" = "asn" ]; then for asn in ${ban_asn}; do feed_log="$("${ban_fetchcmd}" ${ban_fetchparm} "${tmp_raw}" "${feed_url}AS${asn}" 2>&1)" feed_rc="${?}" [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ] && cat "${tmp_raw}" 2>/dev/null >>"${tmp_load}" done rm -f "${tmp_raw}" # handle compressed downloads # elif [ -n "${feed_flag}" ]; then case "${feed_flag}" in "gz") feed_log="$("${ban_fetchcmd}" ${ban_fetchparm} "${tmp_raw}" "${feed_url}" 2>&1)" feed_rc="${?}" if [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ]; then zcat "${tmp_raw}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_load}" feed_rc="${?}" fi rm -f "${tmp_raw}" ;; esac # handle normal downloads # else feed_log="$("${ban_fetchcmd}" ${ban_fetchparm} "${tmp_load}" "${feed_url}" 2>&1)" feed_rc="${?}" fi fi # backup/restore # if [ "${restore_rc}" != "0" ] && [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ] && [ "${feed_url}" != "local" ] && [ ! -s "${tmp_nft}" ]; then f_backup "${feed}" "${tmp_load}" feed_rc="${?}" elif [ -z "${restore_rc}" ] && [ "${feed_rc}" != "0" ] && [ "${feed_url}" != "local" ] && [ ! -s "${tmp_nft}" ]; then f_restore "${feed}" "${feed_url}" "${tmp_load}" "${feed_rc}" feed_rc="${?}" fi # build nft file with set and rules for regular downloads # if [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ] && [ ! -s "${tmp_nft}" ]; then # deduplicate sets # if [ "${ban_deduplicate}" = "1" ] && [ "${feed_url}" != "local" ]; then "${ban_awkcmd}" "${feed_rule}" "${tmp_load}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_raw}" "${ban_awkcmd}" 'NR==FNR{member[$0];next}!($0 in member)' "${ban_tmpfile}.deduplicate" "${tmp_raw}" 2>/dev/null | tee -a "${ban_tmpfile}.deduplicate" >"${tmp_split}" else "${ban_awkcmd}" "${feed_rule}" "${tmp_load}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_split}" fi feed_rc="${?}" # split sets # if [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ]; then if [ -n "${ban_splitsize//[![:digit]]/}" ] && [ "${ban_splitsize//[![:digit]]/}" -gt "0" ]; then if ! "${ban_awkcmd}" "NR%${ban_splitsize//[![:digit]]/}==1{file=\"${tmp_file}.\"++i;}{ORS=\" \";print > file}" "${tmp_split}" 2>/dev/null; then rm -f "${tmp_file}".* f_log "info" "failed to split ${feed} set to size '${ban_splitsize//[![:digit]]/}'" fi else "${ban_awkcmd}" '{ORS=" ";print}' "${tmp_split}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_file}.1" fi feed_rc="${?}" fi rm -f "${tmp_raw}" "${tmp_load}" if [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ] && [ "${proto}" = "4" ]; then { # nft header (IPv4 set) # printf "%s\n\n" "#!/usr/sbin/nft -f" [ -s "${tmp_flush}" ] && cat "${tmp_flush}" printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv4_addr; flags interval; auto-merge; policy memory; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}.1") }" # input and forward rules # if [ "${feed_direction}" != "forward" ]; then printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ip saddr @${feed} ${nft_loginput} counter drop" fi if [ "${feed_direction}" != "input" ]; then printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ip daddr @${feed} ${nft_logforward} counter reject with icmp type admin-prohibited" fi } >"${tmp_nft}" elif [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ] && [ "${proto}" = "6" ]; then { # nft header (IPv6 set) # printf "%s\n\n" "#!/usr/sbin/nft -f" [ -s "${tmp_flush}" ] && cat "${tmp_flush}" printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv6_addr; flags interval; auto-merge; policy memory; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}.1") }" # input and forward rules # if [ "${feed_direction}" != "forward" ]; then printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ip6 saddr @${feed} ${nft_loginput} counter drop" fi if [ "${feed_direction}" != "input" ]; then printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ip6 daddr @${feed} ${nft_logforward} counter reject with icmpv6 type admin-prohibited" fi } >"${tmp_nft}" fi fi # load generated nft file in banIP table # if [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ]; then cnt_dl="$("${ban_awkcmd}" 'END{printf "%d",NR}' "${tmp_split}" 2>/dev/null)" if [ "${cnt_dl:-"0"}" -gt "0" ] || [ "${feed_url}" = "local" ] || [ "${feed%v*}" = "allowlist" ] || [ "${feed%v*}" = "blocklist" ]; then feed_log="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -f "${tmp_nft}" 2>&1)" feed_rc="${?}" # load additional split files # if [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ]; then for split_file in "${tmp_file}".*; do [ ! -f "${split_file}" ] && break if [ "${split_file##*.}" = "1" ]; then rm -f "${split_file}" continue fi if ! "${ban_nftcmd}" add element inet banIP "${feed}" "{ $(cat "${split_file}") }" >/dev/null 2>&1; then f_log "info" "failed to add split file '${split_file##*.}' to ${feed} set" fi rm -f "${split_file}" done cnt_set="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -j list set inet banIP "${feed}" 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -qe '@.nftables[*].set.elem[*]' | wc -l 2>/dev/null)" fi else f_log "info" "empty feed ${feed} will be skipped" fi fi rm -f "${tmp_split}" "${tmp_nft}" end_ts="$(date +%s)" f_log "debug" "f_down ::: name: ${feed}, cnt_dl: ${cnt_dl:-"-"}, cnt_set: ${cnt_set:-"-"}, split_size: ${ban_splitsize:-"-"}, time: $((end_ts - start_ts)), rc: ${feed_rc:-"-"}, log: ${feed_log:-"-"}" } # backup feeds # f_backup() { local backup_rc feed="${1}" feed_file="${2}" gzip -cf "${feed_file}" >"${ban_backupdir}/banIP.${feed}.gz" backup_rc="${?}" f_log "debug" "f_backup ::: name: ${feed}, source: ${feed_file##*/}, target: banIP.${feed}.gz, rc: ${backup_rc}" return ${backup_rc} } # restore feeds # f_restore() { local tmp_feed restore_rc="1" feed="${1}" feed_url="${2}" feed_file="${3}" feed_rc="${4:-"0"}" [ "${feed_rc}" != "0" ] && restore_rc="${feed_rc}" [ "${feed_url}" = "local" ] && tmp_feed="${feed%v*}v4" || tmp_feed="${feed}" if [ -f "${ban_backupdir}/banIP.${tmp_feed}.gz" ]; then zcat "${ban_backupdir}/banIP.${tmp_feed}.gz" 2>/dev/null >"${feed_file}" restore_rc="${?}" fi f_log "debug" "f_restore ::: name: ${feed}, source: banIP.${tmp_feed}.gz, target: ${feed_file##*/}, in_rc: ${feed_rc}, rc: ${restore_rc}" return ${restore_rc} } # remove disabled feeds # f_rmset() { local tmp_del table_sets input_handles forward_handles handle sets feed feed_log feed_rc tmp_del="${ban_tmpfile}.final.delete" table_sets="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -t list table inet banIP 2>/dev/null | "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^[[:space:]]+set [[:alnum:]]+ /{printf "%s ",$2}' 2>/dev/null)" input_handles="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -t --handle --numeric list chain inet banIP wan-input 2>/dev/null)" forward_handles="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -t --handle --numeric list chain inet banIP lan-forward 2>/dev/null)" { printf "%s\n\n" "#!/usr/sbin/nft -f" for feed in ${table_sets}; do if ! printf "%s" "allowlist blocklist ${ban_feed}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${feed%v*}"; then sets="${sets}${feed}/" rm -f "${ban_backupdir}/banIP.${feed}.gz" printf "%s\n" "flush set inet banIP ${feed}" handle="$(printf "%s\n" "${input_handles}" | "${ban_awkcmd}" "/@${feed} /{print \$NF}" 2>/dev/null)" [ -n "${handle}" ] && printf "%s\n" "delete rule inet banIP wan-input handle ${handle}" handle="$(printf "%s\n" "${forward_handles}" | "${ban_awkcmd}" "/@${feed} /{print \$NF}" 2>/dev/null)" [ -n "${handle}" ] && printf "%s\n" "delete rule inet banIP lan-forward handle ${handle}" printf "%s\n\n" "delete set inet banIP ${feed}" fi done } >"${tmp_del}" if [ -n "${sets}" ]; then feed_log="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -f "${tmp_del}" 2>&1)" feed_rc="${?}" fi rm -f "${tmp_del}" f_log "debug" "f_rmset ::: sets: ${sets:-"-"}, tmp: ${tmp_del}, rc: ${feed_rc:-"-"}, log: ${feed_log:-"-"}" } # generate status information # f_genstatus() { local object duration nft_table nft_feeds cnt_elements="0" split="0" status="${1}" [ -z "${ban_dev}" ] && f_conf if [ "${status}" = "active" ]; then if [ -n "${ban_starttime}" ]; then ban_endtime="$(date "+%s")" duration="$(((ban_endtime - ban_starttime) / 60))m $(((ban_endtime - ban_starttime) % 60))s" fi nft_table="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -t list table inet banIP 2>/dev/null)" nft_feeds="$(f_trim "$(printf "%s\n" "${nft_table}" | "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^[[:space:]]+set [[:alnum:]]+ /{printf "%s ",$2}')")" for object in ${nft_feeds}; do cnt_elements="$((cnt_elements + $("${ban_nftcmd}" -j list set inet banIP "${object}" 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -qe '@.nftables[*].set.elem[*]' | wc -l 2>/dev/null)))" done runtime="action: ${ban_action:-"-"}, duration: ${duration:-"-"}, date: $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" fi f_system [ ${ban_splitsize:-"0"} -gt "0" ] && split="1" : >"${ban_basedir}/ban_runtime.json" json_init json_load_file "${ban_basedir}/ban_runtime.json" >/dev/null 2>&1 json_add_string "status" "${status}" json_add_string "version" "${ban_ver}" json_add_string "element_count" "${cnt_elements}" json_add_array "active_feeds" if [ "${status}" != "active" ]; then json_add_object json_add_string "feed" "-" json_close_object else for object in ${nft_feeds}; do json_add_object json_add_string "feed" "${object}" json_close_object done fi json_close_array json_add_array "active_devices" if [ "${status}" != "active" ]; then json_add_object json_add_string "device" "-" json_close_object else for object in ${ban_dev}; do json_add_object json_add_string "device" "${object}" json_close_object done fi json_close_array json_add_array "active_interfaces" if [ "${status}" != "active" ]; then json_add_object json_add_string "interface" "-" json_close_object else for object in ${ban_ifv4} ${ban_ifv6}; do json_add_object json_add_string "interface" "${object}" json_close_object done fi json_close_array json_add_array "active_subnets" if [ "${status}" != "active" ]; then json_add_object json_add_string "subnet" "-" json_close_object else for object in ${ban_sub}; do json_add_object json_add_string "subnet" "${object}" json_close_object done fi json_close_array json_add_string "run_info" "base_dir: ${ban_basedir}, backup_dir: ${ban_backupdir}, report_dir: ${ban_reportdir}, feed_archive: ${ban_feedarchive}" json_add_string "run_flags" "protocol (4/6): $(f_char ${ban_protov4})/$(f_char ${ban_protov6}), log (inp/fwd): $(f_char ${ban_loginput})/$(f_char ${ban_logforward}), deduplicate: $(f_char ${ban_deduplicate}), split: $(f_char ${split}), allowed only: $(f_char ${ban_allowlistonly})" json_add_string "last_run" "${runtime:-"-"}" json_add_string "system_info" "cores: ${ban_cores}, memory: ${ban_memory}, device: ${ban_sysver}" json_dump >"${ban_basedir}/ban_runtime.json" } # get status information # f_getstatus() { local key keylist type value index_value [ -z "${ban_dev}" ] && f_conf json_load_file "${ban_basedir}/ban_runtime.json" >/dev/null 2>&1 if json_get_keys keylist; then printf "%s\n" "::: banIP runtime information" for key in ${keylist}; do json_get_var value "${key}" >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ "${key%_*}" = "active" ]; then json_select "${key}" >/dev/null 2>&1 index=1 while json_get_type type "${index}" && [ "${type}" = "object" ]; do json_get_values index_value "${index}" >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ "${index}" = "1" ]; then value="${index_value}" else value="${value}, ${index_value}" fi index=$((index + 1)) done json_select ".." fi value="$( printf "%s" "${value}" | awk '{NR=1;max=98;if(length($0)>max+1)while($0){if(NR==1){print substr($0,1,max)}else{printf"%-24s%s\n","",substr($0,1,max)}{$0=substr($0,max+1);NR=NR+1}}else print}' )" printf " + %-17s : %s\n" "${key}" "${value:-"-"}" done else printf "%s\n" "::: no banIP runtime information available" fi } # domain lookup # f_lookup() { local cnt list domain lookup ip start_time end_time duration cnt_domain="0" cnt_ip="0" feed="${1}" start_time="$(date "+%s")" if [ "${feed}" = "allowlist" ]; then list="$("${ban_awkcmd}" '/^([[:alnum:]_-]{1,63}\.)+[[:alpha:]]+([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s ",tolower($1)}' "${ban_allowlist}" 2>/dev/null)" elif [ "${feed}" = "blocklist" ]; then list="$("${ban_awkcmd}" '/^([[:alnum:]_-]{1,63}\.)+[[:alpha:]]+([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s ",tolower($1)}' "${ban_blocklist}" 2>/dev/null)" fi for domain in ${list}; do lookup="$("${ban_lookupcmd}" "${domain}" ${ban_resolver} 2>/dev/null | "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^Address[ 0-9]*: /{if(!seen[$NF]++)printf "%s ",$NF}' 2>/dev/null)" for ip in ${lookup}; do if [ "${ip%%.*}" = "0" ] || [ -z "${ip%%::*}" ]; then continue else if { [ "${feed}" = "allowlist" ] && ! "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "^${ip}" "${ban_allowlist}"; } || { [ "${feed}" = "blocklist" ] && ! "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "^${ip}" "${ban_blocklist}"; }; then cnt_ip="$((cnt_ip + 1))" if [ "${ip##*:}" = "${ip}" ]; then if ! "${ban_nftcmd}" add element inet banIP "${feed}v4" "{ ${ip} }" >/dev/null 2>&1; then f_log "info" "failed to add IP '${ip}' (${domain}) to ${feed}v4 set" continue fi else if ! "${ban_nftcmd}" add element inet banIP "${feed}v6" "{ ${ip} }" >/dev/null 2>&1; then f_log "info" "failed to add IP '${ip}' (${domain}) to ${feed}v6 set" continue fi fi if [ "${feed}" = "allowlist" ] && [ "${ban_autoallowlist}" = "1" ]; then printf "%-42s%s\n" "${ip}" "# ip of '${domain}' added on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" >>"${ban_allowlist}" elif [ "${feed}" = "blocklist" ] && [ "${ban_autoblocklist}" = "1" ]; then printf "%-42s%s\n" "${ip}" "# ip of '${domain}' added on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" >>"${ban_blocklist}" fi fi fi done cnt_domain="$((cnt_domain + 1))" done end_time="$(date "+%s")" duration="$(((end_time - start_time) / 60))m $(((end_time - start_time) % 60))s" f_log "debug" "f_lookup ::: name: ${feed}, cnt_domain: ${cnt_domain}, cnt_ip: ${cnt_ip}, duration: ${duration}" } # banIP table statistics # f_report() { local report_jsn report_txt set nft_raw nft_sets set_cnt set_input set_forward set_cntinput set_cntforward output="${1}" local detail set_details jsnval timestamp autoadd_allow autoadd_block sum_sets sum_setinput sum_setforward sum_setelements sum_cntinput sum_cntforward [ -z "${ban_dev}" ] && f_conf f_mkdir "${ban_reportdir}" report_jsn="${ban_reportdir}/ban_report.jsn" report_txt="${ban_reportdir}/ban_report.txt" # json output preparation # nft_raw="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -tj list table inet banIP 2>/dev/null)" nft_sets="$(printf "%s" "${nft_raw}" | jsonfilter -qe '@.nftables[*].set.name')" sum_sets="0" sum_setinput="0" sum_setforward="0" sum_setelements="0" sum_cntinput="0" sum_cntforward="0" timestamp="$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" : >"${report_jsn}" { printf "%s\n" "{" printf "\t%s\n" '"sets": {' for set in ${nft_sets}; do set_cnt="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -j list set inet banIP "${set}" 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -qe '@.nftables[*].set.elem[*]' | wc -l 2>/dev/null)" sum_setelements="$((sum_setelements + set_cnt))" set_cntinput="$(printf "%s" "${nft_raw}" | jsonfilter -qe "@.nftables[@.rule.chain=\"wan-input\"][@.expr[*].match.right=\"@${set}\"].expr[*].counter.packets")" set_cntforward="$(printf "%s" "${nft_raw}" | jsonfilter -qe "@.nftables[@.rule.chain=\"lan-forward\"][@.expr[*].match.right=\"@${set}\"].expr[*].counter.packets")" if [ -n "${set_cntinput}" ]; then set_input="OK" sum_setinput="$((sum_setinput + 1))" sum_cntinput="$((sum_cntinput + set_cntinput))" else set_input="n/a" set_cntinput="n/a" fi if [ -n "${set_cntforward}" ]; then set_forward="OK" sum_setforward="$((sum_setforward + 1))" sum_cntforward="$((sum_cntforward + set_cntforward))" else set_forward="n/a" set_cntforward="n/a" fi [ "${sum_sets}" -gt "0" ] && printf "%s\n" "," printf "\t\t%s\n" "\"${set}\": {" printf "\t\t\t%s\n" "\"cnt_elements\": \"${set_cnt}\"," printf "\t\t\t%s\n" "\"input\": \"${set_input}\"," printf "\t\t\t%s\n" "\"forward\": \"${set_forward}\"," printf "\t\t\t%s\n" "\"cnt_input\": \"${set_cntinput}\"," printf "\t\t\t%s\n" "\"cnt_forward\": \"${set_cntforward}\"" printf "\t\t%s" "}" sum_sets="$((sum_sets + 1))" done printf "\n\t%s\n" "}," printf "\t%s\n" "\"timestamp\": \"${timestamp}\"," printf "\t%s\n" "\"autoadd_allow\": \"$("${ban_grepcmd}" -c "added on ${timestamp% *}" "${ban_allowlist}")\"," printf "\t%s\n" "\"autoadd_block\": \"$("${ban_grepcmd}" -c "added on ${timestamp% *}" "${ban_blocklist}")\"," printf "\t%s\n" "\"sum_sets\": \"${sum_sets}\"," printf "\t%s\n" "\"sum_setinput\": \"${sum_setinput}\"," printf "\t%s\n" "\"sum_setforward\": \"${sum_setforward}\"," printf "\t%s\n" "\"sum_setelements\": \"${sum_setelements}\"," printf "\t%s\n" "\"sum_cntinput\": \"${sum_cntinput}\"," printf "\t%s\n" "\"sum_cntforward\": \"${sum_cntforward}\"" printf "%s\n" "}" } >>"${report_jsn}" # text output preparation # if [ "${output}" != "json" ] && [ -s "${report_jsn}" ]; then : >"${report_txt}" json_init if json_load_file "${report_jsn}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then json_get_var timestamp "timestamp" >/dev/null 2>&1 json_get_var autoadd_allow "autoadd_allow" >/dev/null 2>&1 json_get_var autoadd_block "autoadd_block" >/dev/null 2>&1 json_get_var sum_sets "sum_sets" >/dev/null 2>&1 json_get_var sum_setinput "sum_setinput" >/dev/null 2>&1 json_get_var sum_setforward "sum_setforward" >/dev/null 2>&1 json_get_var sum_setelements "sum_setelements" >/dev/null 2>&1 json_get_var sum_cntinput "sum_cntinput" >/dev/null 2>&1 json_get_var sum_cntforward "sum_cntforward" >/dev/null 2>&1 { printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: banIP Set Statistics" ":::" printf "%s\n" " Timestamp: ${timestamp}" printf "%s\n" " ------------------------------" printf "%s\n" " auto-added to allowlist: ${autoadd_allow}" printf "%s\n\n" " auto-added to blocklist: ${autoadd_block}" json_select "sets" >/dev/null 2>&1 json_get_keys nft_sets >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ -n "${nft_sets}" ]; then printf "%-25s%-16s%-16s%-16s%-16s%s\n" " Set" "| Set Elements" "| Chain Input" "| Chain Forward" "| Input Packets" "| Forward Packets" printf "%s\n" " ---------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+----------------" for set in ${nft_sets}; do printf " %-21s" "${set}" json_select "${set}" json_get_keys set_details for detail in ${set_details}; do json_get_var jsnval "${detail}" >/dev/null 2>&1 printf "%-16s" "| ${jsnval}" done printf "\n" json_select ".." done printf "%s\n" " ---------------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+----------------" printf "%-25s%-16s%-16s%-16s%-16s%s\n" " ${sum_sets}" "| ${sum_setelements}" "| ${sum_setinput}" "| ${sum_setforward}" "| ${sum_cntinput}" "| ${sum_cntforward}" fi } >>"${report_txt}" fi fi # output channel (text|json|mail) # case "${output}" in "text") [ -s "${report_txt}" ] && cat "${report_txt}" ;; "json") [ -s "${report_jsn}" ] && cat "${report_jsn}" ;; "mail") [ -x "${ban_mailcmd}" ] && f_mail ;; esac } # banIP set search # f_search() { local nft_sets ip proto run_search search="${1}" f_system run_search="/var/run/banIP.search" if [ -n "${search}" ]; then ip="$(printf "%s" "${search}" | "${ban_awkcmd}" 'BEGIN{RS="(([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})+"}{printf "%s",RT}')" [ -n "${ip}" ] && proto="v4" if [ -z "${proto}" ]; then ip="$(printf "%s" "${search}" | "${ban_awkcmd}" 'BEGIN{RS="([A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}::?){3,7}[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}"}{printf "%s",RT}')" [ -n "${ip}" ] && proto="v6" fi if [ -n "${proto}" ]; then nft_sets="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -tj list table inet banIP 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -qe "@.nftables[@.set.type=\"ip${proto}_addr\"].set.name")" else printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: no valid search input (single IPv4/IPv6 address)" ":::" return fi else printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: no valid search input (single IPv4/IPv6 address)" ":::" return fi printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: banIP Search" ":::" printf "%s\n" " Looking for IP ${ip} on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" printf "%s\n" " ---" cnt=1 for set in ${nft_sets}; do ( if "${ban_nftcmd}" get element inet banIP "${set}" "{ ${ip} }" >/dev/null 2>&1; then printf "%s\n" " IP found in set ${set}" : >"${run_search}" fi ) & hold="$((cnt % ban_cores))" [ "${hold}" = "0" ] && wait cnt="$((cnt + 1))" done wait [ ! -f "${run_search}" ] && printf "%s\n" " IP not found" rm -f "${run_search}" } # send status mails # f_mail() { local msmtp_debug # load mail template # [ ! -r "${ban_mailtemplate}" ] && f_log "err" "the mail template is missing" . "${ban_mailtemplate}" [ -z "${ban_mailreceiver}" ] && f_log "err" "the option 'ban_mailreceiver' is missing" [ -z "${mail_text}" ] && f_log "err" "the 'mail_text' is empty" [ "${ban_debug}" = "1" ] && msmtp_debug="--debug" # send mail # ban_mailhead="From: ${ban_mailsender}\nTo: ${ban_mailreceiver}\nSubject: ${ban_mailtopic}\nReply-to: ${ban_mailsender}\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8\nContent-Disposition: inline\n\n" if printf "%b" "${ban_mailhead}${mail_text}" | "${ban_mailcmd}" --timeout=10 ${msmtp_debug} -a "${ban_mailprofile}" "${ban_mailreceiver}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then f_log "info" "status mail was sent successfully" else f_log "info" "failed to send status mail (${?})" fi f_log "debug" "f_mail ::: template: ${ban_mailtemplate}, profile: ${ban_mailprofile}, receiver: ${ban_mailreceiver}, rc: ${?}" } # check banIP availability and initial sourcing # if [ "${ban_action}" != "stop" ]; then if [ -r "/lib/functions.sh" ] && [ -r "/lib/functions/network.sh" ] && [ -r "/usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh" ]; then . "/lib/functions.sh" . "/lib/functions/network.sh" . "/usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh" else f_log "err" "system libraries not found" fi [ ! -d "/etc/banip" ] && f_log "err" "banIP config directory not found, please re-install the package" [ ! -r "/etc/config/banip" ] && f_log "err" "banIP config not found, please re-install the package" [ ! -r "/etc/banip/banip.feeds.gz" ] || ! zcat "$(uci_get banip global ban_feedarchive "/etc/banip/banip.feeds.gz")" >"$(uci_get banip global ban_basedir "/tmp")/ban_feeds.json" && f_log "err" "banIP feed archive not found, please re-install the package" [ "$(uci_get banip global ban_enabled)" = "0" ] && f_log "err" "banIP is currently disabled, please set the config option 'ban_enabled' to '1' to use this service" fi