#!/bin/sh # This file is heavily based on code from https://github.com/Xentrk/netflix-vpn-bypass/blob/master/IPSET_Netflix.sh # Credits to https://forum.openwrt.org/u/dscpl for api.hackertarget.com code. # Credits to https://github.com/kkeker and https://github.com/tophirsch for api.bgpview.io code. TARGET_IPSET='wan' TARGET_ASN='2906' TARGET_FNAME="/var/vpn-policy-routing_tmp_AS${TARGET_ASN}" #DB_SOURCE='ipinfo.io' #DB_SOURCE='api.hackertarget.com' DB_SOURCE='api.bgpview.io' _ret=1 if [ ! -s "$TARGET_FNAME" ]; then if [ "$DB_SOURCE" = "ipinfo.io" ]; then TARGET_URL="https://ipinfo.io/AS${TARGET_ASN}" curl "$TARGET_URL" 2>/dev/null | grep -E "a href.*${TARGET_ASN}\/" | grep -v ":" | sed "s/^.*<a href=\"\/AS${TARGET_ASN}\///; s/\" >//" > "$TARGET_FNAME" fi if [ "$DB_SOURCE" = "api.hackertarget.com" ]; then TARGET_URL="https://api.hackertarget.com/aslookup/?q=AS${TARGET_ASN}" curl "$TARGET_URL" 2>/dev/null | sed '1d' > "$TARGET_FNAME" fi if [ "$DB_SOURCE" = "api.bgpview.io" ]; then TARGET_URL="https://api.bgpview.io/asn/${TARGET_ASN}/prefixes" curl -s "$TARGET_URL" 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -e '@.data.ipv4_prefixes[*].prefix' > "$TARGET_FNAME" fi fi if [ -s "$TARGET_FNAME" ]; then awk -v ipset="$TARGET_IPSET" '{print "add " ipset " " $1}' "$TARGET_FNAME" | ipset restore -! && _ret=0 fi rm -f "$TARGET_FNAME" return $_ret