<?php require("include.php"); // Returns x location of any given timestamp function ts2x($ts) { global $timestamp, $width, $interval; return(($ts-$timestamp)*(($width-XOFFSET) / $interval) + XOFFSET); } // If we have multiple IP's in a result set we need to total the average of each IP's samples function AverageAndAccumulate() { global $Count, $total, $icmp, $udp, $tcp, $ftp, $http, $p2p, $YMax; global $a_total, $a_icmp, $a_udp, $a_tcp, $a_ftp, $a_http, $a_p2p; foreach ($Count as $key => $number) { $total[$key] /= $number; $icmp[$key] /= $number; $udp[$key] /= $number; $tcp[$key] /= $number; $ftp[$key] /= $number; $http[$key] /= $number; $p2p[$key] /= $number; } foreach ($Count as $key => $number) { $a_total[$key] += $total[$key]; $a_icmp[$key] += $icmp[$key]; $a_udp[$key] += $udp[$key]; $a_tcp[$key] += $tcp[$key]; $a_ftp[$key] += $ftp[$key]; $a_http[$key] += $http[$key]; $a_p2p[$key] += $p2p[$key]; if ($a_total[$key] > $YMax) $YMax = $a_total[$key]; } unset($GLOBALS['total'], $GLOBALS['icmp'], $GLOBALS['udp'], $GLOBALS['tcp'], $GLOBALS['ftp'], $GLOBALS['http'], $GLOBALS['p2p'], $GLOBALS['Count']); $total = array(); $icmp = array(); $udp = array(); $tcp = array(); $ftp = array(); $http = array(); $p2p = array(); $Count = array(); } $db = ConnectDb(); // Get parameters if (isset($_GET['width'])) $width = $_GET['width']; else $width = DFLT_WIDTH; if (isset($_GET['height'])) $height = $_GET['height']; else $height = DFLT_HEIGHT; if (isset($_GET['interval'])) $interval = $_GET['interval']; else $interval = DFLT_INTERVAL; if (isset($_GET['ip'])) $ip = $_GET['ip']; else exit(1); if (isset($_GET['sensor_name'])) $sensor_name = $_GET['sensor_name']; else exit(1); if (isset($_GET['timestamp'])) $timestamp = $_GET['timestamp']; else $timestamp = time() - $interval + (0.05*$interval); if (isset($_GET['table'])) $table = $_GET['table']; else $table = "bd_rx_log"; if (isset($_GET['yscale'])) $yscale = $_GET['yscale']; $total = array(); $icmp = array(); $udp = array(); $tcp = array(); $ftp = array(); $http = array(); $p2p = array(); $Count = array(); // Accumulator $a_total = array(); $a_icmp = array(); $a_udp = array(); $a_tcp = array(); $a_ftp = array(); $a_http = array(); $a_p2p = array(); $sql_subnet = prepare_sql_subnet($ip); $sql = "select *, timestamp as ts from sensors, $table where sensors.sensor_id = ".$table.".sensor_id $sql_subnet and sensor_name = '$sensor_name' and timestamp > $timestamp and timestamp < ".($timestamp+$interval)." order by ip;"; //error_log($sql); $result = $db->query($sql); // The SQL statement pulls the data out of the database ordered by IP address, that way we can average each // datapoint for each IP address to provide smoothing and then toss the smoothed value into the accumulator // to provide accurate total traffic rate. while ($row = $result->fetch()) { if ($row['ip'] != $last_ip) { AverageAndAccumulate(); $last_ip = $row['ip']; } $x = ($row['ts']-$timestamp)*(($width-XOFFSET)/$interval)+XOFFSET; $xint = (int) $x; //echo "xint: ".$xint."<br>"; $Count[$xint]++; if ($row['total']/$row['sample_duration'] > $SentPeak) $SentPeak = $row['total']/$row['sample_duration']; $TotalSent += $row['total']; $total[$xint] += $row['total']/$row['sample_duration']; $icmp[$xint] += $row['icmp']/$row['sample_duration']; $udp[$xint] += $row['udp']/$row['sample_duration']; $tcp[$xint] += $row['tcp']/$row['sample_duration']; $ftp[$xint] += $row['ftp']/$row['sample_duration']; $http[$xint] += $row['http']/$row['sample_duration']; $p2p[$xint] += $row['p2p']/$row['sample_duration']; } // One more time for the last IP AverageAndAccumulate(); // Pull the data out of Accumulator $total = $a_total; $icmp = $a_icmp; $udp = $a_udp; $tcp = $a_tcp; $ftp = $a_ftp; $http = $a_http; $p2p = $a_p2p; $YMax += $YMax*0.05; // Add an extra 5% // if a y scale was specified override YMax if (isset($yscale)&& $yscale > 0) $YMax = $yscale/8; // Plot the data header("Content-type: image/png"); $im = imagecreate($width, $height); $white = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255); $purple = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 0, 255); $green = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 255, 0); $blue = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 255); $lblue = ImageColorAllocate($im, 128, 128, 255); $brown = ImageColorAllocate($im, 128, 0, 0); $red = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 0, 0); $black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0); for($Counter=XOFFSET+1; $Counter < $width; $Counter++) { if (isset($total[$Counter])) { // Convert the bytes/sec to y coords $total[$Counter] = ($total[$Counter]*($height-YOFFSET))/$YMax; $tcp[$Counter] = ($tcp[$Counter]*($height-YOFFSET))/$YMax; $ftp[$Counter] = ($ftp[$Counter]*($height-YOFFSET))/$YMax; $http[$Counter] = ($http[$Counter]*($height-YOFFSET))/$YMax; $p2p[$Counter] = ($p2p[$Counter]*($height-YOFFSET))/$YMax; $udp[$Counter] = ($udp[$Counter]*($height-YOFFSET))/$YMax; $icmp[$Counter] = ($icmp[$Counter]*($height-YOFFSET))/$YMax; // Stack 'em up! // Total is stacked from the bottom // Icmp is on the bottom too // Udp is stacked on top of icmp $udp[$Counter] += $icmp[$Counter]; // TCP and p2p are stacked on top of Udp $tcp[$Counter] += $udp[$Counter]; $p2p[$Counter] += $udp[$Counter]; // Http is stacked on top of p2p $http[$Counter] += $p2p[$Counter]; // Ftp is stacked on top of http $ftp[$Counter] += $http[$Counter]; // Plot them! //echo "$Counter:".$Counter." (h-y)-t:".($height-YOFFSET) - $total[$Counter]." h-YO-1:".$height-YOFFSET-1; ImageLine($im, $Counter, ($height-YOFFSET) - $icmp[$Counter], $Counter, $height-YOFFSET-1, $red); ImageLine($im, $Counter, ($height-YOFFSET) - $udp[$Counter], $Counter, ($height-YOFFSET) - $icmp[$Counter] - 1, $brown); ImageLine($im, $Counter, ($height-YOFFSET) - $tcp[$Counter], $Counter, ($height-YOFFSET) - $udp[$Counter] - 1, $green); ImageLine($im, $Counter, ($height-YOFFSET) - $p2p[$Counter], $Counter, ($height-YOFFSET) - $udp[$Counter] - 1, $purple); ImageLine($im, $Counter, ($height-YOFFSET) - $http[$Counter], $Counter, ($height-YOFFSET) - $p2p[$Counter] - 1, $blue); ImageLine($im, $Counter, ($height-YOFFSET) - $ftp[$Counter], $Counter, ($height-YOFFSET) - $http[$Counter] - 1, $lblue); } // else // echo $Counter." not set<br>"; } // Margin Text if ($SentPeak < 1024/8) $txtPeakSendRate = sprintf("Peak Send Rate: %.1f KBits/sec", $SentPeak*8); else if ($SentPeak < (1024*1024)/8) $txtPeakSendRate = sprintf("Peak Send Rate: %.1f MBits/sec", ($SentPeak*8.0)/1024.0); else $txtPeakSendRate = sprintf("Peak Send Rate: %.1f GBits/sec", ($SentPeak*8.0)/(1024.0*1024.0)); if ($TotalSent < 1024) $txtTotalSent = sprintf("Sent %.1f KBytes", $TotalSent); else if ($TotalSent < 1024*1024) $txtTotalSent = sprintf("Sent %.1f MBytes", $TotalSent/1024.0); else $txtTotalSent = sprintf("Sent %.1f GBytes", $TotalSent/(1024.0*1024.0)); ImageString($im, 2, XOFFSET+5, $height-20, $txtTotalSent, $black); ImageString($im, 2, $width/2+XOFFSET/2, $height-20, $txtPeakSendRate, $black); // Draw X Axis ImageLine($im, 0, $height-YOFFSET, $width, $height-YOFFSET, $black); // Day/Month Seperator bars if ((24*60*60*($width-XOFFSET))/$interval > ($width-XOFFSET)/10) { $ts = getdate($timestamp); $MarkTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $ts['mon'], $ts['mday'], $ts['year']); $x = ts2x($MarkTime); while ($x < XOFFSET) { $MarkTime += (24*60*60); $x = ts2x($MarkTime); } while ($x < ($width-10)) { // Day Lines ImageLine($im, $x, 0, $x, $height-YOFFSET, $black); ImageLine($im, $x+1, 0, $x+1, $height-YOFFSET, $black); $txtDate = strftime("%a, %b %d", $MarkTime); ImageString($im, 2, $x-30, $height-YOFFSET+10, $txtDate, $black); // Calculate Next x $MarkTime += (24*60*60); $x = ts2x($MarkTime); } } else if ((24*60*60*30*($width-XOFFSET))/$interval > ($width-XOFFSET)/10) { // Monthly Bars $ts = getdate($timestamp); $month = $ts['mon']; $MarkTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $ts['year']); $x = ts2x($MarkTime); while ($x < XOFFSET) { $month++; $MarkTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $ts['year']); $x = ts2x($MarkTime); } while ($x < ($width-10)) { // Day Lines ImageLine($im, $x, 0, $x, $height-YOFFSET, $black); ImageLine($im, $x+1, 0, $x+1, $height-YOFFSET, $black); $txtDate = strftime("%b, %Y", $MarkTime); ImageString($im, 2, $x-25, $height-YOFFSET+10, $txtDate, $black); // Calculate Next x $month++; $MarkTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $ts['year']); $x = ts2x($MarkTime); } } else { // Year Bars $ts = getdate($timestamp); $year = $ts['year']; $MarkTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year); $x = ts2x($MarkTime); while ($x < XOFFSET) { $year++; $MarkTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year); $x = ts2x($MarkTime); } while ($x < ($width-10)) { // Day Lines ImageLine($im, $x, 0, $x, $height-YOFFSET, $black); ImageLine($im, $x+1, 0, $x+1, $height-YOFFSET, $black); $txtDate = strftime("%b, %Y", $MarkTime); ImageString($im, 2, $x-25, $height-YOFFSET+10, $txtDate, $black); // Calculate Next x $year++; $MarkTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year); $x = ts2x($MarkTime); } } // Draw Major Tick Marks if ((6*60*60*($width-XOFFSET))/$interval > 10) // pixels per 6 hours is more than 2 $MarkTimeStep = 6*60*60; // Major ticks are 6 hours else if ((24*60*60*($width-XOFFSET))/$interval > 10) $MarkTimeStep = 24*60*60; // Major ticks are 24 hours; else if ((24*60*60*30*($width-XOFFSET))/$interval > 10) { // Major tick marks are months $MarkTimeStep = 0; // Skip the standard way of drawing major tick marks below $ts = getdate($timestamp); $month = $ts['mon']; $MarkTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $ts['year']); $x = ts2x($MarkTime); while ($x < XOFFSET) { $month++; $MarkTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $ts['year']); $x = ts2x($MarkTime); } while ($x < ($width-10)) { // Day Lines $date = getdate($MarkTime); if ($date['mon'] != 1) { ImageLine($im, $x, $height-YOFFSET-5, $x, $height-YOFFSET+5, $black); $txtDate = strftime("%b", $MarkTime); ImageString($im, 2, $x-5, $height-YOFFSET+10, $txtDate, $black); } // Calculate Next x $month++; $MarkTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $ts['year']); $x = ts2x($MarkTime); } } else $MarkTimeStep = 0; // Skip Major Tick Marks if ($MarkTimeStep) { $ts = getdate($timestamp); $MarkTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $ts['mon'], $ts['mday'], $ts['year']); $x = ts2x($MarkTime); while ($x < ($width-10)) { if ($x > XOFFSET) { ImageLine($im, $x, $height-YOFFSET-5, $x, $height-YOFFSET+5, $black); } $MarkTime += $MarkTimeStep; $x = ts2x($MarkTime); } } // Draw Minor Tick marks if ((60*60*($width-XOFFSET))/$interval > 4) // pixels per hour is more than 2 $MarkTimeStep = 60*60; // Minor ticks are 1 hour else if ((6*60*60*($width-XOFFSET))/$interval > 4) $MarkTimeStep = 6*60*60; // Minor ticks are 6 hours else if ((24*60*60*($width-XOFFSET))/$interval > 4) $MarkTimeStep = 24*60*60; else $MarkTimeStep = 0; // Skip minor tick marks if ($MarkTimeStep) { $ts = getdate($timestamp); $MarkTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $ts['mon'], $ts['mday'], $ts['year']); $x = ts2x($MarkTime); while ($x < ($width-10)) { if ($x > XOFFSET) { ImageLine($im, $x, $height-YOFFSET, $x, $height-YOFFSET+5, $black); } $MarkTime += $MarkTimeStep; $x = ts2x($MarkTime); } } // Draw Y Axis ImageLine($im, XOFFSET, 0, XOFFSET, $height, $black); $YLegend = 'k'; $Divisor = 1; if ($YMax*8 > 1024*2) { $Divisor = 1024; // Display in m $YLegend = 'm'; } if ($YMax*8 > 1024*1024*2) { $Divisor = 1024*1024; // Display in g $YLegend = 'g'; } if ($YMax*8 > 1024*1024*1024*2) { $Divisor = 1024*1024*1024; // Display in t $YLegend = 't'; } $YStep = $YMax/10; if ($YStep < 1) $YStep=1; $YTic=$YStep; while ($YTic <= ($YMax - $YMax/10)) { $y = ($height-YOFFSET)-(($YTic*($height-YOFFSET))/$YMax); ImageLine($im, XOFFSET, $y, $width, $y, $black); $txtYLegend = sprintf("%4.1f %sbits/s", (8.0*$YTic)/$Divisor, $YLegend); ImageString($im, 2, 3, $y-7, $txtYLegend, $black); $YTic += $YStep; } imagepng($im); imagedestroy($im);