# # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 OpenWrt.org # # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2. # See /LICENSE for more information. # include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk PKG_NAME:=znc PKG_VERSION:=1.8.2 PKG_RELEASE:=$(AUTORELEASE) PKG_SOURCE:=$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION).tar.gz PKG_SOURCE_URL:=https://znc.in/releases \ https://znc.in/releases/archive PKG_HASH:=ff238aae3f2ae0e44e683c4aee17dc8e4fdd261ca9379d83b48a7d422488de0d PKG_MAINTAINER:=Jonas Gorski <jonas.gorski@gmail.com> PKG_LICENSE:=Apache-2.0 PKG_LICENSE_FILES:=LICENSE PKG_CPE_ID:=cpe:/a:znc:znc PKG_USE_MIPS16:=0 PKG_CONFIG_DEPENDS:= CONFIG_ZNC_ICU define Package/znc/default SUBMENU:=Instant Messaging SECTION:=net CATEGORY:=Network TITLE:=ZNC URL:=https://znc.in/ USERID:=znc:znc endef define Package/znc $(Package/znc/default) DEPENDS:=+libopenssl +libstdcpp +ZNC_ICU:icu +zlib MENU:=1 endef define Package/znc/description ZNC is an IRC bouncer with many advanced features like detaching, multiple users, per channel playback buffer, SSL, IPv6, transparent DCC bouncing, and c++ module support to name a few. endef define Package/znc/config source "$(SOURCE)/Config.in" endef define Package/znc/conffiles /etc/config/znc endef define Package/znc/install $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin/znc $(1)/usr/bin/ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/znc.init $(1)/etc/init.d/znc $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/znc.conf $(1)/etc/config/znc $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/znc/ endef ZNC_MODULES := ZNC_MODULE_TARGETS := define module define Package/znc-mod-$(strip $(1)) $(Package/znc/default) TITLE+= ($(strip $(1)) plugin) DEPENDS:=znc endef define Package/znc-mod-$(strip $(1))/description $(strip $(2)) endef define Package/znc-mod-$(strip $(1))/install $(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/usr/lib/znc/ $(INSTALL_BIN) $$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/znc/$(subst -,_,$(strip $(1))).so $$(1)/usr/lib/znc/ # include webadmin page templates if existing if [ -d $$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/share/znc/modules/$(subst -,_,$(strip $(1))) ]; then \ $(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/usr/share/znc/modules ;\ $(CP) $$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/share/znc/modules/$(subst -,_,$(strip $(1))) $$(1)/usr/share/znc/modules ;\ fi endef ZNC_MODULES += znc-mod-$(strip $(1)) $(if $(CONFIG_PACKAGE_znc-mod-$(strip $(1))),ZNC_MODULE_TARGETS += $(subst -,_,$(strip $(1))).so) endef define webadmin define Package/znc-mod-webadmin $(Package/znc/default) TITLE+= (webadmin plugin) DEPENDS:=znc endef define Package/znc-mod-webadmin/description Allows you to add/remove/edit users and settings on the fly via a web browser. endef define Package/znc-mod-webadmin/install $(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/usr/lib/znc/ $(INSTALL_BIN) $$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/znc/webadmin.so $$(1)/usr/lib/znc/ $(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/usr/share/znc/modules $(CP) $$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/share/znc/modules/webadmin $$(1)/usr/share/znc/modules $(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/usr/share/znc/webskins/ $(CP) $$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/share/znc/webskins/_default_ $$(1)/usr/share/znc/webskins/ endef ZNC_MODULES += znc-mod-webadmin $(if $(CONFIG_PACKAGE_znc-mod-webadmin),ZNC_MODULE_TARGETS += webadmin.so) endef define webskin define Package/znc-webskin-$(strip $(1)) $(Package/znc/default) TITLE+= ($(strip $(1)) webskin) DEPENDS:=znc-mod-webadmin endef define Package/znc-webskin-$(strip $(1))/description $(strip $(1)) webskin for webadmin endef define Package/znc-webskin-$(strip $(1))/install $(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/usr/share/znc/webskins/ $(CP) $$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/share/znc/webskins/$(strip $(1)) $$(1)/usr/share/znc/webskins/ endef ZNC_MODULES += znc-webskin-$(strip $(1)) endef , := , $(eval $(call module,adminlog,Log user connects and disconnects and failed \ logins to file or syslog.)) $(eval $(call module,alias,Provides bouncer-side command alias support.)) $(eval $(call module,autoattach,Reattaches you to channels on activity.)) $(eval $(call module,autocycle,Cycles a channel when you are the only one in \ there and you don't have op.)) $(eval $(call module,autoop,Auto op the good guys.)) $(eval $(call module,autoreply,Gives a automatic reply if someone messages you \ if you are away.)) $(eval $(call module,autovoice,Autovoices everyone who joins some channel.)) $(eval $(call module,awaynick,Change your nick while you are away.)) $(eval $(call module,awaystore,Stores messages while away$(,) also auto away.)) $(eval $(call module,block-motd,This module blocks the server's Message of the \ Day.)) $(eval $(call module,blockuser,Blocks certain users from using ZNC saying \ their account was disabled.)) $(eval $(call module,bouncedcc,Bounces dcc transfers through the znc server \ instead of sending them directly to the user.)) $(eval $(call module,buffextras,Add nick changes$(,) joins$(,) parts$(,) topic \ changes etc. to your playback buffer.)) $(eval $(call module,cert,Use a SSL certificate for connecting to a server.)) $(eval $(call module,certauth,This module allows users to log in to ZNC via \ SSL client keys.)) $(eval $(call module,chansaver,Keeping config up to date when user joins and \ parts.)) $(eval $(call module,clearbufferonmsg,This module keeps the buffer until the \ next message from the client.)) $(eval $(call module,clientnotify,Notify about new incoming connections to \ your user.)) $(eval $(call module,controlpanel,Allows you to add/remove/edit users and \ settings on the fly via IRC messages.)) $(eval $(call module,crypt,Encryption for channel/private messages.)) $(eval $(call module,ctcpflood,This module tries to block ctcp floods.)) $(eval $(call module,dcc,Allows you to transfer files to and from ZNC.)) $(eval $(call module,disconkick,This module will kick your client from all \ channels where you are$(,) in case if ZNC disconnects from server.)) $(eval $(call module,fail2ban,Block IPs for some time after a failed login.)) $(eval $(call module,flooddetach,This module detaches you from channels which \ are flooded.)) $(eval $(call module,identfile,Places the ident of a user to a file when they \ are trying to connect.)) $(eval $(call module,imapauth,Allow users to authenticate via IMAP.)) $(eval $(call module,keepnick,Tries to get you your primary nick.)) $(eval $(call module,kickrejoin,Implements auto-rejoin-on-kick.)) $(eval $(call module,lastseen,Logs when a user last logged in to ZNC.)) $(eval $(call module,listsockets,This module displays a list of all open \ sockets in ZNC.)) $(eval $(call module,log,Log conversations to file.)) $(eval $(call module,missingmotd,Sends 422 to clients when they login.)) $(eval $(call module,modules_online,This module fakes the online status of \ ZNC-*users.)) $(eval $(call module,nickserv,Auths you with NickServ.)) $(eval $(call module,notes,This modules stores and displays short notes using \ a key/note pairs and shows them to you on connect.)) $(eval $(call module,notify-connect,Sends a notice to all admins when a user \ logs in or out.)) $(eval $(call module,perform,Performs commands on connect.)) $(eval $(call module,playback,Avoid repetitive playback buffers on re-connect \ with supported clients (e.g. mutter, colluquy))) $(eval $(call module,raw,View all of the raw traffic.)) $(eval $(call module,route-replies,Routes back answers to the right client \ when connected with multiple clients.)) $(eval $(call module,sasl,The SASL module allows you to authenticate to an \ IRC network via SASL.)) $(eval $(call module,savebuff,Saves your channel buffers into an encrypted \ file so they can survive restarts and reboots.)) $(eval $(call module,schat,SSL (encrypted) DCC chats.)) $(eval $(call module,send-raw,Allows you to send raw traffic to IRC from \ other users.)) $(eval $(call module,simple-away,This module will automatically set you away \ on IRC while you are disconnected from the bouncer.)) $(eval $(call module,shell,Have your unix shell in a query window right inside \ of your IRC client.)) $(eval $(call module,stickychan,Keeps you sticked to specific channels.)) $(eval $(call module,watch,Monitor activity for specific text patterns from \ specific users and have the text sent to a special query window.)) $(eval $(call webadmin)) $(eval $(call webskin,dark-clouds)) $(eval $(call webskin,forest)) $(eval $(call webskin,ice)) PKG_CONFIG_DEPENDS += $(patsubst %,CONFIG_PACKAGE_%,$(ZNC_MODULES)) include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk include ../../devel/ninja/ninja-cmake.mk CMAKE_OPTIONS += \ -DWANT_ICU=O$(if $(CONFIG_ZNC_ICU),N,FF) \ -DWANT_I18N=OFF \ -DWANT_CYRUS=OFF \ -DWANT_PERL=OFF \ -DWANT_SYSTEMD=OFF \ -DWANT_PYTHON=OFF \ -DWANT_OPENSSL=ON \ -DWANT_SWIG=OFF \ -DWANT_TCL=OFF \ -DWANT_ZLIB=ON $(eval $(call BuildPackage,znc)) $(foreach m,$(ZNC_MODULES),$(eval $(call BuildPackage,$(m))))