#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common # Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Hsing-wang Liao # Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0. START=99 USE_PROCD=1 NAME=aria2 PROG=/usr/bin/aria2c _info() { logger -p daemon.info -t "$NAME" "$*" } _err() { logger -p daemon.err -t "$NAME" "$*" } _make_dir() { local d for d in "$@"; do if [ ! -d "$d" ]; then mkdir -p "$d" 2>/dev/null || return 1 fi done return 0 } _create_file() { touch "$@" 2>/dev/null } _change_owner() { local u="$1"; shift local d for d in "$@"; do if [ -f "$d" ]; then chown "$u" "$d" 2>/dev/null || return 1 elif [ -d "$d" ]; then chown -R "$u" "$d" 2>/dev/null || return 1 fi done return 0 } _change_file_mode() { local mod="$1"; shift chmod "$mod" "$@" 2>/dev/null } _reset_dir_mode() { local d for d in "$@"; do if [ -d "$d" ]; then find "$d" -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; 2>/dev/null find "$d" -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; 2>/dev/null fi done } append_options() { local o; local v for o in "$@"; do v="$(eval echo "\$$o")" [ -n "$v" ] && \ echo "${o//_/-}=$v" >>"$config_file_tmp" done } append_setting() { local s="$1" [ -n "$s" ] && \ echo "$s" >>"$config_file_tmp" } append_header() { local h="$1" [ -n "$h" ] && \ echo "header=\"${h}\"" >>"$config_file_tmp" } aria2_validate() { uci_validate_section "$NAME" aria2 "$1" \ 'enabled:bool:0' \ 'enable_logging:bool' \ 'enable_proxy:bool' \ 'config_dir:string:/var/etc/aria2' \ 'user:string' \ 'all_proxy:string' \ 'all_proxy_passwd:string' \ 'all_proxy_user:string' \ 'auto_save_interval:range(0,600)' \ 'bt_enable_lpd:or("true","false")' \ 'bt_max_open_files:uinteger' \ 'bt_max_peers:uinteger' \ 'bt_remove_unselected_file:or("true","false")' \ 'bt_request_peer_speed_limit:string' \ 'bt_save_metadata:or("true","false")' \ 'bt_seed_unverified:or("true","false")' \ 'bt_stop_timeout:uinteger' \ 'bt_tracker:list(string)' \ 'ca_certificate:file' \ 'certificate:file' \ 'check_certificate:or("true","false"):true' \ 'connect_timeout:uinteger' \ 'dht_listen_port:string' \ 'dir:string' \ 'disable_ipv6:or("true","false")' \ 'disk_cache:string' \ 'enable_dht:or("true","false"):true' \ 'enable_dht6:or("true","false")' \ 'enable_peer_exchange:("true","false")' \ 'event_poll:("epoll","kqueue","port","poll","select")' \ 'file_allocation:or("none","prealloc","trunc","falloc")' \ 'follow_torrent:or("true","false","mem")' \ 'force_save:or("true","false")' \ 'http_accept_gzip:or("true","false")' \ 'http_no_cache:or("true","false")' \ 'listen_port:string' \ 'log:string' \ 'log_level:or("debug","info","notice","warn","error")' \ 'lowest_speed_limit:string' \ 'max_concurrent_downloads:uinteger' \ 'max_connection_per_server:uinteger' \ 'max_download_limit:string' \ 'max_overall_download_limit:string' \ 'max_overall_upload_limit:string' \ 'max_tries:uinteger' \ 'max_upload_limit:string' \ 'min_split_size:string' \ 'pause:or("true","false")' \ 'pause_metadata:or("true","false")' \ 'peer_id_prefix:string' \ 'private_key:file' \ 'retry_wait:uinteger' \ 'rpc_auth_method:or("none","user_pass","token")' \ 'rpc_certificate:file' \ 'rpc_listen_port:range(1024,65535)' \ 'rpc_passwd:string' \ 'rpc_private_key:file' \ 'rpc_secret:string' \ 'rpc_secure:or("true","false")' \ 'rpc_user:string' \ 'save_session_interval:uinteger' \ 'seed_ratio:ufloat' \ 'seed_time:ufloat' \ 'split:uinteger' \ 'timeout:uinteger' \ 'user_agent:string' } aria2_start() { local section="$1" aria2_validate "$section" || { _err "Validation failed."; return 1; } [ "$enabled" = "1" ] || { _info "Instance \"${section}\" disabled."; return 1; } [ -n "$dir" ] || { _err "Please set downlod dir."; return 1; } [ -d "$dir" ] || { _err "Please create downlod dir first."; return 1; } config_file="${config_dir}/${NAME}.conf.${section}" config_file_tmp="${config_dir}/${NAME}.conf.tmp" session_file="${config_dir}/${NAME}.session.${section}" _make_dir "$config_dir" || { _err "Can't create config dir: ${config_dir}" return 1 } _create_file "$session_file" "$config_file" "$config_file_tmp" || { _err "Can't create files: ${session_file}, ${config_file}, ${config_file_tmp}" return 1 } # create tmp file cat >"$config_file_tmp" <<-EOF # Auto generated file, changes to this file will lost. EOF append_setting "dir=${dir}" append_setting "enable-rpc=true" append_setting "rpc-allow-origin-all=true" append_setting "rpc-listen-all=true" append_setting "quiet=true" append_setting "continue=true" append_setting "input-file=${session_file}" append_setting "save-session=${session_file}" if [ -z "$enable_logging" ]; then append_options "log" "log_level" elif [ "$enable_logging" = "1" ]; then log=${log:-"/var/log/aria2.log"} local log_dir log_dir="$(dirname "$log")" _make_dir "$log_dir" || { _err "Can't create log dir: ${log_dir}" return 1 } # create or clear log file echo >"$log" append_setting "log=${log}" append_options "log_level" fi if [ -z "$enable_proxy" ] || [ "$enable_proxy" = "1" ]; then append_options "all_proxy" "all_proxy_user" "all_proxy_passwd" fi unset_auth_method() { uci -q batch <<-EOF set ${NAME}.${section}.rpc_auth_method="" commit $NAME EOF } if [ -z "$rpc_auth_method" ]; then if [ -n "$rpc_secret" ]; then append_setting "rpc-secret=${rpc_secret}" elif [ -n "$rpc_user" ]; then append_setting "rpc-user=${rpc_user}" append_setting "rcp-passwd=${rcp-passwd}" else _info "It is recommand to set RPC secret." fi elif [ "$rpc_auth_method" = "token" ]; then if [ -n "$rpc_secret" ]; then append_setting "rpc-secret=${rpc_secret}" else unset_auth_method fi elif [ "$rpc_auth_method" = "user_pass" ]; then if [ -n "$rcp_user" ]; then append_setting "rpc-user=${rpc_user}" append_setting "rcp-passwd=${rcp-passwd}" else _info "Please set RPC user." unset_auth_method fi fi if [ ."$rpc_secure" = ."true" ] && [ -n "$rpc_certificate" ]; then append_setting "rpc-secure=true" append_options "rpc_certificate" "rpc_private_key" fi if [ ."$check_certificate" = ."true" ]; then append_setting "check-certificate=true" append_options "ca_certificate" fi if [ ."$enable_dht" = ."true" ]; then dht_file="${config_dir}/dht.dat.${section}" _create_file "$dht_file" || { _err "Can't create DHT file: ${dht_file}" return 1 } append_setting "enable-dht=true" append_setting "dht-file-path=${dht_file}" fi if [ ."$enable_dht6" = ."true" ] && [ ."$disable_ipv6" != ."true" ]; then dht6_file="${config_dir}/dht6.dat.${section}" _create_file "$dht6_file" || { _err "Can't create DHT6 file: ${dht6_file}" return 1 } append_setting "enable-dht6=true" append_setting "dht-file-path6=${dht6_file}" fi if [ -n "$bt_tracker" ]; then local bt_tracker_list; local t for t in $bt_tracker; do if [ -z "$bt_tracker_list" ]; then bt_tracker_list="$t" else bt_tracker_list="${bt_tracker_list},${t}" fi done append_setting "bt-tracker=${bt_tracker_list}" fi append_options "auto_save_interval" "bt_enable_lpd" "bt_max_open_files" "bt_max_peers" \ "bt_remove_unselected_file" "bt_request_peer_speed_limit" "bt_save_metadata" "bt_seed_unverified" \ "bt_stop_timeout" "certificate" "connect_timeout" "dht_listen_port" "disable_ipv6" "disk_cache" \ "enable_peer_exchange" "event_poll" "file_allocation" "follow_torrent" "force_save" "http_accept_gzip" \ "http_no_cache" "listen_port" "lowest_speed_limit" "max_concurrent_downloads" "max_connection_per_server" \ "max_download_limit" "max_overall_download_limit" "max_overall_upload_limit" "max_tries" \ "max_upload_limit" "min_split_size" "pause" "pause_metadata" "peer_id_prefix" "private_key" \ "retry_wait" "rpc_listen_port" "save_session_interval" "seed_ratio" "seed_time" "split" "timeout" \ "user_agent" config_list_foreach "$section" "header" append_header config_list_foreach "$section" "extra_settings" append_setting sed '/^$/d' "$config_file_tmp" >"$config_file" rm -f "$config_file_tmp" _reset_dir_mode "$config_dir" _change_file_mode 600 "$config_file" if [ -n "$user" ]; then if ( user_exists "$user" && _change_owner "$user" "$config_dir" "$log" ); then _info "Aria2 will run with uer '${user}'." if [ "$user" != "root" ]; then _info "Please make sure user '${user}' has write access to downlod dir: ${dir}" fi else _info "Set run user to '${user}' failed, default user will be used." user= fi fi procd_open_instance "${NAME}.${section}" procd_set_param command "$PROG" procd_append_param command --conf-path="${config_file}" procd_set_param respawn procd_set_param stdout 1 procd_set_param stderr 1 procd_set_param file "$config_file" [ -n "$user" ] && \ procd_set_param user "$user" procd_add_jail "${NAME}.${section}" log procd_add_jail_mount "$config_file" procd_add_jail_mount_rw "$dir" "$config_dir" "$log" procd_close_instance } service_triggers() { procd_add_reload_trigger "$NAME" } start_service() { config_load "$NAME" config_foreach aria2_start "aria2" }