#!/bin/sh # dns based ad/abuse domain blocking # written by Dirk Brenken (dev@brenken.org) # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # set initial defaults # LC_ALL=C PATH="/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" adb_ver="2.3.0" adb_enabled=1 adb_debug=0 adb_backup=0 adb_whitelist="/etc/adblock/adblock.whitelist" adb_whitelist_rset="\$1 ~/^([A-Za-z0-9_-]+\.){1,}[A-Za-z]+/{print tolower(\"^\"\$1\"\\\|[.]\"\$1)}" adb_fetch="/usr/bin/wget" adb_fetchparm="--no-config --quiet --tries=1 --no-cache --no-cookies --max-redirect=0 --timeout=5 --no-check-certificate -O" adb_dnslist="dnsmasq unbound" # f_envload: load adblock environment # f_envload() { local dns_up cnt=0 # source in system library # if [ -r "/lib/functions.sh" ] then . "/lib/functions.sh" else f_log "error" "status ::: system library not found" fi # set dns backend environment # while [ ${cnt} -le 10 ] do for dns in ${adb_dnslist} do dns_up="$(ubus -S call service list "{\"name\":\"${dns}\"}" | jsonfilter -l1 -e "@.${dns}.instances.*.running")" if [ "${dns_up}" = "true" ] then case "${dns}" in dnsmasq) adb_dns="dnsmasq" adb_dnsdir="/tmp/dnsmasq.d" adb_dnsformat="awk '{print \"local=/\"\$0\"/\"}'" break 2 ;; unbound) adb_dns="unbound" adb_dnsdir="/var/lib/unbound" adb_dnsformat="awk '{print \"local-zone: \042\"\$0\"\042 static\"}'" break 2 ;; esac fi done sleep 1 cnt=$((cnt+1)) done if [ -n "${adb_dns}" ] then adb_dnshidedir="${adb_dnsdir}/.adb_hidden" adb_dnsprefix="adb_list" else f_log "error" "status ::: no active/supported DNS backend found" fi # parse global section by callback # config_cb() { local type="${1}" if [ "${type}" = "adblock" ] then option_cb() { local option="${1}" local value="${2}" eval "${option}=\"${value}\"" } else reset_cb fi } # parse 'source' section # parse_config() { local value opt section="${1}" options="enabled adb_src adb_src_rset adb_src_cat" eval "adb_sources=\"${adb_sources} ${section}\"" for opt in ${options} do config_get value "${section}" "${opt}" if [ -n "${value}" ] then eval "${opt}_${section}=\"${value}\"" fi done } # load adblock config # config_load adblock config_foreach parse_config source } # f_envcheck: check/set environment prerequisites # f_envcheck() { # check 'enabled' option # if [ ${adb_enabled} -ne 1 ] then if [ "$(ls -dA "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}"* >/dev/null 2>&1)" ] then f_rmdns f_dnsrestart fi f_log "info " "status ::: adblock is currently disabled, please set adb_enabled to '1' to use this service" exit 0 fi # check fetch utility # if [ ! -x "${adb_fetch}" ] && [ "$(readlink -fn "/bin/wget")" = "/bin/uclient-fetch" ] then adb_fetch="/bin/uclient-fetch" adb_fetchparm="-q --timeout=5 --no-check-certificate -O" fi if [ -z "${adb_fetch}" ] || [ -z "${adb_fetchparm}" ] || [ ! -x "${adb_fetch}" ] || [ "$(readlink -fn "${adb_fetch}")" = "/bin/busybox" ] then f_log "error" "status ::: required download utility with ssl support not found, e.g. install full 'wget' package" fi # create dns hideout directory # if [ ! -d "${adb_dnshidedir}" ] then mkdir -p -m 660 "${adb_dnshidedir}" chown -R "${adb_dns}":"${adb_dns}" "${adb_dnshidedir}" 2>/dev/null else rm -f "${adb_dnshidedir}/${adb_dnsprefix}"* fi # create adblock temp file/directory # adb_tmpload="$(mktemp -tu)" adb_tmpfile="$(mktemp -tu)" adb_tmpdir="$(mktemp -p /tmp -d)" # prepare whitelist entries # if [ -s "${adb_whitelist}" ] then awk "${adb_whitelist_rset}" "${adb_whitelist}" > "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.whitelist" fi } # f_rmtemp: remove temporary files & directories # f_rmtemp() { rm -f "${adb_tmpload}" rm -f "${adb_tmpfile}" if [ -d "${adb_tmpdir}" ] then rm -rf "${adb_tmpdir}" fi } # f_rmdns: remove dns related files & directories # f_rmdns() { if [ -d "${adb_dnsdir}" ] then rm -f "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}"* fi if [ -d "${adb_backupdir}" ] then rm -f "${adb_backupdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}"*.gz fi if [ -d "${adb_dnshidedir}" ] then rm -rf "${adb_dnshidedir}" fi ubus call service delete "{\"name\":\"adblock_stats\",\"instances\":\"statistics\"}" 2>/dev/null } # f_dnsrestart: restart the dns backend # f_dnsrestart() { local cnt=0 adb_dnsup="false" killall -q -TERM "${adb_dns}" while [ ${cnt} -le 10 ] do adb_dnsup="$(ubus -S call service list "{\"name\":\"${adb_dns}\"}" | jsonfilter -l1 -e "@.${adb_dns}.instances.*.running")" if [ "${adb_dnsup}" = "true" ] then break fi cnt=$((cnt+1)) sleep 1 done f_log "debug" "restart ::: dns: ${adb_dns}, dns-up: ${adb_dnsup}, count: ${cnt}" } # f_list: backup/restore/remove block lists # f_list() { local mode="${1}" if [ ${adb_backup} -eq 0 ] then rc=0 fi case "${mode}" in backup) if [ ${adb_backup} -eq 1 ] && [ -d "${adb_backupdir}" ] then gzip -cf "${adb_tmpfile}" > "${adb_backupdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}.gz" rc=${?} fi ;; restore) if [ ${adb_backup} -eq 1 ] && [ -d "${adb_backupdir}" ] then rm -f "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}" if [ -f "${adb_backupdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}.gz" ] then gunzip -cf "${adb_backupdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}.gz" > "${adb_tmpfile}" rc=${?} fi fi ;; remove) rm -f "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}" if [ -d "${adb_backupdir}" ] then rm -f "${adb_backupdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}.gz" fi rc=${?} ;; esac f_log "debug" "list ::: name: ${src_name}, mode: ${mode}, rc: ${rc}" } # f_switch: suspend/resume adblock processing # f_switch() { if [ -d "${adb_dnshidedir}" ] then local source target status mode="${1}" local dns_active="$(find "${adb_dnsdir}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "${adb_dnsprefix}*" -print)" local dns_passive="$(find "${adb_dnshidedir}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "${adb_dnsprefix}*" -print)" if [ -n "${dns_active}" ] && [ "${mode}" = "suspend" ] then source="${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}" target="${adb_dnshidedir}" status="suspended" elif [ -n "${dns_passive}" ] && [ "${mode}" = "resume" ] then source="${adb_dnshidedir}/${adb_dnsprefix}" target="${adb_dnsdir}" status="resumed" fi if [ -n "${status}" ] then mv -f "${source}"* "${target}" f_dnsrestart f_log "info " "status ::: adblock processing ${status}" fi fi } # f_query: query block lists for certain (sub-)domains # f_query() { local search result cnt local domain="${1}" local tld="${domain#*.}" local dns_active="$(find "${adb_dnsdir}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "${adb_dnsprefix}*" -print)" if [ -z "${dns_active}" ] then printf "%s\n" "::: no active block lists found, please start adblock first" elif [ -z "${domain}" ] || [ "${domain}" = "${tld}" ] then printf "%s\n" "::: invalid domain input, please submit a specific (sub-)domain, e.g. 'www.abc.xyz'" else cd "${adb_dnsdir}" while [ "${domain}" != "${tld}" ] do search="${domain//./\.}" result="$(grep -Hm1 "[/\"\.]${search}[/\"]" "${adb_dnsprefix}"* | awk -F ':|=|/|\"' '{printf(" %-20s : %s\n",$1,$4)}')" printf "%s\n" "::: distinct results for domain '${domain}'" if [ -z "${result}" ] then printf "%s\n" " no match" else printf "%s\n" "${result}" fi domain="${tld}" tld="${domain#*.}" done fi } # f_log: write to syslog, exit on error # f_log() { local class="${1}" local log_msg="${2}" if [ -n "${log_msg}" ] && ([ "${class}" != "debug" ] || [ ${adb_debug} -eq 1 ]) then logger -t "adblock-[${adb_ver}] ${class}" "${log_msg}" if [ "${class}" = "error" ] then logger -t "adblock-[${adb_ver}] ${class}" "Please check the online documentation 'https://github.com/openwrt/packages/blob/master/net/adblock/files/README.md'" f_rmtemp f_rmdns exit 255 fi fi } # f_debug: gather memory & space information # f_debug() { local mem_total=0 mem_free=0 mem_swap=0 tmp_space=0 backup_space=0 if [ ${adb_debug} -eq 1 ] then mem_total="$(awk '$1 ~ /^MemTotal/ {printf $2}' "/proc/meminfo")" mem_free="$(awk '$1 ~ /^MemFree/ {printf $2}' "/proc/meminfo")" mem_swap="$(awk '$1 ~ /^SwapTotal/ {printf $2}' "/proc/meminfo")" f_log "debug" "memory ::: total: ${mem_total}, free: ${mem_free}, swap: ${mem_swap}" if [ -d "${adb_tmpdir}" ] then tmp_space="$(df "${adb_tmpdir}" 2>/dev/null | tail -n1 | awk '{printf $4}')" fi if [ -d "${adb_backupdir}" ] then backup_space="$(df "${adb_backupdir}" 2>/dev/null | tail -n1 | awk '{printf $4}')" fi f_log "debug" "space ::: tmp_dir: ${adb_tmpdir}, tmp_kb: ${tmp_space}, backup: ${adb_backup}, backup_dir: ${adb_backupdir}, backup_kb: ${backup_space}" fi } # main function for block list processing # f_main() { local enabled url rc cnt sum_cnt=0 local src_name src_rset shalla_file shalla_archive list active_lists local sysver="$(ubus -S call system board | jsonfilter -e '@.release.description')" f_log "debug" "main ::: dns-backend: ${adb_dns}, fetch-tool: ${adb_fetch}, parm: ${adb_fetchparm}" for src_name in ${adb_sources} do eval "enabled=\"\${enabled_${src_name}}\"" eval "url=\"\${adb_src_${src_name}}\"" eval "src_rset=\"\${adb_src_rset_${src_name}}\"" adb_dnsfile="${adb_tmpdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}" > "${adb_tmpload}" > "${adb_tmpfile}" # basic pre-checks # if [ "${enabled}" = "0" ] || [ -z "${url}" ] || [ -z "${src_rset}" ] then f_list remove continue fi # download block list # f_log "debug" "loop_0 ::: name: ${src_name}, enabled: ${enabled}, dnsfile: ${adb_dnsfile}" if [ "${src_name}" = "blacklist" ] then cat "${url}" 2>/dev/null > "${adb_tmpload}" rc=${?} elif [ "${src_name}" = "shalla" ] then shalla_archive="${adb_tmpdir}/shallalist.tar.gz" shalla_file="${adb_tmpdir}/shallalist.txt" "${adb_fetch}" ${adb_fetchparm} "${shalla_archive}" "${url}" rc=${?} if [ ${rc} -eq 0 ] then > "${shalla_file}" for category in ${adb_src_cat_shalla} do tar -xOzf "${shalla_archive}" BL/${category}/domains >> "${shalla_file}" rc=${?} if [ ${rc} -ne 0 ] then break fi done cat "${shalla_file}" 2>/dev/null > "${adb_tmpload}" rm -f "${shalla_file}" fi rm -f "${shalla_archive}" rm -rf "${adb_tmpdir}/BL" else "${adb_fetch}" ${adb_fetchparm} "${adb_tmpload}" "${url}" rc=${?} fi f_log "debug" "loop_1 ::: name: ${src_name}, rc: ${rc}" # check download result and prepare domain output (incl. list backup/restore) # if [ ${rc} -eq 0 ] && [ -s "${adb_tmpload}" ] then awk "${src_rset}" "${adb_tmpload}" > "${adb_tmpfile}" if [ -s "${adb_tmpfile}" ] then f_list backup else f_list restore fi else f_list restore fi f_log "debug" "loop_2 ::: name: ${src_name}, rc: ${rc}" # remove whitelist domains, sort and make them unique, final list preparation # if [ ${rc} -eq 0 ] && [ -s "${adb_tmpfile}" ] then if [ -s "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.whitelist" ] then grep -vf "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.whitelist" "${adb_tmpfile}" | sort -u | eval "${adb_dnsformat}" > "${adb_dnsfile}" else sort -u "${adb_tmpfile}" | eval "${adb_dnsformat}" > "${adb_dnsfile}" fi rc=${?} if [ ${rc} -ne 0 ] then f_list remove fi else f_list remove fi f_log "debug" "loop_3 ::: name: ${src_name}, rc: ${rc}" done # sort block lists # for src_name in $(ls -dASr "${adb_tmpdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}"* 2>/dev/null) do if [ -s "${adb_tmpdir}/blocklist.overall" ] then sort "${adb_tmpdir}/blocklist.overall" "${adb_tmpdir}/blocklist.overall" "${src_name}" | uniq -u > "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.blocklist" cat "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.blocklist" > "${src_name}" fi cat "${src_name}" >> "${adb_tmpdir}/blocklist.overall" cnt="$(wc -l < "${src_name}")" sum_cnt=$((sum_cnt + cnt)) list="${src_name/*./}" if [ -z "${active_lists}" ] then active_lists="\"${list}\":\"${cnt}\"" else active_lists="${active_lists},\"${list}\":\"${cnt}\"" fi done # restart the dns backend and write statistics to procd service instance # mv -f "${adb_tmpdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}"* "${adb_dnsdir}" 2>/dev/null chown "${adb_dns}":"${adb_dns}" "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}"* 2>/dev/null f_dnsrestart f_debug if [ "${adb_dnsup}" = "true" ] then f_log "info " "status ::: block lists with overall ${sum_cnt} domains loaded (${sysver})" ubus call service set "{\"name\":\"adblock_stats\", \"instances\":{\"statistics\":{\"command\":[\"\"], \"data\":{\"active_lists\":[{${active_lists}}], \"adblock_version\":\"${adb_ver}\", \"blocked_domains\":\"${sum_cnt}\", \"dns_backend\":\"${adb_dns}\", \"last_rundate\":\"$(/bin/date "+%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")\", \"system\":\"${sysver}\"}}}}" f_rmtemp return 0 fi f_log "error" "status ::: dns backend restart with active block lists failed (${sysver})" } # handle different adblock actions # if [ "${adb_procd}" = "true" ] then f_envload case "${1}" in stop) f_rmtemp f_rmdns f_dnsrestart ;; restart) f_rmtemp f_rmdns f_envcheck f_main ;; suspend) f_switch suspend ;; resume) f_switch resume ;; query) f_query "${2}" ;; *) f_envcheck f_main ;; esac fi exit 0