#!/bin/sh . /lib/functions.sh . /lib/functions/network.sh . /lib/mwan3/common.sh INTERFACE="" DEVICE="" IFDOWN_EVENT=0 IFUP_EVENT=0 stop_subprocs() { [ -n "$SLEEP_PID" ] && kill "$SLEEP_PID" && unset SLEEP_PID [ -n "$TRACK_PID" ] && kill "$TRACK_PID" && unset TRACK_PID } WRAP() { # shellcheck disable=SC2048 FAMILY=$FAMILY DEVICE=$DEVICE SRCIP=$SRC_IP FWMARK=$MMX_DEFAULT LD_PRELOAD=/lib/mwan3/libwrap_mwan3_sockopt.so.1.0 $* } clean_up() { LOG notice "Stopping mwan3track for interface \"${INTERFACE}\". Status was \"${STATUS}\"" stop_subprocs exit 0 } if_down() { LOG info "Detect ifdown event on interface ${INTERFACE} (${DEVICE})" IFDOWN_EVENT=1 stop_subprocs } if_up() { LOG info "Detect ifup event on interface ${INTERFACE} (${DEVICE})" IFDOWN_EVENT=0 IFUP_EVENT=1 STARTED=1 stop_subprocs } ping_test_host() { if [ "$FAMILY" = "ipv6" ]; then echo "::1" else echo "" fi } get_ping_command() { if [ -x "/usr/bin/ping" ] && /usr/bin/ping -${FAMILY#ipv} -c1 -q $(ping_test_host) &>/dev/null; then # -4 option added in iputils c3e68ac6 so need to check if we can use it # or if we must use ping and ping6 echo "/usr/bin/ping -${FAMILY#ipv}" elif [ "$FAMILY" = "ipv6" ] && [ -x "/usr/bin/ping6" ]; then echo "/usr/bin/ping6" elif [ "$FAMILY" = "ipv4" ] && [ -x "/usr/bin/ping" ]; then echo "/usr/bin/ping" elif [ -x "/bin/ping" ]; then echo "/bin/ping -${FAMILY#ipv}" else return 1 fi } validate_track_method() { case "$1" in ping) PING=$(get_ping_command) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then LOG warn "Missing ping. Please enable BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_PING and recompile busybox or install iputils-ping package." return 1 fi ;; arping) command -v arping 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || { LOG warn "Missing arping. Please install iputils-arping package." return 1 } ;; httping) command -v httping 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || { LOG warn "Missing httping. Please install httping package." return 1 } ;; nping-*) command -v nping 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || { LOG warn "Missing nping. Please install nping package." return 1 } ;; *) LOG warn "Unsupported tracking method: $track_method" return 2 ;; esac } validate_wrap() { [ -x /lib/mwan3/libwrap_mwan3_sockopt.so.1.0 ] && return LOG error "Missing libwrap_mwan3_sockopt. Please reinstall mwan3." && exit 1 } disconnected() { local status="$(cat ${MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR}/${INTERFACE}/STATUS)" STATUS='offline' echo "offline" > $MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/$INTERFACE/STATUS get_uptime > $MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/$INTERFACE/OFFLINE echo "0" > $MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/$INTERFACE/ONLINE score=0 [ "$1" = 1 ] && return # Only execute disconnectd action if status was online or disconnecting if [ "$status" = "online" ] || [ "$status" = "disconnecting" ]; then LOG notice "Interface $INTERFACE ($DEVICE) is offline" env -i ACTION="disconnected" INTERFACE="$INTERFACE" DEVICE="$DEVICE" /sbin/hotplug-call iface else LOG notice "Skip disconnected event for $INTERFACE ($DEVICE)" fi } connected() { STATUS='online' echo "online" > $MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/$INTERFACE/STATUS echo "0" > $MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/$INTERFACE/OFFLINE get_uptime > $MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/$INTERFACE/ONLINE host_up_count=0 lost=0 turn=0 loss=0 LOG notice "Interface $INTERFACE ($DEVICE) is online" env -i FIRSTCONNECT=$1 ACTION="connected" INTERFACE="$INTERFACE" DEVICE="$DEVICE" /sbin/hotplug-call iface } disconnecting() { if [ "$STATUS" != "disconnecting" ] ; then STATUS="disconnecting" echo "disconnecting" > $MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/$INTERFACE/STATUS LOG notice "Interface $INTERFACE ($DEVICE) is disconnecting" env -i ACTION="disconnecting" INTERFACE="$INTERFACE" DEVICE="$DEVICE" /sbin/hotplug-call iface fi } connecting() { if [ "$STATUS" != "connecting" ] ; then STATUS="connecting" echo "connecting" > $MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/$INTERFACE/STATUS LOG notice "Interface $INTERFACE ($DEVICE) is connecting" env -i ACTION="connecting" INTERFACE="$INTERFACE" DEVICE="$DEVICE" /sbin/hotplug-call iface fi } disabled() { STATUS='disabled' echo "disabled" > $MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/$INTERFACE/STATUS STARTED=0 } firstconnect() { local true_iface network_flush_cache mwan3_get_true_iface true_iface $INTERFACE network_get_device DEVICE $true_iface if [ "$STATUS" != "online" ]; then config_get STATUS $INTERFACE initial_state "online" fi if ! network_is_up $true_iface || [ -z "$DEVICE" ]; then disabled return fi mwan3_get_src_ip SRC_IP $INTERFACE LOG debug "firstconnect: called on $INTERFACE/$true_iface ($DEVICE). Status is $STATUS. SRC_IP is $SRC_IP" STARTED=1 if [ "$STATUS" = "offline" ]; then disconnected 1 else connected 1 fi } update_status() { local track_ip=$1 echo "$2" > $MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/$INTERFACE/TRACK_${track_ip} [ -z "$3" ] && return echo "$3" > $MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/$INTERFACE/LATENCY_${track_ip} echo "$4" > $MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/$INTERFACE/LOSS_${track_ip} } main() { local reliability count timeout interval failure_interval local recovery_interval down up size local keep_failure_interval check_quality failure_latency local recovery_latency failure_loss recovery_loss local max_ttl httping_ssl track_ips do_log INTERFACE=$1 STATUS="" STARTED=0 TRACK_OUTPUT=$MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/$INTERFACE/TRACK_OUTPUT mwan3_init mkdir -p $MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/$INTERFACE trap clean_up TERM trap if_down USR1 trap if_up USR2 config_get FAMILY $INTERFACE family ipv4 config_get track_method $INTERFACE track_method ping config_get_bool httping_ssl $INTERFACE httping_ssl 0 validate_track_method $track_method || { track_method=ping if validate_track_method $track_method; then LOG warn "Using ping to track interface $INTERFACE avaliability" else LOG err "No track method avaliable" exit 1 fi } config_get reliability $INTERFACE reliability 1 config_get count $INTERFACE count 1 config_get timeout $INTERFACE timeout 4 config_get interval $INTERFACE interval 10 config_get down $INTERFACE down 5 config_get up $INTERFACE up 5 config_get size $INTERFACE size 56 config_get max_ttl $INTERFACE max_ttl 60 config_get failure_interval $INTERFACE failure_interval $interval config_get_bool keep_failure_interval $INTERFACE keep_failure_interval 0 config_get recovery_interval $INTERFACE recovery_interval $interval config_get_bool check_quality $INTERFACE check_quality 0 config_get failure_latency $INTERFACE failure_latency 1000 config_get recovery_latency $INTERFACE recovery_latency 500 config_get failure_loss $INTERFACE failure_loss 40 config_get recovery_loss $INTERFACE recovery_loss 10 local sleep_time result ping_status loss latency mwan3_list_track_ips() { track_ips="$track_ips $1" } config_list_foreach "$1" track_ip mwan3_list_track_ips local score=$((down+up)) local host_up_count=0 local lost=0 local turn=0 firstconnect while true; do [ $STARTED -eq 0 ] && { sleep $MAX_SLEEP & SLEEP_PID=$!; wait; } unset SLEEP_PID sleep_time=$interval for track_ip in $track_ips; do if [ $host_up_count -lt $reliability ]; then case "$track_method" in ping) if [ $check_quality -eq 0 ]; then WRAP $PING -n -c $count -W $timeout -s $size -t $max_ttl -q $track_ip &> /dev/null & TRACK_PID=$! wait $TRACK_PID result=$? else WRAP $PING -n -c $count -W $timeout -s $size -t $max_ttl -q $track_ip 2>/dev/null > $TRACK_OUTPUT & TRACK_PID=$! wait $TRACK_PID ping_status=$? loss="$(sed $TRACK_OUTPUT -ne 's/.*\([0-9]\+\)% packet loss.*/\1/p')" if [ "$ping_status" -ne 0 ] || [ "$loss" -eq 100 ]; then latency=999999 loss=100 else latency="$(sed $TRACK_OUTPUT -ne 's%\(rtt\|round-trip\).* = [^/]*/\([0-9]\+\).*%\2%p')" fi fi ;; arping) WRAP arping -I $DEVICE -c $count -w $timeout -q $track_ip &> /dev/null & TRACK_PID=$! wait $TRACK_PID result=$? ;; httping) if [ "$httping_ssl" -eq 1 ]; then WRAP httping -c $count -t $timeout -q "https://$track_ip" &> /dev/null & else WRAP httping -c $count -t $timeout -q "http://$track_ip" &> /dev/null & fi TRACK_PID=$! wait $TRACK_PID result=$? ;; nping-*) WRAP nping -c $count $track_ip --${FAMILY#nping-} > $TRACK_OUTPUT & TRACK_PID=$! wait $TRACK_PID result=$(grep $TRACK_OUTPUT Lost | awk '{print $12}') ;; esac do_log="" if [ $check_quality -eq 0 ]; then if [ $result -eq 0 ]; then let host_up_count++ update_status "$track_ip" "up" [ $score -le $up ] && do_log="success" else let lost++ update_status "$track_ip" "down" [ $score -gt $up ] && do_log="failed" fi [ -n "$do_log" ] && LOG info "Check ($track_method) ${do_log} for target \"$track_ip\" on interface $INTERFACE ($DEVICE). Current score: $score" else if [ "$loss" -ge "$failure_loss" ] || [ "$latency" -ge "$failure_latency" ]; then let lost++ update_status "$track_ip" "down" $latency $loss [ $score -gt $up ] && do_log="failed" elif [ "$loss" -le "$recovery_loss" ] && [ "$latency" -le "$recovery_latency" ]; then let host_up_count++ update_status "$track_ip" "up" $latency $loss [ $score -le $up ] && do_log="success" else echo "skipped" > $MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/$INTERFACE/TRACK_${track_ip} fi [ -n "$do_log" ] && LOG info "Check (${track_method}: latency=${latency}ms loss=${loss}%) ${do_log} for target \"$track_ip\" on interface $INTERFACE ($DEVICE). Current score: $score" fi else echo "skipped" > $MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/$INTERFACE/TRACK_${track_ip} fi done if [ $host_up_count -lt $reliability ]; then let score-- if [ $score -lt $up ]; then score=0 [ ${keep_failure_interval} -eq 1 ] && sleep_time=$failure_interval else disconnecting sleep_time=$failure_interval fi if [ $score -eq $up ]; then disconnected score=0 fi else if [ $score -lt $((down+up)) ] && [ $lost -gt 0 ]; then connecting LOG info "Lost $((lost*count)) ping(s) on interface $INTERFACE ($DEVICE). Current score: $score" fi let score++ lost=0 if [ $score -gt $up ]; then echo "online" > $MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/$INTERFACE/STATUS score=$((down+up)) elif [ $score -le $up ]; then connecting sleep_time=$recovery_interval fi if [ $score -eq $up ]; then connected fi fi let turn++ mkdir -p "$MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/${1}" echo "${lost}" > $MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/$INTERFACE/LOST echo "${score}" > $MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/$INTERFACE/SCORE echo "${turn}" > $MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/$INTERFACE/TURN get_uptime > $MWAN3TRACK_STATUS_DIR/$INTERFACE/TIME host_up_count=0 if [ "${IFDOWN_EVENT}" -eq 0 ] && [ "${IFUP_EVENT}" -eq 0 ]; then sleep "${sleep_time}" & SLEEP_PID=$! wait unset SLEEP_PID fi if [ "${IFDOWN_EVENT}" -eq 1 ]; then LOG debug "Register ifdown event on interface ${INTERFACE} (${DEVICE})" disconnected disabled IFDOWN_EVENT=0 fi if [ "${IFUP_EVENT}" -eq 1 ]; then LOG debug "Register ifup event on interface ${INTERFACE} (${DEVICE})" firstconnect IFUP_EVENT=0 fi done } main "$@"