include $(TOPDIR)/ PKG_NAME:=nginx-util PKG_VERSION:=1.5 PKG_RELEASE:=1 PKG_MAINTAINER:=Peter Stadler <> include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/ include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/ CMAKE_OPTIONS+= -DUBUS=y CMAKE_OPTIONS+= -DVERSION=$(PKG_VERSION) define Package/nginx-ssl-util/default SECTION:=net CATEGORY:=Network SUBMENU:=Web Servers/Proxies TITLE:=Nginx configurator including SSL DEPENDS:=+libstdcpp +libuci +libubus +libubox +libpthread +libopenssl # TODO: remove after a transition period (together with below and pkg nginx): # It actually removes nginx-util (replacing it by a dummy pkg) to avoid # conflicts with nginx-ssl-util* DEPENDS+= +nginx-util EXTRA_DEPENDS:=nginx-util (>=1.4-2) endef define Package/nginx-ssl-util $(Package/nginx-ssl-util/default) TITLE+= (using PCRE) DEPENDS+= +libpcre CONFLICTS:=nginx-ssl-util-nopcre, endef define Package/nginx-ssl-util-nopcre $(Package/nginx-ssl-util/default) TITLE+= (using <regex>) CONFLICTS:=nginx-ssl-util endef define Package/nginx-ssl-util/default/description Utility that builds dynamically LAN listen directives for Nginx. Furthermore, it manages SSL directives for its server parts and can create corresponding (self-signed) certificates. endef Package/nginx-ssl-util/description = \ $(Package/nginx-ssl-util/default/description) \ It uses the PCRE library for performance. Package/nginx-ssl-util-nopcre/description = \ $(Package/nginx-ssl-util/default/description) \ It uses the standard regex library of C++. define Package/nginx-ssl-util/install/default $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/nginx/conf.d/ $(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/uci.conf.template $(1)/etc/nginx/ $(LN) /var/lib/nginx/uci.conf $(1)/etc/nginx/uci.conf $(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/restrict_locally $(1)/etc/nginx/ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config/ $(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/nginx.config $(1)/etc/config/nginx ifneq ($(CONFIG_IPV6),y) # the used IPv6 directives have `::` in them: $(SED) "/::/d" $(1)/etc/nginx/restrict_locally $(SED) "/::/d" $(1)/etc/config/nginx endif endef define Package/nginx-ssl-util/install $(call Package/nginx-ssl-util/install/default, $(1)) $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/nginx-ssl-util $(1)/usr/bin/nginx-util endef define Package/nginx-ssl-util-nopcre/install $(call Package/nginx-ssl-util/install/default, $(1)) $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/nginx-ssl-util-nopcre \ $(1)/usr/bin/nginx-util endef define Package/nginx-ssl-util/prerm #!/bin/sh [ -n "$${IPKG_INSTROOT}" ] && exit 0 [ "$${PKG_UPGRADE}" = "1" ] && exit 0 case "$$(/sbin/uci get "" 2>/dev/null)" in 1|on|true|yes|enabled) ;; *) exit 0;; esac eval "$$(/usr/bin/nginx-util get_env)" && [ "$$(/sbin/uci get "nginx.$${LAN_NAME}.$${MANAGE_SSL}" 2>/dev/null)" = \ "self-signed" ] && cd "/etc/nginx" && rm -f "$$(/sbin/uci get "nginx.$${LAN_NAME}.ssl_certificate")" \ "$$(/sbin/uci get "nginx.$${LAN_NAME}.ssl_certificate_key")" exit 0 endef Package/nginx-ssl-util-nopcre/prerm = $(Package/nginx-ssl-util/prerm) $(eval $(call BuildPackage,nginx-ssl-util)) $(eval $(call BuildPackage,nginx-ssl-util-nopcre)) # TODO: remove after a transition period (together with above and pkg nginx): # It replaces nginx-util by a dummy pkg for a smooth upgrade of nginx* define Package/nginx-util TITLE:=Dummy package for removing nginx-util when upgrading. DEPENDS:=+libstdcpp +libubus +libubox +libpthread PKGARCH:=all endef define Package/nginx-util/install $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin endef $(eval $(call BuildPackage,nginx-util))