commit f96d9f9d2e3ba39352035e6ac26463243484d404
Author: Sebastian Kemper <>
Date:   Sun Jan 13 19:25:52 2019 +0100

    Setup .pc file to allow use for cross-compiling
    The Makefile is currently creating the pkg-config file using static lib
    and include dir statements. Change that so that projects that
    cross-compile hiredis can use pkg-config to setup other programs
    depending on it.
    Note: these projects (like OpenWrt) call pkg-config with arguments to
    overwrite some variables in the .pc file, namely:
    Signed-off-by: Sebastian Kemper <>

--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -234,8 +234,8 @@ $(PKGCONFNAME): hiredis.h
 	@echo "Generating $@ for pkgconfig..."
 	@echo prefix=$(PREFIX) > $@
 	@echo exec_prefix=\$${prefix} >> $@
-	@echo libdir=$(PREFIX)/$(LIBRARY_PATH) >> $@
-	@echo includedir=$(PREFIX)/$(INCLUDE_PATH) >> $@
+	@echo libdir=\$${exec_prefix}/$(LIBRARY_PATH) >> $@
+	@echo includedir=\$${prefix}/$(INCLUDE_PATH) >> $@
 	@echo >> $@
 	@echo Name: hiredis >> $@
 	@echo Description: Minimalistic C client library for Redis. >> $@